4:49am Dec 10 2009
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~(Yay! *glomps Soreyal* 8D)~ Maya wasn't paying much attention to the time. Her eyes, once again, were looking over at the one named Kanda. Gah, why was his aura so, so... strange and compelling... She grimaced, his aura was, there was no other way to describe it, attractive. That mystery and power were intriguing, and she was constantly finding herself drawn to it. Ack. She shook her head, tearing her eyes away from the black haired exorcist and strolling over to Allen. With one look, she realized Lenalee would be fine, the barrier hadn't been up long enough to cause any real damage. She then turned back the way they had come "See you back at headquarters..." She said in a very offhand way, her mind still trying to decipher Kanda, holding up a hand in farewell as she walked silently back to the black order. What a day... She'd barely been here a few hours, this place was turning out to be unbelievably active. ~(creative lagg =x)~
8:03am Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 341
((Agh, yes! Sorry about my absence. Been having some RW troubles that are making me...hurt, to say the least. Go on ahead and add Road, lutino. Agh, crap...I just can't post. I will as soon as I can. Off to school.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:10am Dec 10 2009 (last edited on 2:29am Dec 12 2009)
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Posts: 1,326
((“my headstone grieves for your lost soul"  NAME: rhode/road AGE: appears to be 13 GENDER: female PERSONALITY : Though she is known to be older than she appears, she intentionally keeps the youthful ways of young girl. Most of the times, she can be seen munching on lilipopos. She also has a habbit of stealing relo from the earl while he sleeps. She views her life as extremely boring and thus tries to play with things and people. She seems to have a strong dislike of humans, most often describing them as sweet wrappers that are uneeded. She is also very protactive of her family, basically the other noahs, and will take revenge most of the time. Despite her plyaful nature, she can be serious when she wants to. ROLE : noah SPECIAL ABILITIES: she is able to travel dimensions without using Noah's Ark and has shown some use of complete regeneration, telekinesis, and telepathy. She is also the only Noah capable of programming Noah's Ark, other than the earl, because she is the "oldest" PAST: unknown OTHER: She is the adopted 'daughter' of Cyril Kamelot and his wife and she is a 'niece' of Tyki. oh and, this is my first time roleplaying, so im really sorry if i make mistakes.)) - - - - - - "Why are you smiling tyki? Having the 14th awaken is not good news, is it?" Rhode was unsure of tyki's words. "Is he not the one who wishes to kill the millennium earl?" The little noah looked up at Tyki and sighed. Not giving him any chance to answer, she reverted back to her joyous personality. She joked around with her uncle, "Come help me to my homework again. please? This time, you can help me with my essays~~♪" Rhode frowned upon remembering that her uncle who never sent to school never learnt how to write... With a smile, she replied "Ah well, I'll just get earl sama to help me then, speaking of which, he said he wants to see us back at your brother's house." Phode danced back to the table full of sweets, picking up a lollipop, she smiled playfully and opened yet another one of her heart shaped doors as if she never asked Tyki about the 14th. (( is it too short? D'8 ...and i think we need an earl too X: as well as many more noahs ))

9:17am Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 1,789
~(Your actually very good, I should know, im still "kinda" new to Roleplaying myself lol. You dont roleplay other peoples characters though, you leave it so they can reply back to you ^^)~
9:23am Dec 10 2009 (last edited on 9:30am Dec 10 2009)
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Posts: 1,326
((yea, i was wondering about that... but if i dint, wouldent i be typing a one-liner? -phail-))
((EDIT: bleh... i have used my awsome powers of post editing to make my previous post better >D))
9:34am Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 1,789
~(lol, Your still pretty good =D, and nah, it wouldn't be a one liner, if you read some of the previous posts it might make more sense, but well done so far 8D)~
9:36am Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 1,326
(( i did, i was half dead after reading it all xD but like wow, its gonna take some time for me to get the 'wait for reply without one liner' skill, thankies for the encourage ment thou :)))
10:38am Dec 10 2009 (last edited on 5:00pm Dec 10 2009)
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Posts: 79
(( You're doing fine lutino :3, just look how others post to get help <3 )) BIC|| Kanda stood up, shaking off his pissed off mood as much as he could, but knowing him...it wasn't much. He watched Maya as she left 'Che...where is she going?' he narrowed his eyes and turned back to look at Allen "Oi, Moyashi...go play your damn song so we can get out of here...." He wanted to go back, he was in much pain from when he hit the wall at full force. "Che...." Kanda didn't want to get fired up again, but images of what happened just now kept replaying in his mind, over and over. --- Tyki stared off into the distance, his mind was still on fight that just occured. Allen was much stronger than when they first met in China. He's girn faded away as he looked up at Rhode "....Cyril!? what does he want?...." the Noah got a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach whenever his brother was mentioned. He sighed and slicked his hair back while exiting Rhode's room. ((gyah~ sorry lame post D: ...but I'm in school now >.>...))
5:28pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 341
Allen did not raise his head, and his Innocence continued to brush and touch its way over the other exorcists. How could he lift his gaze to them? He was just in their way...he had the potential to become a Noah, their enemy. What was that worth to them? Just more pain and suffering, right? If he lost to the 14th, gave into the Noah's will, he would only bring pain to them. Then again...there was no way he would lose. He sniffed pathetically and wiped his nose on his sleeve, pulling Lenalee up in his arms and getting shakily to his feet. He tossed his head, throwing the mask off of his eyes, and raised his eyes uncertainly to them. No matter what, they were his family, and he had to try to meet their gazes. "Kanda...please take Lenalee from me..." he spoke hoarsly, smiling weakly at the Japanese exorcist. He handed the unconscious Chinese girl to him without waiting for his answer, then cast his silvery gaze onto Lavi. "Lavi...you're hurt." he gave the redhead a faint smile and walked to him, curling bands of his Innocence touching the scrapes on his comrade's leg. "It is all right...the Noah is gone and he won't return, I promise..." he looked up into the other exorcist's solitary eye, "...you do not need to be afraid anymore. Fear will cloud your judgement, make you see things differently, paralyze you...but it is over now." he gave a slow nod of his head as Timcanpy settled onto his shoulder, nuzzling against his face happily. "Timcanpy, open the door to the secret room. I will play the piano for them."
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

5:56pm Dec 10 2009
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Lenalee paid scant attention to whatever was going on around her, she was still feeling rather dizzy and unstable. A small, whispered sigh escaped her lips as she finally managed to open her eyes, ignoring the blinding light that pained them, focusing immediately on the exorcist who held her. "Kanda?" She asked, she was sure she'd heard Allen's voice. huh. She turned her head, holding back another small tide of dizziness until she'd found the silver haired exorcist. Oh thank god, he was OK. She felt another smile come to her lips as she looked at Kanda. "Please Kanda, you can put me down now..." She wasn't sure if she could stand yet, but she felt like she didn't want to be carried, it was almost like putting an extra burden on her comrades, which she refused to do. The gateway out. Maya stopped, her eyes on the gate but not registering it was there, she turned, placing herself against a nearby wall and allowing herself to slide down it until she was sat, eyes closed, face upturned. What a day... The ark, the noah's, the "potential" noah... and that damned Kanda. Her eyes snapped open as she swung a fist around to smack into the wall she leaned against. What the hell was wrong with her?! Why couldn't she get that self righteous, stuck up, black haired exorcist out of her head. Damn him. Damn him and his aura. Maya brought her now aching fist to rest over her eyes, flashing a deep green in the light of the ark. She couldn't leave the ark, as much as she felt she needed to... she found she wanted to stay, she felt... like she'd been fated into this, she'd walked through the gate into the ark, there was no going back. Not really. She sighed, leaning her head against the wall, her now throbbing hand simply falling to her side. Well... looks like she wasn't going to get any peace for awhile...
7:18pm Dec 10 2009 (last edited on 12:51am Dec 11 2009)
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Unwrapping her lollipop, Rhode looked up at tyki, "Oh? I'm not too sure about that tyki~~♪ But the earl said something about having tea there, most likely, we're going to have some discussion." She already knew that this time, the discussion was going to be about the ark again, and maybe about them too. Upon walking through the front door of her father's house, Cyril greeted them both warmly. That probably meant hugging his favourite daughter and teasing his favourite brother. "I heard you outnumbered this time, eh?" Cyril gave a heartly laugh.
((meh... sorry there, but i had to add in cyril )) ((EDIT-> now me and tyki need to start plotting... any ideas? >< yes, thats right, youre plotting agasints yourselves >D ))
9:55pm Dec 10 2009 (last edited on 10:12pm Dec 10 2009)
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Posts: 79
Kanda looked down at Lenalee and did as she wished, placing her down back on her feet. "Don't mention to your brother that you got hurt." he looked away. If Komui knew about this incident then all of hell would break lose.
He calmly walked away and sat down on a stoop that connected to a house inside the Ark. Leaning back against the wall, he closed his eyes and breathed slowly. As if he was meditating, clearing his mind on all the thoughts and images that are all tangled inside his head. He sighed heavily.
Tyki rolled his eyes ever so slightly at his brother's comment "Five to one...to be exact" he said crossing his arms and entering the home. He sat down on one of the sofas as Cryil came by with a tea pot and some cups. The Noah of Pleasure took the tea cup in his hands and waited for the true answer to his question 'Why the Earl wanted them to be here?' he sighed and looked into the reflection of his tea cup.
Once again, the reason why they were there was because they needed to figure out another plan of attack on the exorcist. Obliviously the last one didn't work out so well.
If only Tyki was alone with the silver-haired exorcist, would this all be over, but no four others had to show up. An evil look appeared in the Noah's golden eyes, next time... will be the last time he and Allen Walker would meet.
10:14pm Dec 11 2009 (last edited on 3:40am Dec 12 2009)
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Posts: 1,326
(( still no posts? thats really sad! D: < EDIT: srsly? still no posts? TT_TT))
5:10am Dec 12 2009
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~(patience Lutino XD They'll post eventually 8D)~
9:28am Dec 12 2009
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Posts: 1,326
(( lol, im just really bored and have nothing to do X: ))
7:15am Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 7:16am Dec 13 2009)
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Posts: 341
((Like I said...RW issues clouding my mind and proper judgement. Stupid girls...I really just want to punch them. :x)) BIC|| Timcanpy did as it was intructed. "I will send a door for you," Allen spoke as the golem sent him to the secret room. "Wait a few moments and it will appear." And so he did. He sat at the piano and played, allowing the melody to flow out of his soul and into his hands, which darted over and around the keys effortlessly, flawlessly, the utter perfection of it almost unheard of. There was not much happening to the Ark itself; Allen had no wishes that it could fulfill. A door merely formed beside the stoop upon which Kanda was seated, opening to allow them to enter his secret world. But his hands never stopped playing the inverted keys. Even without the score, Allen could play. He knew the music by heart now, every note. He hummed along as Timcanpy settled in to its proper place on the piano and projected the score for him, his hands flowing over the keys like water, never missing a beat. The lullaby ingrained in him came from his very soul, from the core of his being, from a part of himself that he never knew existed, and it frightened him. But he never stopped playing. The sound of the music was like a drug to him, calming his frazzled nerves and dulling his senses. He would be little more than a toy for any pas.sing akuma or Noah who decided to attack him...until the melody had poured out of him and he was utterly spent, his hands would not stop moving. ((...and this is where you come in, Tyki-san! :D))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

7:37am Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 1,789
~(Understandable UK, understandable DX)~ Lenalee just watched as Allen played. There was nothing she felt like saying or doing. The song was almost too beautiful to ignore. She could imagine how this would help Allen, in a strange sort of way. At the same time, none of this made sense. Maya had been sat against that wall with a blank mind, her eyes closed, her face upturned. The song flooded over her in gentle waves, and she opened her eyes to that sound. Music? She pushed herself up, standing and looking back towards the way she had come. Wasn't this what that Allen wanted to come here for?... She found herself drawn by that miraculous noise, it was undoubtedly the most beautiful thing she had heard, as she turned on her heel and headed back towards where the others were. She didn't know what sort of significance that sound had, and she *censored*umed, maybe, that if she saw the scene it might make more sense. Although admittedly, she had no idea what she was looking for. ~(Ultra laggy day 8D yay)~
8:08pm Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 8:50pm Dec 13 2009)
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Posts: 79
The melody played throughout the whole Ark. Kanda looked up at the sky, listening to Allen play the song that was embedded into the boy's mind. He looked at the door as it appeared in front of the Japanese male.'Moyashi?....' he said to himself raising an eyebrow. Using the wall, he pushed himself up and walked through the door. He looked around, noticing the emptiness in the room itself. Nothing expect the piano and a couple of windows. He saw Allen playing 'So this is his room...' Kanda thought as he stared off in a different direction. --- Tyki snapped out of his "evil" moment. He placed the tea back down on the table in front of him, as the Earl skipped in. He rested his head in his hand, and looked unamused at the fat man. Apparently, Allen Walker was playing the Fourteenth's song once again. But what could the Noah do...go back there again!? The Earl was crazy, but then again...why was he afraid to go back. No he wasn't afraid to go back, he was always up for a fight with an exorcist. He contemplated, everything seemed too rushed. Why was it like this, they needed to catch the exorcists off guard. And right now they should be very aware. He sighed, taking out another cigarette. He lit the cancer stick and took the first drag. "Rhode..." he started to say as he exhaled the smoke "Let's watch over the exorcist...we'll hold off on the next attack, until the time is right." he rested the cigarette in his mouth and stood up. The Noah said his respectful goodbyes to his brother and the Earl as he left Cryil's home.
8:38pm Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 8:39pm Dec 13 2009)
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Rhode blinked, Tyki sure seemed like he was in a rush. She drank one more sip of her tea and closed her eyes for a moment. Rhode decided that following Tyki to the ark was much more entertaining and fun compaired to staying here watching the earl drop countless sugar cubes in his tea. She got off her chair and hugged Cyril goodbye. after that, she walked p*censored* the earl and told him that she would be following Tyki, stealing relo while she did so.
She ran after Tyki. Of course teleporting and flying would have been much faster but it would be rather shocking to the humans here. Humans, she thought to herself, how irritating...
"Tyki!" she called out upon reaching him, "Really, you should wait for me if you want me to come along and open gates for you! You know that i cant run as fast as you!" Rhode inhaled and exhaled, trying to catch her breath.
Her mind swirling with thoughts, baka uncle Tyki... why is he in such a rush to get to the ark? He must really want to kill Allen... But that's probably natural, since that was the first time he failed to do his job, he's been teased non-stop by everyone, espicailly his brother. Then, a thought appeared, Allen walker... what a strange child.

6:01am Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 6:02am Dec 14 2009)
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Lenalee had entered the room just before Kanda, only taking her eyes off of Allen when she heard him enter. She sighed, before turning back to face the silver haired exorcist. As much as she wanted to trust him, she couldn't help feeling that if only he had told her more about his worries, she might possibly understand this entire situation better. She shook the idea off, allowing herself to sink into his music once again. Maya stopped, facing the door that Allen had conjured using the music of his mind and the skill of his hands. She hesitated only a second before taking a step through that door. Heck, she had nothing to lose by remaining here, she'd already accepted she was involved, and there was really no way of escaping it. Darn. She spotted Kanda and felt her face stiffen, her mind going into overdrive. Again. She cursed silently, before leaning herself against the side of the door, her arms crossed and her eyes trained on the floor 2 feet or so in front of her. ~(Maybe i should bring in another noah... *evil thoughts* lol XD)~