8:38am Dec 17 2009 (last edited on 8:51am Dec 17 2009)
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~( Nooo lol XD Maya's awesome, no kill! lol. You can injure her all you want though, she's not used to fighting Noahs and she's already injured so she's likely to lose... this time >3 Neh lol XD reminds me... i EDITED Mayas special abilities. Dang it took me forever to think of something decent to give her in the way of attack and whatnot XD)~
8:42am Dec 17 2009
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(( MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! >D *gets ready to stab* ))
9:11am Dec 17 2009
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Posts: 79
(( well it's a start...xD better than what he had before..)) The Japanese exorcist walked back through the entrance of the Ark and headed to Allen's room. It was awfully quiet, now that Allen stopped playing the piano and the Noah's left. As he walked the streets of the white city, he saw a glimpse of two people from afar. He raiseed an eyebrow, curious as always, he decided to check out who those figures were. One was pretty short, almost like a child, while the other one was much taller. He narrowed his eyes, 'Who the hell could this be!?' debating, he could decide if he should even bother with them...but it would be interesting to see if was an opponent worth fighting. A slight grin crept on his face, 'screw Komui's orders...' he thought and ran towards the fight. Noticing the shorter female had spiky hair and the other was the new comer. He gritted his teeth, 'Dammit...bad decision.' he skidded but was too late, for Rhode probably already noticed him. --- Tyki laughed evilly as he phased through the ceiling of Allen's piano room. "Long time no see..." he started to say, pushing himself from the ceiling, launching himself towards the sliver-haired exorcist. Hitting Allen directly and pinned the boy down to the ground "...Shounen..." He grinned, picking Allen up by the collar of his uniform. Looking back at Lenalee "Don't worry, little girl...he won't suffer."
9:35am Dec 17 2009 (last edited on 9:48am Dec 17 2009)
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Lenalee's eyes widened as Tyki appeared. What? He was back already?... but, no!... None of them had prepared for this! this wasn't supposed to happen now! Lenalee took an urgent step forward, how could she fight like this?... she still wasn't entirely out of her weakened state... With all the determination she could muster, she went to take another stop forward, she couldn't handle the fact Allen might get hurt again... what? Lenalee looked at her own feet. She couldnt move... not even an inch... "What is... this..." She clenched her teeth and tried again, she had to help Allen... "There's really no getting out of it you know..." Lenalee's head snapped around, just as a second Noah appeared. Cyril smiled sweetly, glancing towards Tyki and Allen. "Why don't you just behave yourself and stay right here?" He looked over at the red haired exorcist, having trapped both of them in his wires. He clapped his hands together, looking around cheerfully at them all. "Well, im certainly going to enjoy myself" He chuckled darkly, turning his eyes to watch the silver haired boy as Lenalee continued to struggle. Maya hissed at the appearance of the young noah. She'd pinpointed the girl as a noah long before she showed up. There was an overpowering killer aura radiating from this girl, and Maya took a hesitant step back. She despised not being on level ground with an enemy, and she hated it when she knew she couldn't win, which wasn't often. She glared at the noah... this was one of those times... she knew she couldn't win, no way in hell. Her injuries from her previous battle had been ebbing away at her for some time now and with her body in this state, theres no chance she could activate her innocence and keep it that way. Admittedly, it was her own fault, she hadn't expected such a quick counter attack and hadn't got herself seen to. How stupid of me... she thought savagely to herself... She scoped her surroundings... hell... There was no way she could run... she was too weak for it now... "Tch... damnit..." She grasped her torn shoulder, the blood staining her white blonde hair, her body aching with the lack of oxygen from her past battle as she continued to glare over at the noah. There was one chance, she could prevent the noah from harming her, but it would take time to work... she'd need to avoid getting killed until it did work... she clenched her free fist and activated that hidden venom, knowing it was her only chance at this moment in time if she was to survive, and she was damn sure she wasn't going to let this noah destroy her... "And so the race begins..." she whispered sarcastically, tensing herself for the noah's first onslaught.
7:05pm Dec 17 2009
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Just as Rhode was about to unleash a deadly attack on Maya, she flet a new pressence. She felt an angry and irritated presence, a very angry and irritated presence. Something similar to Maya's presence. The presence was, well, making her irritated, but not angry. She twitched. Rhode hopped back on Relo, and took a deep breath. The noah then created a black wall, preventing the japanese from escaping. "Sorry there Kanda ♪ Sadly, i'm in charge of killing you too ♪" She looked at him, waiting for a reaction. She kept the candles close to Maya, those would stab her if she misbehaved. But just in case, she created more candles for kanda too, but these she kept closer to herself.
Rhode sighed yet again today. Now that Kanda's here, she wont be able to 'help' Tyki or her uncle...
((ne, this seems unusally short ;O ))
11:21am Dec 18 2009 (last edited on 12:24pm Dec 18 2009)
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Posts: 341
His Innocence had been activated for this reason, Allen concluded. Perhaps Mana was really watching over him. The irony...the father that cursed him was responsible for this form of his Innocence. He did not speak to the Noah pinning him to the piano, nor did he say a word to Lenalee as she struggled against Cyril. When Tyki pulled him up by his collar, he allowed himself to open his eyes and stare the Noah in the face. "...Clown Belt." his Innocence responded, wrapping around the Noah's arms and pushing them both up into the air on spider-thin legs. His left hand gave a twitch, then shifted forward to rest against Tyki's throat, deadly claws poised to rend him open. 'Mana...thank you for the warning,' he gave the Noah a small smile before finally speaking to him. "Tyki Mikk...are you here to play another round of Poker?" he asked softly. "Tell me...are there any akuma with you...?" Maybe he was being over confident. Just because Tyki hadn't stunned him as much as he had hoped to did not mean he could defeat the Noah in a one-on-one battle. He hoped his actions were enough to stun the Noah into giving him the upper hand...
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:20pm Dec 18 2009
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Posts: 79
Kanda gritted his teeth, cursing in his mind. 'Damn curiosity...' the boy knew he shouldn't have fallen for it, but now since he was trapped in the black room he had to find a way to get out.
Of course though, he looked over at Maya from the corner of his eyes...he had to be trapped here with her. Which made him even more angry at himself, for going near Rhode. He focused his attention back towards the young Noah, he had to concentrate on the main problem.
He slowly reached for Mugen, being careful not to have those sharp candles pierce through him. He knew this fight was going to be tougher than his battle with Skin...especially with a co-op now. Oh how much he hated being on a team with someone...especially a newcomer. --- "You know shounen...you need to find a new trick." He summoned a Teeze in his hand, creating a pink shield-like- weapon against his arm and jerked the silver-haired boy towards him. Sending a pink wave of energy into his body, making the him let go of the Noah's arms.
He landed back down on the ground "And to answer your question, No...there are no Akuma..." he said as the Teeze begun to seep out of him.
5:34am Dec 19 2009
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Lenalee could only watch Allen and Tyki as Cyril stood between her and Lavi with a smile on his face. She'd continued to try moving only to realize she clearly wasn't getting out of this one... she was sure her weakened state didn't help none either, her body was completely still, only her head was capable of movement. She forced herself to keep her eyes on the battle in front of her, she refused to turn away from this one... Allen-kun... Cyril was perfectly happy to just watch the young exorcist and his brother go at it. This time around, he wasn't all that fussed whether or not Tyki failed them again, he was here more for the enjoyment and the fact he wanted to see how this silver haired exorcist fought. On top of this, should this battle get slow paced, Cyril could always take matters into his own hands.... afterall... he did have the girl and the red-head hostage... It was clear to Maya she hadn't been the only one to sense that other being the moment the Noah raised those walls. She took that one second to glance over. WHAT?! him?! She felt her entire body tense. Oh, thats just freakin' typical. She cursed the fact she hadn't realized it was him earlier, afterall, he was the only one with an aura like THAT. She turned to face Rhode, fists clenched, ready as ever to save herself some time.... crap. What a situation, getting trapped with the most stuck up, full of himself, exorcist she'd met, and not being able to protect herself... jeez. She inhaled slowly. Whatever. Her first priority was to get out of this alive... which, at the moment, wasn't looking too good.
8:37am Dec 19 2009
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Rhode felt really disappointed. she could not believe she was in change of killing these two irritating people. They cant even get along! And they just keep screaming their thoughts out... so much for tying to see if they had a plan.... Well, they did have plans, but it never really included the otehr party, other than him or her being a nuisence. One wanted to slowly pull out his sword, the other was trying hard to concentrate and kill her with some poison. "kekekekekkee..." a noise came from relo as it made a twisted face. "Now you start talking... i was begining to think earl sama tricked me into taking a fake one" Rhode said as she poked the ribbon that was tied onto the umbrella. "ne?! waaa!!! I was stolen again?! relo..." the umbrella started to cry tears like waterfalls. Talking to relo was really much more interesting, and she really did not feel like making te first move in the battle. She floated away from the exocists and awaited their attacks.
(( yay relo ;O anyone else wanna rp him? i can give up the slot =D))

5:37pm Dec 19 2009
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Posts: 341
Allen winced as he released the Noah from his Innocence's grasp. He had left himself open to attack by relying on his Innocence...the Clown Belt lowered him back down until his feet were touching the piano bench, then his Innocence wrapped protectively around him as if it was inspecting his inner workings for any lasting damage from Tyki's attack. Tyki was right. He needed new tactics. Allen clenched his teeth and cursed softly, brushing his tongue over his lips as he tried desperately to come up with a new battle plan. The familiar, irony taste of blood in his mouth was almost enough to nauseate him into submission. He brushed his lips over the back of his clawed hand to remove the taste from his mouth, then spat a small amount of blood onto the inverted keys of the piano. A few drops dripped from the corner of his lips, spreading out along the invisible seams of his snow-white cloak. 'Damn. Mana...this stuff never comes out of white fabric...' he mused, staring blankly down at the mask that had settled onto his chest. An odd thought burst into the front of his mind. Tyki Mikk was once as human as he was. They played Poker together once, one almost as good as the other. Allen won, of course, but he was used to gambling for his life...something a part-time Noah couldn't understand. They could have been...friends at some point.
...friends. The thought of it was about impossible. At the moment, the only emotion he was feeling towards the Noah was raw hatred. Thanks to Rhode and Tyki, he and Lavi had been put through hell on their first trip through the Ark. Lavi. A growl slipped from Allen's clenched teeth; Lavi, like his comrades, was probably in a lot of pain, and it was all because of his stupid idea to come to the Ark and play his damned melody. The Noah weren't supposed to be here, though...how could he know that they had planned to attack him today?! 'Don't hate me for this...' he thought, looking apologetically at Lenalee and Lavi. Maybe he would be able to avoid severe damage to himself, his secret room, and his comrades if he switched weapons...? 'Don't fail me now, Crowned Clown...I need to win this and stop Tyki Mikk...!' he masked his insecurity with a confident smirk as he looked into Tyki's eyes, gold on silver. "Good. I do not like cheating, as I bet you know and understand well." he leaned back on his heels, holding his deadly claws out in front of him, eagerly waiting for the Noah's next move, which he hoped to parry with the Crowned Clown's sword, provided he could invoke it... "Come, Tyki Mikk. Let's dance~"
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

11:44pm Dec 19 2009 (last edited on 11:54pm Dec 19 2009)
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Posts: 79
Kanda drew Mugen swiftly, dragging two fingers across the blade. He was actually quite surprised the girl let them have the first move, not that it might be an advantage or anything. Without any delay he called out for his second technique, which allowed him to create a second blade in his other hand, made out pure energy. "Hakka Tourou..."aiming for the female Noah, he quickly slashes at her eight times, hoping at least one would hit her. --- The Noah stared at the sliver-haired exorcist with his golden, predator eyes. Grinning at the fact that the boy wanted to face him one-on-one. "With pleasure..." he said, while commanding the Teeze to swarm around the boy, making it almost impossible to see. "Don't worry about your friends, boy. As long as the stay put, they will not be harmed." he faded through the floor and reappeared behind Allen. The shield along his arms vanished for the moment and pink orbs glowed around his hands. "Just like all the Akumas you've exorcised...I'm going to set you free, boy." the Teeze dispersed throughout the room, as the power coming from Tyki increased. The Noah created a giant sphere, and propelled it towards the exorcist. (( guh... >.< this sounds so lame~ ...I just dunno how to explain Tyk's power in words~ Dx ))
6:40am Dec 20 2009
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Lenalee could only clench her fists as she watched Allen and Tyki, Cyrils ability still holding her down. She took small comfort from the fact "Allen" seemed to know whst he was doing... although admittedly, that didn't stop her worrying... Cyril was still smiling as he kept his eyes on his brother... well, he was certainly going to enjoy this... He allowed himself to fall back against the wall, crossing one leg over the other and crossing his arms, his eyes scoping the room, only going back to the fight in front of him when Tyki sopke again. This was stupid... Maya held out both guns, hell. She was supposed to buy time not waste it... she had no way to hold this off any longer seeing as Kanda had thrown himself straight into it. Crap. She had no other choice but to try and avoid as many of Rhodes attacks as possible... ugh. She lifted one gun in a flash, firing multiple shots just as Kanda finished his attack, leaving the entire area around the noah smoking... only when that smoke lifted would they see the damage, in the few seconds it took, she managed to shoot another dirty look at Kanda... Damnit. Well... if she lost this she knew who to blame, the interefering little- She shook her head, resting her eyes once again on the cloud in front of her.
7:16am Dec 20 2009 (last edited on 7:38pm Dec 20 2009)
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Well, they finally started attacking. She received some slashes from kanda and some shots from maya, both of which would be easy to heal.
The battle wasent really going anywhere, and she did want to go find tyki and cyril, so maybe, just maybe, trapping the exosists in one of her dimensions would be a good idea, together of couse. But, that red head managed to get out the last time... He was a bookman though and obviously much calmer and smarter than these two. Best part was that it would be something new, because she would get to see what sort of memories those two had as she had no control over the events that happen in that dimemsion. Over there, everything that happens depended only on what the japanese and blonde remembered and their reactions.
As the smoke lifted, Rhode had already regenerated from the eariler wounds. The noah had a happy ex pression and said calmly " Time is running out, I seem to be missing out on the main event now arent I? The rules will be explained later ♪" Once again, her eyes glowed and in an instant, the minds of the exosists were sent to another dimension.
Rhode then put them into floating 'boxes' that resembled a transparent dice and off she went to find tyki, her candles and the dice following her.
(( im having some confusion with the time line, help meh moyashi ♪ x3 EDIT: omg, im being too nice! i was suposed to almost kill maya TT_TT i should've known being a fish for a few days was a bad idea! *pokes msn chats* ))

7:37am Dec 20 2009 (last edited on 7:41am Dec 20 2009)
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~(ROFL total change of pace... WHAT THE HECK? xd!!! NEH, you just went and shoved Kanda and Maya into the same dimension?... OMG, do you realize they're gonna leanr WAY too much about eachother? ROFL... this is gonna be explosive... and they're gonna need to like, get along XD! and dont blame the chats, you CHOSE to be a fish dear daughter... Papa's gonna scold you when you show up~ XD!)~
8:40am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 341
((*makes a face* I am not a Moyashi. Time line? Eh, I don't really care, actually. xD ...Ugh. I can't make an intelligent post this morning...)) BIC|| 'This is not a good place to fight...the piano is everything to me...' a voice mumbled in his head. '...take your battle elsewhere...avoid harming this room at all costs...it is sacred to me and the Ark, and to you...' This was the moment when Allen truly wished that he was not a Parasite-type Accomodator. It would be much more convenient to have an Equipment-type Innocence in this situation...he would potentially be able to avoid or stop Tyki's attack and set Lenalee and Lavi free. Then again...he did have an equipment-type technique, didn't he? He clasped his left wrist and the cross on his hand flared a bright green color. "Crowned Clown!" he drew his arm out into the Crowned Clown's sword, holding it in front of him as the cloak settled around his left shoulder. He was still getting used to fighting with one arm, but was otherwise fairly skilled at using the sword ((Rofl, I still prefer the Edge End. xD)). He clenched the hilt of his sword and brought his arm back as he vaulted into the air in a backwards flip over Tyki and the piano. 'No matter what, nothing can happen to this piano...! Please, Innocence...!' His Innocence responded silently, and the downward slash of his sword cut Tyki's attack in two, saving the piano...but not Allen, who was forcefully thrown back into a nearby wall. He panted, coughing up a little blood onto his fluffy collar. The impact had knocked the wind out of him, but it had not stopped his rampaging thoughts. He got unsteadily to his feet, wiping his lips on his white sleeve, staining it red. He felt uneasy. How could he force Tyki and Cyril out of the 14th's secret room without doing any damage to it or his comrades?
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

1:17am Dec 22 2009 (last edited on 3:42pm Dec 22 2009)
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Posts: 79
Kanda, Do you still see that flower. The voice echoed in his mind. You mustn't dwell on it, it's just an illusion. His eyes grew in shocke. A young boy, black hair, slightly short stood in front of him, smiling. They say you're called Yuu..they call me Alma.his voice faded.
Kanda shook his head, this couldn't be happening. A body, the corpse...of the boy, lied down in the middle of the floor. Covered in wounds, Kanda gritted his teeth "...Who are you...?" ---
Tyki stood there, with a stun look on his face. The result of his attack wasn't as pleasing, but he still managed to do damage to the silver-haired exorcist. Though a slight shiver ran down his spine when he saw the sword, that exorcised him. He needed to be very careful, being exorcised was something he didn't want to go through again.
He glanced over at the piano...'something is special about this instrument.'. The Noah grinned and commanded the black golems to swarm around Allen once again. "You seem very attached to this, boy..." he said running his fingers along the keys. "Wouldn't want to have any accidents now would we...." an evil grin crept on to his face. (( hope that's better...I was kinda out of it typing this up xD ))
1:21am Dec 22 2009
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Posts: 1,326
(( tyki.... kanda's mind is in anotehr diemension.... he shouldent be able to move.... ))
8:30am Dec 22 2009 (last edited on 8:30am Dec 22 2009)
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Posts: 341
Allen narrowed his eyes coldly. Damn it all, Tyki knew. Nothing could happen to this piano, or else he would not be able to control the Ark. He mentally scored himself a point, though; seeing the sword had frightened his opponent. Bad memories of being exorcised, Allen as.sumed. He clenched his teeth and put on a Poker face, not permitting himself to show how much that instrument meant to him. "I do not know what you mean~" he spoke, allowing his sword to *censored*ume its more accurate form of claws as his Innocence pushed him up into the air using the Clown Belt. "Still, it is a beautiful instrument. Would not want to destroy something so beautiful, would I?" he smiled confidently, but inside he was wilting. He now had three jobs to do: battle with Tyki, ensure that his friends were not harmed by Cyril, and protect this room and the piano within it. He HAD to get Tyki and Cyril out of this room and seal it off...nothing else mattered. Wait. What? Nothing else? Was he...so easily losing himself to the fourteenth? Did his comrades not matter as much as this precious piano? He shook his head and forced his Innocence to push him forward, holding his claws in front of his face. "Let's take this outside, Tyki Mikk. It is getting awfully cramped in here. Clown Belt!" his Innocence curled around Tyki's right arm and tightened, allowing Allen to pull him through the doorway and out into the rest of the Ark. Another piece slid through the doorway, and he hoped it would snag Cyril and do the same to him if he would not follow willingly. His plan had gone fairly smoothly, but he has forgot that Timcanpy controlled the door. And Timcanpy had taken shelter from the fierce battle between its master and Tyki...within the piano. He saw the little golden golem fly out as he snagged Tyki with his Innocence, but that meant that Tim did not have time to control where the door lead out to. Allen had as.sumed that the door would lead out into the street, but he was off. WAY off. The door did not lead there, but high up in the air above the white buildings of the Ark. Could this day possibly get any worse?
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

12:04pm Dec 22 2009 (last edited on 12:17pm Dec 22 2009)
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Cyril's eyes widened as the young silver haired exorcist revealed the sword of his innocence. My, my... So this is the blade that tried and failed to exorcise my brother... Judging by the look on Tyki's face, Cyril as.sumed that his younger brother had yet to completely forget the pain of being sliced with that sword. When Allen and Tyki had both left the piano room, Cyril merely smiled and followed, heading towards the door and stopping only for a second when Allens snow white innocence entered the room again. Such lack of trust? He shook his head, still smiling, and walked straight past the innocence and through the door, stopping above the white buildings of the ark, not too far from Allen and his brother. Lenalee tried to struggle against his strings as she unwillingly walked out of the piano room next to Lavi, stopping short of the Noah of desire. Maya had taken a short while to get her bearings. Ack. That damn noah kid had one hell of an ability, even if she didnt truly undrstand it yet. She looked around, stopping once her gaze landed on the black haired exorcist. ohhh great... it just HAD to happen like this... As Maya was thinking up some insulting retort to fire at the exorcist she had yet to speak to, her eyes fell upon the boy in front of him. What?... she stopped in mid-thought... what the hell was this?... She listened, not understanding the emotion she could both see and feel eminating from this Kanda. Fear? Shock? Confusion?... She'd never seen him look like that... or felt his aura become so... so... anguished, for lack of a better word. He clearly understood this even if she hadnt. Before she had so muche as taken a step towards him she felt a cold wind, almost pleading her to turn around, which she did without thinking. There was nothing behind her besides the blackness the two of them had been thrown into. She kept her eyes behind her for a second more before turning back to the stuck up kid, stopping when she heard it. A scream. Loud and terrifed, and horrifyingly recognisable. Maya flinched, her blood running cold at that echoing sound... No... this was years ago... this was that day all those years ago... that day she'd forever remember.
6:40pm Dec 22 2009 (last edited on 3:42am Jan 3 2010)
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"Basically, only your mind is here, depending on what you think and do now, you may or may not get out..." Rhode said telepathically to the exosists "...unfortunately for the two of you, your memories seem horribly terrifying, so it'd be harder to get out, compaired to someone with happy memories.... Well, rules explained, im off to find tyki now ~♪"
"TYKI~~~♪ " she called out, wondering if he would hear her. She ran around the ark playfully, letting relo float by itself, the dice trailing behind her. She sort of knew that tyki and cyril would scold her for not finishing off the exosists 'properly', but she really din't care that much about those two. Tyki and cyril could always kill them off later anyways... Strangely, she only wanted to watch the battle and not get involved too much.
Whats this? let tyki and cyril kill them off later? not getting involved? The noah seems to have become nicer and kinder, refusing to kill the exosists herself and only to watch. This, she had yet to find out, but it was true!
((wow, moyashi posted before me and kuro could type x3 ))
