3:57pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 4:48pm Mar 22 2010)
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Posts: 481
(( "It's tough to be a test subject. Let's face it - we're treated like garbage in our cages and during testing, but they preach to outsiders like we're the hottest thing since sliced bread, like we're precious diamonds in the mine of science. But in reality, they just keep us alive to auction off for millions of dollars, or to do disease research on our bodies. We're freaks, freaks that they created with needles, petri dishes, turkey basters, human eggs and animal DNA. But never forget that we're humans, and we have each other. There's safety in numbers, strength...power. Retaliation. Let's fight back." .:PLOT:. It is 2010, and science is taking its first shaky steps towards human perfection. Scientists at a lab deep in the Rocky Mountains have come up with a way to splice human and animal DNA, creating human-animal hybrids, which they put through batteries of tests daily. But these experiments, these genetic mutants, are still human - that is, they still feel pain, misery, loneliness, and fear. The more-animal mutants, also, feel pain and loneliness and anxiety. For years, these mutants have been kept alone and apart, too afraid of one another to reach through the bars of their cages to help one another. Then he was captured. His name is Fang, and he's a dark shadow from the backlogs of the lab's Experiments. In his opinion, it's high time the Experiments retaliated, tried to escape into the wild. But are these cage-bound, frightened mutants willing to follow his lead as he plots to escape and reunite with his flock? Or will they cower in the darkness, too afraid of the unknown to follow the newly-captured shadow? This story follows the capture and binding of the genetic experiment Fang, the meeting and befriending of other mutants, and the escape attempts performed by said mutants. It also follows the anxiety of Fang's flock, who try to save Fang and the others from the outside.
.:STIPULATIONS:. 1) I need a Maximum! If you know who I'm talking about (*cough*Skai*cough), please join as her! 2) Wolf-human hybrids in this world are known as Erasers; these bloodthirsty monsters are very akin to Werewolves (upright-walking wolves), and their purpose at this lab is to capture and detain (or destroy) any Experiments that threaten to escape or rebel. If you want to join as a wolf-human hybrid, you must either be more wolf than human (a wolf spliced with human DNA) a turncoat Eraser (a defective Eraser who sides with the caged mutants), or an actual guard Eraser (a bad guy). 3) You may either be an animal with human (or other animal) DNA or a human with animal DNA. There is a BIG difference - the former comes from an animal Egg and is fused with human (or other animal) DNA, whereas the latter is a human Egg injected with the DNA of an animal. 4) This is post-FANG, to any Maximum Ride fan who knows what I'm talking about. :x .:RULES:. 1) NO GODMODDING. Keep it realistic, too - this is real life, not a comic book. Special abilities need to be humanly (er, mutantly) possible. Follow my biographies for examples of how to do this. 2) NO POWERPLAYING. 3) ACTIVITY IS A MUST. Bookmark this thread; "I lost the thread" is not an excuse for inactivity. 4) No one-liners, and please update posts whenever possible (IE your character biography post). 5) Only up to 5 characters per user, please. 6) I do need to read your posts, so be at least semi-literate. 7) I predict/expect blood, romance, and minor language to be used in this roleplay, but only tolerate PG-13. I will be the judge of PG-13, thanks. 8) Please post "Don't stick that needle there!" in your biography post to join. .:MAKING A CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY:. Follow this skeleton, please - fill it out thoroughly. Take your time, too - we want to know your character really well, and feel their pain when they are being tested! D= [Picture (REQUIRED, or at least a very intricate deion)] NAME: AGE: GENDER: SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): PERSONALITY: DEION (if you do not have a picture): NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): NOTABLE HUMAN FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly animal): SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): WEAKNESSES: PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): OTHER: My bios will come following this; please do what I do. =D Let's get going!))

3:57pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 8:33pm Mar 29 2010)
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Posts: 481
((Yes, you dumdums, I am Fang.
 NAME: Fang AGE: Approximately 16 years GENDER: Way male (don't let the hair fool ya) SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): 98% human, 2% Raven PERSONALITY: Dark, mysterious Fang doesn't care much for holding a conversation, and he hardly ever smiles. This shadow harbors a deep aversion to mankind for what they put him through as a child, and thus finds it difficult to trust regular humans. Also, his sense of justice and righteousness is extremely inflated, but sharp; he longs to save other mutants from pain and torment. He is second-in-command to his flock, run by the infamous Maximum Ride - he is her best friend. DEION (if you do not have a picture): Have to put this; you can't tell very much from the picture: very tall, thin, notably long hair. Dark eyes. Loves the color black; wears it almost constantly. NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): Hollow bones, enlarged heart, air sacs (to aid in flight and respiration) located beneath lungs, super-sharp hearing/scent/sight, 16-foot wingspan. NOTABLE HUMAN FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly animal): N/A. SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): Flight (up to 38,000 feet), keen senses, extreme agility, and a strange ability I call "natural silence" - in the darkness, his natural stillness and silence causes him to blend in with the blackness around him; until he moves, that is - then part or all of him is revealed. WEAKNESSES: Is always hungry - it requires upwards of 4,000 calories daily to run his superactive body, and when you're on the run/in a lab, you don't frequently max out 4,000 calories daily. He'll get sluggish after too long without food. PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): Fang was the product of a couple of lovesick teenagers who didn't mean to conceive him. His mother sold him, as a fetus, to the lab, and he was injected with avian DNA (which he absorbed easily). After his birth, his mother was told he was dead, and he was taken into the arms of science. Science then needled, prodded, and kneaded him, learning all of his intricate mutant specialties and exposing him to horrible medical procedures. When he was 10 years old, he and his flock escaped into the Rockies, and they dodged and evaded capture until present day, when a lone Fang (having split from his Flock around a year ago for...personal reasons) was captured by Erasers and brought back (fighting tooth and nail, of course) to the lab with his new friend, Raj. Now, he must befriend the other mutants and get them to rage against the machine if he ever wants to fly again. OTHER: N/A.  SO not my image. And he only looks sort of like this. NAME: Raj AGE: Approximately 17 (human) years GENDER: Male SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): 95% King Cheetah, 3% Hyena, 2% Human. PERSONALITY: Raj is, in a word, fierce. His three-way DNA makes him very quick to act, very protective, but capable of judging situations and conveying his feelings with human speech. A snarl from Raj would force even an Eraser's tail between his legs. DEION (if you do not have a picture): See picture. NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): N/A. NOTABLE HUMAN FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly animal): Capable of human speech and reasoning; a life-span more akin to a human than an animal. As for they Hyena, it makes him abnormally large, with a heavier chest and a long ruff around his neck and shoulders. But he still sprints like a cheetah, for short periods. SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): Can run up to 70 mph, keen Hyena smell/taste, keen Cheetah sight/hearing. Also is able to blend in, much like Fang does (but more natural, like a Cheetah blends into the bush). WEAKNESSES: Is easily distracted, and easily run-down. If he sprints for longer than 10 minutes, his brain will boil under the heat his body endures. PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): Cultured in a petri dish and inserted into a mother cheetah. Learned how to speak relatively fast, and was able to escape the lab a few weeks before Fang and his flock escaped. After Fang parted ways with his merry band, he met up with a wilder, more wary Raj, who soon befriended the Raven. The pair were captured shortly after, and must now work to free themselves and the new batch of mutants. OTHER: N/A.
 NAME: The Gasman, also called Gazzy AGE: Approximately 12 years. GENDER: Male SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): 98% Human, 2% Gull. PERSONALITY: Gazzy is a wise-cracking 12-year-old with a serious affinity for candles, bombs, and other incendiary devices. He has a way playful nature, but is deeply pas.sionate about saving the world, protecting his flock, and fighting back against the humans who hurt him. Despite his age, he's very mature. DEION (if you do not have a picture): See picture. NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): Hollow bones, enlarged heart, air sacs (to aid in flight and respiration) located beneath lungs, super-sharp hearing/scent/sight, 12-foot wingspan. NOTABLE HUMAN FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly animal): N/A. SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): Can make bombs liks a military man, and has a disastrous digestive system - his farts can kill dogs from a mile away. WEAKNESSES: Is always hungry - it requires upwards of 4,000 calories daily to run his superactive body, and when you're on the run/in a lab, you don't frequently max out 4,000 calories daily. He'll get sluggish after too long without food. PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): Very similar to Fang's, save that he's stuck with the Flock his whole life. His best friend and partner in arson is Iggy. OTHER: N/A.))

4:33pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 11:23am Mar 28 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
~(Don't stick that needle there!)~ 
NAME: Max Ride AGE: 16 GENDER: Female SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): 98% Human/2% Falcon PERSONALITY: Max is tough, sarcastic, and hates "girlishness" and showing emotion. She acts as a motherly figure to the Flock, and is very protective of this role. She is also known as being a terrible cook and has developed an obsession with chocolate chip cookies, tracing back to her first encounter with Dr. Valencia Martinez. NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): 13 foot Pale tan Falcon wings. SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): Max has the ability to fly at 240-260mph. In addition, she is able to temporary shut down her organs, thus effectively playing dead, although this may have been possible only because she was detained in an isolation tank at the time. Once she escaped from the isolation tank, she also believed that she could smell the Flock, but these two powers are never mentioned again. Max has also developed gills. Also has hollowed bones like a bird, an enlarged heart, air sacs (to aid in flight and respiration) located beneath lungs, and super-sharp hearing, scent, and sight. WEAKNESSES: Max and the rest of the Flock are noted to be claustrophobic, a fear derived from being locked up and trapped in dog crates while at The School. She also has a fear of snakes. PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): I know very little I'm afraid (of course, if you've read the books you'll know this anyway ;3) xD OTHER: N/A ~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME: Skai AGE: 15 GENDER: Female SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): 95% Human/5% White Tailed Kite. PERSONALITY: Skai is laid back, and calm for the most part. She is not afraid to speak her mind, and will do so on a regular basis, being naturally striaghtforward and to the point. She tends to keep her feelings to herself, but is not always successful in hiding them. She will face up to her fears if she is required to, and will do so gladly for her friends, despite the fact it takes her while to get used to a new presence. Skai is not angered easily, at all, in fact, most anything goes over her head, not that she minds, she prefers not to fall into conflict. She will, however, fight back when she needs to, and without hesitation. She also has an uncanny ability to read situations accurately, sllowing her to choose whether or not to get involved in certain situations. Appearance: Skai is 5'3 in height, harbouring long, white blonde hair that reaches her waist, parted on her left side. The fringe of her hair cuts above her right eye, gradually falling into the rest of her hair. She also has a plait tied just behind her left ear. Her eyes are a dark Blue-ish gray. She's of slender build, giving her a slight speed and agility advantage, and she wears white combats and a plain black tee and belt. NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): 13 foot white wings, tipped black, with the back of the wings being a blue-ish gray. SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): Skai has a peculiar ability that effects others rather than herself. A calming presence, which tends to decrease healing time as long as she is within a certain distance to other beings. Her presence helps and aids with sleep and relaxation, alongside her enchanced senses. WEAKNESSES: Skai despises spiders, and her small height tends to make her feel slightly insecure, no thanks to the experimentations she has put up with. Also, thanks to the strong attachment she can develop to friends, she is very self sacrificing, but not in a pointless sense. PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): I'll prolly type this up later xD Skai's still new to me. OTHER: N/A ~(Ack, trust me, my roleplaying is so much better than my bio's xD Don't judge me on my crappy bio writing skills <3)~
4:43pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 481
((Woo, Skai. ♥ Thanks so much.))
4:48pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 5:59pm Mar 22 2010)
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Posts: 170
((Don't stick that needle there!)) [ ] NAME: Angel AGE: Somewhere around 6-7 years old GENDER: Female SPECIES: 98% Human, 2% Dove PERSONALITY: Angel is a very sweet thing, but mature for her age. She only stands around four foot eight, but she's smart enough to be able to outwit the tallest adult in her path. However, that isn't to say that she's still a kid, and by that it's obvious that she'll have a tantrum at one point or another but get over it sooner or later. She's not that clingy but she loves being in the comfort of her friends and make-shift family. NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): She has white bird wings, and due to her past also has something akin to gills. Also has hollowed bones like a bird, an enlarged heart, air sacs (to aid in flight and respiration) located beneath lungs, and super-sharp hearing, scent, and sight. SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): Angel has the ability to talk to fish and has a strong mental prowess for things like reading people's minds, talking to people in their heads and actually (on occasion) controling people's actions and thoughts with her mind. WEAKNESSES: She loves sweets and, only being a kid after all, is a bit naive and such. She also does get possessive of such things as her doll Celeste, but other than that she's okay. Just don't get on her bad side or you may find yourself slamming into a tree until you black out. PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): Angel was sold to the School when she was young, and she immediately clung to Max as a motherly figure as soon as she was old enough to say her own name. Formerly known as "Experiment Eleven", Angel soon escaped and traveled with her old group in fleeing the scientists and helping to save the world. She was captured multiple times, but saved every time. Or almost everytime. Soon after Fang left their group Angel had wandered off to help find things with Total, and she couldn't help but wonder what was really going on. She's still with the old flock, of course, just being herself. But deep down...she can't help but feel a bit guilty and sort of sad about what has been going on, and the smallest bit of her mind tells her she's one of the causes of Fang leaving, making her more determined to help the Flock manage with whats going on now concerning their survival. OTHER: N/A

5:19pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 5,310
[[ I'll join. Sounds interesting. This post used for my character(s). ]] NAME: Matrix Void AGE: Seventeen
GENDER: Female
SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): 95% Human, 5% Osprey
PERSONALITY: Matrix has a calm temperment and a slow fuse, but if you get her angry enough, she'll be fighting you before you even know it. Protective of her friends, she will not leave them in any sort of danger. When she gets into a fighting mode - which doesn't happen often - she is very fierce an aggressive.
DEION (if you do not have a picture): Matrix has silvery hair that goes down to her lower jaw and the tips are black and russet. She wears a black t-shirt that has an outline of a chinese dragon in silver. The shirt ends two inches below her waist. Lightly hugging her waist are torn, faded blue jeans that only go down to her knees. She wears no shoes. Matrix is also very slim, not over skinny, but she does have enough muscle to use her wings without them burning. Her overall height is taller than most. NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): Sprouting from inbetween her shoulder blades are russet wings with white feathers underneath. All the feathers on the wings are spotted with small black dots. Her hands - up to her elbows - are orange scales. The fingers are scaled and the nails are black talon. Matrix's feet are also scaled up her knees. Her heels are brought upward sightly so the balls of her feet touch the ground whenever she walks or stands. She has four scale toes tipped wit black talons and one right in the middle of her foot that allows her to completely grip a circular branch or anything else. White feathers start out small on her cheek bones before turning black and going around yellow raptor eyes. Also, some of the black, white, and russet feathers mix with her silvery hair. Plus from her tailbone, russet with white horizontal stripes tail feathers show through a hole in her torn faded blue jeans. NOTABLE HUMAN FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly animal): N/A
SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): Matrix can fly to speeds of seventy miles per hour at a height of roughly 3500 ft. Her sense of sight and smell have been increased and she can also 'sense' other creatures.
WEAKNESSES: Her ability of sensing other creatures as a limit that starts out at the base of her neck and extends outwards in a circle that gradually gets bigger that farther away a person is. PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): She was taken by the scientists when she was born near the eastern coastline. They told her parents that she had died. She had tried to escape several times, but has always gotten punished for it. The rest is a secret and too painful to tell. OTHER: Matrix named herself when she was old enough to talk and fight back. "Don't stick that needle there!"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:47pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 5:50pm Mar 22 2010)
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Posts: 481
((Awright, Skai and Angel, I'll fill you in on this much, since you haven't read FANG - I left the flock due to personal reasons. Well...mostly because there's this butthead named Dylan; he was designed to be Max's perfect mate. Naturally, him and I got into hot water, since Max and I were-...well-...dating? But things about the apocalypse came up, and Angel decided that two flocks were more likely to survive but one. She tried to split Max away from the flock, since her being with me made her a weak leader (to Angel). Naturally, Max was stubborn and avoided Angel's decision, causing her to go turncoat on us. But I took the hit when I left to think some things over...and I almost died at the hands of this evil scientist dude. Max saved me...but I decided to leave, with hopes that both the flock and myself would survive the apocalypse apart. I told Max in a letter not to follow me...and I think, since Max is Max, that she'll come after me. In this roleplay, it's 1 year after I left the flock, approximately. I've met Raj, and we've been together for a while...but I've been moving so fast, Max hasn't been quite able to track me. I'd like to think she's following me, but I don't know if you'd like to make her do that. And Angel, I'd like you to remain with the flock for a little while (before you get captured), and I'll communicate with you via the mind until then, 'kay? For the sake of my in-mind plot. 8D))

5:56pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 170
((Sounds good to me, Fang! I'll edit my bio now and get things set up. ^^;))
6:01pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 481
((First post tomorrow, Ange and Skai. D: But if you two could wait-...that would be great. We'll see if anyone else wants to join before we jump in, okay? Sorry about the wait...my mother is a Nazi.))
6:04pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(No worries Fang no worries xD)~
6:14pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((I would join...Except for the fact that I have read absolutely NONE of the Maximum Ride books. Only listen to Skunkers' endless talk one day. XD Nice plot, though. :D))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:40pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 170
((Fang: What Skai said. xDD; We'll wait))
8:47pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 1,943
-Rubs hand together.- I'm excited.  NAME: Dravius Wolfe AGE: About 16, maybe a bit younger. GENDER:Male SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): 96% Human, 4% White...bird. I dunno. PERSONALITY: Dravius is very depressing, and is pretty self abusive. The ends of his fingers are in ruins, and his wings are more red thatn white, beacuse he tends to pull out his own feathers when he is anxious, which is most of the time. He can have a few bright moments, but not very often. He's a theif by heart, and has a lot of hidden skills, like lock-picking and math. (And I can't do either in real life.) DEION (if you do not have a picture): Eh,, up top, but he doesn't have a tattoo. NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): Dravius was a product of tinkering with where the DNA was inserted, and in what stage of life. He has two set of white wings, and they are capable of operating independantly. The bottom set are substantially smaller than the 16 feet long top ones.
NOTABLE HUMAN FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly animal):
SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible):Uh, he can fly, he's good at math, and he can pick a mean lock. With the right tools, of course. He doesn;t just point a wand at it and it opens.
WEAKNESSES: Uh, well, the little depression problem, and most of his ribs healed wrong, making it difficult for him to get his breath after runnig, or really any physical exertion. He also is a little fearful of new places, and has a long fuse, but goes absolutly nuts if you bug him enough. PAST : Dravius was an egg donated to the School, and was "Born" to one of the female scientists. He actually lived as a bit of a lab pet for his first few years, until the director got tired of him runing around and broke most of his bones, just before tossing him into a nice comfortable cage. He's prety much been in the same place ever since. OTHER: Hey, don't stick that needle there! -Smacks-
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:14pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 10:29pm Mar 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
~(FERRO! *glomps* nice to see you! ♥)~
11:27pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 11:29pm Mar 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,943
((Skai! -Ish Glomped- It's nice to be...seeded! Uh. -Pokes- Whatchu been up to? And Fang, fyi, you look wonderful in pigtails. And my 'rents are the Supremee overlords in my house, so I understand. Their favorite motto: "What, do you think we're fair or something?!"))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
2:19am Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: I'd like to join so I'll post a bio up after school ^^; Untill then don't stick that needle there >:C
6:43am Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 6:44am Mar 23 2010)
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Posts: 481
((P-p-pigtails?! Adorable, Dravius. xD Adorable like this:  So Fang is going to Body Worlds today. xD I'll be around for most of the day, though. So let's get this shindig started! -next post-))
7:14am Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 7:14am Mar 23 2010)
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Posts: 481
BIC|| Yo, members of my oh-so-religious cult. Fang here. To start off, I'll say this: from the moment you read that first sentence, it was already too late to write a response, so close down that document and just listen to my only warning for you. The world is about to end. At least half of you are going to die. I don't know how to sugarcoat that, and believe me, I don't want to try. You need to be fully aware of the danger so you can avoid it, save your friends and family. I doubt I know any of you personally (and if any of you know me personally, you need some counseling), but I still don't want to see any of you get hurt/killed when the world comes crashing down. Advice for survival? 1) Fly away. Ah, you can't do that. 2) Fight tooth and nail. Don't bet on it unless you can punch like Chuck Norris. 3) Go underground? I really don't know what to suggest to you for your own existence. But you're human, right? Ingenuity and creativity are in that highly-developed brain of yours, right? If all that special human-ness doesn't amount to anything in the end, trust your gut - instinct has gotten me through several tough spots, and not just the birdy feelings.
I'm sorry if any of this shocks you or scares you - I don't mean to be a messenger of impending doom. All I want to do is see humanity continue to survive, and in a few decades, start to live again; hopefully then, I'll be able to live again, too. For now, all I can do - all we can do - is survive. Fly on, Fang --- Fang closed down the lid of his laptop and sighed inwardly. He hated being the bearer of bad news, especially with so many people hanging on his blog's every word. Ugh, the flood of incoming panic mail...he rubbed his temples, feeling exhaustion settle into his hollow bones. Beside him, Raj twitched and growled quietly in his sleep; the corners of Fang's lips turned upward slightly (a Fang-version of a Cheshire-like grin). He rubbed his back against the trunk of the tree he was halfway-up, enjoying the feeling of the rough bark scratching his sore wings. As his muscles relaxed and his eyes closed, he became vaguely aware of another presence in the tree with him and Raj... Darkness. --- Fang's eyes snapped open. His body felt like lead, and his head was pounding; he reached up to feel his forehead, and pulled his fingers away when blood oozed onto his fingertips. Had he fallen out of the tree in his sleep? If so, Raj would never let him live it down... Wait. Trees didn't have steel bars around them, or cold iron floors beneath them. Fang struggled to sit up as a cold, sterile, all-too-familiar scent filled his aching head. No way. No freaking way. Fear thickened his blood as he gazed around the pitch-black room, only able to see through the darkness with his raptor vision. Cages were stacked three-deep all around the room, with only two feet between them... He was back at the School. Fang's stomach twisted apprehensively; as panic gripped him, he reached out and shook the bars of his cage. No give. His panic heightened, but he tried to bottle it up; he crawled to the other side of the cage and methodically rattled the bars all the way around. No give. He began to breathe harder as he tried to steady himself. The things they would do to him...the things they had already done to him... He was desperate. He turned to look up at the roof of his cage, then closed his eyes and pressed his fingers to his temples. He was no psychic, but he knew one... Angel, help me! Can you hear me? I NEED YOUR HELP!

1:58pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((That should become your regular hairstyle...)) Dravius curled in his cage, a heap of feathers, once bright white, now streaked with grime and blood, creating more of a grey-brown than the natural colors of the twin wings sprouting from the thin, teenaged boy's back. He shivered, keeping his different colored eyes to the floor of the cage, exploring the gouges and spots of dried blood left behind from his still dripping wings, owing to the small scratches that crisscrossed the bony parts above his feathers. He shuddered, the pile of grime, cloth and bones heaved, and a single bright yellow eye peeked out from the darkness. His entire person ached, from the tips of his wings the the ends of his shredded fingers, which were clasped oround his arms as he rocked back and forth, his eyes wide open, and watching carefully the pile of darkness in the cage next to him. It had been uncerimoniusly dumped into the metal prison by a pair of Erasers, and the shape hadn't budged since. As the shape stirred, Dravius scooted back from the bars of the cage, in case the other was dnagerous. As the person sat up, with more than a little effort, Dravius caught a glimpse of long black hair, black feathered wings, and dark sleeves around pale skin. He couldn't help but watch the boy as he seemed to begin to panic, then compose himself, rattling the bars of the crate, searching for any weak point. The red and gold eyes of Dravius peeked out from the sets of folded wings that covered his body. His eyes were a sharp contrst with the rest of his body, the only thing that seemed bright about him. The steady drip, drip, drip of blood falling from the ends of all ten fingers and all four wings rang out in the relative silence as he stared at Fang, as the boy began to hyperventilate, then closed his eyes and appeared to concentrate, and he shuffled colder to the bars, and said in a rough vioce, rusty from disuse, but still in a faint German accent, "Hello..."
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
2:25pm Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 11:51am Mar 25 2010)
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click for full view NAME: Nia Fiachra. (Though, those who know her name tend to call her by her second name.) AGE: 15, nearly sixteen. GENDER: Female SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): 93% Human 7% Magpie. PERSONALITY: Nia is rather detached and unsocial. She likes to keep herself to herself. She feels that there isn't really much reason to talk about herself and her worries, everyone else has their own worries to be concerned about and probably won't care about her own. She hasn't ever properly socialised and so does not know how to react around others, meaning that hse has become quiet and shy. Nia has also been known to have a rebelious and stubborn streak that only shows when she feels quite strongly about something. DEION (if you do not have a picture): I shall have a picture drawn soon. Untill then: Nia is a slender pale young girl, standing at roughly 5 foot 4. Her hair sits atop her head in a tangled mess, falling to her mid back. Her hair is a blue-ish black colour with the same coloured featheres sticking out here and there. Nia has rather narrowed blue/grey eyes, narrow because she doesn't much feel like keeping them open all the time. Her nose is small and rounded and her lips are full though her bottom lip is larger than her top lip. She has no colour in her face and overall looks slightly anemic. She wears a short gray dress which has some holes and blood stains on it along with black lycra shorts that come down to her knees. NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): There are a few magpie feathers that stick out of her hiar. She also has large magpie wings on her back which have a wing span of around 13 foot the last time she was measured. NOTABLE HUMAN FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly animal): SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): Nia can fly to heights of around 2000 feet, though she choses not to. Her avarage speed of flight is 70 miles per hour. Of other abilities she is strangely good at problem solving and has an absurd ammount of strength. WEAKNESSES: Nia is easily distracted by any shiny ob ject, unfortunately this means most scientific equiptment and thus ends up getting hurt. This attraction to shiny objects comes as a part of her magpie genes. Her being easily distracted also means she has a short attemtion span. She also has a rather impertinent fear of heights. PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): For all she knows, she has grown up in this lab. Being born from a mother who had a modified egg inserted into her, without her mother being any the wiser. Nia was named by her mother just before she was taken from her. Somehow she still remembers how it felt to be held so lovinglyby someone. Having been taken from birth, she has remained in the School for her life and hasn't flown yet. Over the years they've tried to make her fly, but being rather stubborn she refused and so has remained in the school for various testing. OTHER: She has grown a habit of singing when she feels down or frustrated and has become rather good at it. Thus, she may or may not randomly burst into song form time to time.
