9:27pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 567
(Aww buh bye Sasori D:)
9:27pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 534
((Oh, pooh. I have to go. I'll be on tommorow. Bye.))
9:28pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 567
((Pooey, buh bye))
10:18pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 10:18pm Mar 2 2011)
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Posts: 3,662
OoC; Question; can we join as a pokemon from the new games? :u
4:35pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 1,289
((*drools on kyuremu or whatever it's called*))
4:37pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 567
((-Gags at Laurens epic picture- Ahem... It's up to Otterypoo, I dont decide the types of pokemon. Just rules and things like that for me))
7:25pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 534
((Yes, Lauren. You may.))
7:35pm Mar 3 2011 (last edited on 7:56pm Mar 3 2011)
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Posts: 6,165
(( Join as an shiny eevee, riolu, and Zorua?)) She's the eevee Username:Angel (mercyme6 Pokemon or trainer:Angel the shiny eevee Gender:Female Name/type of pokemon you are:Shiny eevee with blue tips, will have pic Pokemon you own (if you are a trainer):
Other:Nu. Form to join: Username:Taro Pokemon or trainer:Pokemon Gender:Male Name/type of pokemon you are:Riolu Pokemon you own (if you are a trainer):
Other:No. Username:Shadow is her name Pokemon or trainer:Pokemon Gender:Female Name/type of pokemon you are:Shiny Zorua Pokemon you own (if you are a trainer):
Other:will have pics for Angel and Shadow.
7:51pm Mar 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 534
((Okay, sounds good.))
7:55pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 534
Kat didn't understand, but Zoroark did. Since Kat understood Zoroark, he explained to Kat what Tales had said. "Hello, Ninetales!"
7:59pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 6,165
The tiny zorua slowly stalked the people and other pokemon. Shadow set her eyes on a figure. A zoroark. Her eyes widened as she leaned back in confusion. She shook it off. Shadow reared back, and charged towards the Zoroark. She tackled it playfully. Angel whimpered. It was louder than she thought it would be, so, Kat could hear it. She hid behind a tree Taro was in that tree, sleeping lazily.
8:00pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 534
((Anyone here? D:))
8:00pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 534
((Never mind. XD))
8:01pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 567
Tales nodded her head. She was getting used to this human, "Could you help my paw?" She kept the secret about the little one inside her. "I hurt my paw and it hurts very bad.." She also wanted help when "It" came. She smiled a bit, her mood had totally changed. She felt a bit weird though.
8:02pm Mar 3 2011 (last edited on 8:03pm Mar 3 2011)
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Posts: 534
Zoroark barked in confusion. "Get off, you pest!" he spat in Pokenese. Kat heard the whimper. She looked back at Tales, wondering if she would be okay. She sent out Typlosion to help with Tales and went to go to check out the whimpering noise.
8:04pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 567
Tales frowned at the pokemon that tackled the Zoroark. She walked up and nudged the Zorua off. She stepped back and looked over at the Typlosion and smiled, "Hello sir."
8:06pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 534
"Hi," said Typlosion. "Kat said you needed my help. What do you need help with?"
8:07pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 567
Tales put out her paw, "I broke my paw, it's horrible when you try to run from someone you dont want to be near." She chuckled a little remembering the Charmander that kept on chasing her and wanting to be her friend.
8:08pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Shadow whimpered. She padded up to the Zoroark, and looked down. " I'm sorry, I thought you were...someone else." She said. Her tail drooped. Angel whimpered louder, her tail twitched nervously.
8:09pm Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 534
Typlosion sniffed it. "Infected," he murmured. He spun backwards and let out a long, relieved sigh. "Kat left her bag behind." He looked around inside and pulled out a potion. "Kat's used it on me. It makes wounds go away but it stings. Here," he said, spraying the potion on the Ninetale's paw.