4:18pm Nov 20 2009 (last edited on 6:30pm Nov 20 2009)
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Finally... Lenalee had entered her room, away from the eyes of the exorcists in the corridor. Yes, she had enjoyed listening to the shameless frolics of her 2 closest friends, it had, however, stopped her sleeping, and only now that the fun seems to have ended did that feeling of exhaustion creep upon her. She settled herself on her bed not bothering with the duvet, seeing as she fell asleep almost immediately. -- A pile of smoking, twisted material... another day's, or rather, night's work completed. The young woman stood with her eyes on what was left of her quarry, ensuring with a final aim of her weapon that the thing was out for the count. A rather loud gunshot later and that sense of relief, relief of another mission past, practically crashed through her emotions, although she didnt show it, she never did while out on the field. Maya Sienna turned her back on what was now nothing but a hole in the ground, allowing only the smallest of sigh's to escape her lips, before taking off. She was heading back to her temporary accomodation in hopes of getting a good few hours rest, before revealing herself unto the new headquarters to which she has been asigned... Until tomorrow... (delibrate sp mistake - asigned =P)
5:09pm Nov 20 2009 (last edited on 9:05pm Jan 12 2010)
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My basic idea on Maya Sienna XD it serves my purpose if you can imagine her in a black order uniform 8D Just writing what it is she wears XD ~Flat black boots that reach halfway up her calves, something similar to Lenalee's skirt only shorts (very close to being hot pants, only not quite THAT short XD) and a long Black Order overcoat. =3
6:06am Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 341
((Ah, I see. :3 You want me to jump ahead to morning? Sleeping is boring~))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

6:53am Nov 21 2009
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(lol - go ahead? XD)
9:42am Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 341
((Will do. Jumping ahead to morning.)) "Mana...!" Allen sat bolt upright on the bench he was sleeping on, silvery eyes wide with fear. He panted heavily as he struggled to catch his breath, clutching at his chest with his left hand as though he could stop the frantic beating of his heart. Where was he? He looked around wildly, taking his surroundings with wide eyes. The sunlight could not penetrate the head quarter's heavy walls, but he could tell that it was morning; after all, he could smell Jerry's delicious cooking. But he didn't want to eat any of it. "What a nightmare..." he groaned, collapsing back against his coat pillow and resting the back of his right hand over his eyes. "I feel sick..." Tears were biting at his eyes, threatening to spill over and wet his cheeks, but he held them back by biting his lower lip (hard enough that he drew blood) and taking deeper breaths. After a moment he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bench, feeling for the floor beneath his boots. He got unsteadily to his feet, clutching his head with his right hand. He'd rested, sure, but that didn't mean that he had slept. His whole body felt absolutely exhausted and sore, stiffness making his joints creak with every motion; he felt years older than he was. Allen wiped the blood off of his lips and sniffed pitifully; he was acting like such a child, and this made him ashamed. He hadn't cried in a long time, but every morning he woke up feeling like that little kid with no family again, the hopeless feeling that he'd felt after he destroyed Mana all those years ago. The silver-eyed exorcist laughed sadly and slipped his coat back on, zipping up the intricate, spiral-shaped zipper on his left arm as he made his way to the cafeteria. He plopped down at a table and rested his head on it, letting his tired eyes close once more. Damn it all, he was still tired.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

2:24pm Nov 21 2009
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Lenalee readied herself. Morning had come too quickly... that lack of rest was most definately catching up on her now, although she wasn't too tired, which was good. It took her only a few minutes to leave her room, and almost on an impulse, headed to where all that commotion took place last night. The bench was empty, clearly Allen had already left for breakfast, "figures" she mumbled. She turned on her heel and headed toward the cafeteria. --- Maya stopped. There it was, directly in front of her, her new headquarters. Her new home. She took only a second to register the building before she continued to trudge towards it, she wanted to get herself settled as soon as possible. The last few days of travel had been rather hectic, considering she was constantly called upon to eradicate threats within the "local" area as she travelled. She'd had very little rest, though that never truly bothered her, still... It would be nice to relax for awhile.
10:34pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 79
Morning came too soon, the sun beamed down on the young samurai's pale face, he squinted and turned over, trying to avoid being wakened once more. He groaned and unwilling sat up in bed, rubbing his tired eyes. Eventually, he got up to put his uniform on and tied his long-black hair up into a pony-tail. Before he left the room he grabbed Mugen and fastened it tightly against his waist. He stood in front of the door and placed his hand on the knob, hesitant to open it. His lonely eyes gazed down upon the knob. Kanda gave a heavy sigh 'Wonder what today will bring....' he said to himself as he tightened his grip on the cold handle. '...Guess I'll have to wait and see.' speaking to himself once again, he pushed open the door and stepped out into the hallway. He headed down to the cafeteria, still slightly annoyed of the incident that happened last night. Kanda looked around and noticed Allen with his head resting on the table, 'Serves him right for staying up so late.' he looked away and went to a table in the corner, far away from the silver-haired exorcist, and sat himself down.
1:22am Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 145
Lavi who had blanked out for the entire conversation after Kanda had quickly rejected his hug, soon disappeared along with Hitan. Allen was in the company of so many, he throughly didn't need Lavi anymore. Hitan slowly reached for her door knob, "If you're not going to sleep, want to study in my room?" Lavi nodded his head, and entered. Taking over Hitan's entire bed he muttered, "I'm so sleepy..." and soon the red headed exorcist faded into his own slumber. Hitan could only smile, "You haven't changed much... Deak." She slowly shaked away the previous name and whispered, "Night, Lavi." When the two awoke to the morning, Lavi couldn't help but blush. "Why did I spend the night in Hitan's room..." Hitan could almost read his mind, as she stated firmly, "You just fell asleep, idiot!" As Lavi left the room first, he arrived at the cafeteria. He noticed Allen sitting alone and decided to glomp the small being. "Yo, Moyashi. How was last night, you seemed to be getting along with Lenalee chan quite fine." with that, he slowly patted Allen's head as he tilted his face side ways to yell at Kanda, "Good morning, Yuu chan!" Hitan realized that Lavi had left first and decided to head out quickly. Most of the time, Allen would clear all the food, and she was rather hungry and tired today. Not enough sleep and if not enough food, how would she survive the day? Rouvelier was still at her heels about the examination of poisons he had ordered her to study. "I am so dead," Hitan concluded, reaching the cafeteria.
6:01am Nov 22 2009 (last edited on 8:31am Nov 22 2009)
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Lenalee entered the cafeteria and couldnt help smiling. Lavi was patting- that was the only word for it- Allens silver head, who was currently laid out on the table like he'd just been whacked with a hammer. A heavy hammer at that. She shook her head and went to join him and Lavi at the table, about to comment on last night when the door to the outer hall opened. --- Pushing the door open she realized immediately, the cafeteria. Well, atleast she knew she was going in the right direction to the main office. She stood there only a split second before closing the door softly behind her and walking straight through the cafeteria and the people eating there. People were looking and turning in their seats, as she knew they would, a new arrival was always something to gossip about in her previous experiences. Especially the guys. They were the same all over, gawking seemingly without any trace of shame. Maya carried on straight through the cafeteria without pausing or looking at anyone. She wanted to get this over with, now who was it she was told she needed to see? Someone named Komui she thought?. Ah whatever, she'd find out when she got there.
7:03am Nov 22 2009 (last edited on 7:06am Nov 22 2009)
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Posts: 341
"Eh...?" Allen raised his head slowly, looking up at Lavi with sleepy eyes. "I'm no Moyashi...'m Allen..." he groaned softly and lowered his head back onto the table; a pulsing pain in his head was interrupting his thought processes. He would have come up with a more intelligent answer for Lavi if he wasn't so tired and achy. Be that as it was, he could feel Kanda's frustrated, cold aura poking at him with Mugen as the other exorcist entered the cafeteria. Why, oh why, was it the bench outside of Kanda's room that Lavi had chosen to drop him on last night, dammit? Now the other exorcist would hold a grudge for days. He sighed wearily as Lavi patted his head. There was that feeling again, like a warm spring day in winter, like he wasn't the only being on this earth of snow and ice. A tingling blush crept up into his cheeks; dammit, why did this always happen to him? Was he that fond of Lavi? He turned his head to the side allowing himself to look at Lavi with little effort, hoping to catch the redhead's eye, but Lavi was already giving Kanda a cheerful morning greeting. Damned Kanda, stupid Kanda. Allen growled softly and clenched his hands into fists, then relaxed as he felt Lenalee sit down at their table. He raised his right hand and gave her a weak wave. "G'mornin', Lenalee-chan..." he spoke tiredly, slurring his words slightly, "...how'd you sleep...?" Allen's eyes never closed or looked at the female exorcist; they kept watching the Bookman-to-be. A small smile worked its way onto his tired face; what was he thinking? Lavi couldn't possibly care for him...not at all. That wasn't what Bookman told him to do. 'He never lets you keep anything...' Allen raised his left hand and rested it on the side of Lavi's shoulder, taking hold of the fabric of his jacket with his tired fingers. 'I'm so sorry...'
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

11:48am Nov 22 2009 (last edited on 12:07pm Nov 22 2009)
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Posts: 79
Kanda propped his head up with his hand. He looked over at Lavi quite unamused, never responding to the red head's morning greeting. 'Should've just stayed in bed...there's too many people today.' he closed his eyes, nearly falling asleep once again. He could smell Jerry's cooking coming from the nearby kitchen. Kanda was not hungry what so ever, but he knew if he didn't get something that there wouldn't be any food left because of Allen. He reopened his drowsy eyes and stood up from where he sat. Kanda avoided to walk past his three so called "comrades" and stood on line to get breakfast. Today he just wanted a bowl of rice and a cup of green tea. He got his breakfast and went back to sit at his table in the far corner, ignoring the three other exorcist.
12:03pm Nov 22 2009 (last edited on 12:15pm Nov 22 2009)
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Lenalee watched the new, blonde exorcist p*censored* their table, she seemed perfectly at ease and had no lack of self confidence whatsoever, not surprising seeing as most of the males in the cafeteria were obviously trying not to drool over her. Lenalee turned back to Allen and quite suddenly realized that Allen had somehow, miraculously, not eaten a single thing this morning, It was most definately not like Allen to turn down any form of food. At all. She kept her eye on him for just a moment more, catching what seemed to be a blush. Memories of last night perhaps? She glanced at Lavi, and back at Allen. She sighed. --- Maya found her way effortlessly to where she needed to get, and was immediately welcomed and asigned a room. She left that office feeling alittle better. She hadnt really expected such a smooth transition, not that it bothered her. Perhaps they had seen she clearly did not want a long drawn out process, whatever the reason, she was grateful. She found her way just as smoothly to her new room, entering it with slight apprehension. The room was spacious and airy, and Maya found herself on the bed before she'd noticed. This place wasnt so bad, it was definately bigger than her last headquarters, and the room was somewhat to her liking. She put a hand over her eyes and sighed. Maybe, just maybe, she was more tired than she had realized.
8:53pm Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 145
As Hitan was about to open the door to the cafeteria, a blonde she had never seen before walked by. Was she new? She was certainly dazzling, is she the new exorcist? Hitan sighed, exorcists, how she wished she could be one, to help the others out. She shaked her head and gently smiled, at least as a finder, she could help out from time to time... Hitan proceeded to Lavi's table, and giggled, "You two still at it?" Hitan couldn't help but laugh at how the red headed exorcist had grown so fond of the brat. The two seemed to be like brothers, and inside Hitan couldn't help but feel relieved that Lavi was starting to show some emotions, even though it meant that Bookman... Hitan's gaze froze, she needed to make sure that Bookman didn't catch on, or else Lavi was toast. Lavi gave Hitan a death glare, "What do you mean, still at it? Me and Allen are in LOVE," as Lavi slurred the last four letters. He couldn't help but tease the tired exorcist infront of him a bit, he was just that cute whenever he was blushing. Besides, Allen had asked him what love was the previous night, might as well show him some fake affection, as Bookman called it, artificial feelings... At least Lavi hoped his feelings weren't real. Caring? It was never suppose to happen in his life, never... Yet deep inside, somewhere very dark, a light was rapidly appearing, and Lavi cringed a bit, hoping that no one would notice the difference about him.
7:43am Nov 23 2009 (last edited on 7:45am Nov 23 2009)
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Posts: 341
Allen groaned, picking up his head and shooting Lavi a cruel glare. His cheeks were still tinted red, giving his usually pale features a brush of color that (he hoped) gave Lavi the amusement he was after. How awkward.
"Right," he mumbled, allowing his head to rest back against the table. "There's no love here." sadness touched his voice, which was unusually quiet today to begin with, as he lowered his hand from Lavi's shoulder and brought it back to rest in his lap. Damn it all, he was exhausted. He could have fallen asleep right there if there weren't so many people around...and if sleep didn't terrify him so much. It felt like there was some other entity inside of him. He already had a name to go with the sketchy appearance, but he was terrified to face it. What if it was true? What if it dragged him further into the black and white that Mana's curse was already taking him to? He didn't want to be alone anymore. He absolutely dreaded it.
'Ah, I'm an idiot,' he thought. 'I should eat something before Lenalee-chan loses her mind over me. There can't be anything wrong, or her perfect world will come crashing down...' he picked himself up from the table for a moment, long enough to shoot Kanda an evil look, and got in the breakfast line. It was strange, though. All he wanted was dango, which he ordered and took back to his place beside Lenalee. A hot blush had crept up into his cheeks when Jerry commented on his appearance and lack of appetite. "You should go rest, you're not at all well if you can't eat all this food I made for you." the cook had whispered to him as he handed him the plate of dango. That was not the only source of Allen's embarras.sment; everyone in the cafeteria was staring at him with stupid, open-mouthed looks of utter shock. Allen Walker not eating them out of house and home? The apocalypse must have been coming for them. Allen smiled at Lenalee despite his flustered blush and gave her a weak hug, then looked into her eyes and nodded slowly, trying to reas.sure her that he was all right. He really hated to make her worry.But there was nothing he could do; after all, he felt tired, sick, and awfully weak. 'I'll sleep after this,' he thought. 'Maybe then she won't have to worry about me. I can lay down, at least...even if I don't sleep, that may calm the nasty feeling in my stomach...' Wait, what? Nasty feeling? Ugh, it was that butterflies-in-my-stomach feeling that Allen always got when he thought about Road. After her little kiss on the Ark, Allen's thoughts about here were severely muddled. Why was he feeling like this? Was it Lavi? Lenalee? No, it had to be Lavi. He groaned and rested his head beside his plate of dango, wanting nothing more than to shut the world out. Maybe he should go to the Ark...shut himself up...be alone...he covered his ears with his hands as a wave of nausea swept over him, like he'd just looked at the nastiest possible soul bound to an akuma. 'I have to get out of here. I feel sick...I doubt I can even eat this dango...' he raised his head again and picked up one of the skewers of dango, wishing with all of his heart that he could just eat the damned thing and show the world that he was okay. His nausea had partially subsided, so he quickly stuffed one of the balls of dango into his mouth and swallowed it, a smile coming to his lips as he mentally high-fived himself for proving himself to the people around him. Though the accomplishment was bittersweet; the ache in his heart was still there, lingering on from his dark thoughts last night and the nightmare he'd had after them. He did not want to be alone.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:46am Nov 23 2009
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Posts: 79
(( Guess I'll add Tyki now :D ...  NAME: Tyki MIkk AGE: ~26 GENDER: Male PERSONALITY: He has a split personality and enjoys living both a Noah and a Human. He's “human” side is friendly and caring while the “noah” side is deceiving. He has learned to suppress his Noah subconsciously. ROLE: Noah SPECIAL ABILITIES: He has the ability to “choose” what he wants to touch, giving him the ability to walk on water, on air or p*censored* through walls with the exception of Innocence. Also he can “reject” the atmosphere creating a vacuum. PAST (if you want to type it out):... OTHER: He has golems that take shape of a butterfly called Teeze. Teeze feed off of humans and they only obey Tyki. Also he is younger brother to Cyril Kamelot and uncle of Road Kamelot.))
9:09am Nov 23 2009
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Posts: 341
((Ahahahaha, Tyki~ Good. We need some villains. *pets Tyki*))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:18am Nov 23 2009 (last edited on 1:28pm Nov 23 2009)
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Lenalee was worried, there was no doubt. Allen had just proved it here. It wasn't like him, and it seems Lenalee wasn't the only one who noticed. Allen's "attempt" at trying to prove everyone wrong really wasn't working, and if Lenalee had not been watching him like she had she might not have noticed either. She felt a short sharp stab of something she couldnt quite put her finger on... Maybe Allen really could not talk to her... either that, or he really didn't want to. Lenalee was hurt by this thought, hadnt she known him long enough? Didnt he feel like he could trust her?... She stared at the table awhile, just thinking... why? --- It was rather hard, getting herself up and away from the bed. Maya had, as was normal, adapted well to her new room in a short space of time. It was, afterall, what she was known for, that ability to adapt. She stood up, glancing for a mere second through her window, before heading to door and exiting her new room. She looked both right and left, and, deciding on a whim, headed back to the cafeteria. She simply wanted to watch, it was natural for her to want to get to know the other exorcists by simply watching them, and she was rather good at memorizing people this way. It didnt take her long to find the cafeteria and let herself in. She took one quick scope of the room before heading to an empty table and seating herself in a position allowing her to read her surroundings thoroughly. Approached by one of the young male exorcists, Maya raised an eyebrow and adopted her quizzical ex pression. "Hay Babe" he drawled, looking for all the world like he had accomplished something impossible. "Fancy joining me at the table" he pointed "Or would you, ah, prefer somewhere more private?" His grin was infuriating, his arrogance annoying, and that lack of knowing where someone else's personal space tended to be did not help. At all. Within the space of a split second Maya had stood and placed the handgun of her right hand directly between the young man's eyes. She smiled crookedly. "No, thankyou... You should probably move out of my personal space however" She gave a gentle push against the gun forcing the young man back a few steps, who then put both hands up and backed off... slowly. Maya re-seated herself, ignoring both the alarmed and admiring looks. She probably shouldn't have reacted like she did... but heck, she was one for the rebels. No harm done, she smiled to herself as she closed her eyes. Being here was definately going to grow on her.
10:18am Nov 23 2009
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~(OHEMGEE extra long posts XD)~
7:14am Nov 24 2009
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Posts: 341
Allen blinked, tilting his head to one side to watch Lenalee. He was sucking on an almost empty dango skewer, the only evidence that he had ever had any food this morning...save the pile of about fifty wooden sticks littering the table around him. He was obviously feeling better...he must have gone back up to get more dango about ten times. But now he was on the last one, with one small dango ball left to eat, and he didn't want it. Was Lenalee...upset with him? "Lenalee?" he asked, removing the now emptied dango skewer from his mouth. "is everything all right?" his eyes blinked up at her with confusion. He did trust her...he really did. He just didn't want to hurt her with his past, with his present...or with his imminent future, which he was on a collision-course with. That would make him so guilty...
((Hoorah for a decently-sized post! :D Yay for not writing an essay post!))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:41am Nov 24 2009 (last edited on 11:28am Nov 24 2009)
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Posts: 1,789
~(haha, essay posts XD)~ Lenalee had watched the unfolding of the new exorcists rather violent introduction to the entire cafeteria with a small smile. Atleast she was capable of handling herself, she thought absently, staring as the young blonde reseated. It wasnt long however before she returned to looking at the table, in fact, Lenalee had been so preoccupied this morning she hadnt noticed the fact that Allen seemed to have recovered himself alittle. She sighed, resting her head on her hand and turning to look morosely at the others in the cafeteria, only brought out of her reverie by Allen's voice, sounding quite a bit stronger than earlier, she was pleased to note. "Oh?... oh yes" she said it just a little too fast. "I'm fine, really, I-I think i just need some fresh air... Might wake me up alittle" She smiled,as convincingly as she could. She stood and headed to the outer hall. She just needed to think. She was worried about Allen whether he liked it or not, and she knew he was keeping something locked up. Why? Why did she worry about him like this... she knew, but still... wasn't she being just alittle too worrisome. Really, what was wrong with her? She sighed, walking through the doors and out into the morning light. --- Maya sat with her head on the table. Okay, she'd had enough of watching people. She seemed to have a basic idea on everyone's faces and now, well... she wasn't entirely sure about what to do now. She lifted her head onto her arms, and huffed.