2:54pm Nov 27 2009 (last edited on 2:55pm Nov 27 2009)
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Posts: 341
((Eh? Get on YIM then. Sorry I wasn't on earlier...parents.)) Allen turned away, casting his eyes to the floor. Should he be honest and tell her? Her knowing wouldn't make her suspect him...right? He didn't want to scare a new exorcist with the ugly truth... "Yes," he spoke quietly, raising his gaze to meet Mayas. "You are right...it is the Ark of Noah. I guess you could say that I'm its keeper." he smiled faintly, his eyes closing to hide his inner frustration and fear. Damn his eyes; they were like portals into his soul. He longed to be like Kanda and hide his emotions without trying...but damn Kanda for being able to do it. And why the hell did Kanda seem to want to go with them? He kept a smile on his face and released Lenalee from his grasp, folding his hands in front of his legs and giving Maya a polite bow. "Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. I am Allen Walker," he said. "This golem is Timcanpy. He was my Masters, but I guess he is mine now..." he chuckled softly and nudged the golden golem, who fluttered its wings and began tugging on his hair again. Allen yelped and raised a hand to swat at Timcanpy with a small cry of "that hurts!" Once Tim had calmed down and was happily flitting around the hall, Allen continued where he had left off before being as.saulted by his golem. "I don't know why, but it has been acting odd lately...it clings to me like I am going to disappear if it doesn't. It's rather sad to watch..." his ex pression softened. 'Tim must have forged a real bond with me after Master--' he shook his head. Better not to think sour thoughts right now; that was Kanda's job, after all. He glared at the Japanese exorcist, wanting nothing more than to give him a solid punch to the jaw. Ooh, that look on his face made him so angry! Why was Kanda so damn condescending all the time?!
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

3:57pm Nov 27 2009
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Lenalee simply smiled at Allen and his golem as Maya spoke again. "I see" She smiled, ever so slightly bowing in return. She could sense his frustration, even with his eyes closed. It radiated from him like heat, though Maya was probably the only person there who could sense it in that way. "I take it you wouldn't mind my joining you then?" She looked to Allen as she asked.
4:48pm Nov 27 2009 (last edited on 12:13pm Nov 29 2009)
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Posts: 79
(( I'm trying but you're not on D< ...and I'm housesitting tonight...perhaps..and I don't think I can get in touch with you D: )) He crossed his arms "Che..." was the only thing he could say at the moment. Boy was this new exorcist annoying him. Why was he going again? He kept asking himself, but he knew that the black order was so boring, he had to do something. He scowled at the silver-haired exorcist, god that kid, all he wanted was to cut him to ribbons. The thought made Kanda happy inside, but he never showed externally. "Strange don't you think...new girl...the moyashi can control the Noah's Ark....." he frowned, how come no one else saw it, but him. From day one, Kanda knew he Allen was strange, the kid was cursed and he's the only one who cared about it. --- Tyki wandered around, inside the Ark. "...I hope the Earl didn't lie to me..." he frowned when he searched for the exorcist in every corner of the arc, but no one was found.
8:53pm Nov 27 2009
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Posts: 341
((Sorry, sorry. Parentals. And we're having some friends over tonight. I'll be on a bit later, though...like in another few hours/minutes.)) "Not at all," Allen spoke quietly. Drat. Now he couldn't avoid it; she would learn of his secret much earlier than he had wanted. He narrowed his eyes at Kanda as Timcanpy settled back onto his head. What the hell was Kanda trying to do, turn every exorcist in the place against him? He clenched his hands into fists, but gritted his teeth and said nothing, casting his gaze to the floor. Kanda intimidated him to some extent, but he would not speak of it to anyone.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:06pm Nov 27 2009 (last edited on 9:07pm Nov 27 2009)
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Posts: 145
Lavi mumbled around in his sleep, "Sorry... What? No don't..."Suddenly he heard the voice of an angel, as he opened his eyes warily and saw Allen waving. He smiled softly tilting his head to the other side and thought he was dreaming. My... Isn't Allen cute today. No wait, what?... Lavi snapped his head up and quickly sat still, and tried to make out what Allen was saying... "Need... Something to do?" Well, he didn't have anything better to do other than napping, and since today Bookman was on a little trip to cover some stuff up... Eh, why not? Lavi slowly walked over to the crowd that had appeared. Lenalee, Allen, Kanda... My, now that's a surprise for Kanda to tag along. Lavi thought about it some more and smiled, this might be interesting, it seemed that the new exorcist was here as well, and well... Wow, she was just gorgeous like the rumors had made out... Silently, he put his arms on Allen's shoulder and leaned gently over and asked, "So... ?What are we doing guys? Want to give me some details?" Lavi could swear Allen was turning pink from the whispering near his ear part, and to cut him some slack stood up properly and sighed. Then he proceeded to introduce himself to the blonde. "Nice to meet you, my name is Lavi." Lavi quickly grabbed her hands and gave her a over friendly handshake. Then let go gently and smirked. Today was going to be another... Busy day for him, he supposed.
9:38pm Nov 27 2009
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Posts: 341
"L-Lavi...!" Allen blushed first, then smiled as he found himself wrapped up in the redhead again. How could he not smile? There was just something in Lavi's voice, face, smile, body language...just something about him that brought light to the pale exorcist's life. He gave a soft chuckle and turned to face the taller exorcist, getting up on tip-toe and resting a hand on his shoulder as he leaned in to his ear. "We are going to the Ark, rabbit," he spoke softly. "Now stop flirting with the new girl and come with me." he smirked slightly as he pulled away from Lavi, turning on his heel and making his way down the hall in the direction of the science department and the Ark. When he had finally made it to the department's door, he checked around to make sure that the others had followed him, then double-checked to make sure that they weren't followed. Once he was sure that they were safe, he opened the door and slipped through it, approaching the center of the room and the portal standing open there. "Welcome, my friends, to the Ark." he murmured. "What happens within it should not be spoken of to anyone in the Order, do you understand?" that said, he stepped through the entrance and into the Ark, allowing himself only a moment to wait for his companions to follow. The piano was calling to him, begging him to touch its keys and play that haunting melody. Though the Ark frightened him, he could always come here to hide. But he was never alone...
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

5:18am Nov 28 2009
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Lenalee could only smile as Lavi approached. Allan was acting up again, clearly last night hadn't been forgotton, or so she thought. She shook her head ever so slightly when Lavi introduced himself to Maya, that flirt would not have p*censored*ed up that chance. She laughed inwardly at the thought, then moved her eyes to look over each face of her comrades and friends. She didn't want this to change. She'd be happy if they just stayed like this, together, no matter what. She was thinking like this becuase of what they were about to do... she didn't know why. She just knew it was significant that she remember them all like this, and so she would. When they came to a stop outside the Ark, Lenalee simply watched as Allen entered first. She cast her eyes around at the others, all of whom were simply looking at the Ark. Then, as though expecting the worst, She inhaled deeply, and stepped through the portal to join Allen on the other side. --- Maya didn't question Allen's ability to control the Ark. She knew his innocence, and she knew that he wasn't ready to tell his reasons. No matter what he said though, she couldn't suspect him, not until his aura said otherwise, and at the moment, it was still messed up, frustration, fear and confusion all mingling in one place. Maya sighed, it must be difficult being this young silver haired exorcist... Maya watched the approach of the red headed one with interest, she had, afterall, deduced he was a part of this rather mixed group, seeing as she'd spotted him earlier with Allen and Lenalee. Maya simply blinked when Lavi took her hands, it was a pity she couldn't reach her guns. Ah well. She figured she should probably be alittle more gentle with these people. They were, afterall, a welcoming bunch... all besides that one anyway. Her thought's were inturrupted as Allen lead the way to the science department. Maya was incredibly impressed by the portal leading to the Ark. So this was it? This is what those damn monsters had used... they'd ruined everything close to her... all from this place? She set her face, and took her steps into the Ark shortly after Lenalee.
9:26am Nov 28 2009 (last edited on 12:12pm Nov 29 2009)
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Posts: 79
He sighed as he watched everyone go through. Did he really want to follow all the annoying people in his life, into the Noah's Ark. Kanda pondered for a minute before he stepped in. He looked at the entrance way 'A Noah has to be in there' he said to himself, trying to get motivated to go through. After Lenalee and Maya walked in he decided to stop questioning it and go in. Taking his first step inside the Arck. He looked around, he remembered this place. He remembered nearly dying in that god forsaken arena, fighting against Skin. He placed a hand on his chest, where the tattoo lays and closed his eyes. "Oi, Moyashi...if there is a Noah lurking about...do you plan on reporting it to headquarters?"he said still holding his hand on the spot of his tattoo. --- He had heard the exorcist coming. They were very noisy. Tyki grinned evilly "Welcome, exorcist...." he whispered to himself and slowly stepped back against a wall, disappearing into a building.
6:54am Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 6:54am Nov 29 2009)
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Posts: 341
"Of course, Bakanda" Allen replied hotly. "I would not hide it from them, to be certain. That would be asking for more trouble." What the hell? Did Kanda really think he would...hide it? He would not defend any Noah for any reason. Well, except that time he thought he had exorcised Tyki Mikk's inner Noah and went back to save his human body. 'That did not work out so well...' He glanced around at the buildings about him, trying to get his bearings and check for any danger. Sure, this Ark was not used by the Earl anymore, but he still felt a ltitle uneasy about being in here. Someone was watching him...the feeling was extremely eerie, and he couldn't shake it. He needed to get to that piano and play, or else the melody in his head would consume him.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

7:11am Nov 29 2009
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Lenalee skimmed her eyes over the buildings they walked past. The feeling in this place wasn't all pleasant. She found herself unintentionally looking over at Allen. What had he come here for? really... What, in this place, would help him? Maya followed shortly behind Lenalee, her eyes taking in a great deal more. This was an unusual place... she hadn't thought it would look like this anyhow. Her interest in the Ark was fighting alongside another, slightly more alarming sensation, that of an unkown aura. She couldn't place it to any of the people in front of her?... Were they really the only ones in here?...
10:31am Nov 29 2009
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Posts: 79
"It was just a question!" he growled, glaring at Allen. He quickly looked away muttering "Che...". He'll never understand that boy, ever. Something wasn't right, though, he could feel it, and he most certainly wasn't the only one when he looked over at Maya. He quickly scanned the Ark, gripping the handle of Mugen very tightly and gritting his teeth. It was quite obvious that Kanda was getting worked up for no reason.Perhaps he was just paranoid. Kanda breathed in deeply, calming himself down. He couldn't afford to get himself so tense. He relaxed his muscles, letting go of Mugen's handle. The samurai was still very aware though, as he continued to look in every corner. --- Tyki came out of a building and spied on the exorcist. He saw the new girl and grinned 'this should be interesting.' he said to himself. Tyki stood in an alleyway, in the opposite direction of the exorcist. Letting his hair fall in front of his face and placed on his glas.ses to hide his identity, everyone knew who he was though, except her. He took a step out of the darkness. Placing his hands in his pockets, he casually walked towards the exorcists.
12:35am Dec 1 2009
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Maya stopped. Looked like they weren't alone in this place afterall. Someone was approaching them, She didn't know who he was, and she, unfortunately, couldn't read him by his aura... it was split completely in 2. Directly down the middle... there were 2 opposing aura's radiating from this guy, how strange. Maya held her hand's close to her handguns, as an exorcist, she automatically paid heed to the far more sinister aura, and she kept her eyes on him as she momentarily saw the flickers of the other's reaction in the corner of her eye. Lenalee had stopped to look at Maya, noticing she hadn't moved, and only turning when Maya put a hand to one of her guns. Someone was coming towards them? Was it an exorcist? Who else would be in this place?... She simply watched as he strolled closer, atleast until she could identify the guy. ~(crap post D8... cya when i get back! XD)~
7:23pm Dec 1 2009
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Posts: 341
Allen's eyes widened. He began to shake, instinctively backing against a nearby building and pressing himself flush against it, eyes widening with fright. "Wh-what are you doing here...?!" he spoke breathlessly. He could remember the last run-ins he'd had with Tyki Mikk all too well, for most of them had almost cost him his life. Their only peaceful encounter was playing poker, and even that was not without its awkwardness. He shivered, and his eyes instinctively darted to his toes. Timcanpy gave a small squeak and dove for cover inside of Allen's uniform jacket, quivering against his new master's chest in a frightened manner. 'What should I do?' the pale exorcist thought. 'Should I fight him? No, it would not be wise to take him on here and now...the others would be collateral. I will wait and see what he wants...' "...what do you want, Tyki Mikk?" he spoke warily, allowing his eyes to look into the Noah's as they narrowed with intensity. Another shiver tore up his spine; this was going to get really messy really fast if Tyki was here for what Allen believed he was here for...
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

8:51pm Dec 2 2009 (last edited on 11:07pm Dec 2 2009)
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Posts: 79
Kanda quickly turned around 'Him!?' he looked sharply at the Noah of Pleasure, tightening his grip on Mugen once again. Tyki tilted his head, smiling at the five exorcist, he then turned and faced his favorite silver-haired exorcist "What do I want?" he chuckled slightly "Shouldn't I ask what YOU want...I mean...you are in the Noah's Ark after all." he grinned The young samurai gritted his teeth, he didn't want to give the Noah a chance to be acquainted with everyone. He looked over at Allen, why wasn't he attacking? He should know what Tyki wanted by now...they've only encountered each other about four times now 'Baka moyashi...' he thought and clenched his open hand into a fist. Tyki raised his hands defensively "Before we get into a huge fight don't you think I should introduce myself properly, to the new young lady exorcist." he said hiding the evil smile, behind his friendly mask.
3:47am Dec 3 2009
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Posts: 145
Funny how suddenly the atmosphere had gotten intense. Lavi slumped his shoulders slightly, gently resting his finger tips on his hammer, someone was approaching, and the unknown person sure wasn't invited... Tyki immerged from the shadows, as Lavi gaped at him. It was too much of a coincidence, he had only been thinking about Tyki since last night. The stranger, well enemy, was the same as always. Flowing hair, smooth skin and the stigmas on his forehead, never had he seen such a beautiful man, other than Kanda. Lavi shook his head slowly, while tensing up. Tyki wanted to introduce himself to Maya? No way. Did the two have some sort of relationship already? Lavi's eyes slanted, and recorded the details, it seemed that the peaceful day was getting rougher each second that went by. Lavi sure hoped, that no one would get injured in this fight, yet somewhere deep in his concious, he knew it just wasn't possible.
8:01am Dec 3 2009
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Posts: 341
"I come here more often than you know. But I do not think it wise to give you the time to introduce yourself, Noah," Allen spoke back, gritting his teeth and stepping away from the safety of the building. He mentally slapped himself for his formality; Tyki wouldn't care what words he used. "Maybe it is time you were the one learning about someone. You would be surprised what a few weeks of training an do to a person."
'Crowned Clown...!' The white strips of cloth snaked up his left arm, and his Innocence quickly took it's form around him. The heavy mask and hood settled over his eyes as he glared at Tyki and flexed his talon-like claws with apprehension. It felt strange. He had expected Kanda to make the first move, but here he was, preparing himself to fight another Noah. He mentally grimaced; his last battle with Tyki Mikk had not gone so well. Would this one be different? 'Sword or Edge End?' he thought. 'Guess I should start with the Edge End. But I need to finish this quickly, if I am going to start at all...' "So come, Tyki Mikk. I know you are here to kill me."
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:33am Dec 3 2009 (last edited on 4:50pm Dec 4 2009)
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Lenalee glared at Tyki moving back slightly. She didn't think it wise to try and fight him with the others. Too many of them might cause problems. She was ready however, her dark boots vibrating with energy should she need them. Maya simply stared at this Tyki person. She'd recognised the name, he was a Noah... She pulled both handguns from their holders, keeping them within her grasp, she jolted to the side, giving Allen as much room as he needed. She did however bow slightly to the stranger. "I would introduce myself, only... I find it more interesting fighting without knowing your opponent's name. Makes it... exciting" She felt that twisted smile come to her lips, the same smile she adapted whenever faced with an enemy whom she wasn't familiar with. ~(better posts when i get back tomorrow XD)~
11:07pm Dec 3 2009
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Posts: 79
Tyki blinked a few times, watching Allen prepare himself for yet another battle "Isn't this unfair, boy...five against one...don't you think this should just be our fight...?" He was a bit hesitant, to go up against all the exorcists at once. His wounds from the last battle he had with Allen, still hurt like hell. Being exorcised again, was the last thing he wanted to do. "You're as good as dead, Noah." Kanda said with his evil smile, the same smile from when he fought Skin. The young samurai drew Mugen and running two of his fingers along the back of the blade. He gripped the handle with both hands and pulling it close to his body, getting himself ready to attack the creature like being. Tyki looked at Kanda from the corner of his eyes and sighed "Very well then..." his skin tone turned to a darker gray and stigma appeared across his forehead. Butterfly like creautres seeped out of him. He looked back at Allen, with his golden eyes, having the Teeze form two shield like weapons on both of his arms.
7:53am Dec 4 2009 (last edited on 8:01am Dec 4 2009)
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Posts: 341
Allen pushed the mask back off of his eyes. A small shudder ran up his spine; if there was one thing on Earth that frightened him, it was the clan of Noah. But why? Why did he feel such powerful fear? He narrowed his eyes and raised his clawed hand, pointing his index talon at Tyki. "I would fight you one-on-one," he said coldly, "if I trusted you to keep it that way. But I never know when your niece may show up, so I will keep my friends on-hand just in case." a sadistic smile came to his lips as he spoke. Beating the tar out of a Noah may make him feel better. "Clown Belt!" the Innocence reacted, and strips of white burst from Allen's left arm and wrapped themselves around Tyki's lower arms and his Teeze shields, holding him in place for what the pale exorcist hoped to be enough time for someone to get in an attack. "Kanda, Lavi!" he cried. "Go!" he was hesitant to ask the girls to fight at such a close range, though he knew they both could handle it. This would be the perfect time for Kanda to use Mugen or for Lavi to get in a good hit with his hammer. He gritted his teeth and prayed that his Innocence would be enough to hold onto the Noah.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

1:58pm Dec 4 2009 (last edited on 3:56pm Dec 4 2009)
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Lenalee held herself as Maya simply looked sideway's at Allen. What? He didn't think they could fight? She sighed, typical. No-one knew her strength yet, and she hated being underestimated. She managed to force herself to release the handgun in her hand purely because of her intrerest in the Noahs. She had, afterall, never fought or come across them before. She always got to know her opponent beforehand, and letting the guy's handle this first would probably the best way to analyze. She smiled grimly. Guess she'd wait and see.