8:05pm Mar 25 2010
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Matrix furrowed her brows together. "I wouldn't know. I've never had a Hot Dog. Mostly because I"ve been living in this squalid place for nearly seventeen years now," she said, unfurling her wings slightly in defiance.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:07pm Mar 25 2010 (last edited on 8:08pm Mar 25 2010)
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Posts: 481
"Because animals don't know any better." Raj said simply in Matrix's direction, sounding bored as he rolled onto his back in his cage. "Hey, don't knock a hot dog until you've tried one. They're from heaven." Fang pointed out to Dravius and Matrix before fixing his gaze on Nylat. "It's a pleasure, all of you. I'm glad to hear that you've not resigned yourselves to lives of cages and syringes, and your escape attempts are good news to me. But I'm sure you've had yet to face Jeb's critical weapon...and it's my hope that you never have to. Since I'm around, though, you may not be so lucky." He turned and closed his eyes, opening his mind to Angel again. Cripes, he must look strange to the other mutants...acting like he's half asleep. Angel, there are other experiments here. They want to bust loose. Do you think the flock can protect all of us until we're safely on our own?
8:14pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Dravius craked a crooked smile that din't reach his eyes. "Why are you closing your eyes?" Dravius asked slowely, folding his painful top set of wings behind him, leaving the smaller set splayed out behind him, stark white against the grey steel of the bars. He tilted his head at the boy with his eyes closed. He seemed to be trying to go to sleep.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:17pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Nylat snorted, realizing that her wolf agression was bound to show soon. It hadn't in around 2 years, and was starting to now. She stood, arching her back and growling slightly. "It doesn't matter. If it means a chance at freedom, I'll fight harder than a pack of wolves, no pun intended, of course. I am not returning to this cage. Freedom or die. Even the latter would be better than this place." She paced around the cage, plotting in her mind the demise and deaths of the scientists. She shook her head roughly, clearing her thoughts. I can't let my agression ruin this. I must be graceful, not powerful.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:20pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Matrix glanced in Fang's direction."You've been doing that for the first couple minutes when you woke up in here," she said. Her head tilted to one side as she brought up a hand to lean into. Well, mostly the palm. Her black talons slid into her silver hair.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:27pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Well, I gotta go. DX I'll post tomorrow when I get home from school. DX I hate school. SOOOO much.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:21am Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Neh I hate school also ._. "Maybe he's tired." Nia suggested. She seemed slightly more comfortable with reffering to herself as Nia now that someone else had said her name. Before now only one person had said her name. That was her mother. Unfortunately she does not remember what her mother voice sounded like, she was too young to remember. The one thing she did remember was the feeling of warmth inside, something she had not felt since then. Nia wanted to continue with questioning, but if Fang was tired, which she thought he probably was, she shouldn't go on bothering him with questions. Though everyone's questions didn't seem to bother him, in fact he looked like he enjoyed answering them. Nia stared at Fang for a while before asking her next question. "Are we strong enough?" It was a simple question, but rather an important one. Everyone seemed to have these new thought of escaping, some were probably working out in their minds how they would do so, but Nia. Nia was thinking more about the negatives and all the things and obsatcles that would be there to try and stop them escaping. They'd have to have some stratergy, a plan of cunning. Another experiment known as Nylat seemed to be speaking. From what Nia could see, Nylat was rather fox-like. Nia knew what foxes looked like, she'd seen them here before. Foxes were supposed ot be sly and cunning animals were they not? Or perhapse that was just rumour or myth.

7:02am Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 481
Fang cracked an eye open in Dravius's direction, then moved to watch Matrix. "I'm communicating." He muttered vaguely. He didn't want to betray Angel quite yet; especially since he didn't trust what some of these experiments would do once the cages were sprung. He shot a wary glance at Nylat, who seemed to be pacing. Aggression, no doubt, existed in all of these experiments, hopefully towards only the scientists and Erasers. If they couldn't control their aggression-...Fang would have to put them down. He curled his hands into fists beneath the blanket of his wings. He didn't want to hurt any of them, but also didn't want to hurt the scientists...destroying this place wouldn't do any good. There were plenty of other labs out there...it was simply a matter of avoiding the scientists. Despite his name, Fang wasn't a bloodthirsty maniac; he hated fighting, especially innocent (or, at least, semi-innocent) humans. What a one-sided fight. Ugh. "Are any of you trained in hand-to-hand?" the raven asked suddenly. It was time to bring his plan into motion.

11:36am Mar 26 2010 (last edited on 2:23pm Mar 26 2010)
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~(So far without me D:)~ Max looked at Angel as the blonde girl asked her question, before glancing up at the cieling. If none of the Flock were up there, then they'd have to go looking for them, but they didn't have time for that!... Great... Max ran a hand through her hair in agitation, torn between the need to go and help Fang immediately, and the need to keep an eye on (and remain close to) the Flock. She sighed, again silently throwing punches at that reflex that was constantly bugging her to throw something. Damnit! She inhaled deeply and looked back at Angel. What should they do?... Biting her lip, she shook her head and started towards the stairs. If no-one was up here... They'd have to go alone, this couldn't wait. This place was safe, and she could leave a note, but Fang was a major priority at this time, there was no way in hell she was going to abandon him like that, despite what he had done previously. "Angel... If no-ones upstairs, we'll go without them, we can't waste time..." ~~~ Skai had remained silent as all the other experiments introduced themselves and pondered over the miracles of the outsdie world. At some point during that conversation, the young blonde had shifted herself so that she was sat completely upright, ignoring the protest of her aching spine. Ick... She'd been laid out way too long, and the general lack of movement didn't help. As she sat in the darkness, her wings still flared slightly, she allowed her mind to wander through the conversation without taking much of it in, although she'd easily remember should she choose to look back on this later. She was immobile the entire time, up to the point when Fang had spoken. She looked at him, eyes confused. "Communicating?" Her voice was almost dull, not curious, delibrately letting Fang know in a subtle way that if he did not want to share that information he didn't need to. Skai had caught on to his reluctance. Without so much as waiting for a reply anyway, however, she shifted to her knees, eyes still on the Raven. "And no... I'm afraid I wouldn't do too well in combat. I'm fast enough to run... But that is about all..." She hesitated for a second before continuing. "You have a plan?" ~(Meh... Needed some way to get the other Flock members in here... We can't wait around forever for them >.o)~
1:51pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Dravius jumped as Fang opened hios eyes and said he was communicating. With whom? He thought, but decided not to pester the boy further. He listened intently, with wide eyes as the raven asked for anyonw trained in combat, and the girl named Skai said she hadn't, he said timidly, "I can for a bit, but I can't for too long. My ribs are messed up, so I cannot breathe correctly." He said this looking at the floor, his small wings folded below the big set. He coughed. Dravius was frightened, but his lust for freedom overpowered his fright. The white winged boy shifted in his cage and pulled a few feathers from his top left wing, and squirmed in self-inflicted pain.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
2:22pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Matrix lightly scratched the side of her head. "Not very much so. But I just use my talons whenever nessecary," she said as she fanned open her tail feathers. Reaching back with her other hand, she ran her talons through the feathers, straightening them and also cleaning them of anything else that might have gotten trapped them.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:46pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 170
"Understood. I'll go look." Angel quickly replied before turning and starting to fast-walk upstairs. Her heart was beginning to race, her mind narrowing in to pinpoint ideas that were forming in her young mind. However...Fangs voice in her head again made her stop at the top of the stairs, her back to Max as she listened carefully to what he said. Fang...Her mind spoke and then she paused to try and find the right words to say what she was currently feeling. I'm sure Max wouldn't mind it, but they would have to help us too until its' safe enough to do that. Surely...you wouldn't mind that, would you Fang? Her 'tone' wasn't able to be recognized as one specific emotion but she did put some thought into it.
3:17pm Mar 26 2010 (last edited on 9:46pm Mar 26 2010)
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Posts: 481
That's not up to me, Ange - that's up to your fearless leader. Fang thought quietly back to Angel before turning to as.sess how well the new experiments would do in combat. Not well, he thought...they had almost no training. Only instinct would guide them. What a pain... Then Skai spoke up, and he replied: "Yeah, I'm developing a plan...I'll need to change it since none of you have any training in combat."
4:17pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Nylat listened carefully as the other experiments voiced their lack of fighting experience, then she stopped, and spoke up. "I did fight back after escaping. Once. Not much experience, but its better than nothing, I think." She glanced at her left flank, where the fur was considerably shorter than the rest of her pelt, a trophy of her resistance, but quickly looked back. "I did find out that, being part wolf, I am stronger than a normal fox, and being part cat, very graceful. I'm not sure how much that'll help. Just putting it out there." She continued pacing, the fur along her spine rising slightly as she tried to control her agression. She didn't want to be too snappy. At least until they got out.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:02pm Mar 26 2010 (last edited on 8:08pm Mar 26 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
~(Other flock members should bring themselves in right about now... we can't wait forever xD)~ Max watched Angel patiently, despite that burning desire to run out of the building. She alllowed her eyes to wander for only a moment before she was looking back at the young bird kid, a sign of her imaptience. It took another moment for her to realize Angel was out of it, no doubt communicating... That had to be it, no other way would Fang have been able to contact them like this. She closed her eyes for a second, getting her breathing and heart rate under control. Or trying, anyway... Before looking up the stairs and speaking. "Angel... Is there anyone up there, at all?" She was desperate to get of here and get to Fang. God only knew what that place would do to him once the scientists got the chance. Even the mere thought was getting Max more than just a little angry, but she did her best to keep it all in one place as she kept her eyes on the white winged kid above her. ~~~ Skai nodded, leaning back slightly again, only this time, without actually allowing her back to touch the bars. If she did that, the ache would probably return, seeing as it had died of alittle thanks to her constant shifting, using the muscles she very rarely used. She was also, almost without thinking, stretching the ligaments and joints in her wings,, almost as though anticipating the flight outside this place. Of course... That was just her body talking. Her mind was still firmly in the lab, eyes on Fang, awaiting any idea he may have had.
3:58pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,020
Nia had been listening to the experiment's replies. Fang obviously had a plan of sorts, a plan which migth or might not fail. Nia wasn't going to get her hopes up to soon, dissapointment could just come around and kick her in the face if she did. None of the experiments had an awful lot of training, she also had none in hand-to-hand combat. The scientists, of late, didn't do that anymore. If they had trained herself and other experiments in hand-to-hand then there would of been a higher chance of escape, something the scientists did not want. Nia stood in her cage, she hadn't stood before, not really. The only time she had was when the Erasers wer ehelping her to stand in a rather rought manner, while dragging her off to be tested on. She shuddered slightly and looked down at her feet. They were bare and scratched, covered in spots of dried blood and old scabs that shfelt the sudden need to pick off. Nia was about to bend down to do so, but thought the better of it. If they were going to escape at some point, it was best not to draw fresh blood. Blood was easy to smell. Most here had become used to the smell, seeing as it was something that was seen everyday. Nia paced back and forth in her cage, suddenly having an idea. Something she didn't do much was think, so it was rare to have any idea or plan of sorts. She turned on her heel, using her wings for balance. Nia faced Fang and questioned him. "What if. What fi you taught us someting about combat?" Having said it, Nia suddenly felt how stupid an idea it was, but she was now determined to explain how, just to make the idea sound more realistic rather than stupid. "There's enough room in our cages for us to stand up and walk about. You could... show us something. Just. Just so we know a little." Nia was looking down at her feet, running her index finger and thumb along the feather that stuck out from amongst her hair.

6:21am Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Bump? o 3o
7:18am Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 481
Fang's dark eyes rounded on Nia; he sighed lightly and shifted in his cage to get a better look at her. He was hesitant, and it showed on his face. "It's not that it's a bad idea...I'm just not sure which of you I can trust right now, to be honest." His voice dropped dangerously low, to nothing more than a whisper. "I don't know which of you will have my back once we escape, or which of you will go chasing after scientists to pound their brains in with what I've taught you. Combat is a dangerous thing, and all we want to do is run, fly, escape. Not wage war. Do you understand me? I'm not doing this to make you uncomfortable, or to make you feel helpless. I'm doing this because our only goal is to escape, not to strike down divine judgement or get bloody revenge. We'll have a chance for that later, when the Erasers are deployed to drag our sorry butts back here." He was uncomfortable with all the talking he was doing, so he quieted for a moment, gazing through the darkness at each experiment in turn, making sure he drilled his message into them. It's not about fighting - it's about getting out with your life. Then he continued: "Besides, half the scientists are only in here for the sake of science. They don't like hurting you, but it's their research, what they're pas.sionate about. It's the freaks who run this place and the Erasers who we have to worry about; the scientists are pushovers when it comes to escape, and we'll instantly have the upper hand once we get out of the building. And that's the tricky part." He moved to lie on his stomach, his knees curling up one side of his cage. He tentatively stretched his left wing until his primaries poked from between the bars; ugh, cramped. His black feathers blended almost perfectly with the darkness around them, but their purplish sheen was just barely visible with raptor vision. He smiled slightly as he scanned over his joints; nothing broken, just sore and stiff. Good. "Now, I don't know if you were aware, but there are four video cameras in this room." Fang said openly, pulling in his wing, "They're night-vision, live feed...but they don't have sound. They can't hear what we're saying, but we can't make any moves that would spoil our surprise, okay? That's another reason why I can't teach you anything about combat. But the cameras will be easy enough to take out once we get loose. We'll need to wait about a day...but I have a plan." ((Only post for the day; don't get too far without me. ;3 I'll see you all tomorrow!))

11:17am Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 11:17am Mar 28 2010)
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~(I can't post anyway Fang. Not until our Iggy shows up, and I have no idea how long that will be xD)~
12:01pm Mar 28 2010
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Nylat changed direction. So no killing scientists? She cold live with that. She wanted freedom above all. To run where she felt she should be. Of course, she be running alone, as a half-breed, not one, not the other. But she preferred it that way. Alone. "A day? Compared to 16 years here, that's only a few minutes. I can wait. No worries there." She stopped, and curled up into the position she normally slept in, trying to relax. To her, their chances sounded good. Fang had escaped multiple times. Even with the heightened security, there were many of them. She pricked her ears, keeping alert for any continuing conversation.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."