4:55pm Apr 1 2010
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Matrix follwed after Nylat who took off after Dravius. The talons on her feet scrap-ping against the tile floor. She slid to a stop behind him and glanced at the three halls. She could sense beings coming up two of them, but that feeling was faint. She narrowed her eyes and turned them to Nylat. "Do you smell any whitecoats?" she asked the animal hybrid. If Nylat could, then she could use her sensing gift to guide them down the correct hallway.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:59pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 5:01pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 481
Gazzy tossed the smoke bombs at the front door; in a burst of black smoke, the Erasers there were blinded, and bumbled about incoherently. "Now! Take out the Erasers; I'm going in!" Gazzy cried, pulling in his wings and divebombing the Erasers, keeping Big Boy 2 tucked securely under his left arm. He punched through the smoke and barreled through the plexiglas.s of the front door. Alarms went off, but he ignored them as he rolled into a smooth landing, hopping to his feet and looking around the bright hallway. Erasers were coming at him, but seemed to be dropping like flies before they reached him. Then a flash of black caught his eye. Fang. "Fang!" the boy cried as the dark teen screeched to a halt after slugging an Eraser in the cheek. Fang's dark eyes flashed as he acknowledged Gazzy's presence, then snapped a kick at another Eraser's ribcage; the wolf howled and dropped to his knees. "Don't make these things like they used to." Fang called over the rumble around him; he aimed a punch at an Eraser's eye and, in a spurt of dark blood, the beast's cornea ruptured and forced him to the ground. Gazzy's face brightened as he leapt into the fray, landing a snap-kick into an Eraser's ear as he pressed his back to Fang's, his wings warm with the outside world. Fang smiled marginally, then sent an uppercut into an Eraser, lifting the beast feet off the ground. In his mind, the raven was concerned about the other experiments; but he trusted Raj's sense of smell to lead them around the fight. --- Alarms blared. The lights came on. "Damn." Raj muttered as he sprinted along before the other experiments. "Someone punched through the door." He became aware of heavy breathing behind the others; Erasers. "Run faster." Raj said quietly to Dravius behind him. "Erasers. Don't look back - I'll take care of them." The cat screeched to a halt, his claws digging into the cement as he spun around to roar threateningly at the approaching wolves.

5:16pm Apr 1 2010
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Iggy dove straight after Gazzer, neatly kicking several Erasers under the chin as he heard them coming. With a sickening snap, their heads literally popped off. "Thank goodness I can't see, but I'm sure this would be a terrible scene" He commented conversationally to Fang as Iggy punched, kicked, and thrust explosives down their throats with a robotic air to him. "FOR PARIS! FOR AKILA! FOR THE SAKE OF IGGY'S COOKING!" Total howled as he also jumped into the fray, biting anything within reach.

5:24pm Apr 1 2010
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Max hesitated in the air as Gazzy dealt the first blow to the guards below with his smoke bombs, following straight after into a dive, altering her position in the air and landing with a resounding crack on one of the nearby Erasers who had not been engulfed in thickened air. She as.sumed following the younger kid into the building would have been pointless, not to mention it would have given Gazzy another person to worry about if he was going to set that bomb off... Max was on the verge of turning to ensure the others we're okay when she heard those voices, causing her to glance into the building and supress a shudder. She waited only a moment before heading into through the doors, following the subtle sounds of panic merged with the alarm. She eventually came to a standstill in one of the more vacant hallways, or so she thought. She moved forward again, freezing at movement not far in front of her, inhaling her breath when she'd got a better view. Experiments, and quite a few of them... They had to be helping Fang, no doubt. "You'd lot better hurry-" She gestured to the hallway behind her, her eye focused on the lagging experiment who was standing off against a number of Erasers. Skai had followed Dravius closely, stopping just behind him when they came to the three way hall. Great, this was all they needed... To get lost in this place. She parted her lips, ready to ask if anyone had any ideas when she saw the girl in front. She stopped in surprise. One of the outside helpers?...
5:31pm Apr 1 2010
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Dodging an Eraser's punch nimbly, Iggy ran smack dab into Max. "Ouch! Oh, sorry Max, you might wanna duck though. Gazzy's gonna try something. Dunno what. Anyways, Do you want me to lead these kids to safety? It's better than fighting..." Iggy offered quickly as he dodged punches and kicks from furious Erasers.

5:37pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 5:38pm Apr 1 2010)
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Nylat laid back her ears again when the alarm went off, trying to determine one scent from another. It was like a thousand at once. Erasers, white-coats, and plenty of others she couldn't distinguish. When a girl landed in front of them, showing them the hallway to go through, she nodded in acknowledgement, then strated down the hall with a sharp bark to the others. They would catch up, she was sure of it. But right now, her ears were pounding in time with her head, which ponded with every step. It was like her body was throbbing in unison. Pain, anticipation, and fear all fueled her steps. Her headache grew worse with each step, but she ignored it. **Late post, but Ima leave it as is. I'm too lazy to change it. *flail*
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:39pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Dravius focused slowly on Max, and nodded, running swiftly down the hall, although his shirt bacme darker with every breath. He skidded to a halt, then turned to look at Raj, who9 was standing alone in front of the oncoming torrent of Erasers. He turned back, skidding to a stop behind the cat-like hybrid. He fluffed out his wings and snarled, blood dripping from the ends of his shirt to the floor, setting a steady dripping as he faced the Erasers. "I can't run." He explained, his breaths shallow and quick. He beat his grey and red wings, air whoosing down the hall.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
5:52pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 5:57pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 481
"No. You run." Raj's gigantic tail pressed against Dravius's chest before he could fly past him. "You are in no shape to fight, and I can handle myself." The Erasers seemed intimidated by the pony-sized cheetah, but headed cautiously forward; Raj snarled and swatted one on the shoulder. The wolf spun down the hall and slammed into the wall thirty feet back. The other Erasers seemed tentatively trying to bypas.s the growling cat, but his large body blocked the hallway protectively; too intimidated to press on, the Erasers turned and ran, disappearing around a corner. Raj then turned and sprinted after Max. --- The lights flickered; power was failing. Perfect. Gazzy shoved a smoke bomb down an Eraser's throat, cutting his arm on the wolf's sharp teeth as he pulled his arm from its mouth. Grimacing, he dropped into a crouch to look at his arm; instantly, the Eraser began to gush black smoke from its mouth, and as it wheeled in circles, the entire area was doused in darkness. Fang breathed. He slowed down his heart rate, stood still, and folded his wings in. His body temperature dropped. His respiration rate slowed. He became an invisible statue; Erasers around him swung at nothingness in their confusion. Gazzy waited, then spun around to escape, tugging on Iggy's shirt as he ran out the broken door and snapped open his wings. He caught the wind to rise above the panicking School, where he hovered, impatiently waiting, holding his breath. He couldn't finish things until he knew the others were safe...

5:53pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 6:02pm Apr 1 2010)
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Max elbowed Iggy sharply once she'd realized it was him who'd crashed into her. She then watched as the first of the experiments ran past her, desperate for freedom. How she knew that feeling too well. She looked at Iggy, then at the reatreating backs of the experiments who'd pas.sed her. "Alright Iggy... Let's get them out of here~" She watched only a moment more before running after Iggy and the other experiments, hopefully, that cheetah hybrid would be fast enough to follow, and sure enough, when she looked over her shoulder, he was following. Thank god. The white winged Skai followed Nylat closely, thinking about the appearance of Max and that other bird kid as she ran. They we're like Fang, free... Or more free than she could ever have hoped for anyway. She fought to keep her breathing under control as she ran, hoping with all her heart that Raj and the others would be okay. Not that she had to worry, she realized immediately that Max and the others were also running, just behind her and Nylat. Within seconds, Skai flinched as cold air hit her skin as she entered the outside world for the first time, not stopping to look or even breathe as she ran. Max followed shortly after, emerging from the after effects of that smoke bomb dropped earlier, slowing only slightly to look back, ensuring the others had followed.
6:03pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 6:08pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 5,310
Matrix waited for a few moments before running after Skai. She made sure her wings were tightly furled against her back and that her tail feathers weren't fanned out. Moving around Max and Iggy, she caught the scent they carried and realized that it was the same as Fang's. Those two were free. Now she wanted the freedom from this place. Once she was outside, she was amazed on how bright it was. The different scents, sounds, and sights seemed to bombard her senses. But she could look later. Now, she just wanted to get as far away from this place as she could.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:08pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Nylat emerged outside, breathing deeply and happily. A peaceful smile crossed the fox hybrid's face. Finally. Freedom. She had never dreamed of a day this sweet, nor a run so enjoyable. She wanted to just stop and relax, but knew that she couldn't do so until the School was far behind her. But that didn't stop her from slowing her pace to fall back with Skai, her voice light and happy. "We're out! Finally free of that horrid place!" She didn't even spare a glance to her former prison, unaware that not everyone was out yet.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:08pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Dravius nodded and started to sprint, then flicked out his wings and coasted for a bit, before touching down, sprinting for a few feet, and repeating the whole process. His breathing was labored greatly, and he soon caught up with Max and pulled his double set of wings in, dropping to his feet and lengthining his stride, pulling up next to the sandy haired girl. "Nice..to...meet you." He panted, holding a hand over the protruding bone in his chest.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
6:25pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 6:27pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 481
Gazzy watched Max leap into the air, followed by a string of winged mutants, and one who was sprinting along the ground after them. Good, they were out. His gaze rounded on the place he had just left. A shadow streaked out the door and into the weeds... Gazzy tossed Big Boy 2 directly into the hoard of Erasers scrambling for the door. The bomb detonated with a thunderous crash, blowing the front of the building to pieces and sending bits of Eraser into the field around it. Gazzy shielded his eyes from the blast, then reached out a hand to slap a high-five with Iggy. "Nice one, dude." He said happily before turning to scan the ground where he knew Fang had hidden himself.
6:30pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Dravius flapped his wings and took off as soon as his shoes hit the gravel and gras.s mix outside of the School's door. He beat his twin wings in turn, with one hand still clamped over his chest. "Can we stop somewhere, please?" He asked, wincing with every word he forced out. The puncture wound was worse, attributing to the fact that Dravius was exerting himself much more than he usually did. With evey breath, a new stream of blood ran over his hand and down his wrist, bathing his hands in red. A few more floating ribs had followed the first, all around the larger one, in the left side of his chest, just above his stomach.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
6:37pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 5,310
As Matrix ran, she unfurled her wings and fanned out her tail feathers. Slowing slightly, she coiled up the muscles in her legs and raised her wings. Launching herself up, she beat her wings down and propelled herself away from the ground. Her yellow eyes sparkled with happiness and she nearly let out an osprey's shriek.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:42pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,789
A sense of relief flooding over her, Max simply watched as Gazzy threw Iggy's bomb directly into the face of those oncoming Erasers, her eyes glaring. She hated the place, and was more than happy to watch that bomb take it's toll. Beating her wings to keep airborne, she glanced and Dravius and took in a sharp intake of breath. That was one hell of an injury, but they couldn't stop here... It was too dangerous, what with the scent of blood the guy would have been giving off. She looked him in the eye. "How long do you think you'll be able to fly?..." She stopped there, realizing with a small start that she hadn't once spotted the guy they'd come here to save. She glanced back down at the smoking building, before asking no-one in particular. "Where is Fang?" Skai was also airbourne by this point, though she was having just alittle more trouble than Max or Iggy. She hadn't flown before and it was proving to need practice, although the longer she stayed in the air the more used to the sensation she got. She was wanting to get further away from this place, despite the fact she was still getting used to being outside... Digesting the world beyond those damn bars.
6:47pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Nylat glanced back as the girl asked the question. The fox hybrid had yet to see Fang since they had escaped, and just realized it. Even if they barely knew each other, she wanted to thank him for helping her out--for helping all of them out. "I haven't seen him since we escaped..." She was starting to tire a bit, her joy faded slightly by the fact that she was now in a world where she knew nothing. The steady beat of her paws kept her aggression down as she silently rejoiced in the freedom that she was now a part of.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:49pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 6:50pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 33
(Ropm for one more?) NAME: Kiro AGE: 16 GENDER: Male SPECIES (percent human and percent animal DNA): 89% Humman, 19% Yellow Jaket PERSONALITY: Volatile,Vexing, impish, insane. (Sweet kind, playful) Kiro has a split personality. It is advised to stay away from him, he could snap at any second.
DEION (if you do not have a picture): 
(Just make him yellow and black with a stinger half his size) NOTABLE ANIMAL FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly human): Antenna that are as large as his face, A stinger half his size, and wings. NOTABLE HUMAN FEATURES (only fill out if your character is mostly animal): SPECIAL ABILITIES (remember, keep it realistic - a bear/human hybrid cannot fly or turn invisible): He is an agile flier, able to dive at high speed, and a highly acidic stinger. Beware of his stinger, the venom can melt flesh if injected. as well as an exoskeleton he has a well rounded combat skills. WEAKNESSES: Due to being part wasp, and the experiment not being perfect, he was made very small, not insect size, but two feet. A can of raid or any wasp targeting bug spray is also humorously highly effective. He is also attracted to flower, And if a wasp queen is present, he will fall into a trance and become even more hostile. His eyesight is poor as well as his aim. but close up he is a menace. PAST (you can choose to keep this secret, but it may be important to getting to know your character): Created to be an invincible super solider, but failed miserably,He proved quite the fighter, killing a few researchers. But they found his weakness and he never saw the light outside. trapped in darkness. He has a second personality who is an attention hog. As well as friendly. He talks to himself as if he is a soul split in half.
OTHER: He dose not make honey! Wasps hunt for meat mostly.

6:51pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
A look of wonder p*censored*ed through Iggy's face. "Describe the scene to me Gazzy! I heard it. And you know what I heard? I hear the sound of Erasers blowing up!" Moving several feathers like the hawks had taught him, Iggy shifted onto a lower air current, next to Dravius. "Yo, I'm Iggy. How's your injury? Feel fine? Dizzy? Seeing spots?" Iggy asked him, smelling the scent of blood, and wrinkling his nose as the smell overpowered him.

6:58pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 481
Gazzy grinned. "The Erasers are nothing but clumps of fur and nasty meat. The building's halfway gone, with crackling wires and scientists flooding out in terror. The place is on fire, sparks are going everywhere...It's beautiful, Iggy." His joy faltered when Max asked about Fang. He turned to face his leader, then pointed at a cluster of trees close to the burning School. "He's down there. He might be hurt, or just hiding from us...you know he doesn't want to be found."