3:42pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 170
Her setting? Outside somewhere...a park of some sort. Someplace nice and sunny, where she can't think of bad things and is focused in on the peace around her. Celeste is with her too--that angel-dressed teddy bear she's had since the start of her adventure, that precious ob ject of hers sometimes even more desirable than her own Flockmates...Angel shakes her head and walks past other people and dogs and flowers and trees, just looking like an innocent little girl and nothing like what she actually is. A bird kid. But some people know and others don't so she prefers for her secret to be hidden from the latter. Approaching a forest behind the comfortable housing unit she and the others are resting in for the next few days, she pauses. That feeling of...something reaching her mind, trying to connect to her...she looks around for a minute, and then her dove white wings spread out and she boosts herself to the balcony where she rooms for the moment. Landing there, she unlocks the door from the outside and quickly slips in to sit abruptly on the floor and close her eyes, the sun behind her warming her back and her now-folded wings as she tried to zero in on the noise... Angel, help me! Can you hear me? I NEED YOUR HELP! Her own eyes opened, widened and she actually gasped aloud at the sound of...Fang. That was Fang's voice. Fang, who had left for a year...and never returned. That Fang. She would have narrowed her eyes at the thought but the tone of...desperation and worry in his voice actually caused her to worry a little bit; why did he sound like that? Was he....?
Fang? Is that you? What's going on? Where are you? She questioned back in the telepathic connection she managed to keep for the moment, her own 'voice' sounding a bit worried and confused and who knew what else she would think on the matter. One thing she knew for sure was that at one point she would have to find Max and tell her this...somehow...

4:58pm Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 6:14pm Mar 23 2010)
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What a day. Surprisingly clear and very warm. It was the sort of weather that could calm anyone on edge, without actually bringing the negative side of sunburn and that uncomfortable heat that lingered. No, there was a breeze to counter that today, and it was pleasant, in her opinion. Then again, being part avian might have that effect on you, that constant need for flight. Moving air. Max smiled, slight as it was, her eyes focused on the branches of the tree above her. She was laid out, underneath that tree, just outside the unit her and the others currently occupied, delibrately allowing her mind to wander. She only moved when she spotted that small flash of white that signalled Angel's return, pushing herself onto her elbows as she watched the kid enter her own room via the balcony. She sighed quietly, looks like she'd make it back just in time. It was natural habit for Max now, to move around, looking for even the smallest of leads that might take her to the one person she wanted to see most. It was far harder than she had thought, however. She fell back, her eyes focusing once again on that spot above her as her mind wandered off again. She was there only a minute more before she finally pulled herself out of that line of thought. Damn it. She needed to stop doing this. It was pointless really, pointless and downright stupid. She brushed herself off with a new found vigour before strolling off back to the unit, catching one last glance at the sky above before she walked through the door. Fang... ~~~ Pain. Darkness. Silence. The basic day, or night. Whatever. It was normal either way, time dragged as those in this place simply waited for the next "appointment" with those damn scientists. Cruel and heartless. Skai squeezed her eyes closed tighter when there was a flash of light... New guy, eh?... She allowed herself to fall back into that state of sleep, or rather, somewhere just on the edge of sleep. It must have been a few hours later when Skai heard that shifting. She raised one aching wing away from her face, her head moving just enough for her to glance through the bars of her cage into the next, and the one next to that. It was the stranger next to her who had moved, and before she could so much as get a better glance, the dark haired someone was rattling the bars on his cage. She stayed where she was, not moving or even seeming to breathe as Dravius shifted forward and spoke... That was a first, really. Dravius rarely spoke, but then again... This was a very usual experiment. He was deifnately one of them, with wing's like those of the raven. Yet... He had energy... More energy than should have been normal for an experiment in this place. Why?... Just where had he come from?...
5:43pm Mar 23 2010
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'Twas the steady drip that woke Matrix from her waking slumber. She shifted in her cage which was just a few down from Skai. She turned her yellow eyes towards a new figure. One she hadn't seen before. Tilting her head to one side, she looked at him more closely. He had pale skin and was clothed in black. Long black hair which seemed to be held up. His eyes were also dark. Matrix sighed and pulled her legs closer to her chest which caused her talons to scra-pe against the steel floor of the cage. Re-adjusting her wings against her back, she leaned against the bars of her cage. And what was when she noticed something else about the new male. He had wings with dark feathers. She surpressed a shriek of surprisment, but it still flashed in her eyes. Matrix heard Dravius speak, saying word to the new male. But after that, she ignored them all. She was on her tail feathers wrong and it hurt. Shifting around so she was on her back with her wings slightly unfurled, her tail feathers were fanned out, and her taloned feet were wrapped around two steel bars. Now she was comfortable. For now atleast.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:50am Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 481
Fang was overjoyed at hearing Angel's voice inside his head, but his happiness instantly subsided; he thought quickly to her, fearing for her safety and the safety of his old flock. God, Angel-...I'm at the School. They caught me during the night...I'm in a real bad spot here. They might be coming for you! In a cage above him, something stirred; Fang's thoughts to Angel ceased for a moment as he turned to look through the bars at the edge of the cage. "Raj, is that you...?" he whispered softly, his voice hoarse from dust and lack of use. As another experiment shifted closer to him, Fang jumped. He had been so focused on Angel and himself that he forgot there were other experiments around. As the new experiment greeted him, Fang pulled his wings in tight against his body and replied quietly: "Hello."
12:39pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: I've sketched Fiachra :3 I'll just need to scan and colour it then I'll post it here. BiC: Darkness. The only thing in this place was darkness. But the dark was good, it was company and it was comforting. The light was something to be afraid of. When light spread accross the cold, damp and darkened room, bad things came with it. Horrid feelings like pain, worry, fear and panic. The light always brought those feelings, it brought them to herslef and others. Sometimes it brought new experiments, all of which would bring those very same feelings with them. The light had come earlier, it brought someone with it this time. At that moment in time, Fiachra was huddled in a ball in the corner of her cage, her wings folded protectively around her creating a feathery sort of cucoon. She lay there, rather warm for the moment. Then things began to stir. The one that had come earlier had began to move about, shaking the bars of his... or possibly her cage, Fiachra couldn't see all that well through her m*censored* of feathers she was hiding behind. This new person seemed to think there there was a possible means of escape. Then the experiment known as Dravius spoke. He hardly ever spoke, then again that wasn't unusual, no one in here spoke all that much. That's why some before had gone insane. The stranger with the long hair didn't seem to mind speaking as he replied. Fiachra was pretty sure now that he was a he, at least he sounded like one. Fiachra bit her lip. She had the sudden urge to speak but did not know what to say. She had wnated to speak on many occasion to re*censored*ure people, maybe even befriend them, but having had no experiance of ever socialising she ahd never known what to do, what to say. Finaly she settled for shuffling to the oposite corner of her cage, the corner closest to everyone else so that she could watch what happened and possibly learn something. The need she felt to see what was going to happen or what was happening was pretty strong, so much so that she rested her whole body on the bars of the cage, letting her arms dangle out of it. Then she had the chance to unfold her wings. They were stiff from having stayed in the same position for so long. All of her moving about had made some ammount of noise that would probably attract someone's attention.Fiachra didn't mind this, so long as she could see.

1:11pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Dravius watched the dark boy jump, and he was surprised when he answered the white winged boy. "Where are you from?"" He asked tenativly, eyes wary of the almost menacing shape outside of his cage. His short black hair hung over one of his eyes, and a single red and white feather flutterd to the floor of his cage. From anyone's perspective, the voice was issuing from a heap of black and white cloth and heavinf feathers. Dravius winced every time his chest expanded, his floating ribs digging into each other. He coughed, and stuck the end of his first finger in his mouth, chewing furiously. Streams of bright blood trickled off his wrist, adding to the dripping noises from his wings, which intermingled with each other to form a twisted rythm. Dravius removed his fingers from his mouth and waited for the boy's answer, flicking his hair out of his eyes in one deft flip. His mismatched eyes peeked from gaps in the filthy feathers, seeming to glow in the darkness.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:51pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 170
The...School... The girls' mind drew to the bad memories when she felt his disconnection. Those bad memories of the labs, being chased...she pulled her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around them with a slight shudder before realizing that she lost connection with Fang. She actually... ...she forced herself to try and get back to Fang via that telepathic connection, shakily pulling herself and Celeste (who was resting besides her when she sat down) up onto her feet. ...Fang! Do they know where we are? I know we have to keep hidden--we've done so for so far...I will keep an eye out, and we'll find a way to get you out of there. The young blonde dropped the connection to head to her balcony, a worried look crossing her face as this time she tried to create another link with someone familiar, someone she was very close with...and yet someone who she did not know where they were exactly. She forced her mental voice to sound calm enough that Max wouldn't be suspicious but... ...Max? I need to talk with you for a minute...are you busy? ((OoC: and as I write this there is a hawk sitting on the roof of my neighbors house staring straight back at me. oo; ))

2:04pm Mar 24 2010 (last edited on 2:45pm Mar 24 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
(Pfft Namine xD)~ It had taken longer than she thought to completely rid herself of that feeling. Weakness. She'd managed so well to handle it before, no way was she going to give in now. Max allowed herself to literally fall back onto the couch, the room of the unit they resided in was bright and airy, all the windows slightly open in order to stop it getting stuffy no thanks to the warm weather. She was on the verge of closing her eyes when Angel's voice called to her. Hmm... She can't have spotted Max earlier, that was for sure. She leaned forward, her arms coming to rest over her knees as she looked up at the cieling, just below Angel's room. I'm downstairs, Angel. What is it? ~~~ Shifting her face, Skai took in the number of experiments that seem to have stirred thanks to the arrival of the new one. Her mind was still elsewhere, trying to unravel this new beings presence and origin. Her eyes told her everything however, Dravius had spoken, meaning he'd clearly realized something about this dark stranger, it wasn't like him to talk afterall. She also caught sight of Matrix and Fiachra. Talk about attracting attention. With alot of effort (and pain), Skai lifted herself into a sitting postition, her wings pressed against the cold bars of her cage as she looked at the Raven next to her and Dravius on the other side; She was awaiting his answer to Dravius' question. Afterall... She wanted to know, to know why this experiement looked as though he had been brought from somewhere else... Somewhere not nearly as bad as this place. But that wasn't possible... Surely...
2:32pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 170
I...I don't want to say it in thought while you're downstairs. I don't think you...want anyone else hearing your outburst. She giggled softly in her mind, but she sounded nervous. However, Angel did come downstairs and appeared in front of Max a minute or two after thinking it. She offered the flock leader she thought of as someone like her mother a warm smile, but her eyes suggested her nervousness and showed the emotions running through her mind. "Max..." she spoke softly before moving to hug the elder girl, her mind speaking other-wise. It's...about Fang. ((OOC: I know right? It's so funny. ^^;))
2:36pm Mar 24 2010 (last edited on 2:43pm Mar 24 2010)
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Posts: 40
Dont stick that needle there! ((Hope its ok to join?))  NAME: Stella AGE: 16 GENDER: SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): 93% human 7% rabbit PERSONALITY: Shy and timid, She does wish she could have someone to talk to. NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES : Bunny ears and a fluffeh tail SPECIAL ABILITIES: Stella can jump very high. She chooses to keep it underwraps though WEAKNESSES: She hates anything hot or burning PAST: Her father killed her mother and her father was thrown in jail. No one seemed to notice a little girl outside playing in a swing set when this happened. She walked inside only to find her mother dead and her father gone. People invaded her house and took her away to be expiremented on. OTHER:Nothing other then that.
I am currently : Offline D:
Something to Consider of the day: Rolling down a hill with friends after it has been fertilized isn't smart. XD
3:09pm Mar 24 2010 (last edited on 4:59pm Mar 24 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
Max raised an eyebrow. Outburst? Great... Why did she have a bad feeling about this. She didn't say anything more in her mind at the sound of Angel descending the stairs. She waited patiently, a number of scenarios going through her head. None of them really all that disastrous. She watched Angel once the blonde girl had come to stop in front of her. "Well?" Max asked, a smile playing on her face, faltering slightly as Angel walked over to hug her. She kept her eyes trained on the girls head as that next thought permeated her mind. It's...about Fang. It took only a moment for any number of emotions to pas.s through Max's being, and she had to restrain a considerable amount of will to stop herself from jumping from the couch right there and then, Angel still having her arms wrapped around her. Eventually both worry and anger settled in, setting themselves right at the fore of her emotions. She was unable to hold back that rise in the volume of her voice, however, and spoke as she gently but firmly grasped Angel by the shoulders, pushing her at arms length and looking into the girls eyes. "What?!"
3:51pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 170
Angel did flinch and she was looking down towards her shoe-covered feet when Max first gripped her shoulders. But she did look up, and the mixed look was still in her youthful eyes as Max locked eyes with her. For a minute she didn't know what to say, instinctively trembling from the way that the tone had risen. She did not like when Max was mad at her, and she already felt that guilt from before...Angel swallowed a bit and looked down, still continuing to talk in the elder bird kid's--her leader's--mind. I don't know much right now...I'm still trying to figure out what's going on, Max, but this all started just a few minutes ago. Please don't be mad with me for not saying anything! I wanted to make sure everything wasn't a trap...that's why I didn't look for you sooner and...and... Angel didn't know what to think right now; this situation was somewhat unique and she couldn't think of any other time where this would have happened... ((Hopefully this is not a fail. x-x; Having not read FANG I just...feel like I fail my muse. *falls over*))

4:08pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(Your alright Namine. I havn't read ANY of the books in case you didn't know xD)~
4:12pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Dont stick that needle there!((Ive read the books, and I love em'! Join as Iggy?))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:32pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: What's more shameful is I haven't even heard of these books up untill now XD Ah I would post but I've come up a blank.
4:36pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 170
((OOC: Kuro! I did not know that. owo; Well now I do and I think you're a good Max. Nono! You should join as Iggy. It would be adorable. *giggles*))
4:41pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Skai, I STILL find it amazing that you can play Max that way and you haven't read the books.))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
4:51pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(I'm still not even sure I'm playing her right xD!)~
4:59pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((You are. It's almost scary, really...))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
5:01pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((I love the blind kids :3 Iggy's so... awesome))
Why the cloud, Sunny?