1:50pm Jun 18 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[Perfect Bunny. ^^ Now Blood and Katiee need to post theirs. Blood said she was almost done with hers though and Katiee would have it done as soon as she can figure out why her I-pod isn't copy and pasting :X]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
5:08pm Jun 18 2011
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: iPod's can do that? *^* Man... I need to get me an iPod touch or something instead of this shuffle...
8:11pm Jun 18 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[I think they can. ^^]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
3:13pm Jun 19 2011
Posts: 910
Bio: Name: Spirit Number:2 Gender: Female Age: 14 Power: Shapeshifting Mutation: Angel Wings Personality: Spirit is veryoutgoing and polite. She proudly sticks up for others even if her life is on the line. She is not afraid to stick up for what she believes in and expresses her opinion in a way that does not offend others. Her wonderful personality causes others to overlook her flaws. She isn't very bright, at times, but is a brainiac at others. Deion: Spirit stands 5"1' tall and is thin. She has long, dirty blonde hair and dazzling brown eyes. She always has a bright smile on her face. Her skin is tan. Her wings are big, bright, and full. (I'll draw a picture and edit my postg later!) History: Little is known about her history, except for the fact that she was abandoned at birth. Her supposable theory is that her parents couldn't live with a mutant. She was found by a young couple who later adopted her. She was kidnapped after her adopted parents found out about her wings and brought here for tests and experiments.
6:46pm Jun 19 2011 (last edited on 3:05pm Jun 20 2011)
Posts: 910
Here is a picture of Spirit (without color) NO stealing... http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l606/katikat97/photo-5.jpg there's a link instead xD It streched the page
12:29pm Jun 20 2011
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Ye might wanna try make that a tad smaller so it doesn't stretch the page, or even post a link instead~
3:08pm Jun 20 2011
Posts: 910
Oh, and yes, ipods can copy paste ^0^ I do it all the time
3:14pm Jun 20 2011
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: I recently found out that my HTC can copy and paste... I'm in love with it now *^* So we're waiting for one more bio yus? :3
3:20pm Jun 20 2011
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Name:They call him Cody Number:Three Gender:Male Age:Sixteen Power:He manipulates plants and can call storms to him. Mutation:None Personality: Deion:Cody, despite his appearence, isn't that very nerdy. He does almost allways have a book in his face, though. He loves to argue and enjoys probing himself to be smarter than whomever he fights with by using large words and a smart alek attitude. Though, he is ocd about cleaning. Everything he owns must be cleaned to perfection and if it isnt, he doesn't sleep until it is.
 History:Cody, being the thrid expiriment, preferred to find out what was going on by himself. He continued not to talk to anyone until the sixth experiment was created, then decided to ask the others. His knowledge was tested as he was filled in. Though, they say his face never showed suprise until they told him he had powers but everyone's powers were different and he had to find his own.
Name:She likes to be called Jess. Number:Five Gender:Female Age:Fifteen Power:she can talk to animals Mutation:The ears and tail of a white tailed doe. Personality: Jess is very shy around people, yet very outgoing around animals. She enjoys her quiet time and play time with what ever animals are around. Though, in contact with humans, she almost never speaks. In a fight, human or animal, she can be a very formidable foe, unless she freezes up or gets sight of blood. Deion:

History:Being nearly in the middle, she learned about herself and her newfound powers quickly. After she knew everything the others could tell her, she began to drift away from themand soon she wouldn't talk to any human around her. She would always have a small animal such as a squirrel or chipmunck with her to talk to. The others thought of her as odd because she didn't talk to them in human, but in their native tounge. To this day, she doesn't usually speak to humans.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
3:55pm Jun 20 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[Katiee, remember to post in OOC form when not rping.... and I think we are ready to go now :D Intros everyone <3]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
3:10pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: No one managed to post an intro yet >-> I think everyone was probably waiting for one person to post so we knew what time of day it was haha xD Perhaps we should have a posting order so things don't get jumbled up and people don't get left too far behind or something :3
3:28pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[Nah.... Any order is fine. The numbers don't really apply to that. I will start my intro then.] Its dark in here but the shadows are keeping me company in the haze. Each seconds that passes by is like a clock ticking, sharp and agonizingly long. I remember the times in this cage, this cell where I am chained to the wall, unable to cry for help and at the same time I know no one will here me. There is no one to help me, no one to hear me scream. Why was I made if I am just to be a puppet all my life? Is there no justice, no hope for those who don't want the life they are living? That was the only thing I clung to, the hope that someday they would make a mistake and not be able to catch themselves in time. Then I would be free, then I would have my revenge. Crisis sighed, shaking her head free of the memories that plagued her. Thoughts that she had wished gone but kept returning to remind her of her promise. Her words and her name was all she held to herself and if she couldn't keep her word, then that was just one more small piece of her identity gone. Vanished in the haze of the darkness in that prison block which she lived more of her life. Her hands crossed in front of her, the girl stared at the ruins of the factory. It hadn't been her doing but it was destroyed. Yet the people who were made in it still lived and that ticked her of. Everything about this place needed to be destroyed, human or building. The scientists were gone, destroyed in the blast and number twelve hadn't been seen at all (it could be likely that he or she died to which would have been a merciful quick death in Crisis's opinion). Either way, she was going after the others. They would not get out of here alive.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
4:23pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 2,131
((Please forgive me fro my mega-short posts. I have never done this, so it's my first time. Ok?)) Chelsea had been wandering around the destroyed factory for hours, thinking the same things. Where are the others? Why am I not insane? Why can't I remember anything before today, besides this factory? How did I get here? I know there's someone out there, who knows me, who knows me personally. They just don't know where I am. Why don't they know where I am? I'm right here, circling this destroyed, weird, horrible, bad, place, or factory. Whatever you like to call this horrible bad-memory bringing back place! I can't take it anymore! This is to much! She screamed. She stood there and screamed and stomped her feet. She flapped her wings, and atractted metal, by waving her arms around like mad. A rubbish bin had been attracted. She stopped, glancing at the bin, before standing on it and making it fly towards the other peices of metal. It went deep into the forest, making Chelsea duck, and turn, and control the bin like it was a surfboard. A thought occured to her. I've never been on a surfboard! She closed her eyes, making the bin twist and turn, and dodge everything. She jumped off it, close to the shield, stopping her go any deeper.
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
4:26pm Jun 21 2011 (last edited on 4:28pm Jun 21 2011)
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Posts: 2,020
The night air was still and cool. Everything seemed rather peaceful around the forestry area surrounding the factory in which Somme had been "created" as it were. It was too quiet, the silence surrounded Somme, flooding in, making him feel anxious. Everything was rather un-comforting at the moment. Somme wandered around aimlessly, lord knows what was really going to happen now. He stopped a moment, lifting his hand to his chest, drawing a flame from nowhere. Somme continued walking, using the flame as light and heat.
This power, manipulation and control over fire, it was something he had been 'created' with. The power was given to him for the sole purpose of killing, destroying. Somme was a weapon, just like the others, all eleven of them. The one thing he didn't understand is why they were made this way. Why they were created and programmed to destroy. It wouldn't have bothered him so much if they hadn't been created with free will, without that, the scientist may have lived, the factory wouldn't have been destroyed, and Somme, he himself wouldn't have these things bothering him.
Somme's mind would often dwindle on those thoughts, why they had been given free will. He shook himself free from the world inside of his head. They had free will, all twelve of them, and it was a dangerous thing with the powers they had. Somme continued walking, holding the flame dearly, as if protecting it. He'd wandered away from the factory, he wanted to get as far away as was possible. He had no idea what he'd do... he just knew that deep within him was the desire to destroy, burn and destroy everything. Somme thought of the other eleven, they probably had the same feelings and thoughts as he did, no doubt they'd want to kill each other. He'd have to kill too. Somme's frown burrowed deeper into his face, his nose wrinkled.
Darkness was falling quickly now, Somme decided it was a good idea to find somewhere to rest for the night. He'd need his strength for the days to come, he guessed there was going to be a lot of bloodshed.

4:33pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[The post length is ok but every charrie is wanting to kill each other Headache. Remeber that ;) ]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
10:29pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 2,092
Crouching motionlessly along a thick, low hanging branch of an ancient pine tree, one hand pressed against the rough bark for balance, Faythe eyed the ruins of the factory with contempt. Her lips curled ferally in a sneer; contorting her face into that of the killer, weapon, the scientist had created her, along with eleven others, to be. Because that's what we are, nothing more: a munition. Yet she felt no contempt, no self-pity for what she'd been created to do. She was stronger, more powerful, abet a little less in-control but more enduring for it, then most humans. She could, and hopefully would, do things their feeble bodies could only dream off. Yet the eleven others, from what she'd seen, did not understand this. They pitied themselves for what had been done to them; probably even wished it away. Fools! They've been given a gift, something thousands of others with their mundane lives, would kill for. At the thought a grin seeped free, and she could almost see so many of the human population bowing before them, begging. How empowering it would be, to have someone throw themselves at you in hopes of receiving something special only to be turned away. But...they were trapped, caged, yet again only this time on a larger scale. The cruel smirk dropped swiftly. Faythe's anger and animosity towards the eleven though still burned hotly, even as the dream faded and reality came around and bit her. They were weak with their seeming dislike towards their gifts, and weakness needed to be eliminated for the strong to rise up and reign. Yes, that was what she'd do; destroy the other eleven and make them see their stupidity for what it really was. Then, maybe she could find freedom of these accursed grounds.

11:59pm Jun 24 2011
Posts: 910
Spirit was filled with furiosity. She had been denied by her own mother and father because of her mutation. It was all their fault. Spirit hungered for a vicious fight. She was inclined to attack the next thing she saw. Why was I turned into a monster? Why me? Who did this to me? She spreaded her glorious wings and prepared for flight. Perhaps whatever is left in this factory would be so ignorant as to look up and see her. Plus, she would have a great view of the dump. The place that ruined her life. So she thought. She was stronger, faster, beautiful. Almost every human being would kill to fly, like she'd been given the gift to do. But she has been denied by everything that lived outside the factory. Even what was within the cold, outter walls of the building. The scientists didn't care about anything but creation. I'm just another failed invention. Left behind. Failure. She heard rustling of feet around and her lips curled into an aggressive snarl. Instead of challenging for a fight, Spirit took off above the huge, broken-down machinery. She simply didn't have the energy. Spirit burned with rage. The eleven others basically took away her life. I'm a freak thanks to them. She wanted to seriously injure them. She couldn't take the anger. (Sorry if this isn't good! D: This is my first real rp c: Ally taught me how to rp and we practiced)
4:45am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Bump >-> I can't think of anything to post at the moment... and no one has for four days >->
12:26pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[We need a few more intros but I don't mind if someone replies now. ^^]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
6:44pm Jun 30 2011
Posts: 910
OoC: bump ^0^