2:03am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 4:58am Jul 15 2010)
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Posts: 3,662
The sound of her beating wings filled my ears, Her perfectly pointed claws gashing the earth with each stride of her graceful proportions. The gaze of her slitted orbs, The swish of her barbed tail. My heart beats fast, I wish this would last. Watching as she takes off, Femme charm making my infatuated male bodice lying near dead, On the beach where I was left to fend for my fading spirit.
The sting of her bite wrenched my side, The slash of her claws burning down my neck. My shredded wing lye over my side, A mere rag doll in the midst of real life, I dreamt I was the ocean. Holding on to everything, Waves lapping at the golden sand. A storm, Ripping up my blue waves, But then I awoke. And half of me was missing.
With my broken heart, I was torn apart. Mentally I was losing it, My body just a rag to her powerful wrath. One to love, One to fall, The balance if merely a rip in the life I know, Soul fading into the darkness of the earth, My body simply lifeless, As for myself.
❤ .:::.
No spamming, Godmond or powerplay. Don't ask to join. Mild cussing. Keep romance and violence to PG-15. Post, Love Is Hate, Above your bio so that I know you read these rules. I have the right to kick you out if I am not pleased with your bio's. You must be litterate to join this.Use proper punctuation and spelling please. If you art is not yours, Don't use it. This is a dragon roleplay. .:::.
Name: Age: Gender: Deion: Persona: Rank In The World: Powers(3): Mate: Eggs: Element: Anything Else:
2:14am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,264
Name:Shonni Age:Uknown Gender:Female Deion: Persona:Rping it out
Rank In The World:Uhhh what do you mean
Powers(3):She can controle fire.She can read your mind.She can use her beauty too controll you (it deapends oin who you are though) Mate:None Eggs:None Element:Fire Anything Else:Nope
2:21am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Bio not accepted. ))
2:24am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((one question sorry to bother you but WHY!!!!!??)
2:27am Jul 15 2010
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(( Because you didn't read the rules and didn't fill out the whole bio, AND I know you're not very litterate. ;P ))
2:28am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,264
(Yeah but i can be.)
2:30am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,264
(and i di read the rules this is what they said No spamming, Godmond or powerplay. Don't ask to join. Mild cussing. Keep romance and violence to PG-15. Post, Love Is Hate, Above your bio so that I know you read these rules. I have the right to kick you out if I am not pleased with your bio's. You must be litterate to join this. You must have at least two years of Roleplaying experience to join this. Use proper punctuation and spelling please. If you art is not yours, Don't use it. This is a dragon roleplay.
2:30am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,264
(love is hate i forgot to post that)
2:43am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,141
[[Rule 8 saddens me ;_;]]
2:43am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 5:37am Jul 15 2010)
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Posts: 3,662
Name: Reoko Age: Adult Gender: Female Deion: Reoko is completely black. Her claws are clear and sharp, And her front and back toes are white. Her eyes are Red, Flecked with golden. Her muzzle is medium in length, With several short white fangs that poke down just under the top jaw. Her silver horns are black, And are slid back against her head, With smaller ones that frame her face, Going down from the first horn, down around her bottom jaw. The bottom of her bottom jaw has many black spikes, Blended in with her flesh. On to the rest of her body, She has White spikes that go down her back, All the way to her thin, Barbed tail. The base of her tail has Cyan rings, Same with her legs and neck. The only fur on her body is on her neck, And is purple. Coming up to her head, It grows just beyond the two white horns and spreads out into a fringe, And/Or bangs. Her wings and long and rectangular on her aerodynamic body, Hinged some what slanted for maximum flying agility and speed. The base of the wing is black, With three clawed fingers and a graveling claw at the bend. The membrane is silver, That shines brightly when touched my the sun. Persona: Reoko is nice at times, But somewhat self protective of strangers. Once yo befriend her, She is much better; But doing so is quite a hard task. At night she hardly every sleeps, And is snappy at the time. Mysterious, She is quick to react and protective of loved ones. Rank In The World: Seven. Powers(3): She can bring up orbs of steel, And hurl then at others at will. She can make herself invisible for a short period of time, And has such good flying ability, She can disorient you with her speed. Mate: Open. Eggs: Nope. Element: Air. Anything Else: Nope. :3 ~~~~~~~~
Name: Lumasi Age: Adult Gender: Female Deion: Lumasi is white skinned, With a band of blue fur down her back. Her eyes are purple, With even darker purple nest to the iris. She is medium in size, With four toes and sharp black claws. Her tail has a tuft of purple fur at the end, And silver horns that point backwards on her skull. She has harmless small spikes that go up her muzzle. Down to her back, She has large wings that are built for altitude more than speed. They have four fingers and silver membrane. Persona: Sweet and cautious, Quick to react and mysterious. Rank In The World: 7 Powers(3): Can manipulate light, And move things with her mind. Mate: Open Eggs: None Element: Light Anything Else: Nope ~~~~~~
Name: Zallion Age: Adult Gender: Male Deion: Zallion is an adult western dragon. His body is large, And his claws are long and sharp. He is black, With red stripes on his back and legs, With red rings on his tail and neck. Two of his horns point back, While the other set goes down and around. His eyes are golden, Flecked with burgundy and crimson. His maw is somewhat long, With spikes on the bottom, And one large one on the tip of his snout. As for his wings, They are aerodynamic and large, With two hooks on the bend, five clawed fingers, With grey membrane. His tail has spikes that are grey, Turn into a crescent shape on the end of his tail, That has a glowing red orb in the middle. The orb sometimes comes out of the crescent, And floats freely around his body. Persona: Mean. He doesn't care much for others, And is kind of better when befriended. Snappy, He has a short fuse and is easy to anger. He has a softer side, However. Rank In The World: 9 Powers(3): Can bend shadows, And use his tail orb to morph into blades and such. He can breath blue fire. Mate: Open Eggs: None O_O Element: Shadow Anything Else: Nope
2:45am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Zombie. :3 You can join anyway, I know your litterate and have some experience. :D
And angel, No. Did you draw the dragon in the picture? No. I know you didn't. I don't accept so no. Okay? -.-; ))
4:11am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(As of June 16th this year, I had THREE years of experience. And when my brain isn't dead, and apparently if my post is somewhat cruel or depressing, I can do one hell of a reply. Ouo
Do I meet your standards from your experience with me, Laurbutt?)
4:35am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( ... What do you think, Rikaface? x3 ))
5:00am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Can I be my dragonoid creature, the Sethani? Ouo
I am gonna make a male of the species. Cx)
5:10am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Yup. It's fine. ;D ))
5:19am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 1:06am Jul 18 2010)
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Posts: 1,576
Name: Haiku Age: Young adult. Gender: Female Deion: Haiku is a medium sized albino dragon. She has a medium muzzle and a (very small horns) horn-studded face. When Haiku is angry, her eyes will narrow and turn red. At other times, her eyes are green. Haiku's albinoism is a bit special, though, she is silvery white sometimes when the sun is bright. At night, her body will look great against the midnight sky. Persona: Haiku is very protective of those who are pained and is very justified. She stands as a loyal dragon to her peers and is often quite easy to befriend with, although she doesn't want to talk about her past. When you do, she will burst out and retreat into her own world for a few days before being social once more. She has good eyesight and hearing. <: Rank In The World: Seven Powers(3): Very swift. Can blur you with her speed >:D Airbending powers. Etc. Controlls wind speed, causes tornadoes, can blow you away. Mate: Open Eggs: None Element: Air Anything Else: Love is Hate. :o .:.:.:.
Name: Ehecatl Age: Young adult Gender: male Deion: Ehecatl is exactly the opposite of his sister, Haiku. He is jet-black, but like her, when angry, has red eyes, but green when neautral. He is a large, hard built body studded with very small horns. Ehecatl is also fast- don't mistake his large size. Try racing him to find out. Persona: Although his physical appearance is opposite, Ehecatl has the same personality from his sister, with an addition of tutoring. He likes to share his knowledge with the others, and often influences his sister in doing so too. He's influential, but not a power, its that he can convince others to follow him naturally. Rank In The World: Seven Powers(3): Swift, like his sister, and is very strong. He has ice/waterbending powers. Beware, dood. Mate: Open Eggs: None Element: Air //Wind Anything Else: Love is Hate. :o and his name means Wind Serpent in Nahuatal!

5:54am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 6:21am Jul 15 2010)
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Posts: 3,141
Bio's Love is Hate Name: Senji Age: Adult Gender: Male Deion: Senji has the body of a European Dragon, meaning his front legs are separate from his wings and his body is of medium size. His stomach is covered large plate-like white scales while the rest of his body is covered in very tiny, pointed slate gray scales with neon-greenish highlights. His wings are large, twice as large as his body, and are modeled after a bat, the membrane being a neon green color. He has a medium length body and his tail is thin and just as long. A small frill runs down from the back of his head to the tip of his tail and ends in a small spiked ball. His claws are a pitch black color and his eyes are neon green. He has a medium sized triangular face. Two sets of horns grow from his head. The first set is thinner and grows out above his pointed ears and back behind his head while the second pair is thick and and grows from below his ears, winding forward like bull horns. His teeth are sharp and long but don't poke out of his mouth. Persona: Senji is a fierce but also calm creature. He's usually active during the early mornings and evenings, where it's neither dark nor light. He loves younger dragons, especially hatchlings, but doesn't like the company of older dragons. Usually quiet and content, Senji isn't one to fight but once provoked he shows an uncharacteristically violent side. Rank In The World: Eight Powers(3): Can create hallucinations, good or bad, for any creatures, alter objects into other objects of the same composition (kindof like FMA alchemy, if you've heard of that), alter his size to make him twice as big of a small fraction of his own size. Mate: Open :3 Eggs: None Element: Aether Anything Else: Nope <3
5:58am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,576
Ehecatl's eyes twitched, opened. It was morning. He floated over to his sister, realizing she was still asleep, and turned to fly away. "Ehecatl?" she murmured, waking up. He turned to his sister. "Yes?" he answered. "Is something wrong?" his sister just shook her head. "No." With her brother, Haiku flew over to the others. "Sleeping." she clarified.
6:15am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Reoko's eyes slid open to the bright morning light, Wings immediately unfurling to full size. Rising to her feet, She ran to the edge of the cliff, Wings flapping hard to lift off. Shooting over the land in a quick gesture, She let out a screech to wake up all for the morning light. Counting the spaces from the sun to the horizon, She guessed it was Nine in the morning. Gliding past the beach and the forest, she neared the lake front. Slowing down her speed, She began to loose altitude, And finally landed at her destination.
Sticking her maw into the water slowly, she lashed her long tongue at the cold water, The small sensors around her mouth telling her fish where hiding in this lake. She adjusted her back legs so that she could comfortably hunt her prey, while using her front legs mainly. He hooked clear claws entered the water, Brushing over rocks before finally landing on the slippery scales of a fish. She hooked it in her claws, And pulled it as*censored* for eating.
Lumasi awoke the ringing sound of Reoko's call, Lazy reflexes not moving for several minutes. She stretched out her legs and got up, Shaking off so the static clinging leaves would leave her flesh. She stretched one again, Joints popping into action. She lashed her tail, Wings unfurling into a stretch. She tucked them back at her side, And pulled back her head to push her scales back into place with her horns. Raising her head back up she ran her tongue over her maw and walked through the tree full forest.
Zallion stirred in his dark cave, weight making a loud racket as he adjusted to stand up. Raising his front hand paw, He moved the fingers around to get them into action. He lashed his tail and thumped it down, Making a loud rumble once again. He then walked from the shadowy inclines, and wondered out to the mouth. Stretching out his wings, he gazed down from the mountain top and flapped them hard, Rising up in the air to search for live-stock prey.
6:15am Jul 15 2010
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(( Zombie, The ranks only go from 1-10 xD ))