3:14pm May 1 2010
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Scientist Sol got impatient Sin has been gone for a while now.What could've happend?He was usually the best to catch escapees but this time....wait a moment...KIA must've done something with him she isn't stupid or as weak as most of the epiriments.He said with a grin into an intercom"Ian to Sol's office please,". Kia said"why me...it didn't work...what am i to do,".
3:27pm May 1 2010
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The sound of his name over the intercom caused Ian, who had been sleeping in his room moments before, to fall out of his hammock bed and land with a loud crash. "I'm tryn' to sleep here ya dingbat!" He shouted at the air, still half asleep, causing several experiments outside his open door to scurry away in fright. Once he had woken completely up, he put on his sunglas-ses and left for Sol's office, as instructed. He got there after a few minutes and entered the office, not bothering to knock. "You called, sir?" His voice had a natural arrogant tone but there was still respect in it when he addressed the scientist. Sin opened one eye nervously. Noticing they were still in the cell, he groaned and fell back, ignoring the pain from his head hitting to stone. "Maybe we're just unlucky." he said.
3:32pm May 1 2010
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"maybe there's another piece to the puzzle," Kia said."what should we do now?,". Sol gave a warm smile"i need you to find Kia and bring her back i asume that Sin is in *censored*istance with that and needs your help to complete the return,".
3:51pm May 1 2010
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Sin slid out from under Kia, who had still been on top of him the entire time, and leaned back against the cell wall. "I don't know." The idea of there being another part to get to Thora worried him. He had no doubt that if it existed, the scientists had it. Ian blinked in surprise. Sin needed help? The world must be ending. Part of the reason why Ian was so lazy was that, even though he was Sin's right-hand man, Sin never needed his help with recoveries. He sighed. Sin was probably just putting off bring Kia back. After all, the guy gave her more attention than any other experiment in the facility. "All right, sir, I'll leave immediately." He wouldn't get the rest of Sin's troop involved. If Ian was right, they wouldn't be necessary. He turned to leave.
3:57pm May 1 2010
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"good,i trust that you'll not fail me," Sol said. Kia said"i think i may know what it is...but i may be wrong did you notice how it glowed brighter with your help?what does two people together usually mean?,".
4:14pm May 1 2010
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Ian nodded and left. On his way out he noticed one if Sin's troop-members. He grabbed the experiment's shoulder, causing him to squeak and drop the papers he was holding. "If I'm not back by sunset tomorrow, you know what to do." Ian told him, before leaving the experiment to gather up his papers. It never hurt to be safe, even when Ian was sure there was nothing to worry about. Sin felt rather stupid when he was asked the question. "I don't know...what does it mean?" He asked curiously.
4:25pm May 1 2010
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"it has something to do with relationships i know that much," Kia said.((Gotta go i'll be back though))
7:33pm May 1 2010
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As soon as Ian was out of sight of the building he transformed into his creature form and streatched. He still wore his earrings and sunglas-ses. He opened his mouth, drawing in the scents of the forest. Being both part feline and shark an unbelievable sense of smell. He could pick up smells that were days old, not to mention he knew Sin's scent like no other. He smirked, picking up the scent, and dashed off. This would be easy. Sin cocked his head, confused. "Relationships?"
8:58pm May 1 2010
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"well love obviously but thats what confuses me and it doesn't make sense but at the same time it does Thora has happiness and peace but whats missing is love," Kia concluded.
9:17pm May 1 2010
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Sin felt his face heat up. "L-love?!" he gasped. He really hoped Kia wasn't suggesting what he thought she was. "What's that got to do with opening the portal?" he asked, this time his voice was much quieter.
9:20pm May 1 2010
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"no i'm not suggesting the S word only the emotion," Kia said embar*censored*edly.Hopefully pulling herself out of the tight spot she was in.
9:25pm May 1 2010
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Sin blushed deepened, this time more from embaras-sment. He smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand. Stupid male hormones. Then he realized something. "What do you mean by 'suggesting'?" he asked, leaning foreward to lightly glare at her.
9:27pm May 1 2010
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"that means i want nothing to do with that word and was only talking about the emotion," Kia said getting anxious to end the conversation and move on.
9:36pm May 1 2010
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Sin narrowed his eyes. He sensed Kia's nervousness but refused to let the convorsation drop. "Ok, I get you don't want that, but why were you 'suggesting' the emotion?" He asked with a smirk.
9:39pm May 1 2010
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"you are of no smarts are you?love(the emotion) is a more powerful weapon than anything anyone would die to save the ones they loved and that type of person would be me for example," Ace said now getting sort of annoyed.
9:45pm May 1 2010
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Sin raised an eyebrow. "Oh really now?" he said with a laugh. A humorus grin spread across his face. "And who do you love so much that you'd die for them?" He leaned in close to her face and gave he a large smirk. He was clearly enjoying falling back into his usual role of being a cocky nusance.
9:48pm May 1 2010
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"man your a pain in butt do i have to explain everything?my mother ofcourse i went through Sol's files and currently know her location and do i need to explain my father was killed for trying to protect me?," Kia said."and maybe you,"she mutered under her breath hoping he didn't hear her.
9:58pm May 1 2010
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Sin lowered his eyes. He didn't need Kia to explain about her father. He had been there when he had been killed. Having the hearing of an owl, he had heard the last part and looked up at her, his eyes wide in surprise. "Me? Why me?" he asked quietly.
10:02pm May 1 2010
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Kia froze and thought Damn!he heard me."because...i...," she sputtered.
10:08pm May 1 2010
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Sin blinked, a curious ex pression on his face. Still, his determined nature refused to drop the matter. "Because you what?" he asked, leaning closer.