9:49am Jul 29 2010
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Once Tailee and her limo driver got to her room, she began unpacking and sent her driver off. She set up a bird stand and smiled as Tobi flew to his perch. She looked around the small room. Her father had wanted to get her the luxery suite like usual, but she wanted to be somewhat normal this summer, boy did she regret that now. She sighed and sat on the floor, she missed her servents bringing her food and drinks at he snap of her fingers. ~~~ Jake and Maylee soon found their room and began to unpack. Jake sat up all his meditation stuff and looked around. He walked back into the living room and found Silence and Peace swimming around in their large tub. Maylee finshed unpacking then walked out of her room, "I`m gonna go explore a little." She said to her brother as she put Komodo in her carrier, and walked out of the room. She walked around the hotel untill she found a small cafe. She walked in and ordered some food. She sat down and let Komodo out of the carrier. She pulled a small bag of fruit out and gave the ferret a little piece of apple, then watched as Komodo sat on the chair next to her and ate it quietly.

9:52am Jul 29 2010
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[[Hoho :d]] Tori chuckled again when he got up. 'Oho, batman is moving now.' She thought, extremely amused. 'Perhaps I should see what he's up to.' Tori was intrigued by this unsocial guy. The people she had at school were bright and happy, perhaps because her cheery attitude had infected them, but Tori was too naive and dense to notice that. 'Unhappy people sure are strange.' Tori thought, smiling.
10:00am Jul 29 2010
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Andrew got his water bottle, and moved out of the way, so everyone else in line, can move forward. He sat down on one of the chairs, and checked the time. He couldn't wait for this day to be over. He looked up to see a girl watching him, he glared, and looked at his phone again. Trying to plan what to do for the day.
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10:04am Jul 29 2010
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Tori just couldn't help but grin when the guy glared at her. 'Weirdo.' She thought, thinking that he wasn't very used to being in the center of attention. 'Hmm... Perhaps I shall watch him for a little while longer, then maybe... talk to him?' Tori considered this idea, feeling like a cat playing with its prey. She stuck the straw into her mouth again, finishing off her drink. 'Checking your cellphone, huh.' She observed. 'Probably has friends here. Or parents. Or aunties. Or grandmas.' Tori giggled at that thought, then stopped. 'Ew. I just giggled.' Tori always felt slightly disgusted in herself whenever she did anything mildly girly. Such as looking at pink frilly dresses, prancing around, singing, giggling like a schoolgirl.
10:08am Jul 29 2010
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Andrew was starting to get irritated with this girl watching him. Did she have some sort of problem? Maybe she just had some type of mental problem... If she did, he wouldn't be as irritated, because she couldn't help it. People used to say, Andrew had mental problems when his ages were 5-12, because he would never talk during school, no matter what, and he would sit in the corner, and watch as everyone else had friends and talked. He was like that all his life, but once he got to his teen years, they realized it was just who he was, it wasn't no mental problem. He shook his head, slightly at the thought of him having a problem like that, yet he wouldn't be surprised.
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10:13am Jul 29 2010
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'Uh-oh.' Tori thought. 'I think he knows I'm... uhm... observing him.' She wondered what she should do, then shrugged. 'I guess it won't hurt talking to him.' Tori started to get up, bringing her drink along with her. 'Or maybe he's a wanted person, and he really does hurt me.' Tori chuckled at that thought, knowing that a scratch on the face or pinch on the arm would throw almost anyone off. Tori sighed, taking one breath and smiled at the weird batman-guy, which was now her nickname for him. "Um, hello!" Tori said brightly, waving at batman-guy.
10:16am Jul 29 2010
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Andrew looked up, and stared at her for a long time. Why she was talking to him, he really didn't care about. What he was wondering, was why couldn't life have a rewind button, so he could have never walked in here? He sighed, and waved slightly, then started playing with his phone again, hoping she wouldn't want a conversation. He hated being rude to people, and his glaring was just a habit, and he knew that once he started talking, he'd be nice. And that wouldn't be good. Because then they'd be friends, he didn't want friends. EVER.
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10:27am Jul 29 2010
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Tori blinked once, and crossed her arms. "You know I won't be leaving, ba-" She stopped, cupping her right hand over her mouth. 'Oops.' She thought. 'Almost let loose his nickname. Batman-guy.' Tori laughed again, though not as hard as before. 'What's up with this guy, anyway?' Tori thought. 'Most of the time people would talk. Unles... he's a MUTE!' She concluded excitedly. 'Oh wait... he ordered the drink. Eh. Mime-fanatic?' Tori pondered over the possibilities, while waiting for this weird guy's response.
10:30am Jul 29 2010
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What did i do to deserve this....? He looked back up at her, and sighed trying to control his tone of voice. He didn't know how sensitive she was. Curse this caring of mine... "Hi" He said, plainly. Then looked back down, hoping she was satisfied with his response.
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10:38am Jul 29 2010
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Tori perked up when he replied. She crouched down so she could come face to face with this guy. "Oh, so you do talk!" She said brightly. "For a second I thought you liked mi..." Tori paused again. 'I think my mind slips things into my mouth a load of times...' She thought, slightly irritated. Tori tilted her head to one side. "Are you coming to Eniwa Resort by yourself?" She asked, hoping that she didn't sound too nosy.
10:40am Jul 29 2010
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He looked up, and frowned at her. Could she please just walk away now? Before they became friends? Then he'd be to nice to say go away? He sighed and said, "Yes." He would ask, 'are you?' but he didn't want this conversation to keep going.
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10:56am Jul 29 2010
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Tori rested her head on the table, still staring at the weird guy. He seemed frustrated by her presence. 'Probably because he's a lonely person.' Tori thought, feeling almost sympathetic for the guy. 'Or maybe he's a mime.' Tori smiled at the thought, fighting the urge to laugh again. "Ah, well, you sure don't seem to like the sun, though." Tori replied, thinking of the time this guy sat in the corner. 'How un-social.' Tori thought.
11:02am Jul 29 2010
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He shrugged and said, "Its not like i wanna be here." Great. He was talking. And he hated being rude, so he probably was going to keep talking. He sighed, and mentally punched himself in the face. Planning to do it later, in this real world, and not just in his head. He shook the wierd thought out of his mind, and looked back at her.
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8:58pm Jul 29 2010
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"But this place is pretty cool!" Tori persisted. "I mean, there's beaches, and an amusement park. And I'm pretty sure you've seen your room. Pretty comfy, right?" Tori grinned, hoping that this guy would light up. After all, summer vacation was supposed to be much more fun than school. No homework, no nagging teachers, no rules... Alright, perhaps there would be a few rules here and there.
9:01pm Jul 29 2010
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Andrew shrugged as he opened his water bottle, and said, "Not really my kind of thing i guess." That actually wasn't true. But he didn't want to say, 'My parents forced me to come here, because i am worthless to them.' You don't say that to random people. That would just be wierd.
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9:05pm Jul 29 2010
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Tori mulled over his comments for a moment. For what she had gathered she came to a startling conclusion. This guy was boring. Or more along the lines of just plain un-social, like what she had been saying before. 'Perhaps I should liven up his life.' Tori smiled evilly, rubbing her hands and making little 'mwahaha' sounds. Tori stood up, her hand extended towards weird-boy. "Come on." She said. "Can't hurt to try out the rides, right?" Tori pointed at the amusement park with her other hand.
9:12pm Jul 29 2010
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 (Banner made by Kina)
9:13pm Jul 29 2010
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[[Not much happened. Everyone has arrived at the resort, and Tori is just talking to Andrew in the café.]]
9:20pm Jul 29 2010
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((Okay.)) Shane helped Akila out of the taxi. "This place is awesome!"Akila said as she grabbed her bags. As the taxi left, Shane and Akila went into the lobby and grabbed their hotel room keys. Akila went to the room and got into a cute sundress. Shane got on his v-neck t-shirt. Him and Akila went to the amusement park.
 (Banner made by Kina)
9:21pm Jul 29 2010
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He sighed. He blew it. He blew his plan for staying by himself this whole vacation, and being in the room the whole time. And now that he looked at her hand, he couldn't be rude. He may look like it, but he really had no rude bone in his body. He sighed again, and grabbed her hand. "I guess so." He said.
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