10:12pm Jul 27 2010
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[[Yep. Thanks for the pictures, Tribecka. Please just read the rules.]]
10:21pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((I read the rules, and I will follow them.))
 (Banner made by Kina)
10:27pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(Tld-My bios are done.)
6:10am Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 6:12am Jul 28 2010)
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Posts: 5,998
[[Yup, I saw 'em, Mylovee. Your bio lacks the same thing as Tribecka's, Mylovee. Pleasae read the rules. If you read the rules, Tribecka, then why are your bios lacking something?]]
6:40am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(No I don't. It's at the end of all three others.)
6:49am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Mhm. Alright. We can start, I guess, since I think Tribecka is offline.]]
6:53am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(I still can't get over it. Tobi is a PINK COCATOO! :D
My parents wanted to to kill me last night because I kept yelling pink cockatoo. XD
Okay, let's start.)
11:04am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 5,997
(( Tribecka, you have to put GREEN BLOBS at the end of your bio...Its on the rules :P ))
If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
4:58pm Jul 28 2010
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8:15am Jul 29 2010
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(bump. ): )
8:34am Jul 29 2010
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[[Bleh. Sorry.]] Tori hopped off the taxi, taking her luggage along with her. "Wow, what a pretty place!" She said, shielding her eyes from the sun and looking at the resort. She put a hand in her pocket, and fished out the brochure. "Eniwa Resort." She murmured, and proceeded into the hotel. After checking in and taking out the necessary things from her luggage, Tori skipped down to the beach. "Eh, too sunny." She complained, not ready for swimming. After all, she was wearing a simple T-Shirt and blue denim shorts today, not a swimming costume. Instead, Tori sat in the café, her legs crossed and observing the resort entrance in case anyone else came. --- Kon stepped out of the taxi, after handing the driver the money. "This place looks pretty sweeeet." He said, feeling satisfied. Kon walked into the resort, and checked in with his parent's money. As soon as Kon entered his room, he flopped onto the bed. Wriggling around, he approved of its softness. Quickly changing from jeans to shorts, Kon went to the beach, wondering if anyone else would be there.

8:53am Jul 29 2010
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(Yay. Oh and I forgot to mention. Tailee`s family is rich, and Cody`s dad is a very well known cheif. I`m working on intros.)
9:01am Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 9:11am Jul 29 2010)
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Maylee and Jake`s taxi soon pulled up to the resort entrance. Maylee jumped out, happy to be able to stand again. She reach back into the car and pulled out a large dog carrier, and opened the small door. Almost instantly, Komodo ran out and climbed quickly onto her shoulders. She placed her front paws on Maylee`s head and sniffed the air, causing her owner to giggle. Jake rolled his eyes as he exited the taxi, he had sent his fish to the resort earlier, so they wouldn`t have to go through the taxi ride. He sighed and got their bags, then walked into the resort. He stopped right inside the door and looked back at his sister, who was still in the same spot, "Maylee Natalie Kay, hurry your butt up." He said before turning and walking towards the front desk. "Maylee Natalie Kay." Maylee said mimicing him, before quickly following him in. ~~~ Cody was soon dropped off by his father and unpacked his bags. He looked around the entracne, then down at his feet where Cheif sat also looking around. He smirked and looked back up, noticing a few kids were already there. "Come on Cheif." He said patting his shoulder and squating down to let the cat jump onto his shoulder. He gave a sigh then stood up and walked into the resort. ~~~ A few minutes after, a large limo pulled up. The driver got out and opened the door, allowing a young girl get out. Tailee held her head high as she got out of her father`s limo. She smiled as she looked around, then flicked the hair out of her face and looked at her shoulder, "Come Tobi." She said before walking into the resort. The cockatoo flew out of the back seat of the limo and flew after her. He was followed by the driver that carried her bags.

9:13am Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 9:23am Jul 29 2010)
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If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
9:23am Jul 29 2010
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Andrew has been driving for atleast 6 hours now, and he sighed with exhaustion. He was there, but just had to find the right hotel that he registered at online, or lets say, his parents registered him without telling him. As he watched all these other kids, his age, and maybe older, get out of their fancy limos, or loving parents cars, he frowned. He hated envy, but it was apart of him, he had to embrace it. His parents didn't want to have anything to do with him, so he had to drive in silence the whole way here, not that he didn't like that.He actually loved the ride. His parents wanted him out of the house, so they made sure he had enough money to stay here, as long as possible. He didn't really know how to react to that, since he was never fond of a relationship with anyone, so he made no real reaction at all. When he found the right hotel, he tried to find a place in the parking lot. After he found one, He got out slowly, knowing he was going to hate this. He already saw people there. His plan was to get there before everyone else, so they wouldn't bother him. He stretched alittle with his arms, then went to the trunk to get his things. After he got everything, he walked to the front desk to ask what room. When he finally found his room, he layed his bags down, which weren't many, and frowned, while looking out the window slightly to see who was here.
If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
9:29am Jul 29 2010
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Maylee, Jake, and Cody got their room keys and went off to their rooms, thought Tailee was forced to linger in the lobby as she hotel manager fussed over her to make sure she was happy, though it was actually starting to make her mad. The manager finally gave her her room keys and let her go off her her room when Tobi, who was on her shoulder, bite his hand hard. As they walked up to her room she moved Tobi onto her hand and stroked his pink feathers, "Good boy Tobi." She said taking a small craker out of her purse and giving it to him as a reward for getting the manger away.
9:32am Jul 29 2010
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Tori watched as a guy with grey hair exit another taxi, a girl and a boy, probably siblings, get out of yet another taxi, a boy exit a what, limo? And another guy get out of a car, probably his family's. "Strange bunch." She mumbled through her straw. Tori placed a hand on the table to support her chin, as she rested her head on her right hand. "Mhmmm..." She moaned, bored out of her mind.
9:35am Jul 29 2010
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Andrew was starting to feel a little hungry, and he knew he could live through a tiny crowd for a half an hour, to fill his stomach. He picked up his room key, after he was done unpacking, and walked out of the room, locking it, before he walked away. He walked through the hallway, and then wandered around the rest of the hotel, looking for signs of anything with food. He smirked when he finally saw a cafe, he walked in and looked at what they had. After he got his food, which was more of a brunch, he walked to a table in the back corner, so noone could really see him, and he started eating.
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9:41am Jul 29 2010
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Tori watched as the person that exited the car got a meal. She also found it strange that he acted so... unsocial. After all, Tori thought that Eniwa Resort's atmosphere and setting would brighten the mood of nearly anyone. Tori watched him as he sat in a corner. 'He reminds me of... a. Bat.' Tori thought blankly, blinking her eyes cluelessly. 'Eh, maybe he just likes darkness.' She thought. 'Heehee. Darknessss...' Tori sent herself into a whole other world, something that had flying ferrets in it. "Pffft." Tori started laughing for a strange reason, all thanks to that unsocial guy.
9:44am Jul 29 2010
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(( OMG that paragraph made me chuckle :P )) When Andrew was done eating, he threw his trash away, and looked out the window. Seeing if there was anything else he could do, that wasn't too crowded or expensive, since his parents didn't give THAT much money. He sighed, as he chose to take a drink to go. He walked up and asked for a water bottle, and checked his pockets for change.
If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}