6:14pm Apr 29 2010
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"hmf you want to go back to being nothings but dirt on their shiny shoes huh?well i don't!i am sick and tired of being a play thing," Kia shrieked"well your either with me or against me an you won't see the dawn of day until i enjoy the freedom of Thora,".
6:20pm Apr 29 2010
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Sin flinched. He slumped to his knees, still gripping the bars. For the first time in his life, he didn't know what to do or say. He looked down at the stone floor. He was scared. He didn't want to die in the cell but whatever punishment the scientists would give him for betraying them might be worse.
6:25pm Apr 29 2010
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Kia suddenly got curious"sin concentrate on the realm of thora try to picture it and cup your hands,".She wanted to see if he coudl call forth the portal to teh realm.
6:30pm Apr 29 2010
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Sin looked up at her, his eyes wide. "I don't even believe in Thora!" he protested. Despite what he said he still did as she asked. He removed his hands from the bars and cupped them like she had instructed, He tried to focus on the various stories he had heard about the realm, trying to make it seem real in his mind. After a few moments, he dropped his hands, growling in frustration. "Nothing."
6:35pm Apr 29 2010
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"you have to be completely relaxed watch," Kia said dryly. Kia closed her eyes and cupped her hands completely relaxed and the realms portal slowly filled her hands but still no bigger than one hand.
6:48pm Apr 29 2010
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Sin stared at her hands for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. He cupped his hands again and forced himself to focus. He relaxed his shoulders and after a few moments a small portal appeared in his hands. Before it grew to the size of an almond he quickly opened his eyes and pulled his hands apart, causing the portal to disappear. He looked up at Kia, breathing heavily with a scared ex pression on his face.
6:52pm Apr 29 2010
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"I knew it,ok you can't be left here but i refuse to go back," Kia said grinning.She unlocked the cell and hugged him practically leaping into him.
7:02pm Apr 29 2010
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Sin gasped in surprise, his body stiffening. Slowly, however, he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back. "Deal, I guess I can't go back either." he mumbled into her shoulder.
7:07pm Apr 29 2010
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Kia whispered"yeah i guess so,how are we going to gt to Thora i can barely open one bigger than my hand and i don't know how big yours can get cause you panicked,". ((you know the third thing is no one at all Thora is a land of peace and happiness and teh only thing it's missing is true love.))
7:14pm Apr 29 2010
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Sin blushed. "S-sorry. I...got scared." he said softly. He closed his eyes, trying to think. "Could we maybe...combine the portals? Would that make it bigger?" He asked. It seemed stupid to him but it was worth mentioning. ((Hmm...I see where this is going xD))
7:16pm Apr 29 2010
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((oh yus,i said i couldn't live without romance didn't i?)) "most likely,we should try it!," Kia said laying her head against Sin's chest.
7:21pm Apr 29 2010
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((I don't remember, but you probably did XD)) Sin's blush deepened. He nodded quietly, unable to speak past the lump in his throat. He moved his fingers to entwine them with Kia's, giving her a shy look.
7:28pm Apr 29 2010
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Kia let him entwine his fingers in hers.She didn't have anything to say not at the moment anyway an she didn't want to ruin it.
7:33pm Apr 29 2010
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Sin paused, unsure on how to continue. "Kia...?" he mumbled quietly. He shifted so his face was only inches for her's. His gray eyes staring into hers, he tried to figure out what she wanted him to do next. ((Gah! Gotta go, sorry! >_<))
7:39pm Apr 29 2010
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((AW!darn,oh well see ya tomarrow)) Kia's eyes gazed into his their unending rainbow becomeing pinkish with emotion.His grey eyes were inches from hers"i guess we should try the portal now," she whispered.Closing he reyes and concentrating on the magical realm.
2:48pm Apr 30 2010
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((Hmm, should I make another character so Rika's characters have someone to Roleplay with? I feel kinda bad that we keep leaving her behind.)) Sin nodded, closing his eyes as well. He concentrated on giving his energy to Kia, since he was still slightly afraid of creating the portal himself, and hoped she would be able to form it. He squeezed her hands tighter, pressing his forehead against hers.
5:43pm Apr 30 2010
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The portal became a bubble of light that swirled around them and suddenly went out...
10:14pm Apr 30 2010
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((sure go ahead and make a character for Rikas character to interact with.))
2:36pm May 1 2010
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3:08pm May 1 2010 (last edited on 3:09pm May 1 2010)
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Posts: 3,141
((Ok, I'll post an actually post in a second. Err, what exactly happened anyways. Did they teleport or what?)) Name: IanGender: MaleAge: 17Mutation/DNA creature: Bat, Shark, Snow Leopard, ScorpionLooks: Creature Form: His dominant trait is the Snow Leopard, as his Form's body is that of one. He has bat wings growing out of his shoulders, longer ears than a usual Snow Leopard, and a large scorpion's tail. His skin under his fur is hard, almost like armor and if you pull the fur back on his neck he has gills. He has rows of shark teeth in his moth so no matter how many are knocked out, there's always replacements. Human form: Ian has messy platinum blond hair with orange streaks and orange eyes. He wears a black short-sleeved t-shirt over an orange long-sleeved one, white jeans, and purple tinted sunglas-ses. His ears are pierced and he wears simple gold earrings.Crush/Mate: None.Other: Works for the scientist, but he's pretty neutral. He's also part of Sin's troop.