6:12pm Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 6:12pm Feb 20 2011)
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Posts: 534
Knowls snorted at Vera's witty comment. "Nice one, Veram! You show her!" Vaspiena laughed at this, Carman feather-palmed, Antidepression couldn't help but smile, and Envisagement chuckled.
6:15pm Feb 20 2011
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Natsumi rolled her eyes. " No. I'm irritated." she growled. Matillda looked at Natsumi. " You don't have to be mean though, Nat." she growled. Angel looked at Volcano. " I've heard you were... the popular one, yes?" she asked.
6:16pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 567
Vera looked at Knowls, "Thanks.." He waited until Natsumi would make a frown, snarl, or something to him. He didn't care one bit, unless of course they were close, but they aren't.
6:19pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 534
Then, Knowls did something unexpected. She leaned into Vera's face and licked him on the forehead. "So... What do they call you, Veram?" ---------- "Get to work, Vaspiena!" Carman screeched. "Can't I go play with them?" she whined. Carman glanced at the Creatu. "For a little bit," he crowed. Vaspiena buzzed with joy. "Hurray!" She flew over to the gathered group of Creatu and landed on Natsumi's head. "Hi! I'm Vaspiena!" she exclaimed.
6:22pm Feb 20 2011
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Natsumi smiled, for once. She stood up, smiling at the small Vaspi on her. " Natsumi, but, call me Nat." Matillda couldn't help but feel jealous. " So, you just walk up to strangers and kiss them?" she asked, sarcastically. " Greaaaaaaaaaaat"
6:26pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 534
"Okay, Nat! Nat, Nat, Nat!" She floated off and landed on the ground. "Carman makes me fly around all day. He says since most of our owner's Creatu don't fly, he and Mafua are supposed to train me! It's so boring!" she explained. When Carman heard this from afar, he blushed and turned away. ----------- Knowls shrugged. "Just do what you want to do," she grinned. ---------- Envisagement sat there, confused. Then, she erupted. "Knowls, what the heck did you just do? You barely even know that guy! Do you know how weird that is? It's so... It's so... I don't know!" Then, she laughed. Then, she coughed. Then, she sat there again. She shook her head. "This is strange," she sighed.
6:42pm Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 6:43pm Feb 20 2011)
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Posts: 567
Vera blushed and smiled, 'I'm Verachzen, but you can call me Ver, Vera." He looked over at Matillda, "Jealous much?" He smirked, he couldn't help but be sorta mean. He was a Veram, thats what they do. "Lightbulb shouldn't be mean, its wrong." He snickered at Natsumi and licked his paw more. Valcano frowned sort of. "Yeah... I guess if thats what other people say." She sighed and put her leg down. Amalice saw Vaspi and ran over, "Hi dere I'm Amalice! What you name?" She said slightly jumping her tail wagging quickly.
6:44pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 534
Knowls looked at him with a smirk, then flashed one at Matillda. ---------- Antidepression watched Valcano curiously. Carman and Envisagement flew over. "What's going on?" Carman asked. "Love," Antidepression replied. "I see," Carman said. ---------- Vaspiena looked at Amalice. "Hey! You're the Iluvu who was chasing the 'snake'! Did you know it was really your tail?" Vaspiena asked, eyes wide.
6:45pm Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 6:48pm Feb 20 2011)
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Matillda growled. " No." she hissed. She glared at Knowls. Angel hid her eye roll. " How does it feel, Volcano?" she asked. Natsumi rollled her eyes at the other creatu.
6:46pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 534
Vaspiena looked up at Natsumi. "Do you like games?" she asked.
6:48pm Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 6:50pm Feb 20 2011)
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Posts: 567
Vera smiled and lay his head down. Valcano looked over at the three staring at her. She turned back to Angel. "Uh.. Kind of good when everyone brings you whatever you want... But besides that I kind of dont like it much, everyone is like... OMG ADD ME ON BLAH BLAH BLAH!" Valcano kept on explaining and explaining. Amalice nodded, "I figured dat out, it pwetty dumb right?" Amalice giggled, "You a Vaspi wight?"
6:50pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 534
Knowls licked the top of Vera's head. Is this what it feels like to be a magnet? ---------- Vaspiena nodded. "Actually, it was. And yes, I am! Pretty cool, right?"
6:51pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 534
Antidepression, Carman, and Envisagement watched the two Creatu. "So... What's the story here?" asked Envisagement. Antidepression looked at her. "They're having a conversation. A popular not-popular crossover." He turned his head back to the aukira and iluvu. Envisagement blinked and looked, too.
6:52pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 567
Vera couldn't help but lick her back, but it was on her shoulder. He smiled and yawned letting his sharp teeth show. Amalice nodded again, "Very very cool!"
6:54pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 534
Knowls lay on her belly, letting her tail fluff up. She make a cooing sound and licked her paws. ---------- "Hey, I have an idea! Let's ask my friend Nat if she wants to play with us!" Vaspiena squeaked. She buzzed over to her. "Hey, Nat! Want to play a game with me and Amalice?"
6:55pm Feb 20 2011
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Matillda couldn't take it anymore. She licked Vera's cheek. She smirked at Knowls. Natsumi nodded. Angel rolled her eyes. " I see...."
6:57pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 567
Vera blushed again, "Um... Am I a girl magnet or what?" He let his tail rest on Knowls foot. Amalice nodded, "Otay lets play!!"
6:57pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 534
Knowls flashed a bit of anger at Matillda, but kept most of it hidden. "Have fun, you two," she said through gritted teeth, walking away. ((DRAMA HOGEEZE)) ---------- "Hurray! Is tag okay?" asked Vaspiena. "Tag is fun!" ((I HAVE TO GO, EVERYONE. D: BYE!))
7:00pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 567
Amalice nodded, "Not wit!" She giggled and clapped her hands. Vera frowned at Knowls walking away. He glared at Matillda, "What was that for?" He lay there, wanting to follow Knowls but just couldn't. Something held him back.
4:26pm Feb 21 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Matillda looked down. " I-I don't know. But, I like you...." she whimpered. Natsumi smiled. She didn't say not it, so, she was it. She chased after one of them equally, then set her eye on Amalice. She set her gear into high. She dashed after Amalice, not even in a bl ink, she was 2 feet away from her. She grabbed her, tossed the iluvu in the air, then stepped away, making Amalice land on her back. She smiled at the small creatu. Then she crossed her eyes at Vaspienna in a playful wayu.