~ Gaurdians~

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7:58pm Oct 6 2012 (last edited on 7:58pm Oct 6 2012)

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Posts: 4,873

He nodded "I mean it Violet, I would do anything for you.
Your my everything, and my anything."

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

8:04pm Oct 6 2012

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Posts: 2,186
Matsuko kissed her for what seemed like forever before he slowly pulled away and leaned his head against hers.

He smiled and gave her a quick kiss again. 

"We better head back before it gets to late." He brushed her hair out of her face.


Yumi pounced on a deer and bit it's neck until it stopped struggling.

She looked back at shadow and then to the sky.

"We'd better get a few more before heading back."


8:07pm Oct 6 2012

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Posts: 4,754
It's okay, generally you don't get through the board on your first try. It takes a couple times for someone to eventually win.

She ran into two kings. She was about three fourths of the way done when she ran into another.


10:53am Oct 8 2012

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Posts: 2,186


11:12am Oct 8 2012

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Posts: 4,873
*Wonder's when Donner will return.... 0.o*

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

8:36pm Oct 12 2012

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Posts: 1,939
(Sorry for being gone forever!)


Okay Ill go now you have to go pray to the Demon King and he will accept you.

She closed her eyes and fell to the ground

Suddenly she was in the Demon World

Demon King~

Well you've come an accepted your fate...

he said smirking


I love you and that's all that matters now change me into who I truly am...
She walked up closer and smiled deviously.

Demon King~

Ok now instead of being the princess you will be my Queen... The Demon Queen!
He threw an dark orb into her heart.


She ascended then descended.
Finally... I am... The Demon Queen!
Turns into demon.

Deon King~

My Queen... now Demons worship her she will be a goddess not just my wife.


11:43am Oct 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
/ Donner never returns /


Violet threw her arms around Avvens neck. She felt tears beginning to well in her eyes. She blinked them away.

He really loves me...

Violet pulled away and looked up at Avven her eyes shimmering.

Gray snorted.

" Oh please! You've known this guy for like a day and he's convinced that he's in love with you? "

Gray growled as he crossed his arms. Violet looked at him surprised.

" Violet, I've known you ever since we were kids! I know everything about you... Why would you waste your time with a guy like that? "

Gray said motioning to Avven.

Violet flinched.

He has a point... What do I know about Avven?

Violet shook her head pushing the though away.

" I love Avven, that's all that matters "

Violet muttered as she glared at Gray.


Skylar blushed as Matsuko brushed some hair out of her face.

" Your right... Brian is probably getting worried "

Skylar said as she stood up.

She brushed her clothes off then looked over her shoulder.

" I wonder how Shadow and Yumi did on finding some food... "

She wondered out loud.


" A few more? I think one is good ... "

Shadow muttered obviously having something on his mind.


" I think your winning "

Brian muttered as he ran into another King.

Beaten by a girl, how typical...


Scott looked at Paige as she lay on the floor.

What know? Do I just wait for her to come back? I feel so useless...


2:58pm Oct 22 2012

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Posts: 4,873
[Damn you then Donner... XD JKJKJK!
BUT! You remind me of my best friend that go's to high school with me. His name is Dantry.
God you don't know how much I love that guy X3
Ily too, just saying, in the frendly best friend manner...]

Avven smiled and wrapped his arms around her.
"My Violet has made her decision, now, if you'd be kind enough, please leave."
He said, with a small smirk on his face.
"Supper's getting cold."
he whispered warmly into Violet's ear.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

3:25pm Oct 22 2012

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Posts: 417
((Lol XD Your so random Zany :P))

Violet smiled and gently kissed Avvens cheek.

The sight of the two made Gray sick, he reached into his pocket grabbing hold of something.

" If I can't have you then... "

Gray said with a smirk as he slowly pulled a pistol out of his pocket.

" ...Then no one can "

Gray said as he pointed it at Violet.

Violet glared at Gray.

" Your insane "

She hissed.

" You've known me my whole life and you just know figured that out? "

Gary said with a psychotic laugh.


4:22pm Oct 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,873
{I love you to....
But thanks! Means soooo much to me! lol<33}

"Put the gun down."
Avven said and slowly put his hands up.
"Just put it down, or we both die, me and you, leave Violet out of this."

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

4:37pm Oct 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
((Love you too XD ))

Gray looked at Avven with a raised eyebrow.

" You have a point, this is all your fault "

Gray muttered as he pointed the gun at Avven.

Violet stepped out in front of Avven.

" If... If I go with you, will you leave Avven alone? "

Violet managed to choke out.

Gray lowered the gun.

" Course, that's what I wanted all along "

Gray said with a smirk.

Violet let out a sigh.

" Fine... "

She muttered in little less than a whisper.

Gray put the gun back in his pocket.

" That's more like it... "


4:43pm Oct 22 2012 (last edited on 4:44pm Oct 22 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 4,873
{OMG! You just made my day! <33}

Avven said to Gray.
"That's all you are, is a bastard. You have to have a gun to rely on, and force people to do something... Your a coward."
he growled and lowered his hand,
"Your the type I can't stand, you rely on a weapon, and not yourself.. Pethetic."

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

4:50pm Oct 22 2012

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Posts: 417
Gray glared at Avven.

" Your just upset that you can't save your girlfriend "

Gray hissed.

" I'll take you on anytime, I don't need a weapon "

Gray said as he dropped his gun.


4:55pm Oct 22 2012

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Posts: 4,873

"Come on then."
he growled and dropped he swards behind him and also dropped his own hand gun.
He got into a fighting position and glared at him.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

4:58pm Oct 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
" Ladies first "

Gray taunted looking as calm as ever.

Violet watched from the side lines, her eyes wide with fear.


5:32pm Oct 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Just shuffle and go again. It only stops when someone completely fills it. Oh, wait, never mind.

Calci looked at her board. There were three kings turned over, and the entire board was completely filled. She had won. She looked disbelievingly at the board.

I'm awful at this game, I rarely win. I have the most horrible luck in existence.

She remembered the only time she had won. It had been when she was seven, and against her entire family. She had been so proud of herself. It was the last time she actually had won at this game.


5:33pm Oct 22 2012

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Posts: 4,873
"You, I think you have something, very confused. It's ugly fat lady go's first."
he taunted back.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

5:52pm Oct 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
Matsuko smiled. "Maybe Yumi and Shadow are having as much fun as we are." He winked.

Yumi looked at Shadow. "Is something bothering you?" She asked, ready to catch one last deer.


5:54pm Oct 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
Yo Scott is supposed to go to a shadow shaman and you will go to the shadow realm. Become The kings friend eventually then escape with Paige!


5:08pm Oct 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
Brian leaned back into the couch.

" Congratulations then "

He said with the sweetest smile he could come up with.


" You know... I think your right "

Gray said as he let out loud yawn.

" So why don't you come at me then? "

Gray asked with a sneer.


" I hope so... Shadow really needs to let loose and not worry about everything so much ... "

Skylar said with a sigh as she crossed her arms. She often worried about the high strung guardian.


" I... Can't hunt... "

Shadow whispered under his breath.

His ears burned with embarrassment.


Scott sat on the floor and closed his eyes.

" Hang on Paige... I'm coming "

Scott whispered. When he opened his eyes he was in the demon realm

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