10:34pm Aug 8 2010
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ooc:// Because my fried brain can only handle so much at a time, and Scott and James can get boring after a while. Also, I'm tired. Immortal: Do, because it rocks my effing socks off. It's helping me relax after the violent movie I just saw.
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10:40pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 10:49pm Aug 8 2010)
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James raised his eyebrows as he watched everyone around him. Either arguing loudly or walking away in a huff. "Dysfunctional Relations has my vote." James said, looking over at Alex. Alex was still leaning on his drums, nibbling on his lip ring in thought. James frowned, that was so not like him, what was wrong with everyone today? He suddenly felt like he was the only one that didn't have a problem here at this point. Though he was starting to feel the effects from everyone else. It was one hell of a depressing vibe. (( Awz~ Scott got bored with James? xD ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:40pm Aug 8 2010
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ooc:// good lord its like an hour long. lol. I'm only 17 minutes into it. its interesting.
10:50pm Aug 8 2010
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ooc:// Never! I just got kicked off for a brief period and got distracted. Having ADHD to the max will do that to a girl. Immortal: Yay! I knew I wasn't weird for liking it. It's a full length movie, so it is a tad long, but it's totally worth every minute. With a flourish Sebastionmade a grand, sweeping gesture around the room, then bowed. "Dysfunctional Relations it is then. Since we are all in one accord, go on doing... Whatever it is that you do." He shrugged, grinning as he stepped back out of the limelight. Finding himself a nice little space of wall he leaned his 6'5 form against it and settled in for the day. Ciel looked around at his fellow band members, a sigh of boredom ready on his lips. "I say we skip practice and hang out. I mean, we haven't even started yet and I'm already sick of playing. Let's do something... I dunno, interesting." He shrugged, looking very much the sulking teenager at that moment.
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10:57pm Aug 8 2010
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ooc:// Sorry, y'all. If I don't mosey on up to bed my mom is gonna come down with the flying monkeys in full force, and nobody want's that. She looks like something outta Night of the Living Dead. Also, ignore Ciel. He's a bit moody.. ^-^
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11:00pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 11:02pm Aug 8 2010)
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ooc:// Awwww. Its sad! Although you have to admire how love works. ^.^ and no you arn't weird. I like it. -saves to favorites- bic:// Renee glanced at Ciel smiling warmly. "I would love to skip practice today. Not really much of a mood seeing Strify defiled my room" she said glaring over at him who had a glare on his face. "Hey! I cleaned it" he sighed before running forward snatching Azreal's hands spinning her around. "Hmmm. We could go to a club! Where we don't have to sing and just party the night away" he grinned releasing Azreal. Az snatched his cane from his hands and hit him up side th head. "Do that again and it will be a lot harder" she threatened throwing his cane back at him before sighing. "We should actually practice. All we acomplished today was finding a name for ourselves. Also what was the point of tuning everything if we wern't going to put some decent effort into things?" Azreal asked curiously.
11:26pm Aug 8 2010
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Axel suddenly sat up, grinning wickedly and looking at James. James looked back at him, a confused look of his face. "...What...?" He asked, "Lets race." He suggested excitedly. James smiled slowly, he liked that idea. He and Alex used to race all of the time, but they hadn't lately for some reason. Now was the perfect opportunity to catch up on that. Alex didn't want to practice, practice had been ruined for him today. James took the strap of on his shoulder and went to stand beside Alex, a playful glint in his odd eyes. "Cars or motorcycles?" He asked, Alex bounced a little in his seat, looks like he had a taker. "Both. We race to the cars in the motorcycles and whoever gets to the old bridge first wins." Alex sauggested, setting everything up quickly in his mind. "Oh, and this time... I'm gonna win." Alex said. James was usually the winner but Alex was determined that he wanted to win this time around. "No way." James said competitively, both of them had completely forgotten about everyone else in the room with their plans of dangerous interactions. "Because I am the Champion my friend." James said. "What are the stakes?" Alex asked, "The usual." James answered, loving the look that crossed his face at that. "....Fin. The usual. Deal?" He asked, "Deal." James answered quietly, their whole conversation having been in a hushed tone. (( Sorry, gotta get off now. First day back to school tomorrow!! Wish me lucj please! Thanks! Gotta get off or my mom is gonna take my laptop. DDX ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:50am Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 9:59am Aug 9 2010)
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ooc:// Yay for school! I think I have two weeks left for mine... *goes off to look at calendar* Ciel turned, watching, though not hearing, their conversation. After a moment he turned back to Strify, and nodded. "I know just the place. And our outfits" He gestured to himself, Sebby, Azreal, Renee and Strify. "are considered the normal." A grin broke across his face, and he turned to Alex and James. "We're going to the Changeling downtown. Meet us there when you lot are finished fooling around with whatever." With the very unusual look of excitement on his face Ciel turned back to Az. "Come on. We always practice. When was the last time we just hung out, having fun. The day we decided to become a band, that's when. Besides, this club is amazing. It's called Changeling Carnival, and it's like a cosplay club. You can't get through unless you're dressed up. No jeans allowed. It's really cool, and they know me." He turned the full force of his rarely used puppy eyes on her, looking extemely pitiful and absolutely adorable.
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10:24am Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 10:26am Aug 9 2010)
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Strify stood back smirking but a little upset that he was hit in the head with his own cane. He watched Azreal and Ciel with much entertainment wondering if the softy would crack at one look of Ciel's puppy dog eyes. Azreal listened to Ciel just watching him for a few moments. She really wanted to practice but he was begining to slowly persuade her to give in to his 'having fun' demands. "Ciel" Azreal started looking into his eyes feeling her heart melt. "fine. We take a break today and i'll go with you to the club" she sighed gently putting her violin and bow up. She let out a sigh and looked at Ciel. "I trust you Ciel. Do anything to break it and that's the last time I follow you anywhere" she sighed not really beleiveing he would cheat that way and use those adorable puppy dog eyes on her. Renee laughed placing her hand on Azreal's shoulder. "Come on. You will have fun. You need to relax. You are starting to turn into me, and that's saying something" Renee said with a smirk noticing how uptight Azreal had become. It was almost unlike her to be so serious about the music and violin. Normally she would spend hours drawing or just having fun instead of practicing her music.

10:28am Aug 9 2010
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ooc:// I'll reply when I'm not having a brain flatus. >.< I had two good posts in me, and I used both of them up.
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10:35am Aug 9 2010
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10:40am Aug 9 2010
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10:49am Aug 9 2010
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ooc:// Renee's playby is a little more revealing than Az's seeing they both are models I used. *shrugs* Also in our Rp. You are welcome to skip to the next day where it can be more entertaining than snuggling on the couch. ^.^
8:00pm Aug 9 2010
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ooc:// *waits patiently for Tsunade-sama to get back from school*
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8:08pm Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 8:11pm Aug 9 2010)
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((Okay, so this is a bit late, but... Are there any positions open in the band? Or am I doomed to lurk? XD Although I'm fine with just watching, too. And you need to remember the highschool RP. Little Derek is all nervous with Nathan standing there. P: ...And I wanna glomp you for reminding me that I /really/ need to finish watching Kuro*censored*suji. ono))
8:26pm Aug 9 2010
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 (Banner made by Kina)
8:33pm Aug 9 2010
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ooc:// Rika watches Kuro! I LOVE YOU! But all the spots in the band are taken unless you want to play something obsucre like an electric cello or banjo (I've seen it done and it's awesome) and I lost the link to the high school roleplay in this mess of a hard-drive... >.< Tri: We picked Dysfunctional Relations, and we're going to a club downtown called Changeling Carnival where dressing in something ridiculous like Ciel and Sebby is pretty much a requirement.
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8:41pm Aug 9 2010
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((Okay. I'll have Akila stay home though.))
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9:02pm Aug 9 2010
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((...I bumped it up to the first page. XD Scroll down and it's there. <3 And lol. |D -stares at her flute- ....I need to practice that. >>;))
12:15pm Aug 10 2010
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ooc:// Donde esta Tsunade?
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