7:13pm Apr 1 2010
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Iggy's look of intense joy shined, making his face look like an angel. "Woow" He breathed, clasping his hands together. "Amazing. The color! The sound! Wow..." Iggy whispered joyfully. Blinking when he heard Max asking about Fang, Iggy replied, "Well, you know, since he DID tell you he'd meet you when you're 30, Fang must be busy doing who knows what. Maybe he's just hiding.."

7:16pm Apr 1 2010
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Dravius turned to Max and said, after a moment of thought, " Maybe an hour, at the most." He took his hand away from his shirt and inspected the large, jagged rib that stuck out. About an inch and one half of ivory bone was showing, surrounded by small fragments a few centmeters long. He clamped his hand back over his side and said to Iggy, "I'm not seeing spots, and I'm not dizzy. It just hurts a lot and I can't breathe as deeply as anyone else. But, the breathing isn't something new." The face of the boy was pale and drawn, and a few scabs on his wings had cracked, lending their streams to the crimson of the bird boy.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
7:17pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 7:19pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 1,446
EDIT: Well fail. The lag made me post twice o3o Iggy bit his lip, somehow seeing the blurry shape of the rib with his color-sense. "We've got to get you to Dr. Martinez. Max? You know the way? I can pop back bones that are dislocated, but this... we need you mom Max.

7:17pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 7:18pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
7:21pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(Gotta go soo... don't go too far xD ♥ And I'll see you all later :3)~
7:43pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 33
Kiro had managed to sneak out admits the others without being spotted. And fled to nearby woodland as the time had p*censored*ed, he resided. Rustling came from the bushes behind him. He quickly took flight with an obnoxious cicada like buzz. A rabbit hoped out Kiro smiled. "Awww A bunny!" "Are you really that slow? To want to make friends with that hairball?" Kiro's other side taunted. Kiro flew up to tree branch "Look its a Eraser! Lets be friends! You would not last a day if it weren't for me!" Kiro ignored him. "Wow look at that fire!" He yelled, is could hardily breath at the site of the flames "Makes seine you would be so distracted by that"
6:42am Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 6:42am Apr 2 2010)
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Max's eyes flashed as Gazzy gestured back towards the School. Fang was being difficult, though she supposed it made sense, what with the whole running away a year ago issue. She flew with the rest of them only a moment more, before stopping suddenly in mid-air, her wings beating powerfully to keep herself airbourne as she glanced back towards the school. "Iggy, Gazzy, take the rest of them someplace safe... And somewhere big enough to hold us all after you've got him sorted... Angel, keep in contact with me, I'll direct you to Dr. Martinez..." She looked over at the new experiments, her gaze stopping for a fraction longer on Dravius, then back at the original Flock members. "I'll catch you up." With that, Max delibrately turned and brought her wings down, forcing her forward, back towards the School. The Flock would be able to find someplace safe, and Angel would be able to let her know where they ended up settling; But for now, she had to find Fang. As she landed on the edge of that clump of wood, she reigned in the anger and worry that had been festering since earlier that day. Not that it would do much good, her emotions tended to get out one way or another. She walked straight through the trees, coming to a stop in a small clearing, her senses keeping track of other movements among the fiolage. No doubt a few of those Erasers had got out alive... Perfect. She glanced around, then spoke, a slight edge to her voice. "Fang, please, stop running away from me. I want to talk to you." ~~~ The new experiment, Skai, followed behind the others without much focus on where they were heading. Her eyes and ears were too busy taking in the wonders and freedom of the outside world, her body still adjusting to the sensation of flight. She smiled as she glanced upwards, towards the vast expanse that was the sky. This... This was unbelievable. She lost herself in the moment, only coming out of it when she heard the voice of the one called Max from somewhere behind. She looked over her shoulder and flared her wings, stopping herself from moving further forward as she looked directly at the older experiment. She simply listened as the Flock Leader spoke, then turned and flew back the way they had come. Skai looked over at Iggy and Gazzy, slight worry in her voice, despite the fact she didn't know Max all that well... "Will she be all right?..." She looked back at the retreating experiment... What was she thinking?... Heading back towards the place like that...
8:08am Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 8:12am Apr 2 2010)
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Posts: 481
"What's there to say?" Fang's voice came out of nowhere; he had blended in with the darkness of the foliage to keep from being found. He had hoped that the others had suspected he had died in the blast, but someone must have seen him streak out of the school at the last minute...it would be better if they thought he was dead. Then he wouldn't be stuck in this conundrum he was in now. "Thank you for saving the others. They need to feel wind in their hair, the sun on their faces...it was important to us, and is important to them, too." --- Gazzy wanted to streak after Max and hug Fang with all his strength, but he was obedient to the nth degree; he tugged on Iggy's sleeve, then muttered, "Up at about two o'clock for fifty wing-strokes, then level out. We're going west, into the mountains, to meet up with Max's mom." He then turned and began to stroke his wings downward with meaning, urging himself into the air like an ascending plane. He pas.sed the other experiments, then gestured for them to follow him. "Come on; we have to get someplace safe. Follow me." He could be a leader when he had to be.

10:20am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 33
(Can someone tell me where everyone is? XD I don't do well on my own. Sorry for no post. I just am bad at making up stuff.)
10:52am Apr 2 2010
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Nodding, Iggy flapped his wings, reveling in the power in his wings. Gesturing somewhat blindly, Iggy called out to Dravius. "Glide, it saves your energy. We'll be heading to Max's mom's place, she's a vet. Dr. Martinez will help re-set that rib" (( Since when did the GASMAN become obedient to the nth degree? I recall that Gazzy and Iggy used to be the trouble makers o3o))

2:07pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(It's been a year, cut 'em some slack, maybe they got alil mellow~ xD)~
2:10pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( The GASMAN. mellow. Who are you and what have you done with Drill Sergeant Max!? D8))

2:14pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 481
((Alright, dudes, I'll be gone until late tomorrow. I'll see you then~))
2:54pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(Gimme time Iggy! D< It's not exactly that kinda situation xD)~
4:12pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Nylat paid little attention to what happened around her, just enjoying the breeze in her fur caused by the run. She did, however, keep track of the conversation, her ears perked. She glanced up, seeing all of the others flying, even the injured Dravius, and sighed. She was not one with bird DNA, and was left on the ground, wingless. It made her slightly envious. Alone, and with no one to converse with. She kept up pretty well, but it put her at a slight disadvantage. While the others could glide or catch drafts to save energy, she had to run constantly. Not to mention the fact that, being in the School her whole life, she had very little endurance. If only I had wings, and not feline grace! How could any amount of feline help me? Wings...they'd be so much help... She shook her head. It was the first time her aggression had tried a takeover since they had left. She had been revealed as her true personality--a quiet strategic thinker. The aggression was going to be rare, she could tell.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
7:14pm Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 9:32pm Apr 2 2010)
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Posts: 170
Angel watched the scene occur, too late to notice everyone diving down. But when she finally decided to move down and help, the bomb that Gazzy must have placed in exploded, and she squeaked while pulling back to prevent any shrapnel from hitting her wings. The new group of people were the ones that Fang told her about, and her eyes examined each in turn before nodding towards her leader and then looking up towards Gazzy. "We should get moving. Now." She spoke softly, turning to hover and look at each new person in turn, and then...she lowered herself to the ground, carefully resting on her feet before looking up at the fox-like girl with the wings. 'Everyone has their own special gift, and yours is more obvious and possibly more helpful over time. Don't be envious--it hurts more than it helps.' She thought towards the more...earth-bound of their group, looking back towards the smoldering building as she absentmindedly thought of her leader and how she was faring before glancing back towards the girl in front of her with a light smile.

7:55pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Nylat's a fox hybrid. XD))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:32pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 170
((Sorry about that Foxeh!))
11:15pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Dravius nodded painfully, and extended his aching wings, the smaller set giving him some extra lift and support. He turned to Iggy and asked, "Can she fix floating ribs, as well?" He added after a few moments, " All of my ribs are either floating or have healed badly." He flapped a few times, wobbling slightly on his first flight.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
6:05am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,789
"Your the one who asked for help... We wouldn't have left them." Max allowed her eyes to wander between the upper branches of the surrounding trees, just being able to pinpoint the location of all the other experiments through the small spaces between the leaves. She immediately turned back at the sound of rustling, her senses still trying to keep track of the other movements among the plant life; The sounds of the burning School still present somewhere beyond that clearing. She shook her head, ridding herself of the fresh image of that place, those damn Erasers, before speaking again; Her voice both angry and hurt. She hated this, the fact he was still attempting to run, to get away from them... No matter the reason. "Is that it then?... Your just going to keep running from us?... From me?... Evading the Flock because you honestly think being on your own could possibly help?..." Max attempted to keep her voice neutral and calm, though it really wasn't doing much good. Her eyes roamed the area as she spoke, clearly, he still didn't want to be found, that much was obvious. Unfortunately, Max wasn't able to let it go. Not just like that. Not after an entire year of looking for the guy she wasn't sure she'd see again. "Fang... Stop hiding from me..." ~~~ Allowing herself to be lifted by the wind, Skai took to the air after Gazzy, Dravius and Iggy. The short flight out of The School had provided more than enough time for her to adjust, and she was now able to fly with a little more control. She positioned herself alongside Dravius, just behind Gazzy, her eyes taking in the wound of the bird kid next to her. He'd said he could only fly for around an hour... What if took longer than that?... She moved her head and let her gaze take in the view before them. This could be a problematic flight...