7:46am Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 7:52am Dec 29 2009)
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"Ehh?!" Rhode whined. It seems that she had already missed most of the battle. Cyril and Tyki were even leaving without her, how mean. What was she going to do with Kanda and Maya now? Cyril seemed to have released lenalee and lavi from his magic sewing box strings and Tyki just dumped allen in his vacuum... The Earl wont be too happy with the results they acheived. Oh well, forget it. Not much would change if she let the two naturally angry people out anyway. And besides, its not that easy being in 2 places at once.
She dropped the diced exosists back onto the ground and let them out of the boxes. At the same time, in her other dimension, she appeared in front of the two. She took a deep breath. "The battle's over sooner than i expected and the other noahs left without killing anyone, so i'll just have to left you guys out too. You see that door there? just, like, walk through it and get out of here." With that, the noah vanished.
Seeming regretful, she followed Tyki and Cyril through the ark's gate and promptly closed it after herself.
(( brain. not. working. ><'' on another note, i <3 the new chapter 8D lil kanda's so adorable with all his swearing! pffft xD ))

8:24am Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 8:54am Dec 29 2009)
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Lenalee pulled herself up, looking over at lavi, then back at the vacuum. How could she help in this sitiuation. "Allen-kun" she whispered, hr eyes almost probing the vacuum for some sign of life. please... Cyril followed Tyki silently back through one of the pecuiliar portals the noah.'s used. "You realize" he said, glancing sideways at his brother "that we are going to need to re-plan all this?... i still say we should use the akuma... lure them out" his mind deep in thought --- "Whatever you say..." Maya replied to Kanda as she lifted her gun in the direction of her memory. A child ran, fear flowing through her being, 2 heavy handguns held in both hands. She wasn't experienced with these things, but she was desperate. An image of an old man, dead by those creatures. Demons. Monsters. She had to stop, there was no way out, a dead end. Worry and fear intermingle. So many people killed in a short space of time, by creatures looking for something almost. She had never seen so much blood, and Rin.... Where was Rin?... She turned to face an oncoming slaughter, one of those.... things. There was nothing for it... no time to think, the gun almost worked by its lonesome. The screams and explosions continued, the single gunshot melding with the rest, directly at the heart of this monster. The girl closed her eyes, she didnt want to see the death of anything at her hand, that was... until she saw it afterwards, she had no way of escaping it afterwards. Her eyes widened, a scream lingering in her throat and a falling figure with a hole to the chest. Rin. That was the last thing she remembered... her own scream and engulfing darkness. The entire memory itself flashed through her mind within the split second she fired that shot. She was more than positive she wasnt the only one who saw that memory, considering what she'd seen of Kanda's. The flaming bullet of innocence crossed paths with Kanda's demon insects in mid air, ripping the illusion/memory of Rin apart as Alma followed the same fate. Before Maya could so much as move, that damn noah appeared. Her eyes narrowed as the noah spoke, and Maya blinked at her words. The hell?...
8:24am Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 8:26am Dec 29 2009)
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~(OKAY i apologise... i have NO CLUE as to how i posted 3 times... DX)~
8:24am Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 8:25am Dec 29 2009)
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8:27am Dec 29 2009
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(( you triple clicked O,O ))
8:44am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 341
((I can take over Lavi, if you guys want me to. It's kinda boring being just Allen~ I'll talk it over with Tyki-tama. He may want Lavi, too. On another note...I really need people on my anime/manga roleplay. If any of you guys are interested...check it out? I took Lavi on that board too, lol. xD I cried after I read the last chapter. What makes it worse is that I was on IM with Kanda himself. o.o I was being...nice to him. *shot* GUESS WHAT?! I named my new iPod Touch Ōzuchi Kozuchi. :3 Will post after I hear back from Bakanda. I'm going to see Sherlock Holmes today~))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:00am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 1,789
~(hokay, EPIC. Take Lavi... its no fun without lavi... i'll so check out your other roleplay too >D... )~
10:13am Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 10:20am Dec 29 2009)
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Posts: 79
(( Just go for it Allen, two people is more than enough for me here, I wouldn't want to mix personalities D: ....and I probably will join the other one...I just don't have enough time to do much right now xD)) The images the came from the blonde's memories, also ran through Kanda's head. "Che..." he placed his hand on his forehead, all of this was giving him a headache. He stared at where Alma had been and saw a white light. Rhode's voice told them that they were free. 'Could it really be that easy...this Noah wasn't at all being...Noah like...' He deactivated Mugen and placed it back. Kanda still could believe the fact that she would just give up like that, but he decided to give it a try and walked over to the blinding light. Falling back through to the white Ark. "Oof..."he pushed himself up and noticed that all the Noah's had retreated. Lenalee and collapsed on the floor, along with Lavi, but where was the other one. Then his attention turned to the black orb, still swarming around the white-haired exorcist. He sure did miss a lot, but what was could he do. Allen was in that vacuum and there was no way in hell he was getting himself stuck in that trying to rescue him. He looked back at the entrance to see if the Blondie was coming, 'Che...looks like we lost this round....'
11:08am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 341
((Right'o~ I shall put up a bio for Lavi just in case. I have a doctor's appointment, so I have to post after Sherlock Holmes~ Ciao for now~))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:54am Dec 30 2009 (last edited on 9:02am Dec 30 2009)
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Posts: 341
((OHMAI GAWD. Sherlock Holmes was...AMAZING! Go see it if you get a chance~ My bio for Lavi. Hope it's all right.

Better pictures tle="Lavi">here and tle="Lavi">here~ NAME: Lavi (his 49th alias, his real name is unknown) AGE: 18 GENDER: Male PERSONALITY: Lavi is cheerful and intelligent. He is carefree and has a great sense of humor. He is lighthearted and happy, always making jokes and flirting with girls. He doesn't easily get close to people, but he is starting to warm up to the exorcists of the Black Order whether he likes it or not. JOB/ROLE: Exorcist, Bookman-in-training SPECIAL ABILITIES: His Innocence comes in the form of a hammer, which is called Tettsui or Tessei (apparently this is its official ti tle, stated in the fanbook), but he doesn't like the name. He affectionately calls it Ōzuchi Kozuchi (Big Hammer, Little Hammer). It can grow or shrink to any size he wants. This does affect its weight, but that has no effect on Lavi. The weapon allows him to use "seals" that control several elements in nature, including (but not limited to) fire, wood, and thunder. PAST: Not much is known about Lavi's past. His 48th alias was Deak. He became the Bookman's successor and renounce his true name at age 6, and learned the martial arts and medication skills needed by a Bookman. He was shot by a stray bullet and was on the brink of death at age seven (NO JOKE! Read it in the official fanbook). At age 16, he joined the Black Order as "Lavi". At age 18, he met Allen Walker and began keeping records about him. OTHER: He has an astounding memory, and is capable of remembering the smallest things about his surroundings or any ob ject that he has only looked at once. As a Bookman, an unbiased recorder of history, he cannot afford to bond with anyone.)) BIC|| Lavi felt sick and useless. How had he been trapped so easily by Cyril's strings? Was he really paying that much attention to Allen's piano playing? What a foolish thing to do...coming here wasn't safe, and letting ones guard down for even a moment could have disastrous consequences. He gave a small sigh and shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts and focus on rounding up his...companions. "Lenalee," he looked down at her, a small smile forming on his lips. "I'm glad to see that you're okay. Can you stand without my help?" He glanced over at Maya and Kanda, giving the Japanese exorcist a weak nod of his head. Good. They seemed to be all right. He sighed and turned his gaze back to the swirling black orb, mentally preparing himself for the worst possible scenario with Allen Walker and the vacuum... Forcing his body to move was difficult; Allen had to make his screaming muscles work for him to escape. Thoughts of what may be happening to his friends flooded his mind as he tried and failed to raise his arm. What if Cyril and Tyki had taken Lenalee and Lavi hostage? What if Rhode had killed Kanda and Maya? He gritted his teeth as a tear slipped out of his right eye; his friends had given too much for him just in coming here to listen to him play that damned piano. Another thought hit him, sending his already crazed mind reeling: these people were more like his family than his friends, and ti they were hurt he would never forgive himself. Which was exactly why he needed to get out of this stupid vacuum and breathe again. His whole body aching and his mind teetering on the verge of madness, he slowly pulled up his sword and brought it down, cutting the vacuum in two with one swift stroke. He collapsed back to the ground, his Innocence cushioning his fall. His sword skittered along the road, coming to rest a few feet away from his hand...the absence of oxygen left him unable to hold onto it anymore. He was struggling to breathe, panting heavily as his eyes flickered open and shut. Where were his friends? He weakly tried to push himself up onto his elbows, only to collapse back onto the road and spit out a small amount of blood. Damn. He would have to lay here for a little bit longer to regain his strength...then he would check on his companions. He could tell that he was about to go unconscious by the darkness eating the edges of his vision, so he gave in and allowed the darkness to consume him, but not before he heard a familiar voice call his name... "Allen!" Lavi breathed a small sigh of relief and walked to the smaller exorcist's side, resting his hands behind his head and giving him a gentle nudge with the toe of his boot. "Ne, moyashi, you had us all worried!" No response from the fallen exorcist. Concerned, Lavi knelt and gently shook Allen's shoulders. "Moyashi...? Allen?" No response, not even the twitch of a finger. "Guys!" Lavi cried, twisting to look back at the others. "Allen's not movin'! Somebody get over here and help me wake him up, dammit!" Wait. What was with the fear clenching his throat, the concern evident in his cries? Did he actually care about Allen Walker? He bit his lower lip as he turned his single eye back to the unconscious Destroyer of Time. He would be hanged for acting like this in front of the Bookman...but there was no one who would rat him out here. Supposing it was okay to...have these feelings, of course; caring was not...something he should do. At all. He growled through his teeth, clenching his hands into fists. He had to get stronger to avoid this happening again, to avoid having to feel these frightening feelings of remorse and kinship again.
'I can't get involved.'
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:17am Dec 30 2009 (last edited on 6:41pm Dec 30 2009)
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Maya emerged back into her injured form and winced slightly when she stood up. She looked around swiftly, locking eyes with Kanda for only a second. Out of respect for the memories she'd seen, she held back from any retort she'd have usually made, only breaking eye contact with the black haired exorcist when Lavi spoke, his voice concerned. Maya turned in time to see Lenalee run towards Lavi, and quite promptly followed at a speedy walk. God, she hoped he was okay, judging by the orb he'd emerged from he'd suffered the same fate as she and Lenalee had earlier, only... for longer it seemed. She shuddered inwardly at the thought, stopping beside Lavi and looking at Allen with slight concern as she lowered herself to the red heads level, keeping her eyes on the young injured exorcist. Lenalee dropped to her knees the moment she reached Allen's side, placing a hand on his shoulder and speaking urgently. "Allen-kun? Allen-kun?!" No... this couldnt happen now... this was never meant to happen. Her eyes were almost aching with a need to tear, she refused to let herself however, and simply looked at Lavi for some sort of guidance. What could they do now?... --- Cyril continued to stroll, smiling slightly as he wondered whether Allen had emerged from tyki's attack as of yet. It had been awhile, perhaps he wouldnt make it afterall... "I hope you have some sort of plan tyki dear~" He said looking over at his younger sibling. "We should probably decide what to do with those akuma once we get back to my house hmm?" He placed his hands behind his head as Rhode catched up. "Rhode?... weren't you going to finish those two off?"
11:11pm Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 79
(( gyah...kinda BS'd my way through this one ...sorry if it's crappy~ xD )) Kanda followed everyone over to the unconscious boy. He was out cold, how long was he in that vacuum? 'Che...baka Moyashi....' he gritted his teeth as he stared down at his so called comrade. His eyes gazed over at the distress bookman "You finally decide to wake up, baka Usagi.' he narrowed his eyes at him, disappointed at the Bookman's actions.
Kanda crossed his arms and looked back at Allen "...if you're really worried...take him to the infirmary..." gazing towards Lenalee reminded him of Komui's distress call. A sigh slipped past his lips, if the Chinese male only knew what she had been through right now. "che..." that guy, bothered him so much.
He continued to wonder when he should tell the young female about her brother, right now was a bad time. Knowing the feelings that she had for this kid, why she did he couldn't fathom it. Kanda simply decided to keep quiet and stand there, waiting for someone to take charge of what they would do next.
He took a cigarette out of his pocket, craving for that smoke to be inhaled into his lungs. "...Akuma..yes..." Tyki was still slightly out of it, lighting the cancer stick and taking in a long drag. "We'll wait and see, Cyril...if Allen Walker did not make it out alive...." he grinned an evil grin "Then...my job will have become so much easier." resting the cig in his mouth and placing his hands behind his head.
Tyki liked easy jobs, meant that he could go back to being his second personality and play poker with his human friends. He sighed slightly, remembering the good old times and glanced back at his older sibling "Cyril, I think we should wait at least a day, before attacking again. This time...we won't attack first, we will use the Akuma to distract them....what do you say?" he waited for his brother's reply.
12:55am Dec 31 2009
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Posts: 1,326
(( ne, soryy everyone, you can just ignore me for a while, internet died the whole morning and i need to go for some new year countdown thing x_x ))
4:43am Dec 31 2009
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~(fine Rhode fina haha. and Allen, i WENT to see Sherlock Holmes last night XD and yes... yes it was EPIC... i love the way the guy seems so stupid even though he's a freakin genius XD!!!)~
12:10pm Dec 31 2009
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Posts: 341
((I LOVED THAT MOVIE! :D)) BIC|| Lavi would have punched Kanda if he wasn't so--here, he paused in his thinking and chose his words carefully--concerned for Allen. "Yeah thanks, Yuu, I guess I just didn't have my head in the game." he gave the Japanese exorcist an annoyed look, putting extra emphasis on his given first name. "Besides, I was kinda tied up. Lenalee and I were both useless. I saw that you didn't do much either, Yuu-chan~" he flashed Lenalee an over-confident smirk. What? It was true. No. There were more important things to do than chew Kanda out. He narrowed his solitary green eye as he trained it back onto Allen Walker, examining him thoroughly. "Well...he doesn't seem to be badly injured." Lavi analyzed, gently turning the fallen exorcist over onto his back and pushing away his Innocence. "The lack of oxygen is the cause of his unconsciousness. He hasn't lost a lot of blood, either. I doubt he needs anything more than some decent rest." He gently tapped the younger exorcist's forehead. "Oi, Allen. Wake up. You're trying to make Lenalee-chan cry, Moyashi." ~*"*~ The darkness was comforting, but not more than the feeling that his friends were all around him. He could not see them, but he could hear them talking. He distinctly heard Kanda's cold voice, Lenalee's concerned cries, and Lavi giving Bakanda a lecture explaining his immobility in the battle. Thank God Lavi and Lenalee were unharmed...and if Kanda was here, that must mean that Rhode had released him and Maya. Thank God...thank God for everything. 'Get up,' a voice commanded. 'Get up and walk. They need you. To call them your family and keep them in such suspense is cruel, Allen. Get up for them.' 'Mana...!' ~*"*~ "Mana..." Allen groaned, opening his eyes weakly. He was right; his friends were all hovering over him, standing and kneeling beside him in a tight cluster. He blinked his eyes a few times to adjust to the light, then gave his head a weak shake and looked over at Lenalee. "Lenalee...?" he muttered. "I'm okay..." "Thank God for that, Moyashi~" Lavi spoke, sitting back with a content smile on his lips. "You held your own against the Noah pretty well, you know." Allen slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position and looked at the Bookman-in-training, blinking his silvery eyes a few more times. "L-Lavi...?" he mumbled, "...you were watching...?" "Of course," Lavi got to his feet and rested his hands behind his head. "I am always watching~ That's a Bookman's job, isn't it?"
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:18pm Dec 31 2009
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"Hmm? finish them off? Well, i wanted to, but you and Tyki dint really finish the others off either. And besides, i would have to keep an eye on them if we are going to attack again." Rhode turned to Tyki, "You just wanted to go back to your friends and cheat innocent people of their money by playing poker, am i right?" The noah gave her uncle a blank look. "By the way, he survived..."
Rhode started thinking of the idea Tyki gave them. Let the akuma attack first... that would be quite a fine idea, but it would also be as predictable as the other plans. Maybe this was why the Earl had not destroyed the order yet, he wanted to have an amzing plan that would amaze them. She smiled at this idea, how silly. Of course there was the other reason, they needed to wait for all the others to awaken first.
"Cyril..." She asked, "I guess we're going back home for now, yes? While tyki goes off to play poker?"
(( ugh, school starts on monday, my posts will be less frequent and shorter, but i'll try my best, most of my posts will be after 3am res time, if i fail to post for 3 days straight, kuro or tyki can take over for a while D: ))

7:31am Jan 1 2010 (last edited on 12:08pm Jan 1 2010)
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Lenalee had watched Lavi with apprehension. It wasn't often he spoke to kanda like that... in fact, she couldn't remember whether or not he had ever spoken to kanda like that. She looked around around at each one of them, each member of this group. Each one effected by this to some extent, no surprise really. Two attacks from Noah's in one day was unbelievable... and unheard of. Her thoughts were intrurrpeted by Allen and his recovery. "Allen-kun..." she moved back slightly when Allen brought himself off the ground... oh thank god. Thank god he was okay. She looked over at Lavi "I think we need to go... staying here any longer might be a bad idea..." Maya had been paying very little attention to the others, once she'd realized Allen seemed to be fine she'd brought herself back to her feet, her face turned towards the direction of the entrance to the ark. Her mind was still back in Rhodes dimension. Ugh, like her own past wasn't enough... Now she had pretty boy's memories on top of her own... she was starting to have serious doubts too, mostly about the order. They'd been the ones who'd done this?... how inhuman... and seeing it all from kanda's point of view did not help... she'd felt like it was her, the pain and confusion were all hers for that one second. She sighed and placed a hand to her forehead, eyes closed. Damn it... She opened her eyes and glanced back at the group only when Lenalee spoke. "Not a bad idea..." She nodded slightly at Allen and the others before turning and heading towards the entrance to the ark. Lenalee watched Maya leave, she'd looked alittle preoccupied. She turned back to Allen and Lavi, her voice certain. "Shall we?" --- Cyril glanced at Tyki, then looked over his shoulder at his adopted daughter. "I told you Rhode" he said with a slight laugh. " I was merely observing... and im as.suming tyki had an idea the boy might survive" Cyril turned his head back towards his brother. . "Tyki can do as he pleases. We'll take a break, let him play poker if he wants. As for us, yes, we'll head back. We can get together alittle later and come up with something i suppose. Theres no rush. The exorcists won't be doing much for awhile i dont think... " he shrugged and continued walking. Those exorcists... how tricky. Indeed, Cyril as.sumed they'd stay away from the ark for a while, not for long, but a while either way. It gave them, the Noah's, a chance to re-think the entire thing, which, at this moment, was probably the best thing for them. Cyril raised an eyebrow at his younger sibling. "Im hoping we'll see you a little later if your wanting to go play?" ~(aww Rhode your not the only one lol... although i'll prolly still be posting usually XD! and it doesnt matter how short they are either =3)~
10:01pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 79
Kanda gave a strange look towards Lavi, the hell was wrong with him. He wanted to chew the bookman out, with his harsh words so bad, after he's response. Instead he opted to shoot a death glare out towards the red-head.
"Che...." he looked away quickly. Going back to the Black Order seemed to be the best idea for them, for sure. Before he turned to walk away he watched Maya leave. Hoping she wouldn't tell anyone, what she had seen back in Rhode's dimension; and if she so dared to, he would probably hunt her down. The samurai then remembered of her memories, similar to his; but Kanda wasn't known for telling people, anything.
"Lenalee...." he's eyes gazed towards the Chinese girl, "...see your brother when you get back ...don't ask why...just do it." Kanda had harshness in his tone of voice. He seemed to be getting annoyed at something; the day had probably gotten to him. On that note he walked away from the group of exorcists and headed towards the entrance of the Ark.
He clenched his fist, as he exited the Ark. Back to his room he would go, hopefully no one would disturb him.
Poker!?, they were allowing him to leave and go live his other life. Quite surprised actually, taking in another long drag of the cancer stick and exhaling a puff of smoke. Poker would calm himself a bit...perhaps. He nodded to his older sibling, "I'll be back at some point today..." resting the cig in his mouth, his skin turned back to it's cream color; his eyes back to the normal brown and the stigma faded away from his forehead.
He waved to Cyril and Rhode, as he headed back down the streets.Placing his hands in his pockets, and looking up at the sky. 'Allen Walker, escaped again...what else is new', taking out the cigarette from his mouth and placing it in between two of his fingers. Not caring, that his rival had survived.
Maybe, he really was a failure as a Noah. He closed his eyes, scratching his head; why was walker so difficult to kill? A faint chuckle pas.sed his lips, he had killed so many generals, and other exorcists in the past, why not a kid? Tyki sighed, inhaling more smoke into his lungs. He couldn't worry about it... there was always next time. But that was the problem...he seemed to be resorting to that, there is always next time. He rubbed his temples "Guh...why?!"
7:06pm Jan 2 2010
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Posts: 341
((Short and bad, sorreh. D:)) BIC|| Lavi smiled back at Kanda, then got to his feet and took a few steps after him. "Be sure to stay discreet, Yuu and Maya! Can't have the old Panda knowing where I've been this whole time, or the Order will be out one exorcist for a very long time~!" he called, a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his green eye. "Hai, we should get going..." Allen muttered, getting weakly to his feet. Lavi quickly made dhis way back to his friend's side and looped an arm underneath his shoulders for support, then thw two of them proceeded to walk to the entrance of the Ark. "Thank you, Lavi..." "Of course, Moyashi~" Lavi replied curtly, "Just be quiet so Bookman doesn't see us."
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

3:46am Jan 3 2010 (last edited on 3:46am Jan 3 2010)
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Rhode smiled at her uncles's slighty distressed ex pression as he walked off to join his friends. He was such a nice uncle sometimes, he was different from the rest of them and he seemed to be able to brighten up other's days.
Still smiling, she turned to her father, "Cyril, lets head back home then, you think the earl would be there too when we get back?" The noah was slightly worried about the earl being there, although he would never scold her anyway. Besides, they had a lot of planing to do and Cyril probably needed to get back to his ever so important office work. And then she would have to retrn relo too... wait. Where was the umbrella? It seemed to have disappeared since she got off it before she went to find cyril. But the umbrella could find its way back to earl sama, if not, he'd probably go find it later, so she pushed the thought away and started thinking about their plan.
(( uncle tyki eats raw live unscaled koi, fresh from kanda's pond of course :) omg, school starts tomorrow TT__TT ))
