7:31pm Nov 11 2009
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Posts: 145
(( You think? xD We definately need a Kanda. Yesh, Lenalee and Allen. That would be awesome. <3 Lutino, ahaha, really? Meh a genius then. =O You sure you don't want to be a character? -pokes- Kanda... 8D)) Lavi dusted the gra.ss off Allen's coat and laughed. "A bit of gr*censored* won't hurt, besides, it adds colour to your clothing..." Lavi quickly stood up and shook the remaining dirt off his own coat, as he reached his hand out towards Allen. "Need help getting up? Moyashi."With that comment, he felt Allen's stare become quite cold and decided to inch back a bit. "What? Yu chan call you that all the time..." On the mention of Kanda, Lavi wondered where in the world that cold hearted exorcist was at the moment. Komui did mention something about a solo mission for Kanda, but it was seriously taking longer than expected. "I suppose Yu chan is taking his sweet time? Hmm?" Lavi chuckled at the back of his head, grinning at the thought of Kanda napping somewhere in an alley. Thinking more and more, Lavi bursted out in giggles and immediately was sent off rolling in the gra.ss once more.
8:10pm Nov 11 2009 (last edited on 8:11pm Nov 11 2009)
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Posts: 341
((I may very well take her, if no one else wants to roleplay with us. :D *snorts* ...sorry about my Laven refs. I can't help being a yaoi fangirl. xD)) BIC|| Allen glared daggers at the other Exorcist. "You're being more immature than Komui, Usagi no baka." he snapped. "I'm no bean sprout! I'm Allen!" the pale-haired Exorcist got up for a moment, pushing his hair behind his ears as another gust of wind tossed his coat around him. "Prepare for Corporal Punishment!" Allen cried, tackling Lavi into the gras.s. "This means war~!" he laughed out loud, closing his eyes in a content fashion. It wasn't often that Allen was truly able to enjoy himself, with the akuma and Noah attacks increasing almost daily. This was a nice break; a peaceful night, just him, Lavi, and the moon. How cliche it sounded, but he allowed the thought to resonate through his mind like the ringing of a bell. Perhaps the Bookman-to-be wasn't as annoying as he thought.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

6:37pm Nov 12 2009
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Posts: 341
((Chinese proverb #6: A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:23pm Nov 12 2009
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Posts: 145
Lavi laughed even harder as Allen tackled him down. Holding his laughter in, he sat up slowly to gaze at the moon. It was a nice day, yet something was missing. Lavi couldn't put his mind to it quite properly, and shaked it slowly while scratching the back of his head. "I swear I promised someone something..." Lavi mumbled as he slowly pulled himself up. "Neh neh Allen kun?" Lavi poked the small exorcist's cheeks softly, "Who do you like?" With that, Lavi was sent of into his own turmoil on whether such bothering feelings were mean't for a Bookman to be, to learn and discover. "I should learn everything possible right? That includes love...?" Lavi pondered deep within himself.
8:04am Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 341
Allen blinked. What was with the direct question? A faint blush tinted his usually pale cheeks as he pulled himself to his feet, casting his gaze back towards the moon in an attempt to hide it from his companion. "...I dont know," he replied softly, slowly. "I really haven't had time to give it much thought...I mean, things have been pretty hectic since I joined the Order." he gave a low sigh, pondering Lavi's question deep in the back of his mind. "...I suppose...Lenalee-chan," he finally spoke. "Then again...Komui would kill me. And she isn't that great a cook..." he cound hear Lenalee chewing him out for that later. "...in all honesty, Usagi, I'm not really sure. But I guess, if you knew the feeling..." he hesitated, then turned his silvery gaze onto Lavi, "...you could teach me about it?" The child in him was coming out; he hated acting his age, but he had no idea what it felt like to be in love. Mana never taught him about love.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:10pm Nov 13 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 341
((Chinese proverb #7: A diamond with a flaw is worth more than a pebble without imperfections.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

7:38am Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 341
((Chinese proverb #8: A fool judges people by the presents they give him.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

2:41pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 341
((Chinese proberb #9: A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

4:48pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 145
Lavi honestly in all, did not expect Allen to answer the question. He had imagined more of a pissed of beansprout throwing rocks at him or something. Instead, here was standing a blushing Allen, asking such a serious question. Not to mention... Allen likes Lenalee? Maybe? Lavi bursted out in laughs. Komui would definately kill Allen for this, if he ever found out. Just thinking of this, Lavi shivered from head to toe, while gently brushing back his hair and gazing steadily into Allen's eyes. "Love? It's... I..." Lavi could feel the tension building up in the atmosphere, he had to think of an answer quick. Teach Allen about love? He must be crazy to even think about this. After all, Lavi himself barely understood the feelings he had for a certain someone. Truth to say, he was hoping the beansprout actually knew what love was, and could explain it to the bookman to be, but his own question back fired as it is. "Um... Who gave you permission to start calling me Usagi, hmm?" Lavi gently flicked Allen's forehead, while chuckling. "Isn't it such a nice day?" He then faked a yawn and murmured sleepily, "We should go to bed soon." Lavi hoped that Allen was dense enough to forget the previous subject, although with such a lame transitional topic... Lavi shook his head, "I hope he takes the bait."
5:05pm Nov 14 2009 (last edited on 8:46am Nov 16 2009)
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Posts: 341
Lavi's laughter made the younger Exorcist blush even more, but it was more out of anger than embarras.sment. Why was it so funny? Allen was being totally honest! Allen's mood quickly changed, however, to amused. Lavi's poor attempt to answer his question was making his evening perfect: he'd never seen the older Exorcist so flustered. Then lavi just HAD to go ruin it. "Um... Who gave you permission to start calling me Usagi, hmm?" THIS pissed Allen off. "LAVI!" The white-haired Exorcist responded to the flick on his forehead by leaping onto Lavi's back and beating his head with his fists. "Why are you dancing around the subject?! Is it that dangerous to you, being an omnipotent Bookman?! It must be a pretty easy life to be a Bookman, detaching yourself from everyone around you! You've gone so far that you won't even answer my damned question! Why don't you use your head for a change like the old man tells you to?!" he huffed angrily. It wasn't the question, it was the lack of an answer. Allen did not like to beat around the bush with people; he liked direct questions and answers, regardless of whether or not they caught him off-guard. He slowed in his punishing of Lavi, his eyes heavy with sleep and frustration. "Fine..." he slumped froward, dropping his head onto Lavi's shoulder as his arms slipped around the taller Exorcist's neck and his legs wound around his waist. "We'll talk more tomorrow...I wanna go home..." ((Allen reminds me so much of Ed Elric. xD So kawaii~))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

7:22am Nov 15 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 341
((Chinese proverb #10: A nation's treasure is in its scholars.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:31am Nov 16 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 341
((Rawr, I'm tired of bumping this. Dx Chinese proverb #11: A rat who gnaws at a cat's tail invites destruction.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:20am Nov 16 2009
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Posts: 191
((I might help you out :D ))
9:55am Nov 16 2009 (last edited on 9:55am Nov 16 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 341
((That would be amazing. TT^TT Don't forget to read my rules on the first page, which I just edited. ^^))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

6:59pm Nov 16 2009
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Posts: 341
((Chinese proverb #12: Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

11:15pm Nov 16 2009 (last edited on 5:12am Nov 18 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 145
((Meh... Sorry about that. = = I'm just busier than expected with school work. Anyways, yah. I always thought Allen and Edward had something in common you know? The one unique arm and stuff. =P Their temper is almost the same as well. LOL If not exactly. Miami 8D -pokes- You must join. -hands cookie... o3o)) Lavi grinned. Seeing Allen blush through so many shades of red was more amusing than that one time he braided Kanda's hair... As Lavi relaxed a bit thinking Allen wouldn't pursue the answer any farther, he was noted wrong as Allen quickly jumped onto the bookman to be's back and started rapidly hitting Lavi for answers. Lavi struggled a bit, trying to inch himself out of the white-haired exorcist's grasp, but his efforts were in vain as Allen tackled him even more. Lavi sighed as he waited for the teen to settle down. It had been awhile since things had been this lively, around his surrounding anyways. The brat was good, as Allen continued yelling, Lavi froze at certain comments that triggered his own doubts from within himself. "Bookman huh?" Lavi rummaged through his brains. It had been his dream since he could remember anything about his own life, to be the successor of the current Bookman. He could almost call him his family, the reason he kept living... When Lavi finally returned to reality from his own little world, he realized Allen's beating had lessened to a stop, as he looked up at the bundle of hair infront of his face. "Meh... Falling asleep on me, hmmm? Moyashi!" Lavi quickly gathered the small excorcist bridal style, and giggled. "My my, isn't sleeping beauty cute when he's not tormenting me?" Lavi carried Allen the rest of the way to head quarters. Or as Allen worded it, "Home..." It didn't sound right in Lavi's mind as the words rolled off his tongue. "So that would mean... These comrades are like family? They aren't fake?"
6:44pm Nov 17 2009 (last edited on 6:45pm Nov 17 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 341
"Shut up," Allen quipped as he felt Lavi swing him forward into a bridal-style grip. "I'm Allen, not Moyashi." Though he was acting tough, he could feel his cheeks turning red again. Curse him for being so pale and sensitive! Ahaha, the irony...it was not like he could be anymore cursed than he already was... A pang of pain shot through the small exorcist's heart. How was it possible that he was lucky enough to have found a family like the exorcists of the Black Order? They were so good to him, and they didn't care that he wasn't completely normal...after all, none of them really were. They treated him like a rarity, a precious commodity, and a true comrade. But family was not something he was ever fortunate enough to keep. This thought frightened him: would this family forget him and move on, or would they all die before they got the chance? Would they perish like Mana had, or would they forget about him like his birth parents did? Either way, Allen resigned himself to his fate. He would always be alone, falling from family to family. There was no one who would keep him forever. No one cared enough to try for him. His life would be spent in solitude.
Except for here and now, bundled up in Lavi's arms, feeling like his head was about to explode. The Crowned Clown prayed that Lavi wasn't paying attention; it was embarras.sing enough that the he had tried to fall asleep on him. Was it possible that Lavi was as lonely and frightened as he was, or was the Bookman-to-be trying to protect himself by estranging himself from his fellow exorcists? Could they mean that little and yet that much to him? Allen's arms wound around the older exorcist's neck, as if he was trying to say "I'm here, I'm real, I'm your comrade, I'll fight for you, and I know how you feel. You're not alone anymore." But he was really just trying to cling to something real, something that would keep him awake. Sleep took him to dark, uncomfortable places... ((Ugh, long post. TT^TT Sorry. I just had to spit that all out.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

5:26am Nov 18 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 145
Lavi continued towards the entrance to headquarters. Midnight had arrived and it was 12 o'clock perfectly now. Lavi stared at the excorcist in his arms and shook him slightly trying to wake him up. "Allen... Moyashi!" He continued trying to wake the bundle in his arms while sighing. Lavi wondered why the white haired boy was so quiet all of a sudden, it wasn't possible that he actually fell asleep... Right? Lavi looked around making sure no one was in sight, after all, it would be terrible if Bookman saw this scene. Caring for someone, and thinking they were a friend, was not in the Bookman's vocabulary, and Lavi shuddered at the lecture he would recieve later on, if he was caught now. He might even be forced to leave this part of history, if Bookman became suspicious of his wavering feelings, and Lavi wouldn't like that. Not when he had finally found a place to feel a part of, he did not, absolutely not, want to seperate from his current comrades. These people were idiots, weird out of the ordinary yet they provided Lavi with comfort and humor, they relaxed him to the least. He slowly placed Allen on the bench in the halls, and took his jacket off. It was getting rather chilly, and so he placed the jacket over Allen hoping the poor boy wouldn't catch a cold. Why couldn't they turn up the heat a little? It was freezing and yet the heater was practically never on. Seriously he thought, how can such a strong excorcist be ungaurded at such a ridiculous moment. Lavi peered at Allen and giggled, he seemed to be debating something in his dreams, as Lavi slowly reached out to poke Allen's cheek. "We're back... Home" Lavi didn't think it was quite right to say home, but maybe this would catch the boy's attention and stir him up? Well, it didn't work and so Lavi tried a different tactic, "Allen, breakfast is ready!"
8:01am Nov 18 2009 (last edited on 8:03am Nov 18 2009)
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Posts: 341
"Ugh..." Allen protested once more to his endowed nickname, but was far too tired to form any words. His heart was still aching over his prior thoughts, every beat feeling like he was going to die in agony. Not only that, but his entire body was freezing cold from the chilly breeze that always surrounded their head quarters. He felt Lavi put him down, but his eyelids would not move. Damn, why couldn't Komui warm this place up every now and again? He shivered internally, but the cold was quickly dissolved by Lavi's coat, which the older exorcist had placed over him. Allen noted that some of Lavi's warmth was still clinging to the inside. After a moment of silence and a poke to the cheek, the other exorcist muttered something about them being home...and Allen's heartache intensified. Home. Head quarters. The only place in the world where he would ever have the inkling of family and of love. Tears sprang into his eyes briefly, but he stilled the overwhelming sadness in him and focused more on the fact that Lavi wasn't acting like his usual self (aside from calling Allen by his annoying nickname). Suddenly Lavi mentioned something about breakfast. Allen shot upright, almost throwing Lavi's coat off, and looked around with bright eyes. Food never sounded so good. "Really?!" he asked, shooting the Bookman-to-be a hopeful look, his silvery eyes shining happily. Then his eyes fell on a nearby clock, which happened to be conveniently placed in his line of vision. Midnight. Dammit. "Lavi!" he would have punched the other exorcist if he wasn't so tired, so he would have to settle on flailing pitifully instead. "That's no fair! That's like me trying to wake you up by telling you that some hot girl sent you a picture of herself!" he hugged Lavi's coat around his legs, trying hard not to show that he was really enjoying the fading warmth of it.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

7:01pm Nov 18 2009 (last edited on 3:43pm Nov 19 2009)
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Posts: 79
(("My headstone grieves for your lost soul..."
 NAME: Yuu Kanda AGE: 18 GENDER: Male PERSONALITY: cold, rude, murderous intent, solitary ROLE: Exorcist SPECIAL ABILITIES: Anti-akuma weapon; Mugen that is takes form as a katana. It is capable of unleashing several techniques (dubbed illusions). Due to the tattoo above his heart, he can recover much faster than ordinary humans. PAST (if you want to type it out):... OTHER: His lifespan is connected to a lotus flower that takes place in an hour glas.s. ))