8:45pm Dec 22 2009 (last edited on 9:07pm Dec 22 2009)
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Posts: 145
((Ahaha, sorry... I'm so lame D8 Well Lavi has become Lame.... I think I'm going to have to send him off on a long journey with Bookman and maybe bring him back later. = =))
((Bahh, Totally missed the eyepatch kun part. >.>;; I was like who the heck. But anyways... More writing for meh, plus my own work from the office. -dies-)) Lavi had neglected his comrades for awhile. He couldn't bring himself to accept that he had totally become a coward in the last battle. His fear of those noahs and what Allen was slowly becoming in the shadows really was... frightening. Now it was even better, "Meh... " Stuck between a battle, and not being able to move was pleasant... but not." Lavi pondered at his own legs, they never could move, so this was a perfect way to look as if he was just trapped but. Lavi stared down at his hammer, and wondered if he could force himself, but every ounce of muscle seemed to refuse, so he just stood their quietly, waiting... Hitan sat there staring at the piles of data infront of her. "Ahaha, so this is what you want me to research now?" Rouvelier had been very demanding with the work that needed to be done before it was too late. Hitan just moaned, as she brought the pile of work from the office to her own room. "Alright, which one should I start with..." Hitan couldn't choose, as most poisons all came from the same basics, and from the looks of it, most of these poisons were probably just the same thing, with extra ingredients... As she called it anyways. Feeling a bit sleepy, Hitan placed her head on her pillow as she drifted into a slumber, there she saw the most frightening thing... Allen, Lenalee, Kanda,Lavi and the new girl... Fighting, what seemed to be no other then the Millenium Earl's pawns... The noahs. ((Meh... I think I'll just be quiet for now...))
8:49pm Dec 22 2009 (last edited on 9:18pm Dec 22 2009)
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(( lavi should read the otehr posts before posting...... cuz lavi cant move, cyrils using his magic sewing box strings )) (( yay, lavi's back xD ))
12:33am Dec 23 2009
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Posts: 79
'What!?...memories...', he thought, as the voices continued to echo in his mind. That terrible day...nine years ago, haunted the black-haired exorcist's mind. All his years in meditating, failed to keep his mind from seeing Alma and the lotus flowers.
He tried to calm his mind, telling himself it was all an illusion; but how could he escape from it ...the body of his lost friend was so realistic, it was though as he stood there again on that terrible day.
The young boy, who introduced himself as Alma, repeated the words over and over again, driving Kanda crazy. Would he make it out alive...or will he go insane before he had the chance to?
Tyki looked down, they were way up above the ground. "In the air, shounen?" the Noah raised an eyebrow, he never had a full out battle above ground. He gave a slight shrug as the pink shield came back, along his arm.
The Noah's ears perked, when someone called out his name. "Rhode?..." his eyes narrowed 'Did she finish them off that quickly...or was she slacking again' Tyki sighed and slicked back his hair. He focused back on the exorcist before him. Slightly surprised at the fact that Allen transformed his arm back to the Edge End, but wasn't complaining.
"Now...where were we...." He tugged back on the arm that was still attached to the innocence, pulling Allen with, and making the shield into more of an energy wave that flowed through the boy's body on impact.
2:46am Dec 23 2009 (last edited on 7:08pm Dec 23 2009)
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Maya was still frozen to the spot even after the voice of that damned Noah spoke. As much as she hated the memory, knowing that it was just that gave her a small sense of relief. Well. Trying her best to ignore sounds she was all too familiar with, she lifted one of the silver handguns to her face... afterall... these were the cause of it all, and nothing quite frankly was as real as these. She was the cause of this memory. Damnit. She had no clue as to how to deal with this. In a fit of uncalled for anger, she threw one of the (quite heavy) handguns at the back of Kanda's head, just as her own memories were beginning to take form. Oh great... Guns. The very guns that belonged to her, standing on top of an old mantlepiece. She'd held them that very day. Her grandfather refused to let her hold them more than once, espiecally seeing as they were heirlooms. Hell. That one touch was all it took to activate them. Activate the innocence... That was what that person had said... That person didnt know though... not of the activation of a slaughtered family. He didnt know, he showed up after... The guns had slaughtered, in the hands of the one they had chosen. A sudden sound and fear of the moment. Dear Rin... Maya held on hand over half her face. Her teeth clenched, her eyes closed. Damn it all. Like going through that once wasn't enough. Cyril starting looking around for his adopted daughters voice. What?... that was quick. Well... i suppose if she succeeded... he shrugged lightly to himself. Whatever. He was sure she wouldnt have just left them free atleast, they were probably suffering somewhat right now. Pity.
8:23am Dec 23 2009 (last edited on 8:25am Dec 23 2009)
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Posts: 341
((8D LAVI!! *tackles* Maybe I should make Cyril let you go, eh? I NEED BACKUP!! DUN LEAVE ME HERE TO DIIIIEEEEEE!! *wails pitifully*)) BIC|| A gasp hissed through Allen's teeth as Tyki pulled him forward and hit him hard. He grimaced, plainly hurting from this and his other wounds, then drew back his left hand and aimed it at the Noah's chest. "Edge End!" his claws sliced into Tyki's shoulder; his aim had been altered. How, he did not know, but he had just...decided not to land a killer blow. Now he had to concentrate on not plummeting to the ground from such a height. He knew Tyki could simply walk on the air, but he was not that gifted...he retracted his Clown Belt from his enemy and the room they had just left and forced it down to the city below. Thank God he was able to snag several buildings. He withdrew his claws from Tyki's shoulder and nimbly twirled up over his head; his feet gently lit onto his opponent's shoulders for a moment, then he vaulted up in a small back flip, trying to distance himself from the Noah. He mentally thanked himself for spending all that time with the circus and Mana; it was really coming in handy in his fights lately. Allen concentrated now on closing the doorway to the fourteenth's secret room. As he hoped to protect it and forced himself to remember the haunting melody that he hated so much, the door closed and began to fade. 'Finally safe...' A faint smile came to his lips, but it was not his smile...the fourteenth...? He could hear Rhode calling out to Tyki, but it didn't really bother him. Then his blood ran cold; Rhode, Cyril, and Tyki were all here. The exorcists were not outnumbered, but obviously Kanda, Maya, Lavi, and Lenalee were unable to help him. 'Three against one...or two, Crowned Clown...we are together, and that is all that matters now.' His resolve strengthened, he looked up at the fading door, and his gaze locked onto Cyril and his captives. He glanced over at Lenalee, who had plainly been struggling against the Noah's power, then at Lavi, who was still. His gaze softened; they had gone through so much for him...he began jumping from building to building, trying hard to reach back up to the fading door and Cyril. He had to release his friends. He narrowed his eyes as he leaped at Cyril, a feral look on his usually gentle face. "Let them go!" he drew his left hand back, hoping with all of his heart that he could use the Edge End to sever the Noah's grip on Lavi and Lenalee. ((*humming to Poker Face* ...I need to put this song on my profile. o3o))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:46am Dec 23 2009 (last edited on 9:52am Dec 23 2009)
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Rhode ran towards Cyril, calling out tyki's name while she was at it. She turned around, checking if the exosists were still in the dice and making the candles dissappear at the same time.
"ello cyril! how's tyki doing?" the noah said casually. "...and dont blame me for not finishing them off, cyril, you havent done much to those two either ♪"
Then, there was this white blob in the sky.... "eh? when did we have such big clouds in- oh! its allen is it? OH.... " She quickly leaped out of the way, hoping that the silver haired would not hit her.
uh oh... Poor cyril.
She sat back on relo and flated in the sky, the dice still behind her. Well, she thought, he did want to get involved... Rhode smiled slightly.
(( poke poke poke tyki's arm, poke poke poke poke ♪ XD
EDIT: poke poke poke tyki's arm, poke poke poke poke ♪ poke poke poke tyki's arm, poke poke poke poke ♪ la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la))
9:57am Dec 23 2009 (last edited on 10:09am Dec 23 2009)
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Cyril turned at the voice of Rhode. "My you were awfully quick-ah." He caught sight of the dice and the two exorcists entrapped. Well... atleast she hadn't just run from them. It was probably better this way anyway. He shrugged, then turned sharply as Rhode flew away from him, coming to face the livid Allen Walker. What in the... Cyril didn't bother to move, releasing more of his controlling strings to trap the exorcists arm as it flew towards him. "Calm yourself Allen walker. Im not going to harm them... that is... if you give me no reason to..." He used his peculiar ability to send Allen backwards towards Tyki. He then held up both hands with a smile on his face. "You really dont need to worry about them when its your own back you need to watch"
7:50pm Dec 23 2009 (last edited on 8:24pm Dec 23 2009)
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Posts: 79
The voices stopped and Kanda snapped out of it when something heavy hit him upside the head. He looked at Maya from the corner of his eye. 'The hell...' gazing down to see the gun that she had thrown at him. "Che..." he scowled. He couldn't say much, so he simply placed a hand to his forehead, and thought about a way out. His eyes gazed over at Maya, who seemed to be going through the samething he had to go through. The gun that was chucked at his head, laid in front of him. He ignored it and hit her down on the head with Mugen (still covered), harder than she threw the gun at him. ---
He clenched on to his shoulder. The boy had a chance to kill him, but didn't. Tyki raised an eyebrow, 'Why would he do that, when there was such a clear shot....' The noah thought about it and gave a slight shrug.
Tyki watched Cyril throw Allen back towards him, and lowered himself back down on the ground. "I wouldn't turn your back on me, shounen..." he said staring at Allen with his golden eyes. The Teeze fluttered around the Noah, "Tell me boy...Why did you throw off your aim...." he questioned sticking out one of his hand, and watching one of the man-eating golems land on his finger.
He waited for Allen to answer, and faded into the Ark's flooring.
2:52pm Dec 24 2009 (last edited on 2:53pm Dec 24 2009)
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Posts: 341
Allen caught himself with the Clown Belt, which was still wrapped around buildings and clinging to the street below, and lowered himself to the ground. The only sound in the still air was the quiet 'tap' of his shoes on the road. Timcanpy struggled to free itself from his heavy Innocence, then gave up and crawled up into its master's hair. Why indeed? Tyki's question rang inside his head like a bell rung to signal the start of a church service. Why not take the shot and end the battle? Tyki would no longer be a threat to himself or the Order had Allen succeeded in landing the Edge End in his heart...why indeed would he not end it...? ...was it...the Fourteenth...? Again...? "...you don't deserve the pleasure of dying at my hands." Allen replied softly, trying hard to come up with an intelligent response. He watched a few of the Teeze dart around him, fluttering close to his head and scaring Timcanpy into biting one of them. What a dumb answer. Dumb, dumb, so dumb. He felt unbelievably stupid: standing there looking so foolish, Innocence swirling protectively around him, eyes staring blankly at the stop Tyki had vanished into. Not only did he feel foolish, but he also felt...slightly afraid. Would Rhode take advantage of his stillness to attack? Where would Tyki appear next? He took no comfort from Cyril's words...how could he trust the Noah not to harm his companions? His claws twitched faintly, calling out to him, begging him to fight: they had found a taste for Noah blood. Nervous and afraid, he stumbled back against a nearby building, taking comfort in its shady solace. How could he be so...hungry for battle? Was it the Innocence? The Fourteenth? Some primal instinct in him to survive? In this situation his Master would simply pull him to his feet and force him to walk on, but he would stumble and fall because he was so dazed and confused. Here he was, trying to fight an impossible battle and keep his grip on reality at the same time, a marvelous feat that he had done so well... ...until now, when he found himself moping around like a kicked puppy, feeling shameful, dirty, unwanted, suspected, wretched, untrusted, rejected, and unloved. He felt sick, dizziness and nausea washing over him, forcing him to his knees as he covered his eyes, trying to maintain his grasp the world around him. It slipped through his fingers, and he fell. Allen Walker fell forward onto the street, his eyes half-lidded with exhaustion and glazed over with confusion. Timcanpy hysterically fluttered over its fallen master, pulling on his hair and trying to rouse him, but Allen did not move...he knew Tyki was still out there somewhere, watching him and plotting his downfall, and the fear was as paralyzing as it was when the Noah had destroyed his Innocence so long ago.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

3:53pm Dec 24 2009
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Cyril's smile faded from his lips as he watched Allen. What the heck was he doing?... Surely he wouldnt pose much of a threat to Tyki if he stayed as he was. Cyril shook his head... he'd as.sumed Allen was stronger than this... well, all things considered he'd guessed Allen could have atleast lasted longer... maybe not. He didn't move, however. Tyki would finish this off. Lenalee had stopped struggling a long time ago, and kept her eyes on Allen, the fear rising in her chest as time p*censored*ed. She didn't have a good feeling about this... Allen didn't seem right. She bit her lip, looking around at Lavi and Cyril, only barely paying attention when Rhode appeared, her mind focused on Allen and his fight. Allen's sudden collapse came as a shock, she was sure he hadn't been attacked, but,... then, what?... The worry that she held seemed to expand instantly in that one moment, tyki was still out there... if Allen didnt get up soon. before she could stop herself, before she could even think, she yelled out in a voice of anguished concern - "ALLEN-KUN!!!" --- Maya was still immersed in the sounds in her head when, quite abruptly, a searing pain travelled all the way down her spine, causing her to curse loudly and place a hand onto her now sore head. She turned sharply, her eyes flashing as she came face to face with Kanda. The little- "What in hells name was that for?!!!" She glared for a second longer, before strolling straight past Kanda mumbling, stopping only to retrieve the gun she'd thrown earlier. She was on the verge of turning back to Kanda and continuing her blazing tirade when she stopped. She'd spotted the boy... only she didnt recognise this one... the last had been her sister, the girl who still stood behind Kanda with short golden hair... this one however, wait. They were memories right?... then this one wasnt hers.
5:16pm Dec 24 2009 (last edited on 5:30pm Dec 24 2009)
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Posts: 79
The Noah, from wherever he was, heard the female voice yell out Allen's name. Tyki raised an eyebrow at the exorcist's reply. He wasn't quite sure what that meant, he didn't deserve the pleasure dying at Allen's hands.
He phased through the floor and stood directly behind the collapsed exorcist. The Noah looked at the pitiful, boy and dragged his leg straight into the boy's abdominal area and stepping on the boy's back. "How sad, shounen...it's come to this...." He squatted down and shoved his arm through Allen's back.
At this point, Tyki had the chance to rip out the boy's heart, just like in China. His eyes narrowed when he clenched on to his beating heart. "To think we could've been friends, shounen....Funny how things turn out to be the way they are."A slight grin crept upon his face as he tightened the grip he had on the beating organ.
The teeze that Tyki had put in him from the last encounter, fluttered up to its master's hand. The grin faded, letting go of the boy's heart and grabbing on to the Teeze. "This might not work...but perhaps it'll do damage. Teeze...devour him slowly..." He placed the man-eating golem above the boy's organ, and phased back out of Allen.
"Che...could ask you the same thing..." he glared rubbing the back of his head. He turned back to see the young boy once again. They say you're called Yuu... he said with a smile upon his face, they call me Alma.
Kanda shook his head; there was no way. His mind turned to the dark point in time, nine years ago. When he slayed his good friend Alma Karma. "Che...." the blood that was shedded from the boy, the women who made the Japanese exorcist cut down his friend.
He gritted his teeth and clenched on to his head; there's no way he can fall to such an illusion. Illusions...his eyes widened everything was an illusion, perhaps his life was an illusion as well. Kanda, Do you still see that flower. The voice came back, pretty clear to everyone in the room You mustn't dwell on it, it's just an illusion.
"Dammit..." he hissed, everything was being exposed. All of his inner feelings and thoughts, exposed to this...newcomer whom he barely even knew her name.
8:56am Dec 26 2009 (last edited on 8:56am Dec 26 2009)
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Posts: 341
Lenalee's scream and Tyki's kick were like gunshots to Allen's senses. He rolled onto his side and curled himself into a ball, pathetically trying to protect himself from more harm. Then he felt the Noah's fingers curl around his heart, and that fear of death crept up in his throat, restricting his breathing like strangling hands. He coughed weakly, blood dripping from his open lips as he tried desperately to breathe, to make himself move. Timcanpy kept pulling on Allen's hair, trying desperately to pull his master back onto his feet. Then Tyki spoke of the impossibility of being friends, and Allen couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret touching his caged heart. What if they had just played Poker and no one got hurt? Why was there such irony in their circumstance?! He wanted to scream his frustrations up at God, but his voice could only form his weak reply to Tyki. "...wouldn't it...be good...eh...?" he laughed softly as the Noah placed the Teeze over his heart, splattering blood onto the mask that lay in the fluffy collar of the Crowned Clown.A sadistic smile came to his lips; it would take much more than a Teeze to the heart to kill him. Tyki should have known this from their last encounter. Strange as it may sound to the 'normal' exorcists, he could feel his Innocence poking around inside of him, wrapping around his heart in a protective shield and trying to find the little golem. This...safe feeling drove away the strangling fear in his throat, allowing him to breathe and restoring a shred of courage to his mind.
"It isn't that simple, Tyki Mikk. You must be a slow learner!" the Clown Belt pushed him up into the air, giving him the room he needed to escape the Noah. He sounded courageous enough, but inside he was nervous. He was still upset with himself for giving in to that ancient fear of dying and allowing it to paralyze him so. He had fallen two steps behind Tyki and the other Noah...but he was still the only exorcist capable of fighting, so he had to stay on top of his game. They were just playing with him. And, if they weren't...he was still having a hard time. He glanced over at Lenalee, wiping the blood off of his lips as he did so, and smiled at her. "Thank you, Lenalee-chan..." he turned his gaze back to his opponent, holding his claws protectively in front of him, prepared for an angry attack.
'Lenalee has too much faith in me...I hope I don't let her down...!'
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:44am Dec 26 2009 (last edited on 10:56am Dec 26 2009)
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Lenalee breathed a small sigh of relief... atleast he seemed to have got a hold of himself, even though she was still confused by his sudden collapse. What was wrong with him?... she mentally pulled her mind away from those negative thoughts, keeping her sight on Allen and the noah, secretely hoping he'd get out of this alive. Cyril scratched his head, his eyes on Allen. What a strange one. Lenalee's cry hadn't really disturbed him, his eyes had remained on his brother and the fallen exorcist. hmm. Whatever, this was going to get interesting either way. --- Maya had remained looking at the boy named Alma. There was no need for her to look over at the other exorcist in this place to sense how frustrated and angry he seemed to be. She could also sense a slight fear, maybe not fear. Foreboding. She hadn't understood the voices, but whatever it was clearly affected the black haired being. When a sudden realisation hit her, she twisted to face the exorcist, only she wasn't looking at him. She was looking at the girl behind him... she knew what was coming before it came. hell no. She winced as that same scream pierced the blackness of the room. "get out of here!" The voice was old and male. Maya's grandfather. Surrounding his voice were other sounds, breaking gl*censored*, crashing furniture, and, of course, that scream. Rin's scream. Maya inhaled slowly, trying not to lose herself to that memory, she wouldn't... not now. She needed to get out of here. If these memories got visual, she kept her eyes on the girl, she truly didn't know how she'd handle it...
10:16pm Dec 26 2009
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Rhode watched Tyki and Allen closely. The silver haired boy seemed to be in a daze. He was not really concentrating on the battle, but lenelee's scream seemed to have help him to get a hold of himself. However, she decided that it was best to just watch the battle with Cyril and the others, she herself was finding it hard to concentrate on those two while keeping an eye on Kanda and Maya.
Kanda and Maya. The noah should have known better, those two might have had similar pasts, which may help them get along with each other better. Meanng that there would be a larger chance of them getting out of that dimension. Ah well, she was quite sure that Cyril and Tyki could deal with them later.
(( urgh... sorry everyone, late post here. I dint have he best christmas ever, my internet died and i went for a cosplay event. :P ))
10:36pm Dec 27 2009 (last edited on 11:38pm Dec 27 2009)
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Posts: 79
Tyki looked up at Allen "I wasn't planing on it killing you, boy." He sighed, slicking his hair back and out of his face. "I'm sorry, but looks like I will have to do this, shounen." holding out his hand, he begun sucking the oxygen out of the atmosphere. Until finally the vacuum engulfed Allen. He pushed himself off the ground and into the air; walking into his own vacuum that he had created."Funny...reminds me of our last battle, shounen. Only this time I won't be naive and be exorcised again." on that note he fell out of the vacuum and back on to the Ark's floor. Tyki walked over to his brother "He'll make it out alive...." he looked back at the giant black orb that surrounded Allen. "Cyril...perhaps it would be a good time to leave and watch over them again...Rhode...you can do what you want with those two." --- Kanda flinched as the scream pierced his ears. He turned around quickly, taking his eyes off of Alma and met a young girl who looked very much like Maya. 'Who the hell?....' she must have been the one who shrieked. His eyes narrowed, between her memories and his it didn't seem to good. Or did it? The voices came back in his head "Shut...up!" he hissed shaking his head. God were those lingering voices getting annoying to the Japanese exorcist. His last resort was to close his eyes and take deep breathes; trying to clear his mind. 'Just memories...nothing more.' Kanda calmed himself down. ((sorry crappy post...rushed it..and 'm very tired D: )) He's dealt with illusions all of his life; no illusion would make him go insane. A slight grin crept upon his face, becoming sure that he was going to make it out alive. As for the new girl, he didn't know and could care less.
2:39am Dec 28 2009 (last edited on 2:57am Dec 28 2009)
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Posts: 1,326
(( eh.. just a little reminder. chapter 190 of d.gray-man has been released. 8D
EDIT: its only avaliable on mangafox for now... ))
8:17am Dec 28 2009
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Posts: 341
((OHMYGAWD!!!!11one *runs away to read* This post is going to be bad, just a heads-up for you. D: BAD.)) BIC|| He had been overconfident...again. The vacuum was as painful as it had been the first time he had been trapped, and it felt as if the very life was being pulled out of him. His Innocence, weakened by his lack of oxygen, became little more than the fluffy hood, the mask, and long strips of cloth that wrapped around his legs and arms. He grimaced against the burning pain in his lungs as Tyki stepped into the darkness and spoke to him. 'Why is it...that I shouldn't believe that he...didn't want to kill me...?' Allen's thoughts were broken by his hazy mind, 'He has always wanted...to kill me...' Tyki's words about their last battle sparked something in his broken brain; he had used the Crowned Clown's sword to break the vacuum and escape. The burning in his chest was almost intolerable; it was reaching out to the other parts of his body, rushing through his veins like a runaway train. He gripped his left wrist and focused on creating the sword, gritting his teeth against the scorching pain. He had succeeded in calling forth the sword...but now did he have the strength to cut open the vacuum? ((Oh Gawd, so short. Can't think. Psst, Kanda...the lotus is an illusion.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:58am Dec 28 2009 (last edited on 9:10am Dec 28 2009)
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Posts: 1,789
Lenalee's eyes widened slightly at the vacuum tyki created. That was the same thing she and Maya had been trapped in. No way. She recognised the black swirling m*censored* from before too, the time when Allen had broken out of it. She was paying too much attention to the ball when tyki strolled over. Cyril merely shrugged as Lenalee felt herself being pushed forward against her own will, her body hitting the floor with a hard thump, Lavi landing not far from her. She twisted in time to see Cyril walk over to Tyki. Damnit... Her face turned back to the Vacuum. Damn it all. --- Maya pulled her eyes away from her sister to look, once again at the brooding form of the exorcist she was stuck with. Going by his aura now, he seemed confident and slightly miffed. She narrowed her eyes at his grinning features and quite promptly turned her head to face the kid named Alma again. So many memories had pas.sed through her head in seconds, many of them not hers however, and she wouldnt ask questions. No point, not really She sighed. My my... guess there was nothing for it. They were going to get out of here, somehow... she refused to let these memories get the better of her. She felt a small sarcastic smile touch her lips, then turned so that her back was to Kanda entirely, before speaking to the other exorcist for the first time in a voice that carried across the darkened dimension. "Tell me, pretty boy..." she flipped the gun she held into the air, catching it swiftly again as she turned to face the agitated exorcist "How much longer do you think you can handle being trapped in here with me?" A pulsing, venemous purple aura began to gather at the end of the gun barrell she held. She was going to get out of this damned dimension, not alone precisely... she couldnt do it alone. But either way, they were going to get out of here. Simple as.
4:44pm Dec 28 2009
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Posts: 79
Tyki took one last look at the vacuum. Quite surprised that the boy hadn't escaped so easily like last time. "So long...shounen..." an evil grin crept on his face."I guess Rhode will follow us when she's done with those two." he said as he turned around, looking back at Cyril and walked off; towards one of the white buildings and faded into it.
"I'll manage, Blondie....just don't get in my way...." he said drawing Mugen with that grin still on his face. He looked back at Alma, his grin faded. This kid sure was starting to get on his nerves, just like those days going way back. Nothing's changed. Kanda managed to fight this kid off once...he most certainly could manage doing it again let alone it was just a memory.
Though the started to grow worse...now that he had remembered who Alma was and that day long ago. His mind went back to the gruesome day when he tried synchronizing with the innocence. The pain, the blood "...Che...." he gritted his teeth 'No way in Hell I'm going to start remembering those events.' He looked over at Maya, '...not in front of her ...she's seen enough already.' Kanda shook his head trying to rid his mind of those memories.
He took in a deep breath "let's go...Mugen" ran two fingers across the blade "Kaichū: Ichigen!" The silver insects crawled out of the portal, made by one slice of the blade and charged at Alma. Alma didn't budge, not expecting any less from a memory, and simply faded into smoke when the Hell's insects attacked him."Che...." 'just great...'
5:19am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 145
(( Meh, I can't be committed to a roleplay anymore. D8 Too much work. Anyone want to take over Lavi? Or kill him off... Although that wouldn't be the best choice. =X Ahhaha, darn I feel so bad for Kanda after reading the last chapter. @-@ Alma. = = Too sad D8)) Lavi couldn't grasp the situation very well. He was getting rather faint from all the fighting around. He shivered, as he looked at Lenalee. She was still fine? After awhile, Lavi couldn't but notice that there were way more noahs, than expected. His heart yearned to get out of Cyril's grasp, and help fight, but could his legs move? It was a very difficult situation as Lavi slowly tried to pull away. Instead of succeeding though, all he did was make the invisible chain stronger, tighter. Lavi cringed at the pain that was surfacing around his whole body as he quietly stopped. "I hope Allen is okay... Is he being outnumbered?" Lavi couldn't help but worry a little about Allen, he always out did himself, eating, sleeping and exspecially fighting for his comrades. How could Lavi not know, he was the would be bookman, the man who observed from the side. The one who didn't enter fights, it was simple as that. He recorded history, the truth and that's it. He had more than 49 aliases by now, and well... To say the truth, Lavi knew by heart that the people in the order at the moment would mean nothing in the near future, but as recorded History... As soon as he felt his body moving, Lavi hesitated. Very suddenly,a fast motion soon occured as he felt his body whip up then drop and thud on the ground. Lenalee wasn't thrown away too far either, Lavi slowly raised himself up. Wobbling ever so slightly, he slowly put the tips of his finger on his hammer and glared at Cyril and Tyki as they disappeared...