3:30pm Aug 8 2010
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((I have September up.))
 (Banner made by Kina)
3:39pm Aug 8 2010
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ooc:// *laughs maniacally at the self-inflicted band joke*
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3:41pm Aug 8 2010
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ooc:// sorry guys, we're going to have to put this on hold. The Family decided that now would be a good time to go out for sushi and I'm not so stupid as to miss out on sushi. They have onigiri... Yumm. But please forgive me! It's very last second, but I shall do the opening as soon as I get back. *bows before leaving* Hugs and kisses!
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3:42pm Aug 8 2010
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(( ;~; Bye- ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:16pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 4:48pm Aug 8 2010)
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ooc:// Back! Ciel is wearing this: 
And Sebby is wearing this:
bic:// Ciel burst through the door of Akila's basement, running as if he had the devil on his heels. Of course, in the boy's eyes, the reality of his situation was close enough. He jumped the stairs two at a time, while the tall, pale figure dressed in black chased him, a look of concern and terror on the sharply lined face. "Young Master, be careful! You might fall and hurt yourself, and then where would I be? Without my love, that's where!" This only horrified him all the more, blue-grey hair parting to reveal the panic in his naturally sapphire blue eyes. He ran to his brother, who though only a year older was much taller, and hid behind him. "James, help! He's even more obsessed than usual today." At this Sebastian stopped, straightening up. His feline features became stern and cold as he bowed to the one he was convinced was his one and only. "Come now, Ciel. We both know that bringing your brother into this won't do anyone any good, because you are the only master I shall ever have."
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4:45pm Aug 8 2010
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James looked up suddenly to the sound of Akila's basement door flying open and his brother nearly throwing himself down the stairs to escape his ever present admirer. He paused in the process off plugging up his guitar. He personally found Sebastian's PDA amusement most of the time and apparently so did Alex as he let loose a series of low chuckles. James smiled at Ciel, "You're over reacting." He told him calmly, "Sebastian, don't over do it too much." He said. "Hey! At least you got here on time!" Alex teased lightly, pointing at him with his drum sticks from behind his drum.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:49pm Aug 8 2010
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Akila went downstairs. "Soory. Had to go to the store. We were almost out of food."She said. She stoppeed. "What happened down here?"She asked. September ran past Akila and went to her keybords. "Watch it Sept!"Akila said. "Sorry Aki."September said. Akila went down the stairs.
 (Banner made by Kina)
4:57pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 4:58pm Aug 8 2010)
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Ciel's only reply to them was to scowl, pouting quite scornfully at all three of them. He found a chair, crossing his legs primly before daining it proper to speak. "You are insufferable. I won't stand for your ridiculous behavior any longer, Sebastian. I'm not your one and only, your true love, your soul mate or anything of the sort. As far as I know I don't even swing that way. Why don't you go for James, instead?" He waved an arm at his brother, now looking quite upset. At this ex pression Sebastian's face softened, and he knelt in front of the boy who didn't look nearly old enough to be eighteen, and smiled. "That's right, isn't it? As far as you know. But if you would only give me a chance to prove you wrong, I'm sure we would discover it to be a little different." His smile turned into a grin, and he stood, preparing to lean forward and kiss the angry and shock-stricken Ciel. The move was anticipated, and Ciel stopped by raising one of his booted feet, pressing it ever so slightly against Sebastian's chest. Thus holding the man back he turned to James, brows furrowed in exhasperation. "Now do you see? He's been like this all day. I'm starting to think that we should have him committed." Finally Sebastian backed off, taking the chair beside Ciel to begin pouting. "Have a man sent to a loony bin just because he's in love with someone who doesn't love him back. We should have many more people in our asylums..." They both looked up at the girls' arrival, waving. Ciel even smiled at the sight of September. "Hey. No problem. We were just... hanging out."
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5:07pm Aug 8 2010
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ooc:// Love square idea! Ciel likes September who likes Alex who likes Sebastian who likes Ciel! It totally works and would certainly add quite a bit of drama...
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5:09pm Aug 8 2010
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ooc:// Too late to join? Two girls (twins actually) a part of the band as violenists? and A very odd guy as a groupie or well...he helps out the band a lot. Likes sets things up and stuff (totally forgot what they are called seeing my brain is sort of fried)
5:13pm Aug 8 2010
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ooc:// Yes, of course, mon amie! The meeting is starting, so just bring them in. They can be described as you go, and you can pull pics latah.
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5:18pm Aug 8 2010
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(( I like that idead Rein!! =D ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:38pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 5:40pm Aug 8 2010)
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ooc:// Strify.... http://api.ning.com/files/IiPjxkvW08UZ8*MAnaYjxvZKAdvD0V4qKuYffMXDBiY-uURgJLSsuEtFX4etsRLqrFplnXObLOK6q3bIsXMOybENHlFfYIEW/strify227bi2.jpg Azreal.... http://i600.photobucket.com/albums/tt90/Daniel_Sadao/bannerd1.png Renee... http://i600.photobucket.com/albums/tt90/Daniel_Sadao/img031.jpg bic:// Quiet bickering came from the stairs as the two twins descended having a small argument. Renee glared at her sister with a few harsh words under her breath before removing her gaze from the blue haired freak she called her sister. “I swear if he touches one more thing of mine I will kill him with my violin” Renee warned watching her sister step into the room. “You can’t submit to violence every time you do not like something, Renee” Azreal, Renee’s twin, complained shaking her head. “Plus he didn’t hurt it, just simply looked at it which involved touching” Az explained with a light sigh before noticing everyone else in the room. “Opps” She giggled slightly before waving. “Hello. My apologies for the little argument, we are done now aren’t we Red?” Azreal asked curiously calling her sister the common nickname from when they were kids. Before Renee had time to answer a extremely frantic guy jumped down the stairs and stopped in front of Renee. “Did you have to be that evil!?! I was only trying to help! I did not break your stupid little doll that you oh so cherish. Your room was dirty and gross and….” Before the guy could finish Renee grabbed the cane he was holding and pointed it to his throat shutting him up. “And my room. Go near it again and I will skin you alive do you understand me, Strify?” she asked lowering the cane from his neck.
“Clearly, but if you touch my cane again” he growled as his blue eyes seemed to burn a hole in Renee’s head. “the tables will be turned” he snapped picking up his cane and seemed to go over to the stairs sitting down on them watching the band keeping silent. The thing he hated the most besides people snapping at him was when they violated his canes. They were what made him, him.

5:48pm Aug 8 2010
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ooc:// OMG I <3 STRIFY!
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5:51pm Aug 8 2010
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James frowned at Ciel, "Hey!" He reacted to him trying to get Sebastian to 'go for him instead'. "I'm no one's second choice." He joked. "Oh yes." Alex piped in from across the room, automatically making James wish he hadn't said anything. "Because James is a prize..." He said quietly with a mocking look. James returned the mocking look before turning back to Ciel and Sebastian, noticing the look that Ciel gave September when she showed up. He understood now, he would have to talk to Sebastian later. "Ciel, relax..." He said, "Get set up." He told him, changing the subject. He knew that anything he said on the subject would only start something else totally off subject. Alex watched the three of them, quiet for an unexpected change. Usually he would be all over them, putting in his two cents here and there and wherever he was fit. But now he was just leaning back quietly. He could relate to what Sebastian had said and apparently it had gotten to him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:52pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 5:52pm Aug 8 2010)
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ooc:// ^.^ Thank you. He's really weird and we will find out later in the rp. ^.^ And bisexual.
5:52pm Aug 8 2010
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(( Omg! Strifey is cute >3< lol ~<3 ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:07pm Aug 8 2010
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Both Ciel and Sebastian fell silent at the scene on the stairs, staring at the other two members of their strange, motley band. Ciel allowed himself a sick pleasure in knowing that he wasn't the only one with issues, seeing the siblings and the group's only real groupie so far bickering like children. He quickly erased the smile from his face, returning to his rather bored frown as if the smile had never happened. "Of course. And splendid idea, James, because some of us-" He shot a pointed look at Sebastian. "- actually have to put effort in to remain a part of this group." He went to the case containing his guitar, then returned to his seat to tune it. While he strummed away at the strings, humming softly, Sebastian went to stand behind Alex. He leaned on the boy's chair, blood red eyes softly shining. "Love is such a difficult emotion, wouldn't you agree? Especially the unrequited love, that leaves you cold after its p*censored*ing of uncontainable heat."
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6:24pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 6:37pm Aug 8 2010)
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James sighed, this band was certainly special if nothing else, he ran his fingers over the strings of his guitar. He plugged it up, having forgotten to do so with the drama that the other members had managed to cause if in a matter of minutes. He had already tuned it up and was just waiting on everyone else, he seemed to be the first one to set up every time and wondered why that was. He absentmindedly picked at on of the strings with his thump, making a quiet thump over the amp which was located next to Alex. Alex watched James from the corner of is eye, counting the seconds until James realized he was doing it and stop dowing whatever he was doing. His concentration on that was broken, however, when Sebastian came up behind him. He frowned at his words, loosing count. "W-why are you bugging me?" he asked a few seconds after his little speech was over, trying to shake off what he had said. "Go bug James, James liked to be bugged." He told him, glaring down at him drums.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:34pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 6:44pm Aug 8 2010)
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Strify seemed to stifle a smirk at Sebastian's little speech before he let out a longing sigh himself. "If only life could be easy as to find sucha person to embrace the desire of one's own heart" he uttered to himself running his fingers lightly over his cane before noticing Renee's glare. "Do practice sweet Red. I shall not bug you anymore" he said motioning his hand towards her violin that sat a little ways from him. He loved to upset her because he knew she hated him more than anyone in the world. With the thought he smirked letting his mind wander waiting for the band to warm up. Renee sighed before grabbing her violin and placing it under her chin allowing the sweet hiss to release from it's cords as she drew the bow a crossed the strings. She loved the sound of her violin, especially when they got into the high fast paced songs. It sent joy into her heart knowing that such beautiful music was comming from an instrument that people constantly mocked. Azreal followed along with Renee's cords as they both warmed up and tuned their violins. She too equally loved the instrament and sound it was capable of producing. It only took minutes for the two twins to warm up and await for the music the band would be playing. It didn't take them long at all to tune the strings due to the fact they played all the time, wheather it be with the band or a friendly sister compitition on who can out play the other. (( Opps. Forgot to mention the girls play the electric violin ))
