8:31pm Jun 8 2011
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"It's okay. I'm sorry if I sounded a bit huffy." She scratched the back of her head, looking down. "Anyway, are your cousins the ones that were in the hall, pointing and stereotyping?" She smirked. "They didn't say anything about me. Of course, I don't really fall into a category, so I can understand."
Love is all we need~
10:15pm Jun 8 2011
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Aeron shrugged, keeping as casual as possible. "Being social is a curse that, luckily, few possess. If too many had it, the world would be so much more... friendly." He shuddered theatrically, feigning disgust at the idea. "I have calculus next. No doubt my sister Branwen has already saved me a seat. How about you?" For some reason, Aeronwen found himself hoping with all his heart that Elias had calculus, too. He felt like this was a conversation that could go on for yearsif it was allowed to do so. ----------------- Again Gareth shrugged. If he kept it up, his shoulders would start to tire. "Its not a problem. And... You heard that?" Blush colored his pale cheeks, gaze dropping. "They... aren't usually like that. I think they're insecure or some such nonsense. I dunno, really. Back home they were really friendly and acceptin' of everyone. Maybe they feel threatened. It could be anythin' with them. They didn't say anythin' about a lot of people. They usually just focus on jocks and teen angst. So o' course they wouldn't get you."
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10:34pm Jun 8 2011
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"Yeah, I heard it." Fox snickered. "It's nothing to be embarassed about, though. Everyone has a different way of trying to fit in when they move to a new school. I guess that's just their way." She smiled and said, "Of course, I've been here ever since I was a freshman, so... I guess I didn't ever fit in. After all, I was sitting alone reading a book until you came and talked to me. Most people don't talk to me."
Love is all we need~
10:36pm Jun 8 2011
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((-is gonna be nice to Aeron-)) Elias blinked in slight surprise before he smiled, rubbing the back of his nek with a slight smile. "Well...looks like we get to continue our conversation. I have calculus as well," he said, tilting his head as he stretched out his arms. "And for a change I actually want to keep up the conversation. I must say you're an interesting person to speak with," he said almost happily as he moved to head towards his locker to grab his stuff from his locker, which was nearby, and then was back at the other male's side. He blew his hair out of his face with a slight smile. "And you know, I actually feel like I've made a friend," he said, seeming pleased with himself. ((Apolloa nd Aileen are gonna be late. Because they're bums. xD))
10:39pm Jun 8 2011
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Demetria kicked her locker shut after putting all of her brand-new binders and books in there, crossing her fingers and hoping that the nice stack she just made of them didn't just topple. She made her way to her American History class, grateful that there weren't too many people left in the hallways. She hated crowded hallways, because then she got frustrated and shoved people out of her way.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:18am Jun 9 2011
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Pure, unadulterated joy filled Aeronwen's chest, and he quickly shut it down. This was no time to be overly enthusiastic. He might scare the lad off. Instead he settled for a wide smile, letting the happiness gleam in his eyes. "That's brilliant! You're quite interesting yourself. Not many people get as in depth in philosophy as you, ye know. 'S been a while since I talked serious to anyone but my sis, and it just isn't the same." He started toward the calculus room, which was blessedly close. "I really hope we become good friends. God knows I'll be needin' one this year. Someone besides those silly girls who spent the summer croonin' over my accent." Grimacing, Aeron allowed himself a laugh at the expense at the young ladies who had continuously hounded on him. The memory of them made him shudder a bit. ----------------- Pushing a bit of shag out of his eyes, Gareth's demeanor became shy. "Well, I can't see why. You seem like a pretty interesting person so far, and I only known ya for a few minutes. I'd think that someone would'ha caught on by now." ooc:// Hurgh... Gareth-based brain fart.
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12:22am Jun 9 2011
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Fox blushed again. She looked back at her book, avoiding the rest of the conversation. If she blushed, she wouldn't talk to you until her face wasn't red. Of course, that's just how Jessica worked. She opened her book to the page that she left off on, and began reading again. The book pulled her into its world, and she was enveloped in the story.
Love is all we need~
12:38am Jun 9 2011
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Elias chuckled, lettimg a spark of amusement finally light up his baby blue eyes. "This has to be the most stimulating conversation I've had in the longest time," he said. "I hope we do, too," he said rather happily, heading off. He felt more comfortable with someone who shared his interest in butterflies. It was certainly a change.
(Hurr. C:)
2:50pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 2:55pm Jun 9 2011)
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Branwen watched the approach of her twin and he's new friend, her eyes glittering. Catching a glimpse of his butterfly necklace, she grinned. This was lookng to be quite an interesting year and the late bell hadn't even rung yet. With a wave to his sister Aeron found a seat next to her in the very back, with an empty spot to the left of it for Elias. Perfect. "Quite. So, what does one do around this town for amusement? I'm going to assume that it's quite different from my little village in Swansea. Oh, by the way, this is my twin, Branwen. Bran, this is Elias." Branwen gave the boy a wave and a smile, her ex pression frighteningly knowing. ------------------ Gareth figured that to be the conversation's end, and took a book out of his own pack. It was an old favorite that he must've read a thousand times over, the Fellowhip of the Ring. He wanted to re-read the series for the sixth time, just to have a go. He was quite fluent in Quenya, the language of the High Elves, and was beginning to pick up a bit of Dwarfish on top of it all. Ah, the sweet escape of geekdom.
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3:16pm Jun 9 2011
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Fox finally put the book down as more students began filing into the class. She didn't like closed spaces, so the teacher knew to leave the door open, or Jessica would start freaking out. The late bell rang, and the classes began. After Algebra, she would have choir, her favorite class. She listened to the teacher babble about all of the mathematical formulas and equations. The more she listened, the faster she would get through with this class.
Love is all we need~
3:22pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 3:23pm Jun 9 2011)
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Elias moved to sit beside his new friend, fiddling around with his butterfky necklace as he let out a soft sigh. Schopol was so repetitive and mundane once you got into the classrooms...he was bored again. There was supposed to be no talking while the teacher was lecturing, so he really didn't have much to do at that point in time...well, until he realized the tardy bell hadn't even rung.
He turned to glance at the other male, a slight smile spreading across hsi face. "We tend to gear more towards malls and games than anything else around here. There's also skateboarding, going to the park, swimming in the lakes nearby...a whole mess of things to do, but most of them involve too many people for my tastes."
After he was introduced to the girl, his lifted his hand into a half-wave, not really noticing the look in her eyes. He didn't usually make eye contact...his eyes tended to creep people out because his dark hair made them look kinda creepy.
5:40pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 11:30pm Jun 9 2011)
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In one of their twin moments, Bran caught Aeron's eyes, grinnng ear to ear. 'Corr. That one's got gorgeous eyes, brother mine. Almost a match f' yours.' Though silent, the communication reached Aeron lud and clear, and he smile through his blush, waving Branwen's comment aside before turning his attention back to Elias. She was right, though. Absolutely lovely. Striking, even. "Definitely different. Back home we had lakes, too, but skateboarding? Never. Riding horses and scaring sheep was a lot more usual. Also, I hate malls. They just feel so... Dirty." He grimaced a little, shaking off the feeling. Blech. "Maybe ye'd like to, ah, hang out later, yeah? I could even wear somethin' more casual if ya like."
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11:26pm Jun 9 2011
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Eliias blinked at the silent conversation going on between the twins, tilting his head for a moment before the male twin began speaking to him again. He chuckled softly as his statement, tilting his head. "When I go, I generally just hang out on a bench or something like that," he said, leaning forward on his desk as he flicked his dark hair out of his face. "And sure, where did you have in mind?" he asked, resting his cheek against the palm of his hand.
11:53pm Jun 9 2011
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After a moment of thought, as well as a bit of looking out the window and thoroughly pondering his options, Aeronwen smiled. "Swimming. It's hot as balls outside, and I don't think I could survive walkin' around in this heat. It's much gloomier where I'm from, see. And if ye don't like lakes and what-not, our house came with an in-ground pool, which I thought was quite neat. Didn't have much a use for anythin' like that back home. So, whaddya say?"
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11:58pm Jun 9 2011
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Elias swore he grinned so wide the corners of his mouth could reach his ears. Swimming was one of his favorite things to do. "I happen to love swimming. And lakes don't have the chlorine in them that dries out your hair and whatnot. That stuff burns if you get it in your eyes," he said, tilting his head with a soft laugh. "Or, God forbid, up your nose somehow. I prefer lake water because it sure as hell won't sting that bad," he said, sounding rather pleased with the other's choice.
12:03am Jun 10 2011
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"Wonderful! Besides, as much as I love my fabulous sense of style, all these layers really do amplify the heat. I need the sun against my skin." Sighing Aeronwen let his mind drift to that purely fantastic thought. It'd been so long. True to his word the sun wasn't a common luxury in Wales, where here in Houston it seemed like nearly every day was filled with the sun's golden warmth. "Perhaps I should give up my fanciful frocks. Or perhaps just switch to pirate clothing? I don't know if I'm rogueish enough to be a pirate. But I agree wholeheartedly that lakes and rivers are much preferred to pools." Branwen lit up at this, wondering if she could find a friend to drag along, if only to have a chance to show off her newest mermaid tail, of which she had several. They were something of a passion for her.
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12:13am Jun 10 2011
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Elias chuckeld softly, reaching out to gently tug on his new friend's sleeve. "Mind if I ask why you're wearing this in the middle of a heat wave?" he asked, looking rather amused. He subconsciously started messing with his butterfly pendant as he awaited an answer, his baby-blue eyes moving straight to the window when movement caught his eye. Realizing it was just a bird, he returned focus onto the male he was speaking to, looking rather patient.
12:19am Jun 10 2011
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Having been distracted by the bird himself, it took Aeron a moment to gather his reply. "Well, I... To be honest, it's kind of... a hobby. I love doing re-enacting, and my persona is Victorian, so that's just how I dress. Besides, this was quite comfortable before I decided to come to the States. I didn't realize it would be so hot when I was dressing this morning. Do you think it looks a bit off? I do have all my clothing custom tailored. Perhaps it is a bit flashy..." For some reason Aeronwen's hard-earned self-esteem went haywire as he worried over his wardrobe, trying to think over all the clothing he'd brought with him. Bran shot him a look that at least got him to shut up, but nothing could stop his uncontrolable fussing at this point. The floodgates had opened.
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12:30am Jun 10 2011
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Elias blinked. "I think you just need to adjust with the weather," he said, chuckling softly. He then smiled, crossing his arms on his desk to rest his ehad on them,an amused glint in his eyes. "It gets pretty hot here during this time of year, so you gotta dress approprately unless you wanna roast," he said, closing his eyes. That's why he was wearing a shirt with no sleeves; it was a LOT cooler than what Aeron was wearing...
12:39am Jun 10 2011
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Blush painted Aeron's fair cheeks, drawing a giggle from his sister. She's never seen him quite so flustered before, and seeing it now was beyond funny. He threw a glare in her direction, and Bran did her best to hush. 'Tosser.' At the mild-mannered attempt at an insult Branwen just grinned, shaking her head. Oh, boys. Aeron shrugged, trying to pretend nothing had happened. "Right. I see what ye mean. I'll definitely need to adapt a bit. Though it would be a shame to've brought all this f' nothin'." He bit his lip, obviously still a bit concerned.
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