6:04am Mar 29 2010
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~(Bump owo)~
8:17pm Mar 29 2010
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http://images1.fanpop.com/images/photos/1300000/Manga-Iggy-maximum-ride-1317611-1076-1600.jpg <= That's the link to the image of Iggy, cause my mouse friggin' hates me D:
NAME: Iggy AGE: 16? At least, I'm relying on the fact they had a b-day party in FANG GENDER: Male SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): 98% human, 2% Falcon
PERSONALITY: Quite touchy about his blindness, he's well.. grouchywhen people use the word 'see' to describe anything. DEION (if you do not have a picture): Apparently in the manga, he has red hair.. o3o though some fans believe he's blonde.I'll stick with red hair.
NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): Bird wings. Air Sacs. Light bones. Weighs say, 100 lbs? Almost all of that weight is muscle and bone. No fat, nada.
NOTABLE HUMAN FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly animal): N/A SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): He can FEEL colors. And he can cook. And apparently, according to Fang, he's a great accountant. And he can pick locks in no time, hearing's supersensitive, and can mildly use echolocation. Plus, he knows more about bombs and explosivesthan ANYONE. probably with the exception of the Gasman. WEAKNESSES: He's friggin' blind people! D8 and he can't walk around strange places without bumping into something. He's not good with hand to hand combat. PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): He was kidnapped by the scientists. They tried giving him night vision. That apparently failed. His parents actually were uh.. selfish? Not real parental? OTHER: Uh.. nothing else I can think of!

8:29pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 170
The girl paused for a moment once again before looking over her shoulder with a small smile. "There is someone up here. I...think its Iggy, Max." The girl answered, relief flooding her mind at the thought of the tall but blind Flock member. Crossing her arms, she called out towards the empty hallway, "Iggy? Where are you?" And started walking down it where she knew the boy's room would be. For all she knew, he was probably making a new kind of bomb to take down the new Erasers or something!
8:35pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 8:45pm Mar 29 2010)
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Muttering to himself, Iggy gently touched the wire gently, and paused. "Yup, it's yellow.. soon.. this baby will replace Big Boy, it'll take Big Boy's place! It'll be awesome!" He grinned maniacally at nothing, then heard the approaching footsteps of some people. Tensing, Iggy edged towards the window, wishing someone was there to tell him were it was exactly. Preparing to dive, he relaxed visibly as he heard Angel and called back. "I'm a ghooooost, you can't fiiind me!" Grinning, Iggy sat on the floor directly in front of his glorious, glorious Big Boy the 2nd.

8:53pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 170
Angel kept her arms crossed as she shook her head while stopping right in front of the bomb-maker's door. A hand lifted, knocked, and she paused to politely wait for him to unlock the door and open it. "Well...we have to find you, Iggy! Max wants all of us immediately for something serious!" She retorted back, but she couldn't help but smile at his comment about being a ghost. Maybe he was a ghost! A ghost that could make bombs, that is...She shook her head and backed up to look over her shoulder at Gazzy's door. She hadn't seen him either, and she was starting to get a little worried...
8:58pm Mar 29 2010
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Stepping neatly over the mess of wires, every hue of the rainbow, Iggy swung the door open. "I swear, Ange, how HAVE you survived with Max cooking? I'm surprised both of you haven't say, sprouted tentacles or anything." Grinning, Iggy slouched casually against the now open door, conveniently blocking their view of the mess inside. Turning so he gazed directly at Max's left ear, Iggy spoke once more. "What's this Oh mighty Maximum? You say we have an important mission? I would be honored to as.sist the almighty tyrant in her evil plans."Bowing, Iggy shot the the wall, slightly above Max's shoulder a mischievous grin.

8:59pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 9:03pm Mar 29 2010)
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Max was growing just a tad impatient. If only the other's knew, they wouldn't be so laid back, not that she or Angel had time to explain now anyway. That could take place on the flight to the School. She simply kept her brown eyes focused on the top of the stairs a moment more, her mind quietly protesting against the wait, the time that was wasted. She sighed and turned, allowing herself to sit on the stairs as she waited for the other Flock members, her head on a hand as she thought for a moment; This one moment allowing her emotions to give way to worry, hitting her with full force. It didn't last however, anger soon creeped back in... The idiot. Max lifted her face, then promptly stood and followed Angel up the stairs, only stopping once she was beside the younger white winged member of the Flock, looking at Iggy and ignoring his jibes. "This is serious Iggy... We'll explain on the way out..." ~~~ Skai nodded quietly. She figured they might just have to rely on instinct. Fighting in their weakened states probably wouldn't be such a good idea, what with all the painful muscles and such. She allowed her eyes to fall to the base of her cage... The best chance, would be to run, surely... Only Fang probably had enough energy to fight for a long period. She allowed herself to fall down the side of the cage a little, stopping halfway between laying down and sitting. She sighed quietly, secretely hoping that when this day of waiting was up, they'd be free. ~(aw crap. Had to edit this cause you two posted twice while I was still typing it up xD)~
9:05pm Mar 29 2010
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Immediatly sensing Max's temper rise, Iggy gingerly picked himself out of the mess and locked the door behind him, gently patting his stash of explosive's hidden in the seams of his clothing. Good Lord. If Max knew I had these, she'd blow a fuse! Chuckling quietly at his pun, he cautiously followed Max and Angel over to the stairs. Iggy hadn't lived with the flock for most of his life for nothing, long years of experience had taught him something other than explosives and the best way to make them go boom. He stared at Max and asked her, " Is it about Fang?"

9:30pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 170
You shouldn't think of those while I'm around. But I won't say anything this time~ Angel mischeviously thought to Iggy before looking over her shoulder as Max came up the stairs and stopped besides her. Her mind immediately flitted to the thoughts that Fang had given her before--the words he 'spoke' to her forced her to think a little bit, and her arms still encased around Celeste lowered before resting (bear held in the right hand) at her side. "Shouldn't we look for Gazzy too, Max? He could help a lot..." The girl answered, though it was a little bit more on the side that, well....a sister had to look out for her sibling every so often, right?
7:04am Mar 30 2010
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Turning his head slightly to the side, Iggy winked at Angel, thinking, Our little secret riight? And then, in answer to Angel's question, Iggy sighed and said wistfully, "Yeah, Gazzy could blow up ever Eraser ever born with his awesome talent. We'd just have to bring gasmasks, and compressed air, kick back, and enjoy the... slightly not so fresh air"

7:31am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 481
"Hey, don't knock the gas!" Gazzy shouted from the stairs. He hurried down to Iggy's side, tugging a backpack over his shoulders as he did. A few wires were poking out from the halfway-zipped pack, revealing the Gasman's evil intent for the Erasers they would surely be facing. "I'm ready to go. I heard we've got a problem with The School again." the twelve-year-old said quickly, shoving his hands into the pocket of his hoodie. His wings fidgeted against his back beneath his clothes; he was itching to fly. ((We'll jump ahead a day with the Experiments in The School, if that's okay. Max's group can jump ahead when they start a-flyin'; until then, they don't have to jump ahead.))
7:38am Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 7:55am Mar 30 2010)
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"Gazzy! Did you eat anything of Max's?" Smoothly manuvering behind Gazzy's backpack, Iggy's sensative fingers lightly dropped Big Boy 2 in the pack. Whispering so only Angel, Gazzy and he could hear, Iggy murmured, "Big Boy, but on a larger destructive force" Ruffling his feathers, Iggy was awaiting commands, like the good, destructive, pyro-loving guy he was. "So. what's on the agenda?" He enquiried, as they were preparing to fly.

7:51am Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 7:58am Mar 30 2010)
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Max rolled her eyes at Iggy and Gazzy, before nodding at the younger male's words. Pfft. Honestly, going anywhere near that damn place again had not been anywhere in her priorities, well... Not until Fang came into it. She would have much preferred to stay away from the place, though now she had little choice, her mind absoloutely refused to just sit back and wait. Oh, she was gonna kill him for this... Dissapearing for a year and then having them all go after him once he'd gotten himself caught. She managed to catch a glimpse of the contents of Gazzy's backpack, and under any other circumstances may have preferred he keep all those explosives away from the other memebers of the Flock, as of now though, she was somewhat grateful for the extra firepower. Everything Iggy then did completely byp*censored*ed her however, she was too concerned at the moment. "Alright." She turned and looked down the stairs, her mind digesting what exactly they were about to do. Go back to The School. She shook her head and spoke again, looking over her shoulder at the fellow flock memebers. "In short... We're going to help Fang" It sounded strange. After a year of nothing, speaking as though they all still existed as one one group... Strangely enough, it also felt perfectly normal. Ugh. Stupid condascending feelings. Max mulled this over as she made her way outside, stopping to only to as.sess that the area was clear for them, which fortunately, it was. She gave one last look over her shoulder, before allowing her wings to test the air with a few small beats, then quite abruptly threw herself into the sky; The rush of wind WAS intoxicating and she would have found it calming, had it not been for the situation she was now heading towards. ~(Pfft Fluffy, they havn't set off yet... well, now they have xD Edit: thanks for the edit, Iggy ♥ xD)~
12:10pm Mar 30 2010
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OoC: Neh. Right now I can't think of much to post XD But I'll come up with soemthing soon. Also i have to read through this page of posts too XD
12:40pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 12:40pm Mar 30 2010)
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"Fang?" Iggy asked, bemused by Max's quiet, somewhat sullen demeanor. you'd think she'd be happy to see him again eh Angel? Saluting, Iggy grinned at the wall. "What's next Captain Max?!" Carefully walking out, Iggy spread his wings, and flew, somewhat content with being with the flock again, and trying to rescue one of the flock's behind from the School, Itex, whomever. It's like our first time flying towards the School, but we're rescuing Fang instead of Angel. How weird.

1:15pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 170
Angel looked over her shoulder as Gazzy came up with his...backpack of bombs and things. She shook her head with a soft sigh, mixing a small nod in it towards Iggy, a smile in her eyes but a somewhat serious look on her face as she glanced to her brother, then to Iggy, then to Max. She pretended she didn't hear the blind boy's comment about the bomb he dropped into the backpack, but she shrugged her shoulders and placed her bear in a secret hiding place in the main room as she followed the Flock leader outside. The white wings still resting on her back spread out as she pushed off and also followed the somewhat emotionally confused leader that already took off. Max, you have a plan to get in, right? Because...you know...we have to be. Angel questioned the elder girl telepathically, as if trying to get her to pull the thoughts whirling in her head together.
1:26pm Mar 30 2010
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(( OMG. Iggy feels so hurt being called the blind boy D:<))

1:42pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 1:51pm Mar 30 2010)
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Max glanced at her following Flock, zoning in on Angel as she flew. She spent a moment thinking about what Angel had asked, before delibrately fanning her wings forward so that she fell behind, coming to glide beside Angel. She looked at the white winged Flock member. "No Angel. We're trying to get Fang out, not break in... I won't risk having us all just fly in there... I'd really rather not get any more of us caught" She turned her face forward, her mind set and her ex pression determined. "We will only go in if there is no other option open to us. We need to try and clear a way out, Fang wouldn't just sit there and wait for us to bust in anyway." Max smiled over at Angel, trying her best to explain it in the best way she could. There was no way in hell she was going to endanger her Flock like that, no matter how much she wanted to get Fang out of there, and busting into the School would be a bad idea. No... They could help from the outside, Fang could handle the rest. However, if it came down to it, if they had to get in there... Then Max would have no choice. ~(Time Jump guys? :3)~
1:52pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 1:59pm Mar 30 2010)
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http://www.animezen.net/gallery/images/A nime_Babes/anime_babes014.jpg <--She looks like this except she also has a fox tail and ears. Both the tail and ears are dark black, more shiny that dull, and the fur is very soft. She also has whiskers on her face and sharp teeth like a fox's. Her hands have retractable claws as well. When mutated into an actual fox she looks like this --> http://www.colorado-adventure-kids.com/ FAVOURITE_PHOTOS/favourite_small/black_fox_small.jpg NAME: Nails
AGE: 15
GENDER: Female
SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): 50 - 50
PERSONALITY: She is a loner and prefers to spend her time around animals rather than humans. She is easily angered and when roused she has very large outbursts.
DEION (if you do not have a picture): Up ^ NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): Err...she is both...is that ok?
NOTABLE HUMAN FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly animal):
SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): She can shapeshift into a fox, speak with animals and call them to her aid. She can also run faster than the average human can and has more stanima as well.
WEAKNESSES: She gets angered quite easily and has trouble adjusting around other people. When she gets angry, things tend to get destroyed. PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): It's really shady and unknown, even I don't know o.O OTHER: No

1:53pm Mar 30 2010
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Pausing in mid-flight, Iggy slowed down to meet up with Gazzy. He had a mission in mind. "right Gaz, remember that bomb we set off when the Erasers were after us and Fang, Nudge, and Max were off saving Angel? I made another. In case we need a distraction, I say we drop it on the School, once everyone and thing has been evacuated, asides from the scientists, big politicans, and Erasers. they won't know what hit 'em!" Izzy whispered hurriedly into Gazzy's ear, grinning.
