Reoko stood, opening her wings and darting off into the air. She didn't really care about the other dragons, just enough for her own safety. The pushed her forwards and upwards, do to her air powers.
Zallion shook the ice off of his body, growling slightly. "Don't push me, ice-cycle." He hissed.
Ehecatl just sighed, flew off. His sister followed suit, gaining altitude, and soared into the azure sky. "We don't need somebody to bother us." Ehecatl explained, "And neither do we need to bother someone."
Zallion hissed, and rose into the air. Folding his arms at his sides, "You not getting away that easily, fool!" He growled, opening his maw to let a fury of blue flames sizzle Ehecatl's flesh. He got closer, and grabbed the black dragon by the wing. He pulled him down from the air, whacking him with his tail to make sure he was out of the sky. "How's that for 'I come in peace'?" He hissed.