5:34pm May 12 2011 (last edited on 3:12am May 26 2011)
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Posts: 243
----- Hope Springs On-Screen Promotional Brochure. National Parent Market.
"Welcome to Hope Springs. As you can see, our institute is nestled in a beautiful, rugged island landscape, only accessible by boat. Over the years, word has spread about the work we do here. Whatver you may have heard, you can take this from me : we get results - results you want."
I couldn't believe it. I never thought they would do this. Who doesn't go through some kind of dodgy period, for gods sake? I'm young, I'm supposed to be having fun. My parents thought I would be this person who was going to be all-virginal and pure until I was in a serious relationship, then give myself completely when I got married. Life's too short for that isn't it?
I want to enjoy myself a bit - but that doesn't make me evil does it? Look at me, you can tell I'm a nice person, can't you? I still can't believe they sent me here...
Play "So who are we? The staff at Hope Springs may seem a little harsh at first but our methods do work. Think of it this way - is your son or daughter safer out there with all the drug-dealer, pimps, junkies and prostitues or in here with us, where we can change their lives for the better and help them find the right path again. Sending your child here is a true sign of love."
I never even did anything wrong. Yeah, my friends weren't exactly saints and they were doing some bad stuff but I swear I never did a thing! That's not the way my parents saw it though, I heard them arguing - over what to do with me. My mum didn't want to send me here but my step dad was another story, he said I needed to be wipped into shape and that mum was being too soft on me. I think she was gonna' aregue but my step dad must've hit something to make her shut up because she went quite after that.
The next day they told me I was going on a trip but when I asked where they wouldn't tell me, they just bundled me into a car with a couple of cases of my clothes. I thought it was weird that I didn't see any of there stuff but I realized what was going on when we got to the lake. Mum was crying when I got on the boat.
"Only parent's who really care about their children send them to us. Hope Springs runs a family orientated programme, children are put into mixed gender groups, which we call 'families', with a member of staff as head of the house. Family meetings take place once a week so your child can open up and express their feelings about Hope Springs, their peers or just have time to talk to some one." Stop My parents were always good to me but I was never the perfect kid they wanted. Y'see, I got arrested after stealing some junk from this old guy's house. That man should have locked his doors, the place was beggin' to be robbed, how could I resist? It's not like the bloke was short on his cash either, I got some pretty valuble stuff from his back room. I got tons of money when I sold it. I didn't even sell all of it, I gave this really sweet gold chain to my mum but she didn't appreciate the gesture to behonest.
Shame really, if she had just accepted the bloody gift I would never be in this place! But no, she had to get the cops involved and then pack me off to a special 'school'. Ha! School! You couldn't make this hell hole a school if you tried!
" So, just when your horizons look bleakest, when you think you have no where else to turn, remeber - Hope Springs."
Hope Springs is a correctional facility for teenagers. Sent to the remote island by their parents, students are subjected to draconian discipline in an attempt to 'cure' them of their delinquent ways. When communication with the island breaks down a school inspector and his nervous as.sistant arrive to find that Hope Springs isn't quite what it seems in the promotional video. The kids have taken over and they aren't going to give up their freedom anytime soon.
----- About Behavior When in Hope Springs, pupils are subjected to a behavioral reward system that involves moving up levels to gain privilages. All students begin and level one. Level one - Students may not speak without permission. They may stand up or sit down without permission. They may not move without permission. They have no privilages.
Level two - Students may speak without permission. They may move without permission. They may not sit down or stand up without permission. They may listen to/watch thirty minutes of music/television per day.
Level three - Students may speak without permission. They may move without permission. They may sit down without permission. They may not stand up without permission. They may watch/listen to and hour of television/music per day. They may wear some of their own clothing.
Level four - Students may speak without permission. They may move without permission. They may sit down and stand up without permission. They may listen to/watch two hours of music/televison per day. They may wear all their own clothing. They may have some snacks of their own choosing.
About dicipline If a student disobeys a direct order from a member of staff they will recieve one warning. If they continue to disobey they will be put into Observational Placement - O.P. In O.P students must lie flat on their stomach, limbs spread eagled for twenty four hours. They will be provided with some kind of basic meal during this time. After the time is up they will be reviewed, if they still refuse to comply they will be put back into O.P. Any student placed in O.P will be sent back to level one, no matter how high they are.
----- Characters
All roles are gender nuteral, so you can be either, just try and keep the ratio even, m'kay? You will have to elaborate their personalities, I will not accept the just base I have put here. Ringleader - Intelligent, charming and charismatic; quick to anger and quick to cool. - Open!
Sam - Sensitive and thoughtful; prone to melancholy. (Sam is suspected dead as he escaped via faking his own death. He won't come in until later.) - Taken by Paige.
Pupil one - Used to getting what they want through their looks and charm - a flirt. - Taken by Nessie.
Pupil two - Street wise and as.sured; cocky, almost to the point of aggression. - Taken by Paige.
Pupil three - Idealistic, principled and thoughtful. - Open!
Pupil four - Mecrucial, creative, sardonic. - Open!
Pupil five - A theif and a liar with an aggression just beneath the surface. - Taken by Shay.
Pupil six - Nervous and twitchy, with a record of fire setting. (arson) - Open!
Pupil seven - Bwildered and un-nerved; borderline learning disability. - Open!
Pupil eight - Anxious and timid; a conflict avoider; keen to go un-noticed. - Taken by Dj.
Pupil nine - Unafraid to speak their mind but can be devious; eager to please those of most use. - Taken by Mail. (me!)
Pupil ten - Indignant and impulsive, with more than a hint of truculence. - Open!
Inspector - Intelligent and curious; quick to catch on and come to a conclusion. - Taken by Shay.
As.sistant - Slow witted but not a buffon; slightly nervous of the children. Provides some comic-relief in the roleplay. - Open!
Rules Please be literate. If you cannot post more than two paragraphs of six sentances or more you can't join. Sorry, I like poeple to be at or higher than my standard of literacy. Writers block is the only excuse I will accept so don't over use it.
Do not ask to join, simply post a bio and I will accept of decline. It is fine to ask questions befor you join for definite though.
You may only have one character unless you are playing Sam in which case, you may have a pupil too.
Post 'Neon Jellyfish' in your bio so I know you read the rules. No word and you'll be auto-denied.
All characters must be aged between eleven and seventeen.
Bisexual, Lesbian and Homosexual characters are fine by me, in fact, I prefer them. xDD
No Mary Sues/Gary Stues.
No Godmodding.
No spamming.
Please, not chat speak. Try to use correct spelling and grammar when ever possible.
All descisions I make are final. I will either tell you to edit your bio or I will flat out decline. Leave without protest if I do so.
No powers. I don't like powerd humans.
No pets thank you very much.
At first pupils will not know their own names so don't have them being all "Hi! I'm Roxanne Justice Peirson!" they will not know and will have to choose a name for themselves. No second name, just first and maybe a middle name.
You may only have one or two talents. No more, no less.
The Ringleader is in charge but not all powerful. Students will not nessicarily obey him/her.
As I said before, keep the gender ratio even.
Violence and romace encoraged but keep it PG 16.

12:59pm May 13 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 243
Bio Name:
Pupil number:
Appearance: (Picture's allowed)
1:30pm May 13 2011 (last edited on 1:36pm May 13 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 243
My character
Name: Ben
Gender: Male
Pupil number: Nine
Age: Sixteen
Sexuality: Bi-curious. (leaning towards boys)

Personality: Ben is confident, unafraid to speak his mind and self assured. He is often devious; pleasing those who are of most use to him. He's generally quite funny and people like to be around him but he has a mean streak. One word wrong and the insults start flying. He's isn't agressive so to speak, but easily riled and it takes him a long time to calm down.
Ben detests being told he's wrong; which he often is and will retaliate verbally, never physically. He has calmed his temper a little after being in O.P for over a month. He never agreed with the take over, having worked his way to the top and being close to leaving for home so therefore harbours a certain amount of resentment towards the Ringleader and avoids talking to them when ever possible. He only follws orders because it benfits him. He is slightly sarcastic and dislikes people who think they know it all. He's some what of a flirt but only because he enjoys it, not to manipulate others. He's a bit of a joker and doesn't really take stuff seriously.
History: He was sent to Hope Springs after his parents caught him bribing one of the school teacher to give him better grades. There isn't really much more to it, he was pretty much the model child before that incident. A good student and not unpopular either. His parents were never satisfied with B's and the occasional A and pushed him to get A+'s, he began bribing the teachers in an effort to please them.
Likes: Music, reading, pleasing people who are of use to him, being with others, flirting with boys and girls alike, writing and making jokes.
Dislikes: Know-it-alls, show-offs, being corrected/told that he's wrong, sports and maths.
Other: Wibble-wobble like a Jelly! o3o

2:44pm May 13 2011
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Posts: 243
4:14pm May 13 2011
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Posts: 243
[Bump 'cause I'm impatient.]
5:30pm May 13 2011 (last edited on 3:56pm May 14 2011)
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Posts: 314
Name: Anna
Gender: female
Pupil number: one
Age: 16
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: va:void(0);" ti tle="Click to zoom out." class="menuTrigger"> va:void(0);" ti tle="Click to zoom out." class="menuTrigger">
Personality: Anna's been spoiled her whole life, making her used to getting what she wants just by snapping her fingers. She constantly flirts with boys and has incredible charm. She seems like a selfish, shallow girl when you first meet her, but once you get to know her she's loyal and actually very smart. She just doesn't show it much, prefering to be seen not as a 'geek' but as the 'popular' girl. To her, having brains labels someone a geek. Having looks and/or money labels someone popular. She's big on stereotypes and it takes a lot of dedication to get her to look past your appearance and get to know you for yourself. Anna is known to be stubborn and argumentative. She doesn't like not getting her way, and will fight to the death to get what she wants.
History: Anna has been viewed as the 'perfect' daughter since the day of her birth, partly in thanks to her classic good looks. But upon entering high school, she got mixed up in the wrong crowd. They got her into smoking, a habit she is now trying to quit, and she constantly broke into houses or shoplifted to please them. Her parents sent her to Hope Springs after she was caught sneaking in late at night drunk after a party.
Likes: On the outside Anna seems as if she doesn't like much besides partying and a few choice people. But she's really not so cold as people think. She has a soft spot for animals, dogs in particular, and, as she often puts it, will 'die' without music.
Dislikes: Anna, put simply, hates anyone who doesn't agree with her. Of course, this makes her hate a lot of people. She also to a point hates herself for getting into smoking, stealing, etc. and being sent to Hope Springs. She doesn't like, as mentioned before, being told what to do and not getting her way. Other than that, there's not much she really dislikes; she can tolerate most things to a point.
Other: Not really. (NEON JELLYFISH!)
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
6:20pm May 13 2011 (last edited on 8:21pm May 14 2011)
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Posts: 2,097
((Neon jellyfish rock. Join as pupil 8?)) Name: Selena
Gender: Female
Pupil number: 8
Age: 16 yrs.
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Sorry for lateness, it's under the bio *bottom*
Personality: Selena is very timid, like a wild animal. She will dart away if you get too close, not willing to start conversations, make friends, or socialize at all, really. Being so shy, even the kindest people find it hard to coax her to even say hello. Although it does mean that most people don't know anything about her, at the same time, it doesn't mean that she is entirely a mystery. She is paranoid and always fairly anxious, disliking going to places that she hasn't been to yet. Also, Selena tends to avoid conflicts and fights. When she senses an argument coming, she will go out of her way to dissolve it completely. This has led to some sad situations, however. When you do get close enough to her, she will try her best to be kind, but you can say that she will never be truly 'tame' or social. When she is angry (which is rare), she will cry, hating herself for having no friends. Selena always feels lonely. That basically continues until she feels a little better.
History: Born into a rich but strict family, Selena was forced to act polite, learn her manners at a very early age and whatnot. Her parents were almost always out working, so she was taken care of by a nanny. A no-nonsense, impatient nanny. At her private school, she made friends with a seemingly nice girl. They became best friends right away. Selena once invited the girl over to her mansion so the girl could look at Selena's pets. The only possession of hers that she ever loved, her pet bat Squeaky. One summer vacation, Selena had to cancel plans with her best friend due to a family vacation. Her friend got extremely upset, since she was looking forward to the festival that they were to attend for a long time. She masked her rage. Selena trusted her friend to care for Squeaky. The friend had collected Squeaky's waste for a long time. Then, a few hours before Selena was to return home, she dumped the guano onto the family's garden and, as she was told to, left Squeaky's cage right beside the rose garden. When the family returned, they blamed Selena for the incident, then drowned Squeaky. After a long lecture from her mother, her father sent her to Hope Springs.
Likes: As you might have noticed, Selena loves animals. They are the only things that don't frighten her. She especially likes bats. Selena also likes watermelon and lemonade. That's pretty much it.
Dislikes: Loud noises, the dark, heights, small spaces (these are also fears), and, most of all, strict and mean people.
Other: No, not really. 
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:40pm May 13 2011 (last edited on 10:42am May 14 2011)
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Posts: 1,338
Name: Connor Gender: Male Pupil number: 5 (8D) Age: 17 Sexuality: He's not quite sure. Very confused about it at the moment. Appearance: Personality: Connor is, as his pupil number suggests, a theif. Even more so, he's a liar. Both these things contribute to him constantly getting in trouble, always breaking the rules. He doesn't like listening to anyone, sometimes he doesn't even listen to himself. He goes against everything he belives, just in spite of others. He isn't too compassionate, don't expect much kindess from him. Oh, and he is a major flirt. It's because of his 'bad' nature, makes him think that he's 'all that' and such. He will flirt with practically any girl he sees. Connor is slowly becoming bisexual, though he won't let anyone know. He feels that people will make fun of him if he likes boys as well. To make up for this, he flirts constantly with girls, not to make suspicion. Though, bottling all these confusing emotions, it has made Connor a very angry person. He hates that he can't be who he is, without judgement. History: Connor was always constantly getting in trouble. He was a class 3 truent, meaning he almost never went to school. He would have dropped out, but his parents told him that he would not be welcome in their house if he did. What upsets Connor the most is that his parents didn't call Hope Springs. His counseler did. Though Connor already despises the thought of being in hope springs, he hates the thought of what might happen there. He didn't want to become some 'good' child. He hated being good. Good was for the weak, which, Connor was not. Likes:
Connor's favorite thing is to do things people consider bad. He gets a thrill from opposing them, not actually doing what he does. He loves most everything that defies anything. ((Very generic, I know... Sorry, blank minded right now. :c)) Dislikes: Anything 'good'. He hates, with a passion, kids that are brown-nosers or teacher's-pets. They made him squirm with anger and rage. Nothing will bother him more than a kid who kisses his a.ss for attention or approval. He much prefers people who are silent, or at least bite their tongues. Other: Erm, not much really. Oh wait, he wants a Neon Jellyfish. :3
((Is this okay? c:))
4:28am May 14 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 243
[Nessie, please can you pick either pupil one or two, m'kay? Otherwise, she's fine. Dj and Shay accepted. 8D -scuttles off to edit-]
9:03am May 14 2011
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Posts: 243
10:42am May 14 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Yay! x3 Let's just consider this a bump. c:))
2:37pm May 14 2011 (last edited on 2:52pm May 14 2011)
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Posts: 243
[I shall consider it a bump. xDD Teehee, Dr Who confidential after an awesome Dr Who episode. <3]
3:56pm May 14 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 314
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
5:09pm May 14 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 243
2:13pm May 15 2011 (last edited on 2:14pm May 15 2011)
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Posts: 243
3:36pm May 16 2011 (last edited on 3:46pm May 16 2011)
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9:45pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Bump~ :3))
10:23pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Name: Alyssa Gender: Female
Pupil number: Two
Age: Seventeen
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: As her pupil number said, Alyssa is incredibly cocky. People have made her this way, though, because at her old school, she was really popular. Sure, she had to pull a couple of strings to get to that popularity; be the first to try drugs, drink, etcetera, but in her mind, it was worth it. Alyssa's never done too well in school, scraping by with mostly an average of a C+ or B-, if she was lucky. But, even though she isn't book-smart, she's extremely street-smart. She knows her way around, that's for sure. Did I mention her cockiness makes her a huge flirt? Yeah, she thinks every guy wants her...which isn't always an overstatement.
History: She was a middle child in a family of 7 kids, so she was never paid much attention to. Her guidance counselor always thought that was why she would try to gain popularity; she needed to be noticed somewhere, right? But her parents, instead of finally noticing her when she got into her little habit, decided to ship her off to this stupid little Hope Springs. Yuck, even the name sounded horrible.
Likes: Popularity, boys, rain, walking hand-in-hand in the previous, and music.
Dislikes: Her family, dogs, and girls with nasally voices.
Other: Neon Jellyfish.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:35pm May 17 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 243
[Paige accepted. Nice character by the way. ^^ Now I need some one to join with a boy... One of you could take Sam if you like...?]
1:40pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 243
[Oh, and if I don't get enough interest, the 'one pupil per player' rule will be removed. :D]