6:09am Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 6:09am Dec 14 2009)
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(( kuro: thats a great idea, add one more noah causeme and tyki need help ;O oh and look what i doodled after having a ridiculous chat with tyki!  lol xD ))
6:15am Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 6:28am Dec 14 2009)
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~(OMG i love that! Ima start calling you Rhode... XD ROFL Alrighty! Gonna edit this seeing as it saves space XD - And darnit, we could use an earl XD)~
6:24am Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 6:26am Dec 14 2009)
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(( lawl! glad you liked it x3 im fine with you calling me rhode <3 but im not too much of a jasdevi fan X: srry!
BTW, i know someone who'd be great for earl, but she seems to have dissapeared from res, fb and her blog since the 9th of november and she wont reply my sms! i think she's on some super long holiday TT_TT))
6:29am Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 6:50am Dec 14 2009)
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~(EDIT: Alrighty >3)~ 
NAME: Cyril Kamelot AGE: Unknown?
PERSONALITY: Cyril is a person who is quite seedy and he is a womanizer as he is often seen with women around him. He is flirtatious, even towards Tyki Mikk. Around his family he is comical and ridiculous. On his own, he is more serious, and is more threatening.
ROLE: Noah
SPECIAL ABILITIES: The only ability of Cyril's shown thus far is to break the bones in a human's body simply by touching them. Exactly how he performs this is unclear. As a Noah family member he can control Akuma. It has also been shown he has a type of telekinesis, able to control multiple people at once through invisible strings. He does this to immobilize Bak, Johnny, Zhu, Epsteine, Reever, and Malcolm.
PAST: Yea, cant find much on this guy XD
OTHER: Has a wife named Tricia, whom he supposedly only married to adopt Road. He also usually stays at his estare with said wife. Although, he moves around in order to *censored*ist the other Noah's of his family.
6:36am Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 7:29am Dec 14 2009)
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Posts: 1,326
(( ohohohoh! take cyril and irritate tyki with me ;O EDIT: YEAAAAH! *tumbs up* > ;D))
8:03am Dec 14 2009
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Posts: 341
((Poor Tyki...xD Argh, I feel so outside of both the exorcist circle and the Noah circle...I hate being a mut...curse you, irony!! TT^TT)) BIC|| Allen smiled to himself. If the music had perked Kanda's curiosity enough to make him enter the room...it must have been pretty. Hell, it must have sounded downright beautiful, if he could use such a word. His eyes kept staring blankly at the musical score, and his voice kept softly humming along with the melody that was being sung in the back of his mind. He glanced briefly up at the exorcists who had joined him, the smile remaining on his pale lips. "Youkoso, Bakanda..." he spoke quietly, using what little of Kanda's language he knew as a greeting. His hands never left the keys, nor did they cease to play the haunting melody that poured out of his soul. He gave the Japanese exorcist a faint nod of his head before returning his gaze to the score. Finally, after several minutes of non-stop playing, his hands came to a halt. The melodious chord that his fingers had ended on reverberated around the small room. Timcanpy ceased the projection of the musical score, then fluttered up to Allen's face and gave him an affectionate nuzzle. Allen chuckled quietly and raised his right hand for the golem to land upon, then leaned back and ran his left hand through his hair. "Thank God...it's over..." He sighed heavily. The melody would leave him now, but only for a day or so...he would need to come back here again, within the month, at least...but how could he keep these trips to the Ark under-wraps...? Timcanpy flew off of his hand and settled into his hair. He gave his comrades an award-winning smile, folding his hands behind him as another chuckle slipped from his lips. "Did you enjoy it...?"
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:13am Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 9:14am Dec 14 2009)
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Posts: 79
(( D: *sobs* TT~TT ...so mean~ ... :O Kuro is adding Cyril yay~ )) He whispered "Che....", he hated being called that nickname Allen had given him, but then again he probably deserved it. His eyes gazed over at the person who decided to join them once again. 'What was her problem?!' he thought narrowing his eyes and quickly looking back at Allen. Kanda thought music was music. He was just glad that the silver-haired exorcist would stop complaining about the song in his head...for now at least. He crossed his arms, letting out a sigh and looked back towards the exit. "I think I've had my fill of this Ark for the day...." he said, striding towards the exit. He pas.sed the Blonde exorcist, not taking any note of her existence and walked through the door he came in. --- Tyki paused when he heard his niece call out for him."Sorry, Rhode...I just get claustrophobic in that house."he said while exhaling the smoke and resting the cigarette in between his teeth, waiting for the girl to catch up with him.
He pushed his hair back, keeping it out of his eyes. "Do you think it's a smart idea to go back to the Ark, today...? Like what the Earl said for us to do?...." he asked her and looked up, shaking his head slowly "I personally, don't think it is...Whenever I'm about to kill that boy...something goes wrong. All these opportunities...and I fail to succeed."He huffed a sigh. Tyki went deep into thought, inhaling more of the cancerous smoke into his lungs.
9:48am Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 1:15pm Dec 14 2009)
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~( OMG i pwn you all XD! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diKcczGHa4s )~ Maya glared at Kanda at he strode past. He was giving her that look again, that "all high and mighty" look. She bit back a retort. One of these days, she was seriously going to pull a gun on him... She huffed for a while after, basking in the aftermath of the song, then, nodding at Allen, turned on her heel and headed out of the door. Lenalee watched with only mild interest before facing Allen. "You've... had this song in your head for awhile?" She didn't know what else to say. Afterall, bringing up the "noah" he mentioned might make things awkward, however much she wanted him to explain it. --- Boring. One word. Cyril sighed. It always got boring once his neice left. Sure, he enjoyed messing with state affairs and the usual, but nah... He really wanted in, and the Earl had just given him the perfect excuse. He leaned back in his leather chair, his face turned towards the window, not really taking in any of that view that lay outside, disrupted only when someone entered the room. "What is it?" He turned, coming face to face with his so called "wife". "Why hello, Tricia, pleasant day i take it?" He plastered on the usual smile he had when speaking to anyone of the household and others besides. "Moderately, you need to leave now im sure?" was her only reply. He nodded then rested his head on a hand. "I need to mention that I'm going to be gone awhile, state business you understand. I'll be sure to contact you later" She nodded mutely, smiling, before leaving the room. Cyril stood. Well... he wasn't going to be left behind this time, no matter how many "state businesses" he was going to take. He stood up and walked quickly, catching up to Rhode and Tyki just before the portal closed. He allowed himself to follow his adopted daughter and his brother, then quite delibrately strolled behind them, a smile on his face, simply listening to his unaware family deciding to butt in at an innapropriate moment. "You really shouldn't rush off like that you know. Its almost like you dont enjoy my company..."
7:19pm Dec 14 2009
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Rhode was once again irritated by Tyki, the butterfly loving guy just walked right into the ark's portal before she did. Well, there was'nt really anything wrong with that, but recently, Rhode was really touchy, eitehr that or maybe she disliked being rushed, after all, she'd lived though a lot more events compared to the other noahs, this probably added up to her boredom and her attitude of taking her time. She sighed and walked into the ark.
Suddenly, she heard her father shouting, she looked around. Ah, there he is, well, she thought, it would be a lot of fun with you around wont it? She left the portal open and allowed him to step in. "Have you no more state bussiness to deal with?" The noah giggled at her father, "no more meetings? no more conferences?" Oh, the list was endless! She felt like disturbing her uncle too, but she had this feeling that doing so would just irritate her more, better to leave him alone.
Rhode closed the portal behind them with an evil smile.
9:47pm Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 9:48pm Dec 14 2009)
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Posts: 341
Allen frowned. Just like Kanda to leave so abruptly. Bakanda probably didn't like any music that did not come from his country...the pale exorcist rolled his eyes and shook his head. His smile returned slightly when Maya nodded at him; he was surprised that she was not asking him a million questions about his earlier words. He raised a hand to his lips as he gazed off at the ceiling, his eyes glazing over as he dug deep into his memory bank. How frightening. He could not remember falling into his mind during the battle with Tyki. Everything going on around him was all fuzzy and blurry, and every word he had said to the people listening was little more than a jumble of sounds and pitches. He frowned once more; this was quite a mess that he had been thrown into...
Lenalee's small question snapped him back to reality. "Ah...yes," he replied, walking to Lenalee's side and giving her a gentle smile. He paused, his eyes settling on her ashy face as he remembered that she had been knocked out when Tyki had trapped her and Maya in the vacuum. "Are you feeling all right now? You still look a little weak..." He was guilty. Nothing was supposed to happen to them. After all, if Lenalee, Maya, Lavi, or Kanda needed to go to the infirmary for anything, the Order would surely blame him and the Ark. More suspicion would fall on him. He sighed heavily, praying that everyone would be in good enough condition to avoid visiting the head nurse and that sterile-smelling corridor.
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

5:11am Dec 15 2009 (last edited on 5:32am Dec 15 2009)
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Lenalee blinked when Allen asked her if she was feeling alright. "Ah... O-Of course" She smiled at him, waving her hands in front of her. Yes, she still felt alittle light headed but she could walk straight. Besides, she didn't want Allen or anyone else for that matter worrying about her. Eventually, her mind wandered back to the question she really wanted to ask, but held herself back from doing so... What did you mean? Noah?... Maya was still strolling the ark. She had no wish to return to headquarters just yet Truth be told, she had delibrately being looking for Kanda, seeing as she had wanted to throw insults at him for awhile now... Not to mention, she was still trying to unravel his strange aura. She sighed, as she continued walking along the streets of the ark, not really taking much of it in, her mind elsewhere. --- Cyril looked at Rhode with a slight frown. "Now Rhode... Father's state businesses can wait, its not often i spend time with my real family" The smile returned to his face as he looked over at Tyki, then back to Rhode. "Ah... I'll have plenty to look forward to when i get back no?... All those conferences you mentioned?" He clapped his hands together once. He was going to look forward to this, nevermind the meetings or conferences. This was by far, more important at the present time
7:48am Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 79
The Japanese exorcist exited the Ark and was back at headquaters once again. Surpringsly no one really knew that they were missing for quite some time. Kanda headed back to his room, pas.sing all the frantic people running around the black order. He opened the door to his room and stepped in, closing it behind him. The young samurai rubbed his back that still throbbed. 'Damn Noah....' he hissed to himself.
Tyki thought to himself 'Oh brother..he's joining...' but didn't show he slightest hint of him not wanting Cyril and simply gave his brother a friendly smile. "Sorry..Cyril, didn't mean to be so rude. My mind is just cluttered with thoughts." he finished the cigarette, throwing it down and grinding it into the ground with his foot.
"So..." he said with a sigh "what's the game plan for this?" he looked at his two family members, raising an eybrow towards them. (( bwah bad post D: ...but I was kinda rushing and didn't know what to write o-o ))
8:52am Dec 15 2009 (last edited on 8:58am Dec 15 2009)
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(( 'canerous' lawl xDDD as you can see, im not gonna help you with the plan and push it to Kuro, evil tyki. ))
Rhode twitched. Wow... Tyki was being nice to cyril, haha, thats new for a change. She smiled. "Oh wow Tyki, since when were you so nice? ♪ "
The noah then sat on relo as the umbrella became alive again. "As for the plan Tyki, werent you listening to the earl at all?" She tilted her head "Becase i certainly dint ♪ " She waved her hands around scarcastically, bitting on her her lolli.
But of course she knew the plan, it was really very simple, they'd all just attack the exorcists together! OR they could do it one by one, or they could take turns... Okay, so maybe the plan wasnt as clear as it seemed, because every move the noahs made depended on what the exorcists did. So, to put it simpily, the plump Earl had not given them any plan at all.
At this thought, Rhode bit her lollipop so hard that part of it snapped off. Pretending nothing had happened, she looked towards her father for answers as to what the all amazing plan was and smiled with a tinge of evil, but mostly fun.

9:11am Dec 15 2009 (last edited on 9:12am Dec 15 2009)
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~(Evil person leaving your father with the planning D; lol)~ Cyril looked at Tyki, also with a raised eyebrow. Ah. He hadn't yet reached that point of annoyance with Tyki yet, hence the reason Tyki seemed to be behaving well towards him at the moment. He'd get there eventually he knew, he chuckled. "None of you seem to listen to the earl... perhaps my being here might give you an idea of the plan. The Earl wants, shall we say... ah... the exorcists "moved" around alittle bit. Afterall, dear brother, you hardly seem to be able to handle 5 of them. We simply split them up." Cyril smiled, and not his usual cheery self smile. It was twisted, it wasn't often he got the chance to face the exorcists and he felt overdue when it came to dealing with them. "Of course, my dear family members, you can add to that plan if you wish... I may be alittle rusty afterall" He laughed, walking over and hitting Tyki on the shoulder. "So! shall we?"
5:12pm Dec 16 2009
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Posts: 79
Kanda sighed as he stared down at the floor beneath him. Blocking out all the noise that was happening outside his door and simply becoming one with his surroundings. His trace was disturbed when a loud obnoxious knock on his bedroom door was heard. He rose an eyebrow and stood up walking towards the loud racket. Violently, he opened the door to find an older Chinese man, slightly taller than him, in distress. "K-Komui?!...." the Japanese exorcist was confused, why had Lenalee's older brother come running to him. "Where is my Lenalee~ She has been missing for quite some time now...and I have something to show to her..." he panics and falls down on to his knees begging Kanda to go find her for him. He grumbled, for he didn't wish to go back to that damn Ark once again. But...it was either go back or listen the Chinese man whine and complain about his missing sister. Kanda huffed and walked over the distress brother of Lenalee and headed back to the Ark. --- "Plan...Plan..." he held his chin and looked up, thinking what could he possibly do now that his brother and niece were there."Well...one thing is for sure...I get Walker..." he looked away, oh how much he wanted to kill that boy, and yet failed so many times. Then he looked over at Rhode and Cyril "Cyril...it might be best if you get the Chinese girl, while Rhode can take care of the Japanese boy and Blondie. As for eyepatch-kun...he will most likely be with Allen...though Cyril...I would appreciate it if you could handle him as well. As you can see I really wish to take care of Walker on my own. Does that sound good?" he said tilting his head to slightly.
5:41pm Dec 16 2009
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Posts: 341
((Sorry about my post-phail...final exams were this week. :x ...I get to spend THE WHOLE DAY WITH YOU TOMORROW, TYKI-TAMA~!!! Prepare to be punished~)) BIC|| "Good," Allen chuckled and gave Lenalee a slow nod, seating himself upon the piano bench and absentmindedly trailing a hand along the keys. "I was worried about you." He had noticed Kanda leave, but didn't say anything or give a reaction. He was too tired, to grateful that the melody had left him. Timcanpy fluttered its wings weakly, giving no sign that it would leave its place in Allen's hair. Something was still causing him to feel uneasy. Tyki Mikk had planted a Teeze in him...but why? The thought alone made him feel queasy, but what were Tyki's motives? Could it be that the Noah was tracking him with it...? He covered his mouth with his free hand, trying desperately not to be sick. His Innocence gave an interesting twitch and activated, the white strips curling up his left arm and over his shoulders as the claws covered his fingers, which were still wandering over the piano keys. 'It reacted to my feelings...like it did during my first mission with Kanda...' he paused in his thinking as the warm cloak settled onto his shoulders and the heavy mask covered his eyes. 'Or is it trying to tell me something...? Are we in danger...?'
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

6:19pm Dec 16 2009 (last edited on 6:24pm Dec 16 2009)
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Lenalee smiled ever so slightly. He'd asked her if she was okay, truth was... he didnt look too okay himself. Sighing inwardly, she watched him run his hand over the piano. None of it still made sense, she wanted to ask... but... she just couldnt. She wavered slightly. Damn... this dizzyness wasn't going anywhere fast... Maya turned, what was that?... there was unease everywhere, as well as a potent desire to torture... she shuddered, dangit. This ark was downright unusual. She looked around, her long, white blonde hair shimmering slightly. Damn. What the heck was this... she turned again, unable to pinpoint any of those feelings. Ack. She was about to return to headquarters having finally given up on her wandering when she felt a sharp stab of excitement, and it wasn't hers. She twisted herself with unmatchable swiftness, turning to face the direction of this emotion when a searing pain flared through her already injured shoulder. Damnit... She really should get that soon to... Cyril simply smiled and nodded. He didnt mind being given a certain task, afterall, it wasn't often he got in on this sort of thing... although he probably should. "Very well Brother" he shrugged, still smiling. "We'll do it your way"
8:46pm Dec 16 2009 (last edited on 5:24am Dec 17 2009)
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"Evil Tyki keeping allen to himself..." Rhode muttered and gave him a sour face. But she did agree on the fact that Tyki should go back to kill Allen, since it would a huge disgrace to him if he still could not kill that boy... But oh how much she wanted to keep allen to herself. Too bad then
Rhode sighed. "Oi! Tyki, the japanese boy seems to be closer to where the two of you are headed, I'll go get the blonde first and find the two of you later."
Rhode opened one of her doors again. She fell in backwards, smiling as she told them "I asume that you two can get there yourselves..." With that, her door dissappeared through the ground and appeared right in front of Maya.
"Hello there..." Rhode tried remembering the blonde's name, "Maya, was it? Well, you really should not be wandering the ark alone." She smiled inncocently. Rhode felt no threat from the blonde, besides, its impossible to kill her with innocence... at least not like that.
She stood right next to Maya, holding relo over her shoulders. The noah's eyes glowed an errie amethyst purple as a hundreds of candles appeared around the blonde. "I'm rather bored today girl, lets play before we go collect the other one ♪" Rhode whispered.

6:58am Dec 17 2009
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~(Neh... i think we should just have Cyril hold onto Lavi and Lenalee while Tyki fights Allen. They're already in the same room, and quite frankly, Lenalee's still pretty weak from that last battle. Lavi's going to take awhile to post so... lol, lets just say the plan was that Cyril accompany Tyki and stop those 2 from interefering. Neh... Road can still be sent to attack the 2 hotheads XD)~
8:18am Dec 17 2009
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((ne... ne... ;O i cant believe that this is our all powerful and amazing plan. oh and um, can me kill Maya? x3 ))