7:10pm Nov 18 2009
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Posts: 341
((KANDA! *tackles* I knew you'd be here~ Thanks for showing up. I'll be sure to introduce you to Lavi. Post whenever~))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

12:58am Nov 19 2009
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Posts: 145
((Meh, I love Tyki's username... -paws- xD Hey there Kanda. o3o Ready for some teasing and murderous fun? LOL))
1:23am Nov 19 2009 (last edited on 1:25am Nov 19 2009)
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Posts: 145
Lavi's eyes lighted up but then realized Allen was only comparing situations. Darn, he had really looked forward to a hot girl sending a photo over, he would die happy, or maybe not. Lavi chuckled softly, "Great comparison there, but you do realize... You weren't waking up unless I mentioned food." Lavi sighed and bent over to play with the glistening silver hair that was infront of him. While twirling the strands of white hair, Lavi felt a chill take over as he shivered from head to toe, "Heh... Since Moyashi is now up and yelling, I'm taking this back."Gently he reached out towards his coat and slipped it on himself again. Lavi felt warmer immediately and noted that Allen had warmed up the coat nicely. Hitan woke up. Those idiots... They had to pick the floor where she was sleeping to mess around. They were so going to get it... Hitan slowly got up, nudged around for a jacket and opened her door, traveling right, not too far, she spotted Allen and Lavi. Her heart jumped a beat at the scene, as Lavi continued to mess with the small exorcist's hair. Public display of affection much? Hitan shook her head as she leaned on the wall slowly taking in the temperature around her. Komui is such an idiot, wasting money on inventions, but not on some heat... Hitan slowly walked towards the group and smiled, "Having fun you two?" She reminded herself that Allen looked rather flustered today, more than usual and couldn't help but giggle a bit, as the two excorcists infront of her stood blushing. "What? Cat caught your tongue?" Lavi knew for a fact, when someone was interesting, and Hitan had never been an exception. Always coming up with the randomest ideas and proving the most dangerous ones, Lavi couldn't help but feel slightly attracted to her. She was always trying out the impossible, had an obsession with poison and nonetheless had some weird connection with Kanda's family. As a bookman to be, he never questioned her, even as a child when they met, the two were mysterious to each other. Now, Lavi had to pretend he didn't know her from before, and he felt great pain knowing this, but past lives spent and over with, cannot be brought up again. At least that was what Bookman was always muttering about. We are nothing but books to store the history, taking no sides but to record the truths. ((Finally had some time to write xD Dum dee dum dum, this post is so long, but I couldn't help it. Ahaha, she needed to debut sometime anyways, might as well get her on Allen and Lavi's case. =X))
8:04am Nov 19 2009
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Posts: 341
((Tyki and I are RW friends. ^^ We go way back~ Post will go here during school sometime today~))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:03am Nov 19 2009
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My headstone grieves for your lost soul (Please be patient, i AM new at this, and i will try my best =3) NAME: Lenalee Lee AGE: 16 GENDER: Female PERSONALITY: Kind, caring, considerate and much more besides ROLE: Exorcist SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Dark Boots, her anti-akuma weapon, takes the form of a pair of black boots capable of running at high speeds, walking on water, and using sound waves as footholds PAST Her parents were killed by an akuma when she was very young. Due to her ability to use the Innocence, Lenalee Lee was forced to become an Exorcist to use her strength. Because she was separated from her single, remaining family member at a young age, she went insane and had to be restrained due to repeated attempts of escape. During that time, she witnessed experiments involving implanting Innocence into non-accommodators, and Rouvelier became a source of fear. However, her brother Komui joined the Order, easing her loneliness. Therefore, sanity restored, she fights for her brother as well as her friends as she knows she has a home to return OTHER: She invoked the Black boots beyond her ability and lost the ability to use her Innocence as well as most of her mobility. When she later drinks the liquefied form of the Innocence, the Dark Boots "evolved" from their Equipment Type into an entirely new Crystal Type, which is supposedly the first of said type. - Not gonna write much here involving this yet, havnt yet had time to read the manga quite this far-
10:30am Nov 19 2009
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Posts: 79
(( *Tackled*...I told you I would show up....bwah..I don't have much time to write, I'll do it later.))
3:34pm Nov 19 2009 (last edited on 3:38pm Nov 19 2009)
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Posts: 341
((Cleao. :3 Thanks for taking Lenalee...I can't roleplay more than one person well. xD You'd better, Kanda, or I'll bug you during school. xD)) BIC|| "I was never asleep, baka," still disgruntled by Lavi's attempt to wake him up, Allen tried to calm himself down by closing his eyes and slowing his breathing. "I'm just...thinking." He would have succeeded in relaxing had the redhead not started to tease his hair. The smaller, paler exorcist breathed in sharply at the alien feeling of Lavi's hand in his hair. As he began to get used to the other exorcist's touch an almost comforting feeling began to heal the ache in his heart, and he leaned in to Lavi's hand slightly, trying to be subtle but feel more of the older exorcist's touch at the same time. "Lavi..." a content smile pulled up the corners of Allen's lips. He would be in heaven if he could just be left here in the hallway with Lavi forever. His eyes snapped open at the sound of the girl's voice. Darn it. His alone time with Lavi was done. What could he say to her, though? She and Lavi were close, Allen knew this...damn. Now Lavi would be giving one-hundred percent of his attention to her. Oh the irony...
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

4:04pm Nov 19 2009
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Posts: 1,789
(Anyone got like, tips to help a newb rolplayer out here? XD)
4:21pm Nov 19 2009 (last edited on 2:55pm Nov 24 2009)
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One of those days... Lenalee thought to herself as she heard the voices of Allen and Lavi somewhere within the corridor outside. They seemed to be getting rather close lately, either that or they had developed quite a knack for making noise. Lenalee had not been sleeping recently owing to the fact she rather enjoyed eavesdropping on the 2 close friends, the sound was joyful, carefree, and for someone who belonged to the dark order such was not always the case. She had found that simply laying on the bed gave her the moments she needed alone, whenever she felt she needed to think. Needless to say Lenalee's past and experience with the dark order were not all pleasant, and that sound, so normal and warm as it was always made her believe there was something worth being here for... even if she had never truly wanted this for herself. She found herself smiling slightly when she heard the voice of Hitan, sounding very much like her usual no-nonsense self, getting a dig or two at Allen and Lavi. The norm behaviour from her. "They've done it this time..." She laughed, lifting herself onto her elbows so she could hear better. She knew Hitan had a way with dealing with those 2, Lavi in particular, the thought sending her into another tirade of giggles. --(May as well throw myself in at the deep end =3, would still appreciate any tips and whatnot XD)--
4:49pm Nov 19 2009
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Posts: 79
((yah yah)) BIC|| He lied in his bed, restless. Tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position to be able to fall asleep. Finally settled, he was wakened once more, by voices heard from outside his door. He grumbled and got out of bed, clenched fist and gritted teeth. He slammed open the door and stormed out into the hallway, trying to find the voices that were keeping him up. Kanda soon came to realize it was Allen and Lavi who were keeping him awake, during these late hours. “Oi!..” he yelled “Will you two shut up...it's twelve in the morning!” and walked over to them, soon coming to a stop when he saw Allen so close to Lavi.
6:20pm Nov 19 2009 (last edited on 6:21pm Nov 19 2009)
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Posts: 341
"K-Kanda...!" Allen had to pull himself from his happy, Lavi-filled daze when the long haired exorcist stormed into the hallway. He shuddered internally, realizing how awkward it must have been for Kanda to see his childhood friend with his hand in the hair of the exorcist who bothered him more than anything else in this world. He did not move (hell, he was too scared to move), but he allowed his silvery eyes to flicker up to the disgruntled Japanese exorcist, staring at his face intently and with fear. Kanda was probably going to kill them both. In a poor attempt to break the ice of the situation, Allen frowned, furrowed his brows, and said, "...sorry? It's not my fault you are such a light sleeper, ba-Kanda. Perhaps you should stuff cotton in your ears before you go to bed."
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:09pm Nov 19 2009 (last edited on 8:11pm Nov 19 2009)
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Posts: 145
((Kuro, I think you're doing fine. xD Just keep up the good work. 8D)) Lavi blinked a couple of times. Things were getting far too interesting, first Hitan appeared in the middle of the night, when for a fact, Lavi knew she was a deep sleeper... Wait a second, why was she awake? Lavi placed his attention on Hitan for awhile scanning her face, and realized it was rather pale today. Don't tell me she's playing with poisons again... She should know better by now. Lavi schook his head, taking in his current surrounding. It was still midnight, yet it seemed way more lively than it should've been with just him and Allen. Hitan chirpped at the sight of Lenalee, as she dashed towards the gentle natured exorcist who had shown up. "Lenalee chan... You're not asleep yet? Well I guess that's to be expected with the noise these two are making." With that said, Hitan gently hit both of the exorcist's heads. As she was slowly thinking of a topic to talk about with these friends, she saw Kanda. Kanda sama, her saviour in some way was frowning... Hitan immediately became quiet, as it was a habbit now, to respect Kanda in this manner. Lavi flinched at the hit, "Oww, that hurt Hitan chan. Can't you be any more feminine?" as the words were spoken, Lavi felt a tint of regret, but it seemed not to bother Hitan. He let out a relieved sigh. Suddenly, Lenalee appeared. Lavi thought that Allen had faint blush marks on his cheeks, but couldn't quite tell as the light was fairly dim at this time of night. Lavi scanned around some more, and saw a hasty figure appear, he gasped. "Kan... Kanda! Weren't you on a mission? When did you return..." Lavi was thrilled to see him, and to tease Kanda a little, Lavi threw himself onto him. Ignoring the fact that Kanda was in a bad mood from being woken up, and that he was carrying a sword.
8:41pm Nov 19 2009
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Posts: 79
Kanda flinched at Lavi's reaction “Get... off me...” he hissed and pushed the red head off. He brushed himself off and managed to shoot a death glare at Allen “Some attitude you've got there baka moyashi....you know I would probably get better sleep if you didn't make so much god damn noise at twelve in the freaking morning!” he growled at the young exorcist. “If you're going to make all this racket, the least you can do is get a room...a away from mine.” The upset Japanese man narrowed his eyes, he was surely annoyed at this whole situation.
2:18am Nov 20 2009
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Lenalee stopped short of leaving her room as Hitan spotted her. "No" She replied to Hitan, a smile flitting across her face. "I dont believe its physically possible to sleep through this kind of noise"- Her eyes almost immediately sought out Allen and Lavi, and she struggled to stop another wave of giggles at the sight of them, Especially Allen and his rather ruffled look. She kept an eye on Allen for an instant before being distracted by the lump that was Lavi jumping onto the disgruntled Kanda. "Tell me, you two... Is it your aim in life to keep as many people as possible awake?" She giggled, pointing further down the corridor, where heads were poking out of doors facing their direction. What a scene to wake up on, during midnight... she smiled
7:50am Nov 20 2009 (last edited on 7:52am Nov 20 2009)
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Posts: 341
Allen was inwardly beating himself on the head and pulling out his hair. He felt rather broken up that Lavi's playful fingers had parted from his hair, but he was also seconds away from beating the tar out of Kanda. "I'd wager that a canary a mile away from here could wake you up if it flapped its wings," he snarled, giving the black haired exorcist an angry glare. "I stand by my prior comment: you need some ear plugs!" Then Lenalee showed up. Her remark about their apparent aim made Allen's mental rant stop cold. She was right; many other people were now looking out of their doors at the small group. A heated blush crept up into Allen's cheeks. How embarras.sing; first Hitan catching him sharing a moment with Lavi, then Kanda repeating said catching, and now Lenalee and the rest of the Black Order waking up to their shenanigans? The silver-haired exorcist wanted to die, and he prayed that the bench he was sitting in would be swallowed up by a black hole. This was more embarras.sment than he could handle. "I...th-think I should be going to bed," he smiled apologetically up at Lenalee, breaking out into a cold sweat at the same time, "I'm sorry to have disturbed you, Lenalee-chan. Lavi and I just got home from our missions, you see, and we happened to run into each other whilst trying to get back here. I suppose we were just really happy to see each other, for reasons I don't quite grasp..." he trailed off, his eyes falling guiltily to the floor. What could he say to her? Allen knew Lenalee had always been fond of him, to the point of practically loving him, and for her to witness him and Lavi...doing the whole touch-flirting thing, if that was indeed what it was...ugh, no words could describe how guilty he felt. This led him to wonder how Lavi was feeling about the whole incident. To him it must have been just another night with friends. But could it really be that simple? Did Lavi treat all of his friends like he had treated Allen tonight? No way, Allen reasoned. 'There's got to be something special here. At least...I hope there is. I've never been so close to anyone who wasn't my father...'
Kanda could shove it, though. In Allen's opinion, the Japanese exorcist had it coming. He needed to be shown a hint of reality. This thought raised Allen's spirits a little, but he could not raise his head to face Lenalee or Lavi. How could he after all he'd done? ((Blargh, long post. Spat that out. Glad I did. xD))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:46am Nov 20 2009
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Posts: 1,789
Lenalee blinked, she was almost instantly confused by Allen's reaction, almost, she reasoned, like he was avoiding something. She shrugged "Im not the only one you seem to have disturbed" She smiled at him in a way which clearly said she wasnt blaming anyone, then she felt it, there it was agian, that feeling... Why could'nt Allen talk to her? Surely she wasnt that intimidating, and what was all this about? What could possibly be going on here? Lenalee found herself staring off into space and immediately shook herself mentally. "It really isnt all that much of a problem... As long as you let us sleep sometime in the near future" She laughed - "I think, its about time i headed back to my room" She glanced in the direction of Kanda and Lavi, Lavi attempting to grapple with the now annoyed exorcist. She smiled again "Goodnight"
9:26am Nov 20 2009
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Posts: 79
The young samurai looked at Lenalee and nodded, in his language that probably meant 'Goodnight'.Turning back, the distressed exorcist scowled at Allen, he wanted to run mugen right through the silver-haired boy, maybe just maybe, things would be a little more peaceful if he did, but he knew he couldn’t…not with all these people watching…especially Lenalee and Lavi. “Let’s see how long you can stay quiet, moyashi…and if you don’t then I’ll make sure you stay quiet for a very, very long time.” He snarled and turned away. Then stormed back to his room and slammed the door shut. Taking in deep breaths he tried to calm himself down “Damn moyashi…” he hissed under his breath and sat himself down in a corner of the room, legs crossed, eyes closed, finding inner peace, he began to meditate.
9:37am Nov 20 2009 (last edited on 9:45pm Feb 18 2010)
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NAME: Maya Sienna AGE: 18 GENDER: Female PERSONALITY: Maya, in general, prefers to keep to herself, However, she is perfectly sociable towards those people she gets to know. She is feisty, tough and intuitive, alongside calm and quick thinking. She is merciless with her enemies, meaning she can come across as being quite cold hearted towards those who dont know how she works. Maya is very loyal to her friends and comrades even though it doesnt often come across as "obvious". She can be very sarcastic and witty, but not usually in a hostile manner, and she harbors very little "girliness" in her nature. She is also known for being quite shameless and has a big lack of regard for what anyone might think of her. When it comes down to it however, Maya will always put her comrades first. Likes: Sushi/Seafood, time to herself, and the people she works with generally. Dislikes: Maya, being laid back as she is, tends to get along with most people, however, she cant stand people she considers "full of it" or stuck up and tends to get over the irritation by annoying them. Also girls who spend way too much time looking in the mirror, oh, and the colour pink XD ROLE: Exorcist SPECIAL ABILITIES: Maya's primary ability is her innocence manipulation. Her anti akuma weapon consists of a pair of black gloves, which she wears constantly, and when invoked, extend towards her shoulders, the material becoming a purple/black metal. This form of her weapon evokes an ability which drastically increases Maya's speed and agility by decreasing her weight. With her innocence invoked, her aura becomes a form of energy that she uses as ammunition in a number of ways. For example, she is capable of creating vine-like or ropes of innocence which she uses to bind and restrain, although she can also use them to puncture or even in a whiplike manner. When aura is forced to Maya's wrists, the pressure gives her the ability of flight, and quite literally grants her enough speed to seemingly vanish when she moves, all alongside a general killer punch. The strength in her arms also is increased dramatically, being able to break through a number of materials without has.sle, and blades can be formed from each arm, which she uses for close combat and attacks. Innocence can be released from her palms at a constant rate, slicing through most obstacles without much of a problem. She can also coat her entire form in her aura, which, naturally, repels dark matter it comes into contact with, creating a formidable form of protection. PAST: Maya lost her parents at a very, very young age, later losing her twin sister and grandfather to the akuma, her twin by her own hands. Her grandfather owned the guns that held Maya's dormant innocence. Maya once took the guns into her own hands in order to look at it closely, of course, activating the innocence in them. Akuma, as they do, targeted the innocence, and thanks to chance that Maya had become a host she was able only to hold them off, her innocence infected aura providing protection. She ended up losing her grandfather mere weeks after losing her parents, and accidentally shooting her own sister when her sister was disguised as an akuma, eventually escaping with injuries. She was later found by a member of the black order, already in posession of her innocence (which was recrafted into the glove form she currently uses), and here she started her life as an exorcist, gaining a huge independence with her first few difficult years with the order. OTHER: OC
9:40am Nov 20 2009
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Posts: 1,789
--(Still not too sure about adding that one ^ XD)--
3:41pm Nov 20 2009
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Posts: 341
((Fine with me~)) BIC|| Perhaps Allen was being too hard on himself. He had, in all honesty, not done anything that was truly unforgiveable; he was still a teenager, thus his emotions raged out of control at the drop of a pin and he hadn't quite gotten a hold of his hormones yet. Perhaps his friends would forgive him for his rash actions and his interruption of their sleep. He was reluctant to get up. His feet felt like lead weights, and his legs were like tense rubber bands that would snap out from under him if he moved. Exhausted as he was, he wanted nothing more than to fall asleep on this bench and not wake up until he could smell breakfast being cooked. "Mmm..." a smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he unzipped and shrugged off his uniform coat, balling it up and shoving it in the corner of the bench. He gave an unamused yawn as he listened to Kanda's threat. "I'll be quiet 'n' stay out of your hair..." Allen muttered, laying down and resting his head on the make-shift pillow. "I just need rest..." his eyes slid shut as he finally allowed frightening sleep to take him, getting lost in his dark, endless dreams.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."
