8:53pm Aug 8 2010
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September sighed. "Let's practice and get this over with so I can cry my eyes out."She said sarcasticly. Akila cursed under her breath. She listened to James and Alex. "I love that song...."She smiled. September nodded. "What song first?"September asked. (~Braindead~ Sorry.)
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8:56pm Aug 8 2010
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Sebastian straightened out, giving Strify a nod and a smile. He waited until everyone had finished their warm-ups before raising a hand, stepping into the center of the group. "Usually I leave you guys be when you're practicing, so obviously I have a reason for being here today. Today I got a call from a club that wants us to play. When I said yes, they asked what the name was. This brought to my attention that we don't actually have a name, or a specific theme. With your broad range of musical styles, we fit under every category except rap, country, or foreign. So today we vote. Let the arguing begin." Looking up from his bas.s Ciel looked around, piercing eyes looking less energetic, more... bored with life. "I say Nexus of a Crisis. It sounds cool." After giving him a nod Sebastian smiled. "I say Mental Reservation. Because I have reservations about the healthof all your mental conditions."
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9:03pm Aug 8 2010
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"I don't know really."Akila said. "Me either."September nodded. They sat down. "I don't want anything real depressing."Akila sighed. September's eyes buldged. "Black Roses?"September asked. She had a huge smile on her face. "Nice idea September. What do you guys think?"Akila asked.
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9:08pm Aug 8 2010
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Ciel shrugged, looking over to Azreal. "Hey, I have this one part of this one song stuck in my head. Can I borrow your violin so I can play it out? If I don't it'll bother the heck out of me." For once his eyes showed emotion, just innocent puppy-dog eyes and begging.
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9:11pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 9:14pm Aug 8 2010)
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Azreal listened to Sebastian before laughing lightly. She leaned agaisnt the wall and shook her head. "I'm cool with whatever you pick as long as it includes us all and it is not two seperate names. For example 'Death Circle and the boys'" She explained looking around at everyone. She glanced over at Ceil when he had addressed her before nodding lightly. "Of course" she said with a warm smile standing up straight handing over her violin and bow. "Just break a cord and I have a feeling Renee would murder you. These are her violins" she laughed lightly. Renee agreed with Azreal before looking over at September. "That kind of sounds boring. I mean there are a lot of things that resort to Black Roses. Could you honestly see them chanting that in a crowd after we finish? With our wide variety of looks, we kind of need something a little more intimidating than that. Right?" She asked looking around at the band. Strify laughed from teh side lines and shook his head lightly. "I would have to agree with Sebastian on this one. You all are insane, but that is what makes you all great. Pick a name that fits yoru style and looks. Unless you really want to coordinate looks then I could be of some as.sistance there" he grinned already envisioning lots of things in his minds.

9:18pm Aug 8 2010
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With a gratefull smile Ciel took the violin and bow gently, as if it were a baby. Or... not. Because he didn't care about babies. This was a good instrument. So he treated it much better than he would treat a baby, tucking it under his chin to begin playing. Sebastion, now entranced with Ciel, managed to get out one comment. "That's why I suggested the name. With your insane skills, some hidden as Ciel is about to demonstrate, and range that has everyone liking at least a few of your songs, Mental Reservation is most suitable." After that he leaned back, ready to hear Ciel in one of his few and treasured displays of pure talent. ooc:// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6h7l9LM4y4 bic:// When he was done Ciel lowered the instrument from his chin with a sigh of relief, handing it back to Azreal. "Thanks. I needed that."
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9:23pm Aug 8 2010
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Akila was full of anger and went upstairs to get a drink. September followed. September sighed and grabbed an asprin for Akila. "Here."She said. "Why are you suddenly mad?"September asked Akila. Akila shrugged and swallowed. "I really don't know."She blinked. "I think I'm going crazy."Akila muttered. "You're not going crazy."September sighed.
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9:30pm Aug 8 2010
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"Whoa" Strify muttered hopping off the stairs as the angry Akila walked up them. He blinked stupidly before looking at Renee. "Da.mn did you have to upset them?" he asked curiously before nodding lightly at Sebastian once again. "I guess that name is better than Dysfunctional Relations, I came up with" he muttered with a shrug of his shoulder. "I...I was only stating my opinion" Renee said with a slight frown glancing up the stairs. "I will keep my mouth shut then" she said leaning against the wall glancing over at Ceil watching as he handed the violin back to Azreal. "I swear, Ceil. You make me ashamed I play like I do" Azreal laughed taking back the violin and bow. "That was good" she said with a grin before curiously looking up stairs.
9:33pm Aug 8 2010
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Alex rested his chin in his hand and his elbow on his drums, suddenly bored with the topic change. Obviously James wasn't too impressed either as he continues to pick away at his guitar, thought not enough to make any noise through the amp. "The infected." Alex mumbled off to the side, his eye half lidded in boredom. James looked at him, "What was that?" He asked, he though he heard something about an infection. Alex looked at him quickly with raised eyebrows. "Hn?" He asked, as if James was acting an off the wall question. James turned to him, "What did you say?" He prompted. Alex stopped leaning on the drums. "The Infected?" He said a little louder but not much more. ((Sorry, my mom wanted me to do some extra c*censored*s DX))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:36pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 9:40pm Aug 8 2010)
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Ciel laughed, surprising Sebastian enough for a look of pure shock. The sound was genuine, and he smiled warmly at Strify. "That's the best name I've heard yet. Each one of us came in with some sort of scene. Except James and Alex, but they're the closest thing we have to normal in this group. Dysfunctional Relations!" At Renee's glance and Azreal's compliment he blushed, his snow white cheeks blooming into a color that made Sebastian want to rush forward and hug him. For the first time in his life, Sebastian held back this instinct. Ciel shrugged it off, looking down at his own instrument. "It's nothing. I'm just good with strings." Sebby turned to Alex, smiling. "That's pretty good. I like it. So far we have Mental Reservation, Dysfunctional Relations, and Nexus of a Crisis. Any more nominations?"
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9:41pm Aug 8 2010
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Akila and September went back downstairs. "Soory about that. Just too many thing building up inside of me. I was about to lose it."Akila sighed. September half- smiled. "So....."She said. "What's our band name?"September asked. Akila muttered something under her breath to make sure no one even knew she said anything to herself.
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9:49pm Aug 8 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:50pm Aug 8 2010
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Strify too was shocked but seemed to laugh a little bit at the thought of it. "yeah. You all have some issues going on. We all are just one big dysfunctional family" he grinned glancing over at Alex and James who seemed to be the normal ones in the group. "Those are all pretty good. I say choose from those" he said putting his two sense in before leaning against the wall a little scared to go back and sit on the stiars in fears of being run over. Azreal smiled and nodded lighlty to his words. "You are really good with strings. Remind me not to get into a compitition with you" she said with a warm smile and a slight laugh. She thought about the song choices and shook her head. "I say we go ahead and pick. I can't think of anything else." Renee smiled softly before glancing down at her violin. "I'm voting on choosing between those three" she said flatly kind of getting bored of the conversation.
9:56pm Aug 8 2010
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Sebastian nodded, hearing everyone on one string. "Then I say we drop Nexus of a Crisis, and pick between Mental Reservation and Dysfunctional Relations. Say which one you prefer, and whichever has the most votes is the new name, and then you all can get along with whatever it is you do." With that Ciel spoke, shrugging. "I say Dysfunctional Relations. It suits us."
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9:58pm Aug 8 2010
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September sighed and rubbed her forehead. "I'm going for a walk. See ya later."She said. She went out the downstairs door, humming a song she made up. Akila blinked. "So...."She sighed. Another anger moment. She hated being Bi- polor. "I ahte this."She muttered. She went back upstairs. She took her 'pills'.
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10:02pm Aug 8 2010
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Strify watched September and Akila before sighing lightly and turning his attention to the band. "Dysfunctional Relations is totally my vote. It does fit you and it is being proven true by each p*censored*ing moment" he muttered glancing at the door and stairs before over at Renee having the strong urge to go bug her. Renee took a deep breath and thought for a moment. "Well Mental Reservation sounds like you want to lock us all up in an asylum so i'm going with Dysfunctional Relations. At least that doesn't sound like we need to be commited." Azreal laughed at her sister's comment. "Well. I have to agree with my sister on this one which is a first" she said glancing down at her violin picking at one of the strings before looking up stairs to where Akila disapeared to. She was worried slightly and her her soft blue eyes revealed that.
10:17pm Aug 8 2010
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(( It just refreshed my post away DDDXXX ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:21pm Aug 8 2010
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ooc:// I'm going to be occupied for a sec, loves. There's this really sad album video by Daft Punk, called Interstella 5555. The music is great, so if the storyline. It's awesome. And... I'm crying, so I won't be able to read for a while.
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10:26pm Aug 8 2010
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ooc:// Now you have me curious. -goes to look it up-
10:27pm Aug 8 2010
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OOC - Reinabella: Why aren't you replying to our Rp...?
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