Tales whined loudly at the stinging, but after thirty seconds it went away. "Thanks, so it heals my paw fully? So it's not broken?" She said and licked her paw where the potion wasnt sprayed.
Tales looked at the sad pokemon. She tilted her head and walked over and licked her ear, "Don't cry..." She whined, she could understand feelings and what they were thinking but it was hard.
Shadow couldn't grasp any pride or dignity. She buried her head in Tales' fur and sobbed.She was only 6 months old, her father had been tortured in front of her as he was a slave to a horrid master.
Tales whined at the thoughts she was hearing and the memories. "Shh, dont cry.." She stroked Shadow with one of her tails. "It's better if you don't think about him.." She rested her head gently on the small head against her.