2:45pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 481
Fang couldn't say no to Max. He materialized with a shake of his head, his dark body perched neatly about halfway up a tall tree just to Max's left. He stretched his wings a bit to gain balance on his perch as his eyes followed Max carefully. "Up here." He said casually. ((Brain cramp. :x))
2:48pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,943
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:08pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( My brain ain't working after 5 cups of espresso DX Can't think of what to post!))

3:42pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 33
(I have no clue where everyone is, and would RP, but I can't. I don't know what to post at all.)
3:44pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Read back from wherever you joined. read ALL the posts Infernal, it'll give you a good sense of were we are))

3:46pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 33
(I just need to know where everyone is at. I'm waaaay to lazy to go and read 11 pages)
3:59pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(Guess I've got to post :x)~ Max rested her gaze on Fang, looking both irritated and somwhat sad, her emotions once again running rampage at the sight of him. If the guy hadn't left in the first place she wouldn't have to do this. Finding him and trying to put an argument into words. She shook her head, sighing quietly. "You never answered my question, Fang" ~~~ It hadn't been long since they'd started flying, but Skai was already wondering where the one named Max had got to, as well as Fang. She brought her wings down, powerfully beating against the air as she sped up to fly beside Gazzy. "The one who stayed behind, who was that, why did she stay?..." She looked over her shoulder, past the experiments flying behind, to the horizon where The School now lay. She was free, sure... But she had a feeling that this wasn't entirely over.
4:07pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 4:13pm Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 481
((Your first post was in the 9th page. -,- If you know the setting, and the plot, you know what's going on - or what was until we broke free. We've already escaped the School, whish is halfway-destroyed. Most of the group is heading into the mountains, but Max (Kurokayce's character)has stayed behind to find Fang (my character). I suggest you read the posts. They are interesting, and give a feel for what you should (and shouldn't) say to another character.)) Fang's dark eyes searched Max's face, trying to get some hint as to what she was feeling. "I told you - I left the flock to better our survival rate, and because you all were in danger because of me. I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me." His wings fidgeted on his back. He was nervous, being this close to the only girl he had ever loved... --- The Gasman flew silently through the air, gliding on updrafts and angling his wing-tips every now and again to exploit the wind and stay the course. The sun was setting in front of them, and he put up a hand to shield his eyes from the glare, which gave the soft edges of his feathers an almost fiery glow. He smiled; it was good to fly. He pitied the two experiments on the ground. Gazzy's attention was piqued by the experiment flying beside him. His eyes flickered over her wings; for someone who had just taken to the air, she was flying strongly. Good. "Who, Max?" He asked quizzically, looking back towards the smoking School, "Oh, don't worry about her. She's just looking for Fang. They haven't seen each other in about a year..."

4:36pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 33
(Thats all I needed to know :P) Kiro looked ahead of him. Mountains,"The best place to hide from any leftovers. Past the mountains right?" He looked up above "Giant birds?" "No you fool, other experiments. We are not the only ones with the idea of hiding." "That makes this a bad idea?" "No, they could provide cover. Let alone the only living things you'd have a chance of socializing with. Then again. I doubt anything even slightly human wants to deal with us. We are a monster. Just a freak to everything in existence, even the plants seem to shun us.." "I don't get you, all you do is mope and kill." He took flight, not going to close to them, but above the trees to the mountains (Still fail post :/)
4:37pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Snorting, Iggy flew near Gazzy, pulling in to neatly dive several stray geese flying by. "If I know Max, she and Fang are probably at blows because 1, Fang indirectly changes the subject, and 2, because Max doesn't know when 20 years is over, so she keeps pestering him with questions." Naturally sensing the sun in his blind eyes, Iggy withdrew several pairs of shades, ranging in different sizes. Handing the second smallest to Gazzy, Iggy said, "Here. I carry 6 arround at all times. Just in case all of the flock needs to be.. disguised. Sorta bent up, but here's your pair. Give the smallest pair to Ange, and give the remaining 4 to all those that need it badly. It's not enough but.." Iggy shrugged. Kindness was never really one of his strong points.

5:25pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 9:27am Apr 4 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
"Better our survival rate..." She said it more to herself than out of any real need to. He still thought that splitting the Flock could help... Not that Max saw it that way. Of course she didn't... She hadn't wanted to... Losing Fang was bad enough, and letting him go again now was going to be near impossible. She opened her mouth to speak, but before any such word could form a low buzzing caught her attention. Facing the sound, she saw what appeared to be another experiment, this one had lagged behind. He flew over them, heading in the same direction as the others. Max closed her eyes and inhaled, trying to dim down that urge to break something. Looking back up at the shadow above, that steely determination returned to her eyes. Forget everything, the Flock were strong, and safer together. Keeping an eye out for eachother had got them this far. She took one step closer to the raven winged Fang. "Better our chances... Look where that got you Fang!" She glared over her shoulder at the remains of The School, now disragarding every sound surrounding them. She shook her head, and returned her gaze to the boy above. "I refuse to leave here without you... It's taken me too long to just see you and I can't let it go... not now... We'll face whatever comes... Together, Fang. As a Flock... Besides... Your worrying about our safety... So what about yours..." She glanced back towards the School, her mind confused, and yet strangely clear. This was hard... Harder than she'd thought it could be... Despite that, she rufused to give in. ~~~ Skai nodded and returned her gaze to the landscape before her. She still had so many questions about this "Flock"... The Flock that Fang had once belonged to, the Flock who had escaped the School. She looked at Gazzy again, her eyes questioning before her mind could word it. "Max, huh?... You said, she hadn't seen Fang in a year... Isn't Fang part of your Flock?" She was managing to keep herself steady in the air as she spoke, this whole business of flight was getting much, much easier with every p*censored*ing minute.
7:05pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 170
((I'm waiting on Nylat. Sorry! *fails all over the place*))
7:54pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 8:05pm Apr 3 2010)
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((Sorreh! My mom wouldn't let me on till I watched a movie with her! Posting. :D)) Nylat glanced at the white winged girl whp had seemed to just appear beside her. Granted, the fox hybrid hadn't been paying much attention, but she didn't know she had spaced out that much. When she heard a voice in her head that was not her own, she misstepped, nearly tripping herself. But after she regained her footing and rhythm of running, she looked at the girl again. "Was that...you?" She tilted her head in a gesture of curiosity. She returned her gaze in front of her, shaking her pelt to ease her mind. Even the words of wisdom weren't enough to soothe her slight envy. "I'm a fox, wolf, cat, human hybrid....How is that helpful again?" It wasn't meant as a question, more of a reas.surance to herself that she was what she was--different. Even among the experiments. Other than Raj, she had seen no one else wingless. It seemed to unnerve her. ((Speaking of which, where is Raj during all of this?))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
11:53pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 170
((Fail am I. xD; You poor thing. *huggles Foxeh*)) The wings upon her back caught the air as she hovered and flew along the ground nearby the multiple-mixed hybrid who she almost made trip with her mind-speaking. The girl giggled softly and shook her head towards the other girl's question. "Yes, that was me. I'm one of the only people who can do that around here...but I did mean it you know." Her wings beat a calm and steady beat as she followed the girl in 'pursuit' of the others in the group, adding, "How can Iggy be helpful if he's blind? Its a similar fashion to what you have--you may be missing something that others have but you make up for it differently and sometimes in a much cooler fashion than others. I would love to be a fox hybrid...." Angel did indeed sound a little jealous of the other girl then, but then her thoughts flitted towards Max. I think we're heading in the right direction... Angel thought to her flock leader. Anything we need to look out for?
9:33am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Nylat glanced at Iggy. She hadn't really paid attention to any Flock member in particular, just matching names with voices, but she would never have guessed he was blind. She sighed, realizing that the girl was right, and gave her a hard look. So, jealous of me, who's spent her whole life of 16 years in that place? I'd have loved to be out here instead. But then again, wouldn't everyone? Her thoughts were clearer than her voice, as there were no growls and barks to interuppt and mangle her speech. She then focused herself on two things--running in a constant pace, and figuring out how she would somehow be able to help. The whole idea was ridiculous to her.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
11:16am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 170
'I may have lived there for a shorter amount of time because I'm younger, but they used to call me 'Experiment Eleven' and they always liked tossing me into mazes to see how quickly I could complete them. I'm only glad I have friends like Max and Iggy...and you know, you're out here now, so we shouldn't be mean to each other...we should work together. I'm sorry if I made you mad...' Angel was firm at first, but then apologized by the end of her thoughts to the girl before turning her attention back to the avoiding of trees and things as she followed the other group and the running female besides her. 'It's not a ridiculous idea, you know. Iggy thought the same thing once...and look at what he does; he designs bombs! I'm sure you'll find out what you really can do soon. Promise.' Angel always had a bad habit of reading peoples' minds when they weren't on guard about it...
7:22pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Nylat shook her head, having to sidestep quickly to avoid a tree that seemed to appear out of nowhere. She had to pay closer attention. No need to apologize. I'm not angry. Even though I'm part wolf, the aggression seems rare, and even rarer since we escaped. But then again, its only been a short while. She shook the thought that her aggression may spike. She wove through some trees in quick succession, almost running into the first due to her distraction. She glanced back, thanking her flexibility and grace, finally realizing that it would have been impossible for a regular fox. It was her feline DNA kicking in. She glanced at the girl alongside her, smiling. By the way, I never caught your name.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
7:15am Apr 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 481
((Yo, dudes. Fang here. Just letting you know that posts are gonna come slower with Easero Eggs out...gotta be hunting for most of my time here. Sorry! I'm sure you all understand.))
2:03pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(Sure, as long as you don't forget about us xD ♥)~
4:07pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Yep. I'm fine with it. :D And I just checked out the first MaxRide book from meh school's library. Of course, I have a fine, so I can only read it during TAKS, but still! It'll be done!))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."