5:35pm Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 3,002
[[ Pirates: Sure, you can join :D I know for a fact that you're literate. ]]
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
8:51pm Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 222
((Thanks, Shadow. ;D)) Name: Adonis Rode Age: 18 Gender: Male League: LSAP Appearance: Adonis has light, shaggy blonde hair that goes to just above his shoulders. Being of Grecian descent, Adon has lightly tanned skin. He is moderately muscular after working on ships his whole life. His eyes are a bright, stunning green that he's told is difficult to look away from. Personality: Adon is friendly and a little vain. He thinks he's pretty cool, and let's people know it. He is flirty and uses his looks to his advantage. Although Adon is vain and can be self- absorbed, he's the kind of person you want to have on your side. He's always willing to stand up for his allies. He puts on a tough air, and has the strength to support it. He's intelligent and uses his cunning and speed to his advantage. He can be sarcastic and has power with words. He's a leader in his own way. But, he is sneaky and conniving, and one should not be too quick to trust Adonis. Power: Charmspeak, he can charm talk most people into doing what he wants. The effect doesn't last very long after he's gone, but it's a pretty useful power. With charmspeak, he also has the window to alter emotions. (This is not mind control, but more of mind swaying.) Crush: Open... ;D Familiar/Pet: None. Other: No? Wait, Pickles!
4:22am Jan 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[ Uhmm... Pirates did not highlight the rules :c But whatever, you followed 'em. Adonis is accepted. We definitely need more BG peoples, and wow... Male-female ratio is 7:5. Yey 8u ... ]]
2:21pm Jan 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 222
((What exactly do you mean by hilighting the rules? I was kinda confused about that. ;D I did read them, though. ;D And, Adon can be a bad guy, if needed. He was going to be one originally, but then I thought he wasn't mean enough, so...))
8:22pm Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[S'alright, Canon :3 We just need more BGs... It's a little unfair .n. ]]
4:31am Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 1,805
((7:5? it isn't THAT bad surely?))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

6:04am Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Hm? I wasn't complaining o3o I'm actually pretty happy with the ratio :3 ]]
10:23am Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 222
((So....We can start? :D))
9:35pm Jan 10 2011
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Posts: 9,641
[UP c:]
5:01am Jan 11 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Yus, we can start :U Sorry for not replying. Terrible internet. I changed my Myrian's name to Serena. Serena is such a nice and calm name xD Will edit intro into this after dinner :U ]]
6:47pm Jan 11 2011
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Posts: 9,641
['Kay c:]
6:52am Jan 12 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[... -too lazy to edit- ._. ]] Serena trotted out of her room in the headquarters. It was her first week in LSAP, and she hadn't quite gotten the hang of it yet. Ketu strolled out along with her, curiously looking around at the headquarters. Serena's father had brought her in, and had fully expected his daughter to be the crime-fighting bigshot like her father. Serena honestly couldn't care less, but the headquarters did seem like a decent place. She settled on a couch in the living room of the headquarters, Ketu plopping down on the mat next to his owner's legs. --- Levi was still hidden in his room, attending to his new pet dragon. Vince was a tiny little black dragon, the approximate size of a large pillow. The hatchling gave Levi a quizzical look. Still unused to life with a human, Vince started sniffing around the room, despite the fact that he had lived in it for over a month. Levi sighed, sitting on the side of his bed. "Vince... Hmm... I wonder if you have any powers." He said. As if on cue, Vince started hacking, his body convulting. Concerned, Levi stood up and rushed to his dragon. After a few seconds of coughing, Vince coughed up a small ember, settling down and looking at Levi innocently. --- Aine strolled through the streets of Brooksdale, Ore padding close to her. Aine sighed, bored. She didn't really like sunny mornings, but her stomach was growling, and she was the first person up in the BG headquarters. --- Bryce stalked out of his room, looking around to see if anyone else was up. Quite happy with the fact that he was the only one in the BG headquarters so far, he sauntered over to the refrigerator, searching around it for food.

12:05pm Jan 12 2011
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Posts: 1,805
Ivory, with her arms folded, walked down the family estate, and exited through the iron bars at the front gate, continuing to face the floor as the tree metre high gate manipulated itself to form an arch way that had the perfect dimensions and scroll work to look as if it was meant to be there. The piece of art work soon returned to its original state as Ivory pas.sed underneath it and headed towards town. Double chains draping from her left hand side jingled as she took each step. Closing in on the town, and more importantly BG headquarters, she sighed as two young children where swinging from tree's in the park. She noticed Aine up ahead, but hadn't the intention to call out to her. ~~~~ Iain exited his rooftop apartment block and casually strolled through the town, inhaling deeply before removing a cigarette from its packet and lighting it. His canine Epsilon, him being the fifth in a series of upgrades, followed behind with the normal motions of any other dog. Being told apart from other dogs was easy due to its silver coat and LED blue eyes. On arrival to head quarters, Iain took another look at the outside, before feeding the stub to Epsilon, who felt it as a treat.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:53pm Jan 12 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[bump o-o ]]
10:56pm Jan 12 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
((I sure like pie. Too late to join as a female bad guy?))
Love is all we need~
5:30pm Jan 13 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[You can join, Wolfie. ]]
4:54pm Feb 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,828
[[ We should so still do this. o.o ]]
hello my name is elder price