((Hrm, actually, I'll be the inspector. x3 And then the ringleader if no one takes him. |D))
Melanie Rae Taphouse
(Rae = Ray)
Pupil number:

Melanie is... quite the curious one. She cares about everything, from what people think of her, to a person's take on their favorite ice-cream. She will always be there to ask you 'What's wrong?' or 'Is there any way I can help?' Usually, the girl means them in a nice way, where she actually does want to do some good. Other times, she's just in it for some gossip.
Even though Melanie wants to know everything, she will take a secret to the grave. If you tell her you don't want people to know, then she wouldn't tell a soul. She takes these things very seriously. Why wouldn't she? It's the way she is.
Another aspect to Melanie, is she's a doll. Sweetheart, really. But, she does have a temper. And, combining this with her intellect is a dangerous thing. Mel is nice to those who return the favor. And, she feels that her being in Hope Springs is actually rather funny.
Melanie was always the nice kid in school. Volunteer? You bet. Great grades? Yessiree. Amazing friend? To all those who were one back.
Well, one day, a friend of her's 'stabbed her in the back'. Meaning, her best friend asked a boy out, and he said yes. The same boy Mel had seemed to like. Mistake number one for her best friend. Because of Melanie's 'hook ups', she could do almost anything she wanted throughout the school. One day, she slipped a few extra paragraphs into the morning announcements. A few paragraphs that practically ruined her best friend's life.
Outraged, her parents then sent her to Hope Springs. They 'hoped' that it could bring her to reality, and make her the sweet, little girl they knew before.
Books, of almost any sort. Though she prefers non-fiction. Mel loves action movies, even the really cheesy ones. And knowing it all, that is Mel's one true love.
Girls, yes, she hates girls from now on. Romance, she thinks it's stupid, more chemical-science in the brain than actual 'magic', as some put it. Ex~
Is sometimes called 'Rae-Rae'.
Is this alright? xD I feel as if I failed on it... o3o