9:16pm Nov 9 2009 (last edited on 4:14pm Nov 25 2009)
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Posts: 341
"He never thought he'd feel his own soul sliding through his fingers, falling into the depths of his father's grave, down, down until the very maw of Hell opened wide to receive him. And thus his soul would be lost forever, bound eternally to the fate of the world falling apart around him." Welcome. I hope the ti tle alone pulled some of you in. I just started reading D.Gray-man, and I'm already itching to roleplay it. I hope some of you out there feel the same as I do. ^^ Plot: Currently in-development. If you can help me with an idea, I would love it. Want angst for sure.
Rules: 1. No PPing/Gming. No, RPing as Tyki doesn’t count as GMing.
2. BE LITERATE. I hate one-liners and bad grammar.
3. You may roleplay as many characters as you can handle and roleplay well.
4. Post “my headstone grieves for your lost soul” so I know you read these rules. 5. BOOKMARK this page. That way you can always post...and there will not be the "I lost the thread" excuse when this board is deleted.
Characters: Be anyone that you want, and I'm now opening this up to OCs. Please post this info (though we know them if they're a Canon):
[Picture] NAME: AGE: GENDER: PERSONALITY (try not to put one-word answers here): ROLE (exorcist, akuma, finder, etc.. If unknown, put misc. here): SPECIAL ABILITIES: PAST (if you want to type it out): OTHER: Will start after I get some interest. :) Bio coming in second post~
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:17pm Nov 9 2009 (last edited on 3:31pm Nov 18 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 341
((I'm only going to roleplay one character: Allen Walker.
NAME: Allen Walker AGE: 15 GENDER: Male PERSONALITY: Allen is kindhearted and true. He is a friendly and kindhearted soul, and is fiercely loyal to his friends. He is very well-mannered and has a habit of speaking formally, a trait he took to from his adoptive father, Mana Walker. ROLE: Exorcist SPECIAL ABILITIES: The black cross embedded in his left hand is an Innocence, to whom he is the Accommodator. His left eye can see the human soul bound within an akuma, allowing him to decipher between akuma and human. PAST: Though this is known to most of us, I will type it out anyway. Note that I am using the manga plot. Allen Walker was born with a deformed arm and was abandoned by his parents. Mana Walker found and adopted him, raising him until he died. Distraught and inconsolable, Allen used the power of the Millennium Earl to bring his stepfather back as an Akuma, who proceeded to slash his left eye and put a curse on him. Allen’s left arm was invoked, and it destroyed Mana. Allen was then found by General Cross, who took him as an understudy and trained him to be an Exorcist. OTHER: Eats a lot.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:22pm Nov 9 2009
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Posts: 1,719
((*mumbles something* Since you stole one of meh RA1 charries, could I be his lover and play her tellie-style? Yes, my headstone grieves for your lost soul...)))
9:25pm Nov 9 2009
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Posts: 341
((Simply note that I don't do Canon x OC relationships. ^^ Other than that, welcome.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:36pm Nov 9 2009 (last edited on 9:58pm Nov 9 2009)
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Posts: 145
"my headstone grieves for your lost soul" Alrighty, until I find a nice hot picture of Lavi... You can use your imagination of a 18 year old boy, with an eye patch on his right eye, and deep green eyes that sparkle like diamonds. Soft fluffly orange hair with a black/green headband to keep it up. Amazing body... You get the point. =] Also, before you come running to MY Lavi as his lover... I might have to rethink about that one. xD I mean, I have a finder in mind to go with him already, but if your character intrigues me enough, the finder idea is out and he's all yours. NAME: Lavi (49th alias, real name unkown) AGE: 18 GENDER: male PERSONALITY:Lavi is a flirt, if he sees any older women that interest him, his eyes will turn to hearts while yelling strike! He is a carefree guy, with a great humor. Although he starts off like he doesn't care about his comrades, they grow on him, and he is shown to be a serious person when it comes to one of their live's at stake. Lavi is incredibly smart, as he is aims to become the next bookman, he has a vast knowledge. A great *censored*et in battle, for analyzing situations. ROLE: Excorcist as well as the Bookman in training. SPECIAL ABILITIES: His anti-akuma weapon can control the weather. His weapon is a hammer, which he nicknames Kozuchi Ozuchi "Big Hammer, Little Hammer" The hammer can turn as long as Lavi wants or as wide. The size affects the weight of damage on others he users his weapon on, but for Lavi the weight is always the same. His hammer can be used for flying, by extending the handle. Lavi's weapon has 10 techniques, the first few are known, the last few have not been introduced. PAST (if you want to type it out): Lavi's past is unkown. Rumor says his 48th alias was Deak the rest about him is very much lost. There has not been an indication to why his right eye is covered with an eyepatch. Although it is known that his right eye is still usable, as in one episode he states, if I could use both eyes, identifying the key would be a lot easier. OTHER: He will flirt with you if you are hot. 8D So you older women better watch out, as Lavi has no real feelings for a steady relationship.... Yet. And I ish done. 8D
10:02pm Nov 9 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 1,326
mm..... i wont be roleplaynig, but i'll be following this story :D
10:11pm Nov 9 2009
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Posts: 341
((Oh Gawd. xD Wouldn't it be great if Lavi flirted with Allen-san? He is based on a girl, after all. xD Anyway, I would have made my bio a bit longer, but I think we all know Allen, yeah? Lavi should make the intro post. I'll have to make mine in the morning.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:19pm Nov 9 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 145
(( That would definately be amusing. I'll get Lavi hit on Allen sometime.8D Obviously Allen is hot so Lavi will not be able to resist. I'll start an intro post soon, waiting to see if anyone is interested in loving Lavi, cause once I create this finder, basically she's there for good. LOL))
5:58am Nov 10 2009 (last edited on 5:59am Nov 10 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
((Might I join? o: My Headstone Grieves for your lost soul.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:54am Nov 10 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 341
((Uh huh, and Allen would totally accept that from Lavi. xD We all know he likes Kanda. You don't need to ask, paige, just post a bio and what you've already got. ^^ I'll make an intro now, just cuz I can.)) BIC|| The moon always had a way of putting him in a daze. He brushed a strand of his white hair behind his ear, leaning his face into the early evening wind. Why did his father's curse have to make him match the moon so much? Allen Walker, teenage Exorcist of the Black Order, gave a small sigh as the wind whipped his heavy black coat around him.Couldn't he have been a little more...alive-looking? Why did he have to match the moon so well? He cast his gaze to the sky, watching the deep black void for any stars that would appear. It was rare to see England's sky so open; after all, it was usually covered in clouds or fog. "I match those too..." he mused, a small smile playing across his pale lips. What was there now for him to do? His life revolved around stopping the Millennium Earl and his akuma, though they had not given him any trouble recently. he sighed again and ran a hand through his wind-tossed hair, pushing it back away from his forehead and revealing the scar over his left eye. "I'm getting lazy..." he chuckled softly. "Is there nothing to do but wait...?"
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

5:57pm Nov 10 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 341
((I bump my threads with quotes and proverbs. Here is Chinese proverb #1: A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

6:12pm Nov 10 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 1,789
(Im just gonna point out that you NEED to watch the anime if you havnt already, its great XD one of my faveroute animes XD)
6:19pm Nov 10 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 341
((Meh, I'm not a fan of Allen's voice, dub or sub. It's just...no. And he is drawn better in the manga. But I do like Lavi. He's cute no matter where he is~ Another Chinese proverb: A book holds a house of gold.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:03pm Nov 10 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 341
((Chinese proverb #3: A bit of fragrance clings to the hand that gives flowers.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:13pm Nov 10 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 6,511
( Rats. e.e I would join, but I'm not exactly sure if I'd be really interested in roleplaying D.Gray-man. o.o Sorry for spamming. e.o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:02pm Nov 10 2009 (last edited on 9:03pm Nov 10 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 341
((Then why would you post? :< Chinese proverb #4: A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

2:21am Nov 11 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 145
(( Ahaha, sorry. Back from school... Perhaps LoneVarg and Jess might join... Maybe even Tsu. I'll ask them when I see them on. Ahahaa, yah, Allen and Kanda... No wait D8 I always thought Kanda and Lavi made a better couple. ROFL I have to say, Allen and Lenalee are awesome together.)) NAME: Hitan Saruno AGE:16 GENDER:female PERSONALITY : Hitan is a very quiet and shy individual, but if you know her well that would be the complete opposite of who she is. She is loud, she is mean, she can be the most hyper person you meet. It all depends on her mood. She is known as smart from her studies, and is kind at heart. Although she has her secrets and her wish to revenge her family... ROLE: Nurse and doctor's *censored*istant (hope that's fine) she is skilled in the medical area, but none the less, if finders are short on hand she is sent. SPECIAL ABILITIES: None, she is not an exorcist. Although she is skilled in hand to hand combat and sword skills, but her specialty is still healing and finding cures for poison. You can say she is a master at poisons. She always has arm pads on, in case she is ever attacked with sharp objects. PAST : Hitan had a loving family. They were well known and had a good relationship with other clans. Until her mother died, and her father tried the inevitable... Hitan at the age of 3 was abandoned, and she had no where to go. The Kandas took her in, and she served as a playmate for the kids there. When she turned 12 she moved on to working in the kitchen and stuff. Although Hitan was a servant, she was treated fairly well, taught the basics and found herself learning poison. It intrigued her so much, poison... She even started using herself as the experiment tool, until one day the young master of the house found out and suspended the usage of poison. She agreed but secretly still kept her learnings, and soon mastered some cures for irregular poisons. When she officially left the Kanda house, she joined the Black Order, to hope for a better future. She also found out the person she must revenge her parents for while in the Black Order and has stayed since. OTHER: Met Lavi when she was only 14, that time he was known as Deak and so it confused her why his named changed when she finally met him again. Kanda Yu, has some relationship with her about poison, other than that he is not really that important in her life. Although she still confides in him from time to time. ((There. 8D I just couldn't resist the poison plot. Ahaha, I was thinking since Kanda could heal himself faster, maybe she tested Poison on him? ROFL who knows... I'm satisfied for now. She must revenge her family of the Millenium Earl, seriously.)) Lavi jumped off a tree branch. It had been awhile since he was able to enjoy the dark blue sky with the stars as it was. It was one of the clearer days during the times with the Akuma and he gently smiled to smell the fresh air. It amused him to no end that the Noahs haven't attacked for so long. "Tyki?" Lavi smiled softly thinking about that weirdo with the two identities, he was just like himself, but different. Unlike Tyki, Lavi realized he had more than 49 lives by now, and he dropped his head feeling confused. "Is being the Bookman that important?" Lavi continued to ponder as he found Allen lying around in the gr*censored*, he slowly walked up to Allen and quickly tackled him around. Rolling from here to there... "Ouch... It hurts more than I thought." Hitan played around with a needle as she inserted poison into herself. It was the newest poison she created with about 35 different ingredients, the chemical reactions of them caused the poison to be a slow but affective killer. Hitan slowly laid down to test it, hours past and she felt rather numb. She quickly reached over to the antidote she created and drank it down. In minutes it showed the effectiveness of the cure. "Ahaha, like I thought... 2 hours to get numb before death, 4 minutes to have cure work" she placed her work in her drawer and locked it up "I suppose this can work for now. At least Rouvelier hasn't bothered me to do anything nasty again." Softly she slowly put her head on her pillow, and stared at the roof. Hitan knew it was getting rather late, and she drifted into a deep slumber while mumbling, "Mom.... Dad..." ((That's all for now. 8D))
4:45am Nov 11 2009
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Posts: 1,326
((wow Soreyal, you just described my personality O__o))
8:04am Nov 11 2009 (last edited on 8:05am Nov 11 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 341
Allen sighed quietly, shaking his head slightly. What on earth was provoking his intense thought processes? The lunar effect on his brain was horrid if the moon was truly responsible; he hated thinking of himself in such a way. He would have continued thinking those nasty thoughts had Lavi not tackled him.
"Laviiiiiii-san!" Allen whined. "You're so mean! Why did you have to break my concentration, baka? And you're getting gras.s in my coat!" he chuckled and gave the other Exorcist a warm smile. He was inwardly grateful for Lavi's presence...his personality and aura were always so warm and happy, like a spring day in the midst of Allen's winter. ((Crappy morning post. Don't worry about the awkwardness at the end. I'm going to do that for everyone Allen meets. Lavi's just special...he gets more of it. xD Lavi x Allen is my favorite pairing now.
We need a Kanda. I can't do it, though. xD Too serious for me. I may take Lenalee, though.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

7:28pm Nov 11 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 341
((Chinese proverb #5: A book tightly shut is but a block of paper.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."
