9:23pm Jul 29 2010
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Tori grinned. 'He may be boring, at least he's nice.' "Alright then, let's go!" Without waiting for a word, the girl surged forward and ran all the way to Eniwa Park, her hand having a death grip on the poor guy. When she entered the park, Tori's eyes were bright. "So many rides!" Tori said, temporarily forgetting about her hand on his wrist. "Let's go on the roller coaster first!" Tori never really was scared of roller coasters, but hey, they were fun.
9:33pm Jul 29 2010
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Akila went to play some games as Shane went on some rides. Akila won tons of stuffed animals. Shane saw her. "Wow. Do you need some help carring those?"He asked her. "Nope. I have this huge bag."She said. She put some of her stuffed animals in a bag. She went on a roller coaster with Shane.
 (Banner made by Kina)
9:34pm Jul 29 2010
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Andrew stayed silent the whole time he was dragged to the rides part of the park. He looked at the roller coaster Out of all the things, she is going to drag me to the roller coaster? "Um Okay" He said. He was sort of confused. How could someone be so...over-excited? Maybe it was a good thing.
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9:39pm Jul 29 2010
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Tori stood on her toes to see how long the line was. "There's no line, either! This is great!" She said, rushing to the roller coaster. Because there was no line, Tori had no need to wait. The next coaster that pulled up had a two seater, which Tori thought was perfect, so she could keep an eye on this guy. She jumped in, which of course, meant that the guy would be dragged down with her. The attendant pushed the straps down on Tori, and shuffled on to do the same to the guy. "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you my name." Tori thought it was strange that she would be telling her name to a strange guy. But he seemed harmless enough. "My name is Tori. And yours?"
9:53pm Jul 29 2010
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Andrew dragged down into one of the seats when she went down. Then sighed. He pushed the straps into him, before the attendant could. And said, "Andrew" He said, quietly. He turned around and saw only 2 other people on the coaster. (Shane and Akila)
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10:01pm Jul 29 2010
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"Nice to meet you, Andrew." Tori smiled in a friendly way. She followed what he did and peeped around. Behind, she saw another two kids, around their age. "Wow. Lots of teenagers here." Tori murmured, though feeling happy, since she always loved hanging with kids her age. Tori was about to say something when the ride jolted to a start. "Yay!" Tori squealed, gripping onto the handles on the coaster. The ride started climbing up the steep track, and paused right on the tip. If they moved, they would plunge down a terrifying sudden drop. "I've seen better." Tori mumbled, half disappointed.
10:09pm Jul 29 2010
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He smiled at her reactions, which was probably his first smile today. and said, "Has anyone ever told you, that you have a little bit of ADD?"
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10:12pm Jul 29 2010
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"Of course! But I'm not." She stuck out her tongue playfully at Andrew Tori paused for a moment. "Hey, you smiled!" She said, happily. Before she had another moment to say anything, the coaster lurched forward, speeding down the rails. "Wheee!" Tori squealed, not the least bit terrified. "Having fun?" She asked Andrew.
10:15pm Jul 29 2010
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He looked down, then back at her. He wasn't the type to really scream during rides. But sure, it was pretty good. WHen the ride ended he smirked at Tori, "Sure it was fun, but i agree with you, i've been on better."
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10:22pm Jul 29 2010
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Tori raised one eyebrow. "Is that a challenge?" She asked mischieviously. "All right then, I accept! The first one to be frightened of a coaster is the loser, agreed?" She held out a hand for Andrew to shake. "Oh wait, but first, I want some cotton candy." Tori grinned. She knew that she had a serious weakness against cotton candy, since they were so fluffy and sweet.
10:29pm Jul 29 2010
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He smiled, and shook her hand. "Agreed. But i have to warn you. It takes alot to scare me" He winked, and walked with her to get some cotton candy.
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10:41pm Jul 29 2010
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"I may not look like it, but same here!" Tori laughed, and went right up to the cotton candy stand. "Two, please." She asked cheerily, handing the attendant the needed money. She picked out a pink cotton candy, because according to her, pink may not be a nice color, but it's the best for cotton candy. She handed Andrew a blue one. "I hope you like sweet stuff." She said, her voice muffled through cotton candy.
8:45am Jul 30 2010
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He rolled his eyes, and said sarcastically, "Yeah i don't because noone likes cotton candy..." As he took it, and ate some. He would have bought it, but her little legs were faster then his to the stand. He guessed she was just really excited to get some. He shrugged it off, and ate some anyways.
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11:10am Jul 30 2010
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Tailee layed out on the beach tanning. She layed on her back with sunglas.ses on. She turned her head and watched as Tobi attacked anyone that came near her, "Tobi, enough." She said, putting her hand on his back as he landed on her towel and layed down. She looked back at the sky and closedh her eyes, and went back to silently laying there. ~~~ Jake sat in his bed room on a small mat. Peace and Silence swam around in their tub, which now sat between two candles. Jake looked around and made sure every light in the room was off, then closed his eyes and began to meditate. ~~~ Maylee and Komodo soon finished their meal and descided to go explore the rest of the hotel. Maylee kind of wanted to see the park, but she knew she couldn`t go on any of tyhe rides with Komodo, but Jake would only lock her beloved ferret in her room. She soon walked out the front door and over to the park, just to look at rides and stuff.
4:42pm Jul 30 2010
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3:24am Jul 31 2010
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Tori grinned. "Everyone loves cotton candy." She stated. She quickly finished up hers, gnawing on the stick for awhile. She deposited the stick in a nearby trash can, and waited for Andrew to finish up. "After you're done, we could go on that coaster." Tori pointed at something that looked like a mountain. "It's an... indoors roller coaster. Looks fun." Tori grinned again.
3:28am Jul 31 2010
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Shane went to the beach. He found an abandaned beagle. He picked it up. It was a girl. "Kristen."He smiled. He got some food for her to eat. ((Omg, fail.))
 (Banner made by Kina)
12:29pm Jul 31 2010
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Andrew smirked, as he threw away his stick. "It does. Lets do it." He said. He started walking with her to the line. and said quietly, "I've never been on an indoors coaster..." He was talking more to himself while he was observing how high it was, and he smirked. This was going to be fun.
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9:23pm Jul 31 2010
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Tori trotted next to Andrew, eager to get in the ride. "Hmm... another short line." She mumbled, not exactly disappointed. "And look!" Tori eagerly pointed at a sign hanging on the entrance of the coaster. It was white with a camera on it. "There's a hidden camera somewhere in the ride." Tori grinned, as hte line moved again, this time with Tori shuffling into the front coaster.
12:58pm Aug 1 2010
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Andrew wasn't a big fan of pictures, while he was on a roller coaster, but shrugged it off, and moved on. He followed her to the front coaster, and sat, while the attendent made sure they were in tight. He looked around the coaster, trying to find the hidden camera. He chose to keep his face covered until after the picture.
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