~ Gaurdians~

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7:09pm Sep 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
( Can one of my Charries bump into Calci? :3 )


7:36pm Sep 10 2012

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Posts: 4,754
(( Sure someone can run into me ))


8:30pm Sep 10 2012

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Posts: 2,186
As the Phantoms closed in, Mastuko put his fists up and Yumi pulled out her spell book

"Don't worry I won't let them lay a finger on you." Mastuko said.

He round house kicked one phantom to the ground and uppercut another. 

They both burst into darkness. 

Yumi cast magic and took out another few. 


4:09pm Sep 11 2012

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Posts: 1,939

The... Demon King... He wants me to become a Demon Princess. Id hate that so much don't let it happen!


5:54pm Sep 12 2012

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Posts: 417
Brian stepped out of the bushes to see a girl pointing a bow at him

" Whoa, Don't shoot" Brian said putting his hands over his head


Skylar watched as Mastuko and Yumi fought off the phantoms

" Wow, you guys are good!" Skylar exclaimed

She quickly ducked as a Phantom flew over her head


Scott stared at Paige

" W-what can I do?" He asked with a stutter.


6:03pm Sep 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were, well, you know.

Calci lowered her bow warily and held out her hand for a shake.

My name is Calci, what's yours?


7:02pm Sep 12 2012

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Posts: 2,186
Matsuko was pushed into Skyler by a phantom and fell on top of her. He hesitated, but got up quickly.

"I'm, uh, sorry i fell on you." He said reaching out his hand to help skyler up as he turned his head away and blushed.

Yumi smiled and started walking. 

"come on guys, we better get a move on." 


5:43pm Sep 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
" My name's Brian"

Brian said with a smile as he shook Calci's hand

" And I'm Purity!"

Purity purred

" Yes and this is my annoying guardian"

Brian said with a sigh


" I-It's fine"

Skylar stuttered as she stood up, her cheeks were bright red.

Shadow bounded from the shade of a tree.

" There you are! Where have you been?"

Skylar asked with a raised eyebrow.

" Oh you know..."

Shadow said with a shrug.

Skylar sighed.

" It would be really helpful if you were here when I needed you"

Skylar said.

Shadow let out an annoyed sigh.

" You should be able to take care of yourself"

Shadow said simply.

Skylar rolled her eyes.


5:56pm Sep 13 2012

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Posts: 4,873
Avven snorted and turned around "Avven.." he said then softly took her hand and slightly shook it. He then turned and looked over his shoulder at her.

Pike stood a few feet away and watched as they began to slow make friends, something he had never had before.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

6:02pm Sep 13 2012

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Posts: 417
" Well Avven, I'm sorry about sticking my nose in where it didn't belong..."

Violet said as she crossed her arms

" It's just that my guardian is never around... She's always off doing whatever she wants, I guess when I saw how much your guardian cared for you I was a bit... Jealous "

Violet admitted, she let out a sigh.

" But I guess I don't really need her as much as I think I do..."

Violet said with a sigh, she turned to Avven and smiled.

" Anyway, where you headed?"


6:29pm Sep 13 2012

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Posts: 4,873

He smiled crookedly and turned too her as he had heard her attempt of jealously. He shrugged his shoulder's in reply of her question and looked around "Anywhere I guess..."

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

7:40pm Sep 13 2012 (last edited on 7:49pm Sep 13 2012)

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Posts: 4,754
Aren't you going to introduce me, Calci?

Oh, how could I forget? This is Stratoh. She is the exact opposite of annoying. How can your guardian cause you annoyance? Mine keeps me sane.

Calci looked at Purity. She didn't look annoying.


9:19pm Sep 13 2012

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Posts: 2,186
Matsuko looked at Yumi then Skyler deciding who he should follow. 

"Sorry Yumi! I'll see you later!" he said running after Skyler.

"Hey wait Matsu!" Yumi yelled to him


5:25pm Sep 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
" Hmm... Well maybe we should hang together for a bit..."

Violet said with a smirk.


" You have no idea"

Brian said with a loud sigh


Shadow watched as Matsuko ran over to them.

Shadow let out a low growl.

" Shadow, don't be rude"

Skylar hissed as she glared down at her guardian.


10:32pm Sep 14 2012 (last edited on 9:23am Sep 15 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
I suppose I don't. Do you want to travel together? I may look like it, but I don't bite, really.

Stratoh jumped on Calci's leg, and when Calci bent down and she whispered in her ear.

How can you trust them so quickly?

Call it a gut feeling, but I think they are okay, just let me handle it.

She stood up and smiled at Brian.


11:09pm Sep 14 2012

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Posts: 2,186
"Hey can I come along?" Matsuko said ignoring Shadow.

"I'm Yumi." Yumi said to Shadow"

"Sorry. He means no harm." She smiled.


6:59am Sep 15 2012

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Posts: 1,939
Oh... Ill...just become a demon then... Paige said.


10:25am Sep 15 2012

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Posts: 4,873

"I guess." he said and turned back around facing her.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

4:47pm Sep 17 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
" Sure "

Brian said with a smile

Purity shoved him

" What about Shadow and Skylar? "

Purity asked

Brian sighed

" Oh ya... "

He looked at the ground for a moment then looked up at Calci

" Would you two mind helping me look for my little sister and her guardian? "

Brian asked.


Shadow looked at Yumi then took a step back

" No- "

Shadow began but was cut off by Skylar

" Of course! We're always happy to add more people to our little group "

Skylar said with a grin.

Shadow glared up at her

" I don't trust these two "

He growled

" Well I do, just look at them! Do they look like they're helping the phantoms? "

Skylar hissed back.

Shadow just let out a snort and turned away from Matsuko and Yumi

Skylar sighed as she looked down at the grumpy guardian

" He's really nice when you get to know him... He's just a little leery of new people that's all "

Skylar said as she looked back up at Matsuko.


" No! ... I'll help you ... "

Scott said as he looked at Paige

" Why do you need my help though... I doubt I'll be any help "

Scott muttered.


" Great "

Violet said with a smile

She then looked around

" We should probably get out of the open though... before we're spotted "

Violet said as she looked back at Avven


5:36pm Sep 17 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Mind? I would love to! I haven't had my fill of adventure today.

Calci practically skipped off into the forest.


What Stratoh?

He hasn't told us where he lost her.


Calci scurried back.

So, um, where did you lose your sister exactly?

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