~ Gaurdians~

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5:29pm Oct 23 2012

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Posts: 1,939

She was handed a crown.
So... now Im the Demon Queen?
She really didnt want to be the Demon Queen.
She liked Scott and no one else.


5:42pm Oct 23 2012

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Posts: 417
Scott looked around the demon realm.

" Paige! "

He called as he looked around.


5:43pm Oct 23 2012

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Posts: 4,754
Do you want to try a different game? I'm even worse at other games than this one.

She smiled at him.


8:11pm Oct 23 2012 (last edited on 5:23pm Mar 7 2013)

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Posts: 4,873
"Are you gonna fight me or not danget?"
he shouted, looking at him.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

8:37pm Oct 23 2012

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Posts: 2,186
Yumi smiled at Shadow. 

"It's ok, Ill show you!" She said and got into low position.

"You have to be quiet and unseen, then you sneak up on one and you pounce!" She demonstrated and caught one.


6:59pm Oct 24 2012

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Posts: 417
Brian sat back.

" Actually... I was hoping we could just talk "

He said with a soft smile.


Gray didn't answer Avven but simply swung at Avven hitting him square in the jaw.


Shadow crouched down coping Yumi.

He lept landing square on a deers back.

He bit into it's neck and quickly snapped its neck bone.

" Like that? "

Shadow asked.


7:07pm Oct 24 2012

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Posts: 2,186
"Exactly!" Yumi praised him. 

"Your a natural!" she winked.

"Now to drag all these back, I think our human form is necessary." she looked at the lifeless deer they had caught.


9:02pm Oct 24 2012

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Posts: 4,754
I'm cool with talking. Anything in particular?

She smiled back at him. He seemed like the kind of person she could talk to easily.


4:59pm Mar 7 2013

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Posts: 417
Shadow smiled at Yumi shyly. "Thanks for showing me how to hunt... Your pretty cool for a girl" He said with a grin before he grabbed one of the legs of the lifeless animal and began dragging it back towards base.


Brian smiled. "Noticed how everyone seems to be getting pretty close?" He asked with a grin. "Even the Guardians seem to be getting closer..." Brian commented. He blushed slightly as he looked over at her, his eyes shimmered with mischievousness. 


5:28pm Mar 7 2013

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Posts: 4,873
Avven's head twisted to the side, as if he were looking over his shoulder. His fist's grew tighter. He finally took a swing at him, hitting him in the face. He then hit him again and this time in the stomach. 

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

7:25pm Mar 7 2013 (last edited on 7:28pm Mar 7 2013)

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Posts: 2,186
Yumi smiled at shadow and walked beside him. "Your not to bad yourself." She winked. As they trotted back, Yumi soon saw Matsuko at the base along with Skyler. 

(( sorry, I'm a bit rusty "^.^))


8:05pm Mar 12 2013

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Posts: 4,873
~ Gonna bump this up.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

7:51pm Mar 19 2013 (last edited on 7:13pm Mar 21 2013)

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Posts: 417
(( Angel: It's fine! I'm a bit rusty as well XD ))

Gray was knocked backwards onto his butt once again, he cringed, holding his stomach. Blood stained his teeth as he withered in pain on the ground.
"D-Don't think you've won..." Gray stuttered as he sat up, glaring up at Avven. Gray brought his fingers up to his mouth and let out a short, loud whistle. No more than a minute passed before Terre lept from the bushes, he stood protectively in front of Gray, his teeth bared in a fearsome snarl. Violet flinched behind Avven.

"Careful Avven..." She said softly.


Shadow dragged the deer back to the base, he dropped the lifeless animal at Skylar and Matsuko's feet before shifting back into a human. "How's that for hunting?" Shadow asked with a wide grin. Skylar looked at Shadow then Yumi and back again. Shadow certainly did look happier.

"You guys make a great team!" Skylar said with a giggle. She stole Shadow's hat again, hiding it behind her back. She reached up, ruffling Shadow's hair. Shadow shook his head and stepped away from Skylar.

"Stop! Your messing up my hair..." Shadow muttered as he attempted to smooth his hair down.

Skylar turned to Matsuko, amusement glimmered in her gaze. "Gee, just one hour with Yumi and he's like a totally different guardian!" Skylar giggled. Shadow rolled his eyes and snatched his hat from Skylar.


8:05pm Mar 19 2013

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Posts: 4,873
Pike - Gray's gay. Me - SHHHHH!!! I think wee found out his secret LOL

Your such a coward. he growled at Gray. His hand slowly rose up, as if he were surrendering. Bt then, Pike trotted to his side. She stood their looking at the two males. Stupid males.... Always fighting... This one better be happy he has me as a guardian. she laughed in her mind. He ex
pression was blank as she staired at the snarling male. Her claws dug into the earth time to time, retracting in, then sliding out of her paws. Her golden eyes wondered to Gray as the man sat their with blood dripping from his mount.
Pittiful. she snared and looked back at the snarling male. Avvens hands slid back down and a smirk appeared on his face.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

8:09pm Mar 20 2013 (last edited on 8:10pm Mar 20 2013)

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Posts: 417
(( Gray: Dang, I'm screwed D: ))

(( XD ))

Gray picked himself up carefully and glared at Avven, still clutching his stomach. He was surprised and a bit sickened to see the smirk on his face. Was that confidence dancing in the red heads eyes? Gray shook his head slowly, it felt as if the entire world was spinning. He took a deep breath, exhaling again slowly. He smiled and looked up at Avven and Pike again. "Good... Looks like I won't beat you easily" Gray laughed softly. Blood dripped down his chin, the taste of blood in his mouth was metallic and salty. Gray ignored it, he attempted to stand up a bit straighter then flinched as a flash of pain was sent through his entire body.

Violet looked away from Gray, no longer being able to watch the brutal scene. She clutched her right arm as sympathy began to flood over her. He's the one who started it! I shouldn't be feeling bad for him... Violet reminded herself sternly. She glared at Gray once again. "If your so hurt Gray then just give up!" She growled, clenching her fists in frustration.

Gray looked over at Violet in surprise, he smirked and shook his head. "It's like you don't even know me Violet, I never back down from a fight." Gray said simply as he looked back up at her with piercing yellow eyes. Violet flinched again, she was surprised to see such fierce determination burning in his gaze. She shook her head sadly. Gray crossed his arms and smiled. "Besides, I plan to win and take the prize..." He said with a cocky grin.
 Violet turned to him, clenching her fists again.

"Is this just a game to you? I'm not some stuffed animal you can just win at a Carnival, idiot!" Violet spat, her once pretty violet eyes were now very dark and angry looking. Gray rolled his eyes.

"Yeah I know, stuffed animals are less annoying" Gray said as he shook his head slowly. Violet opened her mouth to send Gray a stinging retort when he spoke first. "The only thing that you and a stuffed animal have in common is your both just toys" Gray said with a wide grin. Violet silently glared at Gray as he continued on. "Once Avven gets tired of playing with you he'll throw you out like any other toy." Gray said with a wide smile, seeing the hurt look in Violet's eyes. He turned from Violet back to Avven, not waiting for her response. Gray eagerly searched Avven's face, wondering how he would react.

Violet looked to be on the brink of tears. She clenched her fists once more and glared at the ground as she could feel hot tears beginning to roll down her cheeks. Terre watched Violet with interest. "Too bad your guardian isn't here to stand up for you now... Just some mental kid and his filthy half breed" Terre sneered. Violet wiped her face and looked at Terre, her eyes gleamed with hurt.

"You two are nothing but bullies..." She growled softly. She glared at the two ruefully, knowing that however much she wanted to smash both of them into the concrete for insulting her friends, she knew that she couldn't. Violet slowly shook her head. "You two have no idea who your dealing with... Avven and Pike are the most courageous friends anyone could ask for! They're both strong, brave and won't let some little kid who goes around talking about himself like he's all that and his over pampered mutt beat them!" Violet said as she looked back up at the two. Gray flinched, then slowly shook his head.

"Enough talk... Let's get this over with..." Gray said simply


8:26pm Mar 20 2013

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Posts: 4,873
Avven and Pike stood their in the background they watched the scene.  He stood silent as he listened. His reactin was blank after the rug rat had said all the childish things he had said, Avven  clicked his toung on the roughf of his mouth and Pike shoved the male to the ground and went straight at Gray.

[Short, I know, but I'm bord and dunno what to post]

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

7:18pm Mar 21 2013

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Posts: 417
Gray's eyes widened. He let out a grunt of effort as he stumbled to the side, out of Pike's way. "Get up you lazy mutt!  " Gray snarled as he glared down at Terre. The black wolf picked himself up off the ground and shook his before turning to Pike. He snarled before leaping at her, he slammed into her head on. Gray smiled, confidence gleamed in his eyes. Gray turned to Avven. "Is your guardian even trying?" Gray asked with a low laugh. Violet glared at Gray but kept silent.

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