1:58pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 2:04pm Mar 30 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
~(Detneth your stretching the previous page... and I dont think shifter's are allowed, it's not really a shifter roleplay... I suppose you could ask Fang anyway xD)~
1:58pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((I am...sorry XD Let me fix it))
2:01pm Mar 30 2010
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((Is it better?))
2:04pm Mar 30 2010
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~(Yea Det, thankyou :3)~
2:04pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Is the BIO ok?))
2:06pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 2:07pm Mar 30 2010)
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~(I can't say. That's Fang job ♥ But like I said before, this isn't really a shifter roleplay... Just ask Fang~)~
2:07pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((OOps XD I thought you were Fang...I need new gl*censored*es T.T))
2:41pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 4:18pm Mar 30 2010)
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Posts: 1,446
(( that's Max. I've never heard of a shifter mutant in the books. *shrugs* Just gotta ask Fang. FANG! May I play as Total? D8))

4:28pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 170
"That's fine, Max...I know how important he is to you~" Angel answered with a giggle, wings steeling themselves so she would pull back behind so the elder girl couldn't try and ruffle her feathers or anything. She was too far away from the boys to hear their conversation, and her eyes took on the view of the scenery below her unfolded like a pretty blanket. It seemed to calm her from the apprehension and half feeling of fear from the knowledge of where they were flying... She had half a mind to think to Fang what they were doing...but decided against it; he'd know soon enough. (OOC: I guess so?)
6:44pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 481
((Igglet, you may take Total. :D Det, this isn't a shapeshifter roleplay. No mutating is allowed. It's strictly a splicing roleplay, with partial-humans and partial-animals. You can't shift between the two...that's too-...unnatural. It's based on what can actually happen on earth, in the real world. Everything else about your character is fine except the shapeshifting, though. TIME-WARPING~!! To the future! 8D)) --------ONE DAY LATER-------- Fang's eyes opened groggily. He had taken his shirt off to make a pillow for his aching head the night before, and used his wings to cover his bare skin; despite this, he hadn't slept well, and as he raised his head to inspect his surroundings, his heart sank. Today was the day. He moved to sit up, his wings curling over his shoulders and hiding some of his skin from view, but his scars were plainly visible... A man was staring in through the bars of his cage. "Good morning, Fang." Jeb muttered softly, his voice full of compas.sion. "Did you sleep well?" "Just wonderfully." Fang snapped, darting to the front of his cage to snarl in the scientist's face. "Wonderful turndown service you've got here, Jeb. Can I get some Room Service with that?" Jeb narrowed his eyes at one of his perfect experiments as the raven glared daggers at him. "I see you are more vocal these days, Fang. Your sense of sarcasm has also been enhanced. I also see your wings have grown. Very impressive span." "Thanks for the analysis, Dr. Oz," Fang bit back a feral growl and glared up at his father-figure, "but I'm not your patient anymore. I know who and what I am, and it's not your pincushion." "Come down for some tests, Fang. We would like to see how age in the wild has changed your makeup." "No thanks, Jeb, ol' boy. I'm good here in the chicken coop." "If you continue to be stubborn, I will have to discipline you." "Do what you want. Your son punished me enough, remember?" Fang pulled his wings away from his body; his scars seemed to glow under the flourescent light of the holding room. Jeb barely flinched, but his eyes developed a pained look behind his gl*censored*es. "Fine. I will come back for you this afternoon, and you will not have a choice this time." Jeb's voice was thin as he pulled away and left the room, dousing the experiments in darkness again. Fang let out the breath he had been holding; his entire body seemed to sag. From up in the higher cage, Raj spoke: "Well, good morning."

7:12pm Mar 30 2010
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The osprey-hybrid stirred from her waking dreams. She blinked her yellow eyes before she yawned. Unfurling her wings, she streatched the muscles in them. Even if the cage restricted the full span of her wings. Her tail feathers fanned out with irritation. Matrix furled her wings back up. Her finger-like claws slid through her silver hair. "What's so good about the morning?" she asked Raj as she yawned again.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:18pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 7:26pm Mar 30 2010)
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Skai had woken early... Or so she as.sumed, seeing as she hadn't heard much from the others and guessed they may have been sleeping. She sat herself up and positioned herself so that she was sat in the corner of her cage, wings folded around her slightly as she stared at the floor just beyond the bars. It was a short while later she heard the door, not that she bothered looking over. She only chose to look once she'd realized the scientist had come to a stop outside Fang's cage, right next to hers. She watched the entire scene unfold without the slightest trace of movement, annoyance, anger, fear and pity swirling through her emtoions. Her blue-gray eyes watched as the scientist finally left, before she moved and shuffled to closer to Fang on the other side of the cage. She looked him over, paying little attention to Matrix who had spoken. "You've had quite the time of it, huh?..." She glanced towards the door, then back at the raven experiment, being silent for a moment before speaking again. "Are you sure you can go through with helping us out of here?... How are we ever going to manage it?..." ~~~ It was over too soon, that flight of the Flock. Max stood, her eyes focused on the building not too far in the distance. The School. She supressed every single feeling she felt looking at that place, keeping it all well and truly hidden. Both from her Flock members and herself. She turned back to the others, scenarios racing through her mind. The possibilities and chances, then shook her head. No, she couldn't think about that, not yet. Her eyes fell on the youngest Flock member as she spoke. "Angel... contact Fang... We'd better time this right..."
7:52pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 481
"That was sarcasm, Osprey." Raj growled to Matrix as he rolled onto his stomach and sat up. "Did you not just hear the exchange between Fang and our captor?" Fang took a few deep breaths to calm the racing of his heart, then turned his attention to Skai. His gaze softened as he looked at her, trying to put Jeb out of his mind; he took his time thinking of what to say to the girl. "What happened to me isn't important. We can do it; we can escape. I'm sure of it." Damn, what a lame thing to say.
8:01pm Mar 30 2010
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Matrix narrowed her eyes. "Not really," she growled as she cracked her fingers, hooking the claws towards her palm. Moving so she had a good vantage point of the room, she drew one leg up to her chest while the other stayed straight out. The bars of the cage were cold against her wings. It caused an involunarty shiver to go down her spine.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:03pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Nylat stirred, then uncurled, and stretched, much in the fashion of a cat, opening her jaws in a great yawn. Then she shifted, standing straight, watching the others with blue eyes. "So, today's the day, hm?" She laid back her ears in anticipation, and her fluffed up tail made a soft brushing sound as it ran back and forth over the metal floor of the cage. It wasn't wagging in the way of a dog, but rather like a cat, slow and flicking, rather than a high-tempo wag. She opened her jaws a bit, licking her teeth to unstick them from her lower jaw, taking extra time to lick her fangs. She opened and closed her mouth a few time, then grinned. She hated having dry teeth. It was uncomfortable. ((I'm always making sure my teeth aren't dry. They stick to the inside of my lips. DX))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:20pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Ugh, I hate that..-Shivers-)) Dravius jumped at the sound of Jeb Batchelder's voice, and retreating into his wings in an instant, folding himself away. He hadn't slept well. His wings ached more feircly than usual, and all ten of his fingers throbbed ferociously. He peeked between the feathers and studied Fang's defiance, his blatent rejection of the scientest's suggestions. He curled his hands into fists. The bleeding on his wings from the previous day had scabbed over, but he reached out a hand and in one sharp jerk rippedd one off, wincing as a fresh rivulet of blood streaked through his grimy plumage. He looked at Raj, tilting his sharp face. "Who are you?" He asked, from behind his self-made tent, his curiosity overpowering his fear. He gazed at the cheetah hyena hybrid. He had never seen another experiment aside from the ones clustered around him that had survived for more than a few days.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:54pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( OMG Dun stick that needle there!)) http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w19/mrsdepp60/Maximum%20Ride/Total.jpg Something like that. But with black wings. NAME: Total AGE: Who knows? GENDER: guy SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): like.. 98% black scotty dog, 1% human, and 1% bird of some sort PERSONALITY: He's a Canine American. Hates it when people think he's, "Just a dog" DEION (if you do not have a picture): NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): NOTABLE HUMAN FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly animal): He can talk. Oh yeah. SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): He can jump 16 feet into the air! And he can fly. Terribly, but he can still fly. WEAKNESSES: Akila PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): I'm not sure. o3o Total keeps talking about Akila OTHER:

8:56pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Iggy jumped as he heard a voice, suspiciously familiar mutter. "I wish we were in Paris, I mean, not even a small steak in this backpack? You've GOT to be kidding me. I'm a Canine American, not a stuffed TOY" Iggy cautiously approached the voice. "Total, is that you?"

10:31am Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 170
Angel felt the change in Max's demeanor and couldn't help but shiver as her own eyes turned to see the building ahead of them. The School was such a bad place for the young girl...she forced herself to lock away the memories from the "Experiment Eleven" experience, and keep her mind able to connect to Fang's own to relay Max's message. Biting her lip and closing her eyes for a quick minute, she felt the familiar pull at her mind for the successful link and then opened her eyes as she thought to him. Fang. We're almost there, but we need to know whats going on from the inside to help you out from the outside...She 'spoke' mentally, looking back towards Max as she asked around the same time as the ending of her thoughts, "What exactly do you want me to ask him about the 'timing', Max?"
12:39pm Mar 31 2010 (last edited on 12:39pm Mar 31 2010)
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Max was watching the building when Iggy spoke, another familiar vioce speaking around the same time. She turned to look at Iggy, an eyebrow slightly raised as she scanned the area quickly for that voice when Angel also spoke. She looked at Angel, then back towards the building in the distance. "Just what exactly he's planning to do and when... We'll probably need to move around the same time..." She smiled at Angel, trying her best to comfort the white winged girl. They must have been crazy to do this, but saying that... It probably suited them, and besides... Fang was still in there.