11:11am Nov 24 2009 (last edited on 5:23pm Nov 24 2009)
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After finishing breakfast, Kanda stood up from his table. He heard others talk about the new female exorcist. 'Dammit another new exorcsit.' he huffed a sigh and approached Maya's table. Kanda glanced over at her, there was something about her that made her seem different than the other newcomers. 'I'll give her two months' he smirked at his evilish thought.
His smirk quickly faded as he he saw Allen's table up ahead. He scowled at the silver-haired exorcist, as he pas.sed by and exited the cafeteria.
Kanda decided to go see Komui, praying that he would have a mission for him, but when he asked, the lazy supervisor just shook his head. Disappointed, Kanda left his office and walked down the hallway. He just wanted to get out the Black Order for the day, too much tension between everyone. Kanda crossed his arms and sighed, as he headed outside for some fresh air. Perhaps that would be the best thing for him at the moment. Outside he saw Lenalee, he looked away and went to go sit somewhere in the shade. He closed his eyes and seated himself under a tree, leaning against the trunk, with his arms crossed.
--- A Portuguese male, about the age of twenty-six, sat himself near a koi pond. He was quite charming; he wore old work clothes; and his dark brown, curly hair fell over his eyes. He was part of the Noah clan, but no one would know if they saw him the way he was now and that's the way he wanted it to be. He wanted to live both the life of a human and a noah. "Sleeping on the Job, Tyki-pon?" A familiar voice called out to him. Tyki opened on of his eyes "Not exactly, Earl...It's just that there are no signs of exorcist anywhere and I grew tired of waiting." "Ah I see...well then come back home with me, we'll plan for our next attack." The Earl said with his big grin. Tyki nodded and unwilling stood up, brushing off the remaining gras.s that was attached to his clothing. ((bwah bad intro for Tyki D:...but couldn't think of anything else for him))
11:34am Nov 24 2009 (last edited on 4:22pm Nov 24 2009)
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Lenalee stood, simply watching the sky when she felt rather than heard anyone p*censored*. She looked over, it was Kanda. Being who she was, she would have said hello any other day, but today, she just didnt feel upto it, it wasn't often she had these moments. She contented herself with a welcoming smile in his direction, then returned to looking at the sky. The colour, she thought, was beautiful, not quite as stunning as sunset, but beautiful all the same. --- Maya found herself intrigued by the young black haired man who had glanced at her. Why? Well for one, he'd looked at her in a belittling sort of way, second, because he had one hell of an intimidating aura. That, of course, was taking into account what seemed to be a sky high dislike towards everyone else in the room, particularly the young silver haired exorcist at who he seemed to be glaring daggers. Actually no... daggers drowned with venom would fit the deion better. She raised an eyebrow, more to herself and her thoughts than for any other real reason. Maya was good at reading people, it was something she defined herself by, and he, he was unbelievable. She hadn't come across an aura so irritated as his and she found it unnerving. That, and slightly compelling at the same time. "My my..." she thought "Your an interesting one..."
6:45pm Nov 24 2009 (last edited on 6:48pm Nov 24 2009)
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Posts: 341
(('Tis alright, Tyki~ At least you posted...unlike Lavi. *is about to beat Lavi*)) Unconvinced, Allen frowned and watched her as she got up and left the cafeteria. Could it be that he was unintentionally hurting her in some way...? He felt Kanda's scowl biting at the back of his head like an impatient Timcanpy who was nagging at him to do something or go somewhere. He growled low in his throat and clenched his hands into fists; what had he done this time? When he felt the sting of Kanda's glare wear off and heard the barely audible click of the door as it closed, he glanced up and over Lavi, Hitan, and everyone else in the room, which was still atwitter over the new exorcist's entrance. His silvery eyes met those of Maya, and their gazes locked briefly. He noticed her raised eyebrow, and as.sumed it was due to Kanda. Bakanda. Who didn't raise their eyebrows at him or over him? His frown was replaced by a rather neutral look as he regarded the new exorcist, his gaze wandering away from hers only briefly to skim over what he could see of her. Okay, so she could obviously handle herself, judging by the fearful jabbering coming from the table where the daring young exorcist who had approached her was sitting. Not only that, but she was fairly good looking, but not more so than Lenalee, at least in Allen's mind. He gave her a slow nod, then tore his gaze from hers and looked back at the table top. Something in his mind clicked as Timcanpy settled into his hair. "Tim," he spoke softly. "Should we go after Lenalee?" he inwardly groaned; that may mean running into Kanda. He wasn't in the mood to take crap from Kanda today. But what if something happened? What if something attacked them? What if Lenalee couldn't get away? Was he being paranoid, or having some sort of clairvoyant moment? "Ah--Lenalee!" he got up from the table and made a mad dash for the door, throwing it open and rushing down the long hallway leading to the doors outside, which he pulled open with little effort. "Lenalee," he sighed with relief when he saw her, then walked to her side and sat down in the gras.s to catch his breath. He had been right; Kanda was there, meditating under a nearby tree. Allen grinned joyfully at the thought of disturbing the Japanese exorcist's solitude.
"I was worried," he explained, looking up at Lenalee. "I wasn't sure where you had gone to." he paused as the wind gently tossed his hair around, scaring Timcanpy out into the sunlight. "...I am sorry that I make you worry so much, Lenalee-chan." he quietly finished, looking down at his hands, which he'd folded together between his slightly spread knees. He had never felt so useless.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

4:53am Nov 25 2009 (last edited on 5:55am Nov 25 2009)
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What a morning, Lenalee thought to herself. She was feeling better at any rate, she always preferred the outside where there was so much space around her, that and the neverending peace morning's like this could bring. She smiled lightly to herself as she watched a p*censored*ing cloud with detached interest. She only came around when she heard the soft thump of something, or someone rather, hitting the ground somewhere next to her, she turned her head. "Allen?" He looked like he'd been in a bit of a rush judging by has lack of breath. When he spoke again Lenalee merely looked at him and smiled, blushing lightly at his first comment. "Its only right though" She said quietly, turning back to the sky. "People worry about those they care for right?. You dont need to worry about my worrying, besides, i'm over it, really." She laughed. "and I think that lack of sleep doesn't help" She turned back to him, smiling. This time, it was a genuine smile, she was happy enough knowing he worried about her to some extent, and she was sure, one day maybe, he'd talk to her. She didnt really mind waiting, she could if it was for him. -- Maya looked at the cafeteria door leading to the outer hallway. That silver haired exorcist, he seemed troubled. The corner of her mouth twitched, what an innocent one he seemed to be, and genuine too... why did she miss him earlier? She was sure she never saw him enter the room after her. Hmm. "Out of sight?" she thought in p*censored*ing, then it hit her, she HAD seen him. He was the one the black haired exorcist was trying to kill with his eyes. Speaking of the black haired exorcist, her thoughts returned to him. Maya sighed, stood and stretched, stopping suddenly with her arms in the air. She let them fall to her sides then turned to face the outer grounds. Something wasn't right, it was off... way off. She really did not like this feeling...
11:25am Nov 25 2009 (last edited on 12:39pm Nov 25 2009)
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Posts: 79
It was a nice day out, warm with a cool breeze that blew every once in awhile. Kanda had drifted off into another light sleep. Allen, unfortunately, was right he was a very light sleeper and he hated that fact. The boy would wake up, every now and then, to the wind, rusting the leaves on the trees.
When he opened his eyes for the tenth time, he saw the sliver-haired exorcist sitting next to Lenalee and right away his inner peace was disturbed 'Che...moyashi' he hissed to himself 'Why must he always show up when I'm trying to find some peace and quiet.' " he closed his eyes once again, trying to ignore the fact that Allen showed up in his tranquil moment.
Tyki followed the Earl back to the arc, everyone was there and he was late, as usual. He took a seat at the long dinner table, next to his niece, who was to busy bothering Lero. He gave a slight sigh and rested his head in his hand.
"So what's the plan Earl." he said looking at the fat man. The Millennium Earl told Tyki that he wanted him to go into the arc and look for Mr. Walker. 'Again?!' he thought to himself and nodded at his creator. "Whatever you say, boss." he said and stood up, pushing the chair in.
2:45pm Nov 25 2009
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Posts: 341
"Perhaps you should go back to bed?" Allen suggested thoughtfully, a slightly feigned smile coming to his lips. "I am tired too, so do not worry...I was going to return to my room after breakfast and try to catch a few more winks, but I am just really...antsy. I do not know why..." he sighed and ran a hand through his hair to stop Timcanpy from eating a strand of it. What was he doing? This wouldn't help Lenalee at all. He lowered his gaze back to his hands as a faint sadness began to tug on his heartstrings. He would never be able to help her, not as long as the Earl and his cohorts were on his tail. He longed to run to the ark, to touch his fingers to that piano again, to play the melody that was whirling around in his head. Maybe that would help him...and Lenalee, too. "Lenalee," he spoke. "Come with me. Let's go to the ark. We can snag Lavi too, if you would like." Lavi. Maybe that was not the best idea...after all, he still felt very odd around the redhead. But still...being around him was great. TOO great.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

2:58pm Nov 25 2009
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"The Ark?" Lenalee blinked. She wasn't sure what Allen wanted to do, or why he'd come up with this idea from seemingly nowhere. She had to trust him however. If he felt this was going to ease some of those worries and feelings that had being weighing him down, then surely it wasn't such a bad thing. "If you really feel you need to go back, i will go with you" She smiled lightly at him. Just so long as it helps, she thought. --- Maya stood at her table. Just looking towards the doors. There was foreboding within every fibre of her being, she hated it. She couldn't ignore it however. She took a few slow steps towards the outer grounds, stopping only to heave her signiture sigh, then immediately carried on walking. ~(How involved is Maya allowed to get here, going with the storyline? =3)~
3:35pm Nov 25 2009 (last edited on 3:37pm Nov 25 2009)
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Posts: 341
Allen smiled and looked up at the sky, admiring the scattered clouds that had risen with the sun earlier that morning. Timcanpy settled onto his head once more, folding its wings and gripping onto several strands of Allen's silver hair, pulling itself up as though it was looking up at the sky too. Allen winced slightly, but said nothing as he continued to stare off into the distance, getting lost in the endless blue and green of the horizon. How beautiful it was, he thought. How beautiful, and how fleeting. This would never last...it would end tonight. Snow was expected to come, and he was to be shipped off to London on another mission by then. What's more, Thanksgiving and Christmas were on their way, which also meant that his birthday was coming. He probably would have no rest on those days, either...the Lord's holidays were all mocked by the Earl. He gave a heavy sigh and shook his head, making Timcanpy's wings fluff out and its grip on his hair tighten. The flustered golem dug its small hands further into Allen's silvery hair, beating the sides of his head with its wings in a panic-stricken fashion.
"Tim, that hurts!" Allen squeaked, raising a hand to pluck the golden golem out of his hair. "I didn't mean to scare you!" Timcanpy bit onto the tip of Allen's finger in a irate manner, chewing it a few times. Allen gave a pained squeak and fell backwards, laying in the gras.s like someone who had just been tackled by a close friend or sexually haras.sed in some way. The golem let up on its chewing after a few moments, looking up at its victim inquisitively, intrigued by his silence. Tears were in Allen's eyes. Timcanpy guiltily released Allen's finger, floating up to his face and giving it an apologetic nuzzle. Allen gave a sad chuckled and raised his right hand to cup the small golem, wiping away the tears with his left. "It's not you, Timcanpy...I promise..." ((That's up to you, milady~ Involve her however you would like. ^^ And hoorah for pity posts! I just wanted to have a Timcanpy and Allen moment in here somewhere.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

1:40am Nov 26 2009
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~(Lavi should hurry up before we like, leave without him XD)~
5:26am Nov 26 2009
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Posts: 145
(( Meh... I'm afraid I'll have to leave this roleplay... My internet access around my area is currently really bad. D8< Well... I'll try an post whenever I get a chance on here. >.>;; Exams are coming up at my place, so yah... I'll be pretty inactive. = =)) "Meh..." Lavi felt like he had been blanking out A LOT recently. He didn't know whether it was his worries about Bookman finding out his secret. Or the fact that he and Allen were getting rather close. It may even be that Hitan was getting cuter each day... Wait, Lavi did not just think that, a blush started to spread around his cheeks as Lavi rubbed it away. He shook his head slowly and pondered, "Ahaha... I go for the older women, not the younger ones..." Lavi closed his eyes sleepily. Breakfast was done, and for once, it seemed like a normal day. Everyone was chattering about a blonde exorcist showing up, and it seemed that she was fairly hot. Considering the way the finders around were boasting about her body and stuff. Lavi chuckled, "Maybe I can... Score." Lavi's thoughts were cut off when Hitan rushed in beating her fists at Lavi. "You didn't wait for me!" Hitan pouted. It wasn't her fault that she was rather slow in getting up in the morning. Her hair was a mess still, as she desperately tried to comb it back properly with her slim fingers. The blonde exorcist she had seen on her way to the cafeteria, made her concious of her own looks. Her cheeks turned slightly pink as she asked quietly, "Lavi... I saw her! You... You're not thinking about her right?" as Hitan finished her sentence, she blushed even harder. Lavi didn't know who in the world Hitan was referring to, and he guessed slowly that it was the new blonde excorcist. Unfortunately, when she had made her appearance in the cafeteria, Lavi had missed it completely. Fooling around with Allen, and chatting with the others... He had only taken a 5 minute nap, but during that time, the new exorcist had already left... "I haven't seen her... Though I've heard she's a real beauty." Hitan was rather mad. Lavi wasn't her property but... She couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of this unknown figure. She flinched some more at the words Lavi had spoken and stomped off mad. Lavi didn't know what had just happend. The events went by way too quick. He supposed that he himself had just upset Hitan, considering the way she looked... Lavi immediately felt guilty. Why would she ask that question unless she liked... him? Lavi shook his head, "No, don't be so conceited with yourself, but..." Lavi couldn't help but believe his own concious. "Darn, I'm such a fool. Why did I call this unknown woman a beauty infront of her..." Lavi groaned and placed his head back onto his arm as he dozed off for the remaining of his off time... ((So late here 3am. 8D Anyways, many grammar mistakes but too tired... Well I finally posted anyways. = =))
7:02am Nov 26 2009 (last edited on 7:02am Nov 26 2009)
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Posts: 341
((*pats your head* 'Tis all right, Lavi~ Exams are coming up for me and Tyki too...in the next two weeks at least, if I'm counting correctly. ;x I'll be pretty inactive then, too. *waits for Lenalee to post*))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:22am Nov 26 2009
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Posts: 1,789
~(Here XD!)~ Lenalee had returned to gazing at p*censored*ing clouds when she was interrupted again by Allen's voice. She turned in time to see Allen topple backwards as he tried to loosen Timcanpy's grip on his finger. She immediately put her hand to her mouth in order to stem her need to laugh, and almost failing. That particular need vanished instantly however when she saw the look on Allen's face. She smiled sadly, He will tell me one day about those feelings... won't he? "Alright!" Lenalee clapped her hands together, facing Allen with her usual smile. "When do we leave?" She stopped for a mere second, looking at the door to the headquarters. The young blonde exorcist had emerged, looking slightly agitated. --- Maya simply stood. The wind blew her white blonde hair around her face and neck while she trained her eyes on the distance. ugh! She hated this, this... feeling, or whatever it was. Impending doom, great, just great... she thought bitterly. She allowed her gaze to wander, p*censored*ing over the black haired exorcist she'd seen earlier to the silver haired one and the other female exorcist. Hmm?... It was then that it hit her. Hard. The silver haired exorcist. The feeling was coming from him? He was that troubled?... She was momentarily confused... Oh jeez, she was never gonna get used to her damn intuition. These exorcists, she'd seen no others like them, she'd found herself drawn to them, they were... unique. In a very strange sense of the word.
11:21am Nov 26 2009 (last edited on 12:15pm Nov 29 2009)
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Posts: 79
Kanda couldn't help but over hearing Allen talk about the Ark. 'Moyashi...going to the Ark.' he raised an eyebrow at the thought. Quietly he stood up from where he sat and walked over to the other Exorcist. He stood in front of Allen, with his arms crossed "Go to the Ark, moyashi, and you'll be under more suspicion than you already are." On that note, he then left Allen and Lenalee and walked towards Maya. Kanda looked at her with his unamused eyes, muttering a slight "Che..." as he looked away and walked off. --- Tyki settled himself inside the arck. Slicking his hair back, trying to keep it out of his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. He sighed a bit and lite the cig, resting it in between his teeth. Tyki sat down by one of the doors, to robably a house of some sort, and leaned up against it. He took out the cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke, that polluted the air around him. Looking up he stared at the sky "C'mon exorcist...." he said as he took another long drag.
11:35am Nov 26 2009
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Posts: 79
(( Ugh Exams...Dx... OH Happy Thanksgiving guys :D! ))
5:25pm Nov 26 2009 (last edited on 5:46am Nov 27 2009)
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Lenalee watched Kanda's back as he left. She sighed. It was so, so hard to try and get everyone to get along. Actually, impossible might have been a more appropriate word. The thought however, warmed her heart. They weren't going to change, she was sure of that, whatever happened now, they would never change... --- Maya stood facing the horizon before her. Alright, she knew the young silver haired exorcist seemed to have deep inner issues, seeing as it messed with her quiet moment in the cafeteria. Her ability to read people meant she could sense things about them, it was of course, only intuition, just a much more concentrated version in Maya's case. Her eyes narrowed as the black haired exorcist interrupted her view... he was walking this way... Great. Once he'd p*censored*ed Maya had to exercise a great deal of restraint to stop herself from a sudden urge to kill the guy. Ack! He was so irritating! And what the hell was with his aura, what the hell did she do?! Sure, she was deeply impressed by his rather dark presence, but his personality in her book was rapidly going downhill and it was seriously ticking her off. She huffed while attempting to burn holes through his jacket with her eyes as he walked away from her. "Tch, condascending moron..." she whispered turning to face the silver haired exorcist once again.
2:04am Nov 27 2009 (last edited on 2:07am Nov 27 2009)
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Posts: 145
Hitan slowly trotted to a stop. "Why? Why does Lavi make me feel so insecure..." She twisted around in anger, and met with Kanda. He changed so much since what she could remember, being a servant at his house. He use to be so kind, until... Hitan didn't dare finish the thought, as Kanda came closer. Slowly Hitan bent over with a small bow, and asked softly, "Y.. I mean, Kanda sama... Are you feeling alright?" His face was always seen with a frown, but for some reason, Hitan couldn't shake the feeling off that Kanda was in a worser mood than before. Did Allen piss him off again? Honestly, Hitan didn't think Kanda would answer, their servant and master relationship was long over, since Hitan had earned her freedom from the house. She gently turned towards the sound of Allen and Lenalee's voice, and quietly acknowledged Kanda again and ran off. Seeing Kanda made her remember her goal in life, and she reminded herself that whatever she did, number one goes to avenging her family. Hitan continued towards the direction of her friends, but rapidly realized she was suppose to report in with her studies of the poison, she was *censored*igned by Rouvelier. She groaned and turned heels running back to head quarters... ((I have a history test about music for 3 hours coming up in less than 10 days... 200 pages of information to remember by then, I am so dead. D8< Ahaha, and school isn't being light either... -dies- Happy Thanksgiving. o3o))
7:53am Nov 27 2009 (last edited on 7:56am Nov 27 2009)
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Posts: 341
((I wish I had been on to say the same, Tyki...you still need to tell me if you can come over on Saturday! Get on YIM! I actually have an exam in AP Bio...kill me now. :x DO NOT WANT!)) BIC|| Allen's silvery eyes blinked up at Kanda. For a moment he was hoping that the Japanese exorcist may have something decent to say...but he was quickly shut down by Kanda's cold words about the Order's suspicions. He sighed and raised his right hand to cover his eyes; he hated to admit it, but Kanda was right. Rouvelier had made everyone in the Order suspect him. Hell, knowing Komui, his fellow exorcists did, too. They had to know; Komui couldn't keep a secret...not one this grave.
Was that why they had been treating him so...differently for the past few days? Sure, Kanda hadn't changed a bit (to this thought, he gave a low growl and clenched his left hand into a tight fist; he really wanted to punch the other exorcist as hard as he could), but Lavi and Lenalee had been a bit...off. Especially Lavi. No wait, scratch that. 'Lavi flirts with everyone...but still...' Ugh, there was that sick feeling again. He wanted to curl up in a ball and die right there; the nausea eating at his insides was enough to make him throw up everything but his heart and lungs. It was almost like he had seen the soul bound to a level four akuma, like the one that had attacked headquarters a few weeks back... Timcanpy began tugging on the fingers of Allen's right hand, trying to uncover his eyes. It was like a wake up-call for the silver-haired exorcist, like Tim was saying "something's up, we need to go!" Allen slowly sat up, wiped the tears off of his face with his sleeve, and got shakily to his feet. "I'm going!" he called after Kanda. "Whether you like it or not, Bakanda! I don't give a damn if the Order suspects me; I've got nothing more to lose! I WON'T become what they think I will, and I WON'T turn on them or any of you! Besides, it's my Ark! I'm the only one who can control it! So the Order can just shove their suspicions, and you can too!" he shivered; the alien words that had left his lips...the anger tied to them...he almost felt that it wasn't his. He felt sick again; his knees were weak. He covered his face with his hands and shook his head violently, trying desperately to rid his mind of that haunting melody that was constantly whirling around within him. It felt like he was falling, falling deeper into the black-and-white of the world that Mana had created in his head, falling into the curse that marked him as a target for akuma and exorcist alike, falling into his stepfather's grave and the Hell that lay beneath it. There was pain, too; there was never pain that came with the music, at least not pain like this, which was eating away at his head, blocking out his memories of Mana, of the circus, and of that naive little boy that he used to be. He was still falling into nothingness, and it felt like he wouldn't come out of it.
Timcanpy landed in his hair and gave it a hard tug, snapping him back to the current place and time. He yelped softly and swatted Tim off of his head, only to notice that the new exorcist was staring directly at him. He paused in his frenzied actions, lowering his hands to his sides and studying her for a moment. 'Does...she know?' He gave her a polite bow as Timcanpy settled back into his hair, then turned to Lenalee and smiled sadly. "We can go now, Lenalee-chan. Come with me." he took her hand and began to run, pas.sing Maya and the entrance to head quarters, and pas.sing Kanda and Hitan in the halls. He should have paused at the cafeteria and asked Lavi to go with them, but he was tugging Lenalee along with him. Then a thought hit him; if Lavi came, he had to know. If Lavi didn't know...he would learn. Did he want Lavi to know? He shivered at the thought, then skidded to a halt outside of the cafeteria, catching Lenalee with his other hand as he did. A small smile came to his lips as he studied Lavi, and he gave a slight chuckle at the exhaustion that he and his comrade shared. Last night was obviously hard on them both. "Lavi!" he called, giving the tired redhead a wave. "Want something to do? Come with me!"
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:41am Nov 27 2009
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Lenalee was looking at Allen's back like he was crazy. He was in such a rush, did he want to get to the Ark that quickly? She found herself feeling more confused. She had no idea what that entire conversation between Kanda and Allen meant, and she tilted her head at the thought as Allen called over to Lavi. --- Maya watched the young exorcist p*censored*, dragging the girl with him. Suspicious?... The order were suspicious over this exorcist?... She found it hard to believe, as his aura was undeniably innocent, and this Ark? Was this the same Ark that the Noah's had been known to own? She felt pangs of anger, Noah's... Damn them. Her friends from her last headquarters had been killed due to those god damn beings and that Earl. It was the reason she'd chosen to switch headquarters... She hadn't been as.signed. She made that decision herself. The last home she had held too many memories... bad memories, no thanks to those damn monsters, and she needed to get away... far away. She pulled herself out of her reverie and turned on her heel, following the path of the silver haired one. She'd made up her mind, she wanted to see this Ark, she had to. What she'd heard what not make sense unless she saw it. Simple as.
12:46pm Nov 27 2009 (last edited on 1:17pm Nov 27 2009)
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Posts: 79
(( I dunno if I can D: Still housesitting -.-...and something interesting happened...it's kinda funny...I'll explain when you're on YIM...)) He heard Maya whisper something, but couldn't quite make it out. All he knew was, it was most likely an insult and looked at her furrowing his eyebrows.Kanda turned his head to see Hitan, staring at her with his cold eyes, he recognized her from somewhere but he wasn't sure where.
Kanda then remembered what Allen said "Baka Moyashi...who the hell does he think is." he growled under his breath and clenched his fist. He stared down the Hallway to see everyone that pas.sed him. They were all going to that arc. He narrowed his eyes at the silver-haired boy, 'Perhaps I'll go with them....' He looked away shaking his head in disbelief. How could he ever think that, following Allen into the Arc, out of all things, but was there really anything else to do.
Closing his eyes, he walked down the hallway and caught up with Allen.He looked at Lenalee, who was being dragged and then looked at Maya 'Looks like everyone is going...just great....' he said to himself He stood far away from slivered-hair exorcist, glaring at him from behind, he dreaded the fact that he was about to follow him into the arc, but he had nothing else better to do. He really wanted to encounter another Noah, or at least an Akuma and slay the creature.
Tyki grew impatient as he finished his cigarette, dropping it on the floor and grinding it into the ground with his foot.. 'Well...I'm not going t find them just sitting around.' he sighed at his thought and stood up, stretching out a little bit.
1:44pm Nov 27 2009 (last edited on 1:53pm Nov 27 2009)
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"Oh? Suppose i should intoduce myself then. My name is Maya Sienna" She said it politely, her eyes, however, were focused on the black haired exorcist. HE was going?! What the hell?! What she'd give to hit the guy right now... Ah well. Some other time maybe, she had more pressing issues at the moment anyhow. She was still glaring at him when Lenalee spoke up. "Its nice to meet you, Maya. I'm Lenalee, and this is Allen and Kanda. uh..." Lenalee smiled lightly, she was sure Maya heard her, only Maya seemed preoccupied with Kanda at the moment. She was pondering why Maya looked miffed when the blonde turned to face her and smiled. My, she really was beautiful now that Lenalee could see her much closer. She also couldn't help noticing that Maya was slightly taller than herself and Allen. "It's nice to meet you all also... well... most of you" She glared sideway's at the ob ject of her previous focus. "I pray you dont mind my presence, only i heard the word Ark. Am i correct in thinking it was originally the Noah's Ark?" She didn't mention the fact that Allen was peculiar according to her intuition and she wanted to keep an eye on him for whatever reason anyway, but she wanted to see this Ark, seeing as she'd heard quite a bit about it within her previous headquarters.