2:01pm Jun 8 2011
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Fox jumped when the boy spoke to her. He looked to be her age, and he had a similar hair color to hers. She then noticed that his hand was outstretched, so she shook it. "I'm Jessica, but everyone calls me Fox." She pointed to the cover of her book. It was some strange name that had nothing to do with the plot of the book. She then said, "You must be one of the exchange students."
Love is all we need~
3:07pm Jun 8 2011
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He grinned, nodding, and relaxed back into his seat. "Pleasure to meet ye, Fox. The book sounds, ah, interesting?" He blushed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I am. They brought me over from Wales. You probably saw my cousins in the hall. They're, uh, pretty hard not to notice."With a soft chuckle he shook his head. First day and already making a friend. Bran would be proud of him. After all, she was the one who always said that he needed more of a life. Well, he was getting one. Took him long enough, but he was getting there.
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3:25pm Jun 8 2011
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(Anyone wanna be friends with mah charries? Cx)
3:28pm Jun 8 2011
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ooc:// Rika, of course! I was hoping Aeron might get a cute guy. ouo
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3:39pm Jun 8 2011
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"Well, welcome to America," Fox said, smiling. "So, if you need any help figuring out where things are, just find me. I'll show you the ropes." She marked the page in her book, and set it down. It was very thick, but Jessica could read it in a week if nobody bothered her. She didn't like school, but she was forced to go. She would rather go to a boarding school, where she could start over, and nobody would bother her, including her parents.
Love is all we need~
3:46pm Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 3:46pm Jun 8 2011)
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Something about the girl's ex pression rang a few bells in Gareth's mind. Back home he'd been the one to sit back and watch, content to make guesses at possible outcomes. During that time, he'd proved adept at judging emotions and all that nonsense. So when Fox got that look on her face, he knew that her thoughts were headed to the negative. "'Ey, what'cha thinkin' about? Ye don't look to happy."
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4:14pm Jun 8 2011
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(Which one? XD Apollo or Elias?)
4:14pm Jun 8 2011
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((omg Rika. I love Apollo. XD Can he and Demetria be friends? :3 Intro coming when I get on a computer and not an iPod.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:15pm Jun 8 2011
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"It's nothing. You wouldn't understand. Besides, it's not your business." Fox's voice wasn't mean. Her words were nice. She was being truthful. It simply wasn't Gareth's business. Jessica pulled a lock of her crimson hair behind her ear and said, "I'm not trying to be mean. I just... don't want to talk about it." Most girls would spill everything to a boy like Gareth, just to get him to like them. But Fox wasn't like most girls.
Love is all we need~
4:18pm Jun 8 2011
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(Paige: Sure. C:)
4:18pm Jun 8 2011
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ooc:// Elias, since he's a senior as well.
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4:40pm Jun 8 2011
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(Okay. XD
I'll intro him in a bit. C:)
4:52pm Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 4:58pm Jun 8 2011)
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Elias sighed as he walked through the halls of the school, a slight smile lighting up his face. "Not many people through here today," he murmured, tilting his head with a soft hum. He was always more content while alone.
Unfortunately, he ended up colliding with a tall male wearing...Victorian stuff. He blinked, taking a step back. He didn't recognize him... "Excuse me, " he said before he took a small step back, figuring it'd be polite to explain himself.
"My apologies. I wasn't payi.g attention to where I was going," he said, his voice soft as he bowed slightly, caising a little butterfly pendant to fall out of his shirt and into plain view. Then he straightened back up, pale blue eyes focusing intently on the other.
Most would call him girly for his love of butterflies, but their attitudes always changed after meeting a single, intent glare from Elias. Butterflies are fragile, beautiful creatures that signify all life will eventually come to an end.
4:53pm Jun 8 2011
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(Stupid phone! Dx -edit-)
5:13pm Jun 8 2011
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In the process of stirring up a rousing supply of cutting insults and curses, Aeronwen stopped himself when he met those stunning eyes. The boy even bowed. He stopped himself, straightening up and meeting the other's glare with a smile. Branwen took a step back, covering a grin. Oh, Aeron and his men. Alas, it was high time for her to step out of the picture. With a blessing upon his sister's head Aeron gave a small bow himself, eyes lighting up like a sky full of fireworks. Silver and blue fireworks. His head tilted to the side, he held grinned. "Nonsense. Accidents happen. That's a beautiful necklace, by the way. Butterflies are truly magnificent creatures that very few people have a proper respect for nowadays." He raised an eyebrow, pursing his lips briefly before continuing. "I am Aeronwen, by the way. i am one of the foreign exchange students from Wales with my cousin and sister."
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5:19pm Jun 8 2011
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Demetria scarfed down a chocolate-chip granola bar as she rushed out the door, her bag hardly slung over her shoulder. She was gonna be late for her first day of school. Who was late to their first day, anyway?! She bounded down the sidewalk, her new adidas sandals making loud noises as they hit the ground. Her hair that she had spent nearly an hour on was thrown back behind her from the force of her running plus the wind. Demi couldn't think about that now, though. She had to get to her high school before it was too late. When she reached the school, a close eight-or-so blocks away from her suburban home, Demetria sighed happily. Thank God, she had made it before the bell. Now off to her first-period class, which was...what was it? She dug around in her bookbag for her schedule. She held it up when she found it, reading. "Oh," She said to herself. "It's History. Room 208." She ran out of the grounds and into the hallways of the school, knowing exactly where her new locker was. It was number 633. And, luckily, it was fairly close to her first period.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:37pm Jun 8 2011
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Elias blinked when the other male bowed, then gave him an awkward little smile, which actually turned into a sincerr one at the comment about his necklace. "I'm Elias, resident loner. And..um...thanks..." He moved to take the pendant between two fingers, holding it delicately.
"If you would have insulted it, I'm afraid a throwdown would have occurred. I really like butterflies because they are beautiful, but their beauty is short-lived... All life is truly fleeting if you think about it. At least...the things that matter are..." He cocked hid head slightly, lifting his eyes back up to the other male.
6:37pm Jun 8 2011
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Paige made her way to her locker banging on it once causing it to swing open. She smiled to herself, "No need for a combo when you know the right trick." she said to herself befor brbing waht books she needed and heading towards her first period class. Her day started out with art. She liked art but the teacher seemed boreing. He was old and wrinkly and wore kackies along with a botton down shirt and old man shoes. His hair was white and trimed to the perfect length. He was pacing the class room aparently waiting for the bell to ring and more students to come in. Paige took out her note book and began to draw. She wasn't quite sure exactly what she was drawing untill she finished. It turned out to be the Grim reaper. He was all bone with few scraps of flesh hanging off him in various places. in a long flowy robe was a tick in hand. His eyes were gone but as he faced you, you couldn't help but feel as if his non existant eyes were boring into your soul. She put her pencile down and looked at the drawing. "Interesting" said a gruff voice from behind her. She wiped around to see the old man. Creeper. Was all she thought before looking back to the drawing, "Uh...thanks?" she wasn't quite sure how to respond. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kasey headed to his history class after getting his text book from his locker. He sat down in one of the middle seats. He sat back his feet on the dest and hands behind his head. He looked at the board. There were words scribled on it though he couldn't make out what they said. Eh I'll figure it out. He thought. Even if he didn't we shoudl he care.
7:07pm Jun 8 2011
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Nodding, Aeron allowed his smile to grow a little in warmth. This boy really got deep in his philosophy. Finally, a soul in this pit of despair with a few spare brain cells. Still smiling he fidgeted with the cuff of his jacket, messing with the lace self-consciously. The boy was suddenly hyper-aware of his ensemble, and how lonely he looked without his sister. They were supposed to be a pair, and in his mind without her he was just a loser in weird clothing. Aeronwen turned his mind away from that train of thought, focusing instead on the striking man standing before him. "The resident loner, eh? I can't for the life of me see why." He was being serious, and his gaze showed as much. "Also, I wholeheartedly agree. Butterflies are quite magical, and I believe that the best we can do is to enjoy them while they last." ------------------ Having been about to comment on Fox not needing to get huffy, Gareth bit lip and let reason take the place of what could've been an unsightly outburst. "Sorry, I just let curiosity get the better o' me sometimes. I didn't mean to offend you or make you uncomfortable, I guess I just like knowin' what people're thinkin'." He shrugged, smiling warily. Girls never reacted like this to him, and it came as a bit of a shock. Best roll with the punches, anyway.
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7:37pm Jun 8 2011
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"I'm not a very social person," Elias explained, tilting his head. He.seemed nervous about something, but Elias wasn't sure what it could be. He then sighed softly, rubbing the back of his head with a hum. "What's your first perios?" he asked. He crossed his arms, flicking his dark hair out of his face with a curious look within his baby blue eyes.
He fekt like he'd made a friend here, which was odd since he didn't usually make friends. People approached him, not the other way around, but this accidental meeting had given him a new friend. odd.