3:22am Jan 19 2010
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"Mmm. okay" Rhode replied. "doors then~"
She turned around and concentrated as the heart shaped door appeared from the ground. Did something happen to Tyki? There was little chance of that happening, besides, he was playing poker with his friends. Worst thing that could possibly happen when playing poker would be losing all his money. That's easy to fix, considering that Cyril was quite weathly.
"This one leads to the middle of the town, dont take too long..." the noah mumbled as she jumpped into the door.
(( thats not crap tyki. i mean, its long-ish which is much better than what im doing now >: ))
8:26am Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 8:27am Jan 20 2010)
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Lenalee had brought herself to the ground at Lavi's voice, spotting Allen. Oh, he was alright atleast... She waited the few minutes it took for Lavi to enter the building and then re-emerge with the silver haired exorcist, before walking up to them with a smile, stopping only to look at their expressions. "What is it?" She'd clearly missed something here... --- Cyril simply smiled as he followed his daughter through the door, hands behind his head. That darn Tyki... what was he up to? ah... he'd probably just lost track of time~ Typical, really... He looked down at Rhode. "Just think, daughter dear~ You get to scold him for being late~" He chuckled slightly as he stepped into town, taking a quick scope of the area and allowing his arms to fall. It was nice, being out of the estate for no reason other than to look for a family member. Cyril stretched slightly. "Any ideas where he might be, Rhode?"
8:59pm Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 10:23pm Jan 20 2010)
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He caught up with the Blonde exorcist and saw Lavi walk out of the building with the missing boy. Kanda gave the kid a look of death, for making him go out and search for him. Though he had the urge to really chew Allen out, he chose to save his breath and not say a word to the exorcist that annoyed Kanda the most. Kanda took his eyes away from Allen and looked into the empty street. The street lights were starting to come on, this wasn't the best time of day to be running around. Clouds covered the night time sky and droplets of rain fell on the Japanese exorcist's face. Taking the sleeve of his uniform, he wiped off the water. "Oi...it's beginning to rain..." he said with a sour look "...better head back...." ---
Tyki's eyes followed Allen, out the door. He gave a sigh and turned his head towards the clock on the wall. It really was getting late, Cyril and Rhode were probably going to scold him for being this late. He scratched his head and gave a smile towards his human friends "Ah...it's getting late...." Tyki stood up from the table and pushed in his chair. " Sorry guysmy other job starts early in the morning for me...can't be out too late now a days." '...what a lame excuse...' he thought to himself, smiling and giving a wave goodbye to his fellow miners.
He walked out of the building and pas.sed Allen, nodding his head to the four exorcists that stood before him. Tyki turned in the other direction with a grin on his face and placed his hands in his pockets. Walking casually back up the street to Cyril's estate. Surly they would understand that he had lost track of time. The Noah took off his thick-glas.ses and looked up at the blackened sky. A drop of rain, fell on his cheek. Tyki blinked and wiped the water off with a finger.It was about to rain and the temperature was dropping. A shiver ran through him 'tea at Cyril's place would be nice now.' he smiled at the thought and walked in the drizzling rain.
3:15am Jan 22 2010
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"Well. It's starting to rain now, so he's probably walking back to our house." Rhode replied as they stepped out of the door and onto the street. The sky was getting darker, they needed to find her poker addict uncle soon, before it starts to pour.
She took a few steps in the light rain and stared into the sky. The cresent moon hidden behind the strom clouds that night.
12:41pm Jan 23 2010 (last edited on 7:05pm Feb 9 2010)
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Posts: 341
((Sorry about the delay, guys. I wrote a seventeen page story for creative writing, and it has been taking up all of my time. Post will go here in a moment.)) BIC|| "It's nothing, Lenalee-chan," Lavi stated calmly, squeezing Allen's shoulder. "Just...run-in with a Noah is all. Allen's fine. Right, Allen?" Allen was too busy glaring back at Kanda to reply. He was so busy that he didn't even notice Tyki pas.sed by them.
'Who is he to be pas.sing Judgment, anyway?! Though...' the white-haired exorcist was tickled by the fact that Kanda had even bothered to come out with the others to look for him. Maybe Kanda wasn't so horrible...wait, what? No way would he say that! Kanda was awful!
A raindrop landed upon the pentacle on his forehead, jolting him back to the world around him. "Ah, it's raining!" Lavi flailed his arms over his head in an attempt to protect his fluffy hair from the wetness falling down on them. "We should hurry back home! I'm cooolldd, dam--!" Lavi's protests were cut short when Allen's fluffy white cloak landed on top of his head. "...dammit. Thanks, Allen."
Maybe he was tired of Lavi's complaining. Maybe he was ready to go home. Maybe he was trying to apologize for running away, for yelling, for being so horrible. He'd led them to Hell and back, not just once but twice today. Allen wasn't quite sure why he'd done it, but it felt good to be the one they needed right now. He beckoned Lenalee to come closer and hide beneath his other side, a smile touching his pale lips. He and Lavi began walking in the direction of headquarters; Lavi snagged Kanda by the arm and pulled him underneath Allen's cloak as they breezed by him. Allen smiled back at Lenalee and Maya, asking them to come stay dry beneath his Innocence.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

3:32pm Jan 23 2010 (last edited on 6:09pm Jan 25 2010)
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Lenalee was about to protest at Lavi's blatant answer when she spotted the Noah exit the building. She felt herself bristle slightly as he pas.sed them, keeping her eyes on his back as he walked away. A Noah... That gave her all the answers she'd needed. Sighing, she turned her face back to the others, the feelings that had emerged at the sight of the Noah quickly fading... It didnt seem he was going to do anything as of yet... good thing too, they'd been through enough today without having to survive another skirmish. Allen's beckoning brought Lenalee away from her thoughts... She smiled as she walked in beside him, taking refuge under his innocence, the weather steadily getting worse as they started back towards headquarters. The appearance of the Noah had no effect on Maya, only seeing as she'd known he was there before he'd shown himself. Her eyes followed him as he emerged, then promptly turned to the sky once she'd realized he was no threat... well... not at the moment atleast. She gave herself a few seconds before looking back over at the exorcists all now under Allen's inocence. She couldnt remember seeing exorcists as close as that, no matter how they acted toward eachother... then again, she'd never really allowed herself to see it... she had never thought it wise to befriend people you could lose at any given moment, although admittedly, sometimes it was unavoidable. She smiled slightly at Allen's invitation... perhaps, this was why she found them such an interesting group... ah well~ Without a second thought, she fell in besides Lenalee under Allens innocence as they pas.sed, just as Lavi managed to drag Kanda in with them. "You get yourself into some strange situations, Allen" she said lightly, looking at the young silver haired exorcist, a smile playing on the corners of her lips. --- Cyril followed his daughters eyes skyward just as the fall of the rain started to increase. "That might not be the case Rhode~" He brought his eyes back to the smaller Noah with a cheerful ex pression. "He could well be inside someplace" He took another scope of the surrounding area. Tyki could be anywhere here, and although he enjoyed being out of the estate, he didnt much fancy trailing through the rain in order to find his damn brother who, clearly, should learn to keep his eye on the time. He sighed slightly and went to speak to Rhode again, being interrupted by the sight of an oncoming figure. It only took a moment to register. "Ah... speak of the devil..." Cyril raised his voice slightly. "You really should not keep us waiting you know, Tyki dear~"
11:44pm Jan 26 2010
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(( sorry~ Late reply D: )) The rain had stopped coming down on the Black-haired exorcist's head. He blinked up and realized that he had been pulled under Allen's innocence. "Che...." Kanda shot Lavi a look, why would he have ever thought, to pulling him underneath Allen's innocence. Being sheltered, by Allen...not something he thought he would ever end up doing. He didn't want any help from the silver-haired exorcist, no matter how big or small. Lavi on the other hand made it so that he had no choice and was holding his arm captive. He gave the red-head a pained look, this was way too close for comfort being next to all of his fellow exorcists. He couldn't wait to get back to the Black Order and go back to his lonesome, but for some reason he found it hard to believe that he will be by himself when they got back. There was this feeling in his stomach that there was someone, bound to bother him. --- Tyki looked up to see he's two family members. Knowing the would be looking for him, but found it ironic that they let him go on his own...only for them to go out and call him back. He sighed and gave them a wave. "Sorry, lost track of time...." the Noah smiled, as the rain came down slightly harder than before. He squinted trying to keep his vision on the other two Noahs that stood in the rain, waiting for him to return. "Wasn't expecting this either." he chuckled a bit and ran his fingers through his hair, which was practically soaked by now. He caught up with the rest of his family members "Perhaps...something warm would be nice, when we get back, Cyril?" Tyki smiled, yes a warm house and some hot tea, or any hot beverage would be nice at the moment.
12:56am Jan 27 2010
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(( l'll be busy these few days, birthday's coming up, so just take it that rhode opened a portal for now, unless you wanna walk somewhere and bug allen again. ))
8:27am Jan 29 2010 (last edited on 6:19pm Jan 29 2010)
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((srsly you all D: im just not in a mood to type anything sorry, would you please just skip me for this round?
i promise i'll be back D:
im not in any mood to post because my birthday's coming up and im NOT happy about it cause im celebrating it at home with my cousins whom i hate.
so pleeeease just skip meh D: <))
8:44am Jan 29 2010 (last edited on 8:45am Jan 29 2010)
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~(We're waiting on Allen, Rhode xD)~
6:19pm Jan 29 2010
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((( you better be :I )))
8:59am Jan 30 2010
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Posts: 341
((I am very sorry I'm late. I've been very busy lately...much busier than I'd imagined. A-and don't listen to Tyki when he shows up!! He lies, whatever he says that I was doing! :x)) BIC|| The smile on Allen's pale lips grew when Lenalee and Maya fell in beside him. He was glad to be of some service to them...after all, he'd been of no help earlier in the Ark (in his opinion, at least). He shook his head, then rubbed his hair against Lavi's shoulder in an attempt to get some of the water out of his hair before pulling his heavy, furry hood up over his head. The mask slid down over his eyes, which was slightly annoying to him, so he pushed it back up into the fluff upon his hood. A small dribble of water snaked down his forehead, crawling along the edge of the pentacle there, before sliding down the center of his face and moving beneath his left eye. He hastily wiped it off; he didn't want his friends to know that it wasn't just rain water... ~*(MOVING AHEAD TO HEADQUARTERS FOR CONVENIENCE'S SAKE)*~ Lavi shook himself off like a wet dog when they stepped into their headquarters. He flashed Allen a grateful smile, keeping a firm grip on Kanda's arm. After a few moments of quiet in which Allen shook off and deactivated his Innocence, which send a shower of rainwater across the room, Lavi gave a luxurious stretch and said, "I'm cold. We need hot drinks! C'mon~!" He dragged Kanda down the hall to the cafeteria, spouting some nonsense about making the Japanese exorcist lighten up a little. Allen smiled and gave a slight shake of his head; his hair was still wet from the rain. He turned to the girls and extended his hand to them, "We should probably save Lavi from Kanda's imminent wrath..."
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:40am Jan 30 2010 (last edited on 10:41am Jan 30 2010)
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~(Aww, it's fine Allen, no worries xD)~ Once the exorcists had entered headquarters, Maya sighed. She had been here just one day. One... and already so much had happened. She raised her face to the other exorcists. It was these lot... The entire day had unfolded around those people... She blinked and pulled a slight face. Oh.. she'd got herself into it this time. At that moment, Allen spoke, and Maya looked at the silver haired exorcist while her mind remained where it currently was. These exorcists... she smiled at the thought of it... a group as mixed and bonded like this one. She wasn't truly a part of this... not really. She didnt know these exorcists quite as well as they eachother, and simply reading them wasn't the same thing. She sighed again, and smiled at Allen. "I think you'll be able to manage just fine, Allen" She nodded slightly at the exorcist, before p*censored*ing him and the cafeteria, heading to her room. The room that already felt like she'd had it weeks... and not just the one day. Lenalee laughed slightly at Lavi and Kanda. Those two wouldnt change anytime soon. Not that she'd want them to. She nodded at Allen, still laughing slightly as she walked up next to him, stopping as Maya pas.sed both them and the cafeteria. Hmm... Maybe she was just tired?... she sighed lightly and looked at Allen, then at the entrance to the cafeteria. "I think we should probably hurry..." She smiled slightly at the thought of Lavi and what he might be putting up with at the moment. --- Cyril pulled a face at his approaching sibling. "Lost track of time... we figured as much" He shrugged and smiled. "Ah well, you should be grateful we care about you enough to come looking for you~" Cyril stretched slightly. The rain falling like pellets by now. He sighed at the weather, then turned back to tyki. "Tea? perhaps?..." He chuckled slightly, grasping a small lock of his own soaking hair between his fingers. "Getting changed would not be a bad idea either... Let's get going~" ~(Alright, Tyki, can just skip to the estate next time seeing as Rhode isnt posting just yet~ xD)~
11:40pm Feb 3 2010
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Posts: 79
(( sorry D: late reply~)) Unwilling Kanda was pulled by the red-head. No time to dry off or to change out of the drenched uniform he was in. He gave the Bookman-to-be an unamused look, taking his hair into one hand and squeezed it tightly. Draining out all the excessive water that was in it, trying to get the water on the red-head as much as possible.
Warm drinks, that would be nice at a time like this, then perhaps he could possibly leave and be on his own for at least ten minutes. He sighed, as they saw Jerry in his usual cheerful mood. Kanda order another cup of green tea and held it in his hands.
"Usagi...it's getting late...you and Moyashi better not disturb this night. Or it'll be your heads in the morning." he took a sip of the tea. Tomorrow will be a new day, just hope it's better than the one today. He gave a smirk and walked pas.sed the red-head, heading out the cafeteria and up to his room.
Tyki entered the large house;and took his shirt, twisting it as tight as he can, wringing it out on the floor. "I'll be back down for tea, Cyril...." he said looking up the long spiraling staircase. "Just going to change out of these wet clothes." he smiled and started to head upstairs.
As soon as he found some dryer clothes he came back down and walked into in the room Cyril usually was in. He sat himself down on the couch, all comfortably. The room was being heated up by the fire place in the center of the room. Tyki stared into the flames, thinking about all the events that occurred today. So many too....to think that he and the white-haired exorcist had fought twice that day...and still neither of them killed each other off.
He bit his lip, wondering why he keeps letting the boy go, why doesn't he just kill him off and stop playing games. The confused Noah scratched his head and sighed, he needed to drop the subject at least for tonight.
4:04am Feb 4 2010
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Rhode walked down the staircase and into the her father's room. Tyki had already occupied the sofa, so she sat on the spare chair that she dragged out before they left.
She then reached for the cup of hot chocolate on the desk next to her, almost spilling it everywhere. "Oi, Tyki, now we might have to delay the plans. You got us drenched too, you really should keep track of the time." the noah took a sip of the hot chocolate and lifted it up to observe the patterns on the cup.
Something seemed to be troubling that uncle of her's, but rhode was just too tired to ask him. It was nearly midnight now, he'd been playing poker with his friends for so long. the noah could never truely understand why he wanted to cheat other people for money, espicailly when that brother of his had such a wonderful house complete with beautiful furniture and a set of maids.
(( kayaa!! chapter 191 <3 ))
8:47am Feb 4 2010 (last edited on 7:12pm Feb 6 2010)
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Maya had entered her room in a surprisingly short space of time, closing the door immediately and leaning against it, closing her eyes for a moment. She threw off the heavy overcoat of the Order as she moved away from the door, leaving it sprawled on the back of a chair in the room, dripping with water. She got herself changed into something not quite so wet and far warmer, as she pondered over the exorcists she'd managed to get herself involved with. Sighing slightly, she laid on the bed, placing both hands behind her head as she looked at the ceiling, her mind trying to get to grips with everything that had happened today. She pulled a face, getting to sleep might prove to be a problem... Lenalee laughed quietly to herself as she grasped Allen's arm and started dragging him towards the cafeteria. She ordered tea, and quite promptly headed over to where Lavi and Kanda sat, noticing Kanda looked a little put off. Not surprising really... Today hadn't exactly been easy on any of them. Before she could so much as sit down however, Kanda upped and left, and Lenalee stood, tea in her hands, watching his retreating back as he strolled from the cafeteria. Typical Kanda. She shrugged to herself and sat by Lavi, keeping both hands wrapped around the cup, its warmth was comforting after being exposed to the weather outside. --- Cyril had got himself changed, and strolled into the room his brother and daughter already occupied pulling a damp towel from his shoulders. Long hair was a problem when it came to weather like this. Shortly behind him came a maid, carrying a tray of tea, and an as.sortment of biscuits. He gestured at the small coffee table next to the couch, and the maid obliged quickly, setting the beverages onto the surface and leaving the room after Cyril pas.sed over the towel. Once the maid had closed the door, he turned to his brother and daughter. "I suggest we relax tonight. We can talk tomorrow, I dont believe the exorcists will be upto much too soon, going by what happened on the Ark, that is..." He poured himself some tea after pas.sing a cup over to Tyki. "So, brother... What exactly took you so long?~..." Cyril was just alittle unconvinced by Tyki's excuse for a lack of time keeping.
6:47pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 341
Lavi pouted and stared intently down into his cup of hot chocolate. "Sure thing, Yuu~" he called, giving the Japanese exorcist a small wave as he walked out of the cafeteria. "Get some nice beauty sleep there, Yuu-chan!" He snickered under his breath, then gave Lenalee a happy smile and shook some of the water off of his hair. Allen, who had allowed Lenalee to drag him into the cafeteria and had paused to give Kanda a cold glare, ordered a cup of hot chocolate from Jerry and took it to the table where Lavi and Lenalee were sitting. He yawned slowly, quietly, then gave the two of them a weak smile and sat down across from them. What could he say? They had done so much for him...it felt awkward to try to thank them for coming after him. He scratched at his left eye and sipped his hot chocolate, delighting in the warmth that raced up his hands and the rich taste that enveloped his tongue. He never got to have hot chocolate like the kind Jerry made when he was little; it was always watered-down and crappy. Jerry obviously took great care when making this delicious drink. Allen gave a dreamy sigh, completely forgetting the wetness of his uniform and the awkwardness of the situation.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

11:56pm Feb 10 2010 (last edited on 11:58pm Feb 10 2010)
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Posts: 79
(( guh sorry if this is bad...I'm basically falling asleep writing it D| )) Lavi's voice carried out through the cafeteria, leaving Kanda no choice but to hear him. He rolled his eyes at Lavi's last few words and headed upstairs, once again to his dark, cold, room.
Everyone was in bed, well it was late after all. Too late, thanks to the white-haired exorcist and his stupidity for wanting to adventure out in the dark. Anger boiled inside of him when he thought of that kid. Oh how much he wanted to punish that new exorcist.
He stood before his door, staring down at the floor. Claiming himself down, riding any thoughts that had to deal with the naive exorcist who bothered Kanda to no end. He placed one hand on the cold entryway. Letting out a brief sigh before he opened the door and stepped inside. Closing it behind him, he took off his wet jacket and draped it along the back of a chair that was pushed in, underneath his desk. Kanda walked over to his bed, and sat on the edge of it, looking out the foggy window.
The rain begun to pour down, crashing against the window. It was quite loud, but in a strange way it put the Japanese exorcist to sleep. He fell down on his back and stared up at the ceiling; listening to the loud clanging the raindrops made against the hard surface. Kanda closed his eyes, focusing only on the sound of the rainfall and drifted off to sleep.
He looked over at the cup and accepted it. Tyki took a sip of the warm beverage and glanced over at his older sibling. "You know how it is when playing poker...actually...no you don't you've never played." he scratched his head "I just haven't seen my friends in awhile...they wanted to catch up on some things...stuff like that..." he smiled and turned towards the fire. He had a feeling that Cyril wasn't going to buy that lie either, why was he hiding the fact that he saw the exorcists?
Tyki looked at the reflection in the tea, thinking, would his own brother judge him if he didn't attack the exorcists right then and there. Or would he have agreed that it wasn't the right time to do it. He downed the tea, placing the empty cup down on the coffee table near by and stretched. "It's getting late Cyril...perhaps we should talk more in the morning." he gave his brother a friendly smile and stood up. "We'll figure our new plan of attack as well." He waved to his sibling and headed off to one of the bedrooms in Cyril's house.
He opened the door to the bedroom he was staying in and entered it, closing the door shut.
5:05am Feb 11 2010
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Rhode stared wearily at Tyki at he left the room. After all, it had been a long day. She continued to sip her hot chocolate. "Hey, Cyril?" she asked. "I think Tyki's hiding something from us..." She paused to yawn. "I think i'll go to my room too, lets continue this tomorrow."
It was quite obvious that Tyki was hiding something from them. The reason was short and he left the room before questions could be asked. Something was amiss with his poker game reason. Ah, but it was also so terribly late, a good night's sleep would do good for all of them. Besides, leaving the interrogation for the next day made little difference when you were somewhat immortal.
The noah finished her drink and went upstairs.
9:02am Feb 11 2010 (last edited on 9:50am Feb 11 2010)
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Lenalee finished her own drink in silence. It was late, very late, and she was finding herself feeling more than just a little slow at the moment. Of course, hot drinks didn't help in this situation at all, so she was in a rush somewhat to finish it and go sleep. After everything that had happened today, that was all she wanted to do, and she was hoping to do it before anything else happened to get in the way. She sighed and stood up, looking from Lavi to Allen and flashing a small smile. "I think I'm going to head on up... I'll see you both tomorrow..." She nodded lightly at them both before turning and strolling through the cafeteria to the hall. She made her way to the rooms quickly, slipping into her own and changing into something more comfortable before settling on the bed. Today... What a day... She placed a hand over her eyes, falling back onto the pillow, and before she could so much as mull over the events that had taken place, had drifted into an effortless sleep. --- Cyril had raised an eyebrow at his brother's statement. Tyki was failing at trying to make any sort of impression here, but Cyril chose not to question it. He'd ask again later if he had to. He nodded and smiled as Tyki headed off, and looked over at Rhode as she spoke. "I'd have to agree with you..." He looked back over at the door Tyki had left through. "Perhaps... he has his reasons?" Shrugging lightly, he went and sat at his desk, roughly pushing most of the paper over to one side and placing his elbow in the space it created. He rested his head on a hand, his eyes focused but unseeing on one of the loose sheets in front of him. What was Tyki hiding?... Surely it wasn't bad enough to hide from his own family? From his own brother?... Cyril looked up as his daughter chose that precise moment to leave after her uncle. "Goodnight, Rhode~" He smiled warmly at her as she left the room, then turned to face the flickering light of the fireplace once the door had closed, his thoughts still elsewhere... After a short while, Cyril stood and extinguished the fire, leaving the smoke to filter through a slightly open window, as he headed off to his own bed. He'd talk to Tyki later... He was going to get some sort of answer out of that brother of his eventually...