5:09pm Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 5:18pm Feb 20 2011)
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Posts: 567
Alrighty now you can be as many pets as you can handle, on your profile or showroom. Me and Otterfrost are the... Uh... Lords here xD All you have to do to join is throw me and Otterfrost a burrito, simple right? All rules on Res, and be nice! HAVE FUN! And tell me the pets your going to be and what type of Creatu and color, just the simple stuff. Pet's name: Amalice Type of pet: Iluvu Pet's gender: Female Pet's age (baby, teen, adult):Baby Pet's color: Nattie Other: She is sweet and isnt scared of ANYTHING, but she is kind of dumb Pet's name: Valcano Feather Type of pet: Aukira Pet's gender: Female Pet's age (baby, teen, adult): Teen Pet's color: Black Other: She is"Popular" according to other Aukiras Pet's name: Verachzen Type of pet: Veram Pet's gender: Male Pet's age (baby, teen, adult): Adult Pet's color: black Other: He is like a dad along with all the other adults in his family Pet's name: LoliLoli Type of pet: Meiko Pet's gender: Female Pet's age (baby, teen, adult): Teen Pet's color: Black Other: She is shy and only talks to people who seem nice and people she know And... I will explain others if I want to be them. :3
5:10pm Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 5:14pm Feb 20 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 534
Here is the bio to join Pet's name: Type of pet: Pet's gender: Pet's age (baby, teen, adult): Pet's color: Other:
5:10pm Feb 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 567
Yep thank you Otter. :D
5:11pm Feb 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,165
I'll join it.
AngelCutie(once had her, and she's a black iluvu, teen): Natsumi: Black Zaphao Alesa and Amaranthe: Twins, nattie iluvus.
5:11pm Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 5:16pm Feb 20 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 534
Pet's name: Vaspiena Type of pet: Vaspi Pet's gender: Female Pet's age (baby, teen, adult): Baby Pet's color: Lemon Other: TOO LAZY Pet's name: Knowls Type of pet: Kayoki Pet's gender: Female Pet's age (baby, teen, adult): Teen Pet's color: Ginger Other: TOO LAZY Pet's name: Envisagement Type of pet: Meiko Pet's gender: Female Pet's age (baby, teen, adult): Adult Pet's color: Black Other: TOO LAZY Pet's name: Antidepression Type of pet: Ardur Pet's gender: Male Pet's age (baby, teen, adult): Adult Pet's color: Sepia Other: TOO LAZY Pet's name: Carman Type of pet: Mirabilis Pet's gender: Male Pet's age (baby, teen, adult): Adult Pet's color: Ginger Other: TOO LAZY
5:13pm Feb 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 567
Alright Mercy! Burrito?
5:17pm Feb 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 534
Shall we begin?
5:23pm Feb 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,165
Sure, do we talk like this:
Angel padded up to Cinder. She bowed and greeted him.
Or this:
Angel: Hi, Cinder!
Cinder: Hello....?
5:28pm Feb 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 567
Amalice was standing on top of a gr*censored*y hill with the strong wind hitting her fur. "One.. Two.. Tree!" She lay down and rolled down to the very bottom giggling. She lay on her back and looked at the clouds, "It a Kayoki!" She pointed to the sky at a cloud that looked nothing like a Kayoki. Loli watched Amalice roll down the hill and sighed, "Little kids.." She smiled and rested under a tree. She started to clean the puff on her tail. She curled up and closed her eyes. Valcano was running quickly along a rocky path jumping over bolders and big rocks. She stopped when she came to a big mountain. She started to run up it but turned to her side and ran back down. She saw Loli and Amalice in the distance, "Hmm... I might as well go check in." She jumped down the last bit of the mountain and started running to the two. Vera was laying in the tree above Loli and let his paw move back and forth lazily. He sighed and watched a group of female Verams, a blonde one, a silver one, a ginger one, and a cream one. He smirked at them laughing and kept on watching. He was a single man, so he did as he pleased.
5:29pm Feb 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 567
Mercy, the first example. Like mine.
5:33pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel swished her tail in front of her as she watched the creatu play.She smiled. She skipped on the rocks, barely touching them. She hopped onto a tall cliff. Her fur shone as she watched down at the other creatu. Alesa and Amaranthe played tag.
Natsumi scoffed as she watched the other creatu play, pathetic. She stetched, electricity bouncing from her fur.
(( I'm adding my black veram later.))
5:38pm Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 5:41pm Feb 20 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 534
Vaspiena flew through the air, her tiny wings trying to keep up with the roaring wind. "I can do it!" she promised herself. Her yellow body looked like a small star darting through the air as she flew faster and faster. She extended an arm and touched a tree that was right in front of her small face. "Did I do well?" she asked, eyes sparkling. Carman let out a soft, friendly coo. "You did excellent, Vaspiena. Your flight skills are getting better." ---------- Knowls groomed her ginger fur with a quick lick and a grin. She tucked her head into her tail and rolled around into the warm, sweet scenting gr*censored*. She looked up into the sky and watched the puffy, white clouds roll by. The sun blinded her, but she did not mind. ---------- Envisagement stood up and violently shook the water of her magnificent wings. Her mane was sopping wet. "That was refreshing!" she exclaimed. "I love swims in the river!" Her jaws stretched into a wild, friendly grin. ---------- Antidepression closed his eyes and listened to the sounds around him. The call of a Mirabilis, the splash of a Draqua, the buzzing of a Vaspi. All the sounds were so brilliant, so devine. He loved them all so dearly. What would life be like without them?

5:51pm Feb 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 567
Vera heard Natsumi and frowned. He whispered to himself, "Someone doesnt like kids." Vera kept on watching the girl Verams swim. He chuckled as they splashed. Maybe single is better then taken... Loli got up and stretched out her wings and took off flying low and flew far towards some mountains. She liked the wind hitting her face. Amalice got up and looked at her tail, "A snake!!!" She ran in circles yelling, "Get away you snake!" But of course the "Snake" followed her no matter how fast she ran. Valcano bumped into another Aukira who was another teenager, she was cream and seemed like she wore... makeup? The Aukira jumped and grinned, "Oooh Valcano! Did you add me on Resbook?" Valcano stared, "Uhh... Yeah..." She ran away quickly. The other Aukira screeched and ran home to check Resbook.
5:57pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel hopped down from her cliff. She padded up to Valcano. " Hello...." she said, smiling. Angel's hearts glowed purple. Natsumi chuckled. " No, its that I don't like these teenagers prancing around. Its pathetic." she said. The black Zaphao looked up. " Oh, here comes Matillda." she said, smiling. The black female veram swooped down. She landed in front of Natsumi. " Hey, Nat." She said, smiling.
6:02pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 12,418
(Can I join?)
 (Banner made by Kina)
6:03pm Feb 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 567
((Alright, two burritos please and bio :D))
6:04pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 534
Vaspiena laughed wildly at Amalice. "What is she doing?" she snorted. Carman glared down at her. "Quiet! Just pay attention!" Vaspiena laughed. "It's so distracting, Carman!" ---------- Antidepression opened his eyes. He was interuppted from his meditation. He looked at the two Aukira. "What on earth is Resbook?!" he roared. "Is it important enough to keep me from my daily meditation?" he snapped angrily. ---------- Knowls opened one elegant eye at Natsumi and Vera. "Excuse me?" she scoffed. "Don't get your electricity to close to my fur! I just groomed it!"
6:08pm Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 6:08pm Feb 20 2011)
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Posts: 6,165
Natsumi growled. She sent a small bolt towards the Kayoki. making the fur go... POOF! She laughed.
Matillda rolled her eyes. She rebrushed Knowls's fur. " Don't mind her.... She's a part pooper."
6:10pm Feb 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 567
Vera looked at the female Veram swoop close. He raised a eyebrow then looked at Knowls, "Well sorry it's not me, it's lightbulb over here." He scoffed. He looked at her fur, then his. He didn't care that his fur was messy... Ish. Valcano smiled, "Hi..." He looked over to the Ardur, "It's something online." She lifted up one of her legs to tuck under her feathers, she liked doing that while she stood. She turned back to the Iluvu, "I'm ValcanoFeather, but call me Valcano." Amalice fell to the ground giggling finally figuring out it was her tail the whole time. "I so dumb right tail?"
6:10pm Feb 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 534
Knowls glared at Natsumi. A low growl escaped her throat. For her size, it was somewhat disturbing. ---------- Enivisagement watched from afar. She raised her eyebrow at Natsumi. "You trying to look cool or something, girlfriend?" She knew it was foolish to try to defend Knowls, but she was her den-mate.