8:18am Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 8:18am Feb 12 2010)
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Posts: 341
Lavi nodded and gave Lenalee a wave as she walked out of the cafeteria. "Sleep well, Princess~!" he called, a small, slightly sad smile touching his lips. Allen must have had five cups of the warm chocolaty drink in the time it took Kanda and Lenalee to leave. He was now on his sixth, and was sipping it contently while his gaze flitted around the room. "Bye, Lenalee," he murmured, giving her a smile as she vanished around the corner. "See you tomorrow morning..." ((Going to briefly roleplay Arystay Krory. ^^)) "What are you two doing up?" Krory peeked around the corner shyly, examining his two favorite exorcists with ever-growing interest. This was not uncommon, them being together like this...but after what had happened the night before (which Miranda told him about), he was becoming increasingly curious about their bond. Lavi blinked up from his cup; an almost insane smile grew on his lips as he set down the cup and gave the vampire exorcist an enthusiastic wave. "Hey there, Kuro-chan!" Krory smiled faintly and stepped into the empty room, making his way over to their table and sitting tiredly down beside the redhead. "It is late...why are you two awake?" "We just got back from some akuma chase," Lavi grinned and took another sip of his hot chocolate. "Allen ran out after a level three." Krory's brows furrowed, and he turned his gaze onto the white-haired exorcist who was immersed in his drink. "And you did not tell anyone where you were going?" he asked, leaning on the table. Allen blinked innocently up at him, a small smile forming on his pale lips. "'m sorry..." he murmured sheepishly. "I didn't have time to warn anyone...I just had to go..." "Ah..." Krory sighed faintly, shook his head, then gave the younger exorcist a tiny smile. "So...shouldn't you two be in bed now?" "Probably," Lavi replied, giving a luxurious stretch. "'m tired...c'mon, Allen." He offered his hand to the smaller exorcist, who nodded and took it. Lavi smiled and pulled Allen to his feet, then hugged Krory and strolled out of the cafeteria, hand-in-hand with the white-haired exorcist. Krory chuckled and followed them, shepherding them both down the hall with an almost fatherly authority. Allen did not want to admit that he was not ready to go to sleep. Sleep meant being alone, and being alone meant not being alone...for him, anyway. Being alone meant spending time with the 14th.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

3:18pm Feb 15 2010
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~(Bump~ xD)~
11:31pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 79
Vivid nightmares, filling his some what peaceful, sleep. The images were fresh now, thanks to the events that happened prior to. Alma, the Asian branch, the women in the field...all so clear. Kanda's eyes shot open, of course it just had to be in the middle of the night. Sleep was so foreign to the black-haired exorcist. Placing a hand over his eyes, he tried to clear the images out of his mind. He sat up and pushed himself all the way up the bed, sitting in the corner, against the wall and staring out the window.
The rain continued to fall, though it was slowing down. He concentrated on the single droplets, watching them splatter on impact. His eyes were heavy, sleep was a must for him, but he feared that he wouldn't be getting a wink anytime soon. Kanda let out a sigh and arched his head up, while attempting to rest his eyes.
A bolt of lightning flashed through his window, lighting the darkened room. Re-opening his eyes, he looked out the tinted window. Listening closely to the thunder which followed suit. It roared through the building, rattling anything that was not stable. He turned towards the rattled hourgl*censored* that sat upon his desk. Three petals were missing, no more, no less.
He became agitated by the thought of it and quickly closed his eyes. Taking deep breathes, bringing his focus back on the trickling rain. Soon, the Japanese male fell into yet another light slumber.
--- He locked the door, hoping that would keep out the intruders for the night. The Noah walked over to the bed and fell forward, with his face being smothered in the pillow. He thought about the day, and how he had at least two opportunities to kill the white- haired exorcist, but failed both times.
Tyki let out a quiet yawn, 'Tomorrow....' he then thought to himself 'Would that too, be an adventure.' He's eyes closed before he could even think about a plan for tomorrow's attack. This day was such a pain, for the Noah. Before he drifted to sleep he thought about one last question which was. Who will kill who first? not a pleasant note to end on, but it was stuck in his mind.
He mustn't let his guard down...nor should he play with the exorcist, but rather go all out. All the options he had, but none of them seemed to be the right one. He sighed heavily in the pillow and attempted to fall asleep.
8:36am Feb 19 2010
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~(*Prods Tyki* Leaving me to do the time skip~ D< pfft xD)~ Morning... The day had started dry and clear after the unsettling weather last night, although, from the view through the windows it was clear the ground was still damp and marshy thanks to the excessive rain. Lenalee left her room in a bit of a rush, getting changed into her uniform in a short amount of time. It was still very early, and she usually slept in past this point... Yesterday, although it had taken alot out of her, had also prevented her sleeping properly, although admittedly, the little sleep she did get helped a lot, and this morning she felt much better for it. On her way out of the room, she managed to completely byp*censored* everything in the hallway and run directly into the new arrival, who had also just emerged. Maya threw out one arm and caught the hasty exorcist before she fell forward, an eyebrow raised and a small smile playing on her lips. Lenalee pulled herself straight and smiled. "Ah, I'm sorry, Maya... and thankyou..." She blinked as she looked up at the blonde exorcist. "Your up early... Did you sleep okay?" "I could say the same to you... and yea, I guess..." Maya avoided looking directly at Lenalee, pulling her arm away from her as the younger exorcist got her balance... Of course she was up early... Sleeping had proved to be a big problem last night for Maya, for obvious reasons... "Your in quite a rush this morning" She continued, hoping to divert away from that subject... She really did not want to think about it... Lenalee smiled... "One of those days I suppose..." Lenalee glanced down the hallway. She wanted to know how the other's were doing... Allen in particular... She sighed, before turning back to Maya. "Let's go eat" She was sure she'd see them later, so she wouldn't let herself worry, not just yet, anyway. Maya nodded, watching as Lenalee started off towards the cafeteria. Stretching slightly, Maya followed shortly after, easily catching up to the chinese girl, and walking beside her as they headed downstairs. --- Cyril had been up and eaten, and still he saw no sign of the other two Noah's in the house. Typical, he supposed... He was just an early sort of person, and he was sure the others would make no attempt to get up early for his sake. He sat in his office, looking out at the grounds of the estate, glittering in the early morning light. He needed to talk to Tyki today... No more evading the question as far as he was concerned, he wanted to know what happened yesterday, however unimportant it may have been. He turned in his chair, placing both arms on the desk and looking at a number of paper's he still needed to complete... Not that he was in any rush. It could wait.
4:10am Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,326
Rhode looked at her uncle's closed door. Tyki was still sleeping, or maybe he was pretending to sleep, hoping that Cyril would leave the house for some important matter, giving him a chance to escape before the questions started. The noah wanted to know about what happened last night too. She walked down the stairs and into the dinning room. Of the three plates laid out, one already had crumbs on it. Cyril must have woken up already. Rhode took some butter cookies and placed them on her plate, no appetite for the other sweet stuff this morning.
She took a bite of one of the cookies and went to her father's mini office room, bringing her breakfast with her. "Morning Cyril~" she said smiling before sitting herself on the chair.
8:01am Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 341
((I am SO sorry, guys. -.- School's been taking over my life!)) BIC|| Lavi yawned sleepily and sat up, glancing around at his surroundings blearily. Where was he? He glanced out the nearby window at the sunshine peeking in at him and a warm smile touched his lips; this was not the view from his bedroom. It was the library. 'Ah, must've tried to read again...that or I sleepwalk.' The redhead chuckled and laid his head back down where it had been resting, closing his eye in an attempt to go back to sleep. 'Wait, what the--?' He reopened his green eye and blinked it several times, trying to put together this odd situation he know found himself in. The 'pillow' that he was laying on was warm. But it wasn't from his own body heat. A small yawn came from above his head; "Lavi...?" a soft voice murmured. "Where are we...?" Aww, hell. Lavi mentally gave himself a kick in the pants; he'd fallen asleep with his head in Allen's lap. ((RPing Krory again. :3)) "Allen-kun? Lavi?" Krory glanced around a bookshelf, a tired smile on his pale lips. "Ah, welcome back to this world! You two sure sleep hard." Lavi was too stunned to give an intelligent answer. He quickly got up from the couch, regretting the warmth that was pooling in his cheeks, and hurried out of the library and down the hall toward the cafeteria. Allen, still confused, blinked innocently up at the vampire exorcist. "What...just happened?" ((Do with that what you will~))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

3:35am Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 3:36am Feb 25 2010)
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Posts: 1,326
(( nah, thats okay, i think i'll be gone for a while too, exams coming :c ))
6:33pm Feb 26 2010 (last edited on 7:16pm Feb 26 2010)
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Posts: 79
A beam of sunlight crept through the darkness of his tinted window. Shining directly down on his pale skin, kissing his face with warmth. Kanda squinted and draped his arm over his eyes. Morning...so soon. He groaned and rolled over on to his side, blocking out the ray of light. Another restless night, to start a brand new day. He shut his eyes as tight as he possibly could, trying to go back to sleep. Which was useless in his mind.Eventually as wasted time went on he decided to give up and rise from his so called slumber. He picked up the red-rope that was tossed to the side and tied his long hair back up in a high pony tail. Kanda grabbed his uniform jacket and threw it on as well; buttoning it up and slinging Mugen over his shoulder. A new day, meant new problems for him to face. He swung open the heavy door, walking out and closing it behind him. Deja vu, ran through his mind; how quickly the days seemed to be going now. Kanda stared down at the floor as he walked down the long hallway and towards the cafeteria. --- He lied in the exact same spot from where he was left the night before. On his stomach, face smothered in the pillow. Peeking out from behind the cushion. 'Morning huh...' he thought to himself as he hid back down into the head rest; Knowing that as soon as he got up Cyril would interrogate him for his actions last night. Tyki pushed himself up and got off the mattress. He shook out his messy, curly hair as he walked towards the exit. He phased through the locked door and headed downstairs sluggishly. He pas.sed the dining room to see his lonely plate of food left by the maids. The Noah looked at it and thought that it'd probably rude if he didn't accept what was given to him. Letting out a sigh he took the plate of food and brought into Cyril's office area. Noticing that both of his family members were in there as well. He gave them a friendly smile and greeted them a warm "Good morning." Tyki placed the plate of food down on the coffee table and sat on the couch directly across from it.
1:20pm Feb 27 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Maya sat next to Lenalee with her head in a hand, her elbow on the table and her eyes closed, the cafeteria was more or less empty with it being so early. Lenalee seemed to be anxious to check on the others, her aura was giving Maya a head ache. Of course... That could have been simply becuase she didn't sleep well last night. Again. She sighed slightly and opened an eye to glance sideways at the younger exorcist. "You know... If your so worried about them you could always go and check on them" Maya closed her eye again as Lenalee shook her head. "I'm sure they're just fine... It's just... after yesterday..." She shrugged. She couldn't really put it into words, how everyone was yesterday... Especially Allen. He was so... worked up and out of it... She shook her head again before crossing her arms on the table, eyes focused on one of the windows which were currently glowing with morning light. Maya sensed absoloutely no change in the girls aura. Clearly, Lenalee was going to worry no matter what Maya said to her. After a few minutes of silence Lenalee spoke again. "I'm sorry..." The chinese exorcist was looking at the table as Maya turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "What I mean is... I'm sorry you got involved in all that yesterday... You hadn't even been here 10 minutes..." Maya chuckled and closed her eyes again. "Don't worry about it... It was my choice to go along, was it not?" She glanced at Lenalee again and smiled. "Really... Don't get worked up over it." Lenalee nodded at her, then went back to looking at the table. --- Cyril brought himself out of his thought process when he heard someone enter the room. Rhode. "Good morning, daughter dearest~" He replied, a smile on his face. Ah... His daughter... always so adorable on a morning~ Of course, she was always adorable, maybe it was just the morning light. He shrugged slightly to himself as he pushed the spare papers on his desk to one side. He looked up again, still smiling. "I as.sume Tyki's still sleeping? No surprise there I suppose~" Before Rhode could answer, the door opened a second time as Tyki entered the room, greeting them and promptly sitting across from his plate of food. Cyril raised an eyebrow, the smile never leaving his face. Well... Tyki certainly looked like his mind was elsewhere this morning... He didn't seem too interested in his plate of food at any rate. "So how are you this morning, Tyki? You seem alittle distracted..." For the first time that morning since he had seen his family, his smile slipped, and he looked at Tyki with a question in his eyes. He didn't need to ask, Tyki probably already knew what Cyril wished to know.
6:51pm Mar 1 2010
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~(Bump >3)~
3:29am Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 1,326
(( hey. hey. there isnt much for me to say this round, so you can just skip me x: ))
8:12am Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(We're waiting on Allen I think xD! *gives Rhode a cookie* <3)~
4:24am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 1,326
(( ohkai o: ))
5:06pm Mar 9 2010
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~(bump o/)~
11:52am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 341
((asdfghjkl; I AM SO SORRY. D: I've been so busy lately that I've not had time for Res. But I am here nao. Should I restart the board in a new thread so that we can make more plot?)) BIC|| Allen yawned and stepped through the entrance to the cafeteria, blinking his silver eyes to drive away the sleep clinging to his mind. He gave Jerry a wave as he p*censored*ed, making his way over to Lenalee and Maya and sitting down beside the slim Chinese girl. "Morning..." he muttered, giving another yawn and smiling casually at the two females. "Did you two sleep well?" He seemed genuine enough, but inside he was breaking--no, already broken. He was so embarr*censored*ed with himself that he could have died on the spot, even though the cause of his embarr*censored*ment was long gone from his mind's eye. Last night. Last night was a disaster. He hadn't wanted to sleep alone, so he'd meandered down to the library to find some company. There he'd found Lavi stretched out on a couch with his nose in a book. He'd sat down beside his comrade and tried to strike up a conversation, which Lavi had been eager to do, and the two had chatted idly for what must have been hours.they must have gone on for so long that they fell asleep beside each other...and he woke up with Lavi's head in his lap. ~*'*~ Lavi groaned and leaned his face into the morning wind, training his keen eye onto the rich blue sky above him. His heart was still racing from the morning's run-in with Allen; how had he let his guard down so easily? Now thoughts of 'comradery' and 'friendship' were racing through his exhausted (yet oddly refreshed somehow) mind. Curses.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

2:01pm Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(Sure Allen-kun, do that :3 And its okay xD Don't worry about it <3)~
7:12am Mar 16 2010
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~(Bump >3)~
9:40am Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 341
((Okay, I'll restart us. Maybe we can have some new RPers, too. ^^))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:07am Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 341
((New roleplay: http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/-mourner-solitaire-d-gray-man/~page/1/ :D))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."
