10:12pm May 1 2010
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Kia turned her red face away"like you," she finished.((Ian should show up.))
10:22pm May 1 2010
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Sin had a completly dumbfounded look on his face. He blushed deeply and looked away as well. "Oh...um..." he tried to say something but his mind failed him. Ian had followed Sin's scent all the way to the castle. Instead of just barging in, he had decided to go around the building and try his luck with his bat ears to see if he could pick up anything. Unfortunatly, he had. He'd heard everything. He transformed back to his human form, a worried ex pression on his face. For the first time in his life he didn't know what to do and Sin couldn't help him.
10:26pm May 1 2010
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Kia yelped as her lion lept down the stairs and roared she understood."I think one of yor troop members are here," Kia said in a dead tone.Hiten growled and comfirmed it his fur black as midnight.
10:38pm May 1 2010
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Sin jumped up and ran past Hiten. "Stay here!" he shouted over his shoulder. He found the castle's exit and ran through it. He yelped as he felt himself immediatly tackled and pinned to the castle wall. He looked up into orange eyes. "Ian!" he gasped. Ian gave him a worried look. "Are you ok, Sin?!" He demanded. "Did she hurt you?!" Sin stared at him, too stunned and confused to answer.
10:42pm May 1 2010
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The lion followed Sin and growled at what he saw Ian had come.He ran back to Kia to report it was Ian.Kia gasped"No!he's harder to escape from than Sin is!"she waited for Sin to come back.
10:50pm May 1 2010
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"I-I'm fine!" Sin managed to gasp, strugling against Ian. However the blond held him still, trailing one of his hands down Sin's arm and resting it against his neck. "Good," Ian muttered. "Cuz, you know, it almost sounded like you were trying to help her escape. To another world, in fact." His squeezed hard on Sin's throat, causing the older boy to choke. "That was quite a cute moment you two were having, sorry I had to spoil it!" Ian hissed, squeezing even harder.
10:56pm May 1 2010
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Kia growled hearing the conversation,still listening to what Sin had said.Now she was hiding against the wall near the open exit door.
11:04pm May 1 2010
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Sin used his free hand to try and pry off Ian's hand from his throat in vain. The smaller boy was just too strong. Ian gave him a dissapointed look. "Sin, tell me it's a lie." He said quietly. "Tell me you were only tricking her to gain her trust. Tell me I don't have to do this." Ian was almost begging. Sin couldn't say anything even if he wanted to. He felt himself getting light-headed from lack of air. His hand slipped from Ian's wrist and he gave Ian a desperate look.
11:09pm May 1 2010
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Kia ran to the roof and clawed her was down to see what was going on she gasped Sin was being choked.((Should Kia act now?))
11:16pm May 1 2010
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Sin's body shut down, no longer able to stay concious without oxygen. He slumped against the wall, the only thing holding him up was Ian's stong hands. Said boy looked like he was about to cry. The one person he looked up to had possibly betrayed him. He knew he should kill Sin, If Sol was here he would of ordered it, but he couldn't bring himself to kill him. He allowed the older boy to collapse to the ground. ((I dunno, maybe))
11:28pm May 1 2010
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Kia leapt off the roof landing infront of Sin and roared at Ian her apperance quite ferocious in form.Her look said all by itself touch him and i'll kill you.
2:54pm May 3 2010
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Ian jumped back, alarmed at the Kia's sudden appearance. He snarled at her, unafraid. "What kind of black magic did you use on him?!" he spat, glaring at her from behind his sunglas-ses. He didn't understand what was going on and Kia seemed to be the only one he could blame it on.
5:09pm May 3 2010
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"magic was not at work here but truth was," kia hissed.
5:14pm May 3 2010
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Ian snarled in disgust. "Truth? Listen here you demon. The truth is Sin would never betray the scientists, let alone me! Whatever 'truth' you think you have is a lie!"
5:34pm May 3 2010
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"The truth is i was taken off the street and out of my fathers arms at four how do you think that feels not remembering your family? and you wiping their dusty shoes so they can coo how well you've done it's nothing but a lie eh?my father was a scientist and they took his life for not giving up his daughter that's murder," Kia growled in disgust.
5:46pm May 3 2010
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"I never said what the scientists were doing was right. They took me away from my parents, too, and I hate them for it. But I've learned to deal with it! Sin is the only person I've got now and I believe he knows what he's doing in serving the scientists!" Ian argued. He refused to think that if Sin had been planning on betraying the scientists, that he would do it in such a careless and risky way.
5:50pm May 3 2010
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"Yur just another blind play thing that can screw up my life," Kia snapped.She turned to Sin and tried to see if he'd wake up any time soon.((g2g bye.))
5:57pm May 3 2010
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Ian also looked over at Sin and the argument was quickly forgotten. He risked approaching Sin and knelt beside him, shaking his friends shoulders lightly. Ian hoped he hadn't hurt Sin too much, no order was worth that. Sin opened his eyes slightly, a dazed look on his face. He coughed violently, brining his hand up to his throat where purple marks had already began to form. ((Ok, bye.))
10:23pm May 3 2010
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Ace demorphed and scuttled over to Sin ignoreing Ian if taking her back ment saving a life then she'd do it... but would probly escape...again.
3:56pm May 4 2010
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Sin managed to stop coughing but he was still breathing heavily. He looked up at Ian and the blond looked back at him, neither sure what to do or say after what had just happened. Ian scratched the back of his head nervously. The tension between the two was so thick it could of been cut with a knife.