~ Gaurdians~

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6:04pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 4,873

"A friend, he works as a buture still." he replied and walked in where the kitchen was. He opened a cool safe and walked into it and grabed a few steaks. He walked back out and grabed a clean plate and lied them on it.
"I'll get them ready soon."

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

6:05pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 2,186
Yumi smiled and walked over to Matsuko.

"Shall we go look for food?" she asked
"Should we go in a group or pair?" Yumi looked at every one.

Matsuko cuped his hand on the side of his mouth and whispered to Skyler.

"I think we should let those too love birds go together." He chuckled


6:06pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 417
" Okay "

Violet said with a smile.


6:08pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 4,873

Avven went out side and started a fire and gathered three sticks and put them to gather, so he could grill...The steaks and get them done before they would starve.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

6:10pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 417
" Good idea "

Skylar said with a giggle.

" Pairs "

Skylar said with a grin.

" Me and Matsuko, Yumi and Shadow "

Skylar said with a giggle.

Shadow's eye twitched.

" I think I'll just stay behind and take a nap ... "

Shadow muttered.

" No, Your too unsocial! "

Skylar said with a snort.

" But -"

Shadow began but then was cut of by Skylar.

" See you two love birds later! "

Skylar said as she dragged Matsuko out the door.


6:12pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 417
Gray glared at Avven from the Shadows.

He stepped out of the shadows and smirked at Avven.

" Well, It seems that I've found your secret hideout ... "

Gray said crossing his arms.


6:13pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 4,873

He laughed sarcasticly
"It's not a secret hide out you retard."
he replied as he continued cooking.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

6:14pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 2,186
Matsuko smiled as they went out the door.

"I hope they actually get something done." He laughed.

Yumi Looked at Shadow and started out the door.

"You coming?" She asked with a smile. "Looks like we have no choice."


6:19pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 417
" Ya well ... Whatever "

Gray hissed.

He took a threatening step towards Avven and grabbed him by the front of the shirt.

" I just came to tell you to stay away from Violet, she's mine "

Gray snarled.


" Knowing Shadow, he'll get it done "

Skylar said with a frown.

" I just hope he talks to Yumi "

She said with a sigh.


Shadow reluctantly followed Yumi.

" It seems that way ... "

He muttered.


6:26pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 2,186
Yumi looked at Shadow. "C'mon. I'm not that bad am I?" she asked with a friendly smile.

"I promise I won't bite!" She joked.


Matsuko looked at Skyler and playfully nudged her.

"If I know Yumi, he will be smiling by the time they get back."


6:28pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 417
Shadow let out a sigh.

" Your not bad ... It just feels weird being away from Skylar "

Shadow muttered.


" Hopefully "

Skylar said with a smile.


6:34pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 4,873

"Come on now, before anyone claims her.... Why not have any fun."
He smirked and punched his face, right below his eye.
He stood up and took the steaks off, one was rare, meduim rare, and well done.
He ran inside and set them down and walked back out side.
{Cheek ^^}

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

6:37pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 2,186
"Eh, I could use a brake from Matsu." She giggled.

"Lets just try to have fun, ok?" She gave him a smile.


Matsuko suddenly saw a tree full of apples. 

"There!" He pointed at the tree. 

"Theres so many you can barely see the branches!" 


7:05pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 4,754
(( I leave for one hour and I get so far behind. Anyone want to give me an update before I act stupid?))


8:03pm Oct 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
( So basically, Violet and Avven didn't show up to the warehouse and are a some mansion. Avven and Gray are fighting over Violet and she doesn't know it. )

( At the warehouse, Skylar convinced Shadow to shift into his human form then Yumi started flirting with him and Shadow was a little disturbed XD Skylar, Matsuko, Yumi and Shadow are all out looking for food right now and Brian and Purity are still at the warehouse with Calci and Stratoh ... So you didn't miss much really :P )


8:07pm Oct 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
((Okay. Thanks))

Calci was sitting on the edge of the bed with Stratoh. She kicked her feet over the edge and swung them. The bed was relatively high, and her feet couldn't touch the ground.

So, what do you want to do while we wait?


8:27pm Oct 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,873

{Why don't you f bleeping talk to me!

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

8:33pm Oct 4 2012

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Posts: 4,754
((Hey, what is Shadow's human form? Just want to have an idea... ))


3:27pm Oct 5 2012

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Posts: 417
( Spirit: I'm so sorry! I'm just super busy :/ )

( Meg: He's tall with dark gray hair that hangs in his face. Gray eyes, he's dressed in all black and ya :P )


3:29pm Oct 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,873

{I was joking...}

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
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