8:22pm Dec 30 2010
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[[Yesyes, you non-tree eaters can join. Aka lame people D< Eating trees is cool. -munches on treeleaf-]]
8:31pm Dec 30 2010 (last edited on 8:57pm Dec 30 2010)
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((who said I didn't eat treeleaves xD) Name: Alora Gender: Female Rank: Advisor Age: Adult Appearance: Ignore the human and the long teeth and the bracelet
Personality: She is very kind and caring, but she is also quiet and reserved. She prefers to keep to herself, but she is helpful ,as is her duty as an advisor. She stays out of the way of the other advisor as much as she can, trying to avoid telling them that she has a secret crush on her pride leader. Crush: Ketu Other: Nope Name: Nimoa Gender: Male Rank: Watcher Age: Adult Appearance: Personality: He is the exact opposite of his twin. He is playful and outgoing, always wanting to fight and hunt, to have fun doing nothing. He is too energetic and often gets in trouble for his cub like ways. He can't stand bullies those and knows when to stop for tricks. Crush: Nope Other: Nope
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8:36pm Dec 30 2010
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[[-cough- Ketu has two crushes. Great. Alora is added, and wait... you said you wanted to join as an advisor and a hunter? Then you'll need a male, because all hunters are females. Still waiting for the completion of Tribecka's, and for Kinteroo's deion/picture, Krill. And we need more watchers -.- ]]
8:38pm Dec 30 2010
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((Yep and I change it to watcher)
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8:51pm Dec 30 2010
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[[Feyth, Nimoa is a tiger. Do we just imagine him without the stripes?]]
8:52pm Dec 30 2010
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((I am still trying to find a good picture for him. Sorry for that. Do you know what to type in for good lion pics?))
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8:53pm Dec 30 2010
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[[... I just typed in 'lion' 8D Want me to help?]]
8:57pm Dec 30 2010
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((Nope, found one.))
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9:02pm Dec 30 2010
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[[Okai, added c: Now we just gotta wait for Tribecka and Krill to finish up their bios, then we can start :3]]
9:05pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 2,023
((Tld i posted on out poke'mon rp))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
11:43pm Dec 31 2010
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[[Posted back c: Bump ._.]]
12:16am Jan 1 2011
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Posts: 2,023
((i posted Tld))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
3:55am Jan 1 2011
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Posts: 12,418
(I can't post all weekend. Not until Monday. I'm using my DSi so I can't post pictures.)
 (Banner made by Kina)
9:00am Jan 1 2011
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[[That's alright, Tribecka. We'll start, but please post your pictures as soon as you can c: ]] It was sunrise. Ketu strode out of his den, clambering up a particularly warm rock that looked out to the main territory of his pride. He yawned and settled down, tail wrapped around his paws. Ketu silently surveyed the territory, searching for any members awake yet. When he saw a movement, Ketu's eyes darted towards the source. He saw a familiar pale coat, as Zyeld slowly padded out of her den, tail flicking erratically. --- Zyeld looked up at the rock, seeing the pride leader, staring at her. She gave him a court nod, burst out in a grin, and swatted at the sandy ground. "I'll be going out on a hunt soon, as soon as a few more huntresses wake up, Ketu." She called up. Ketu shrugged and looked away. "He's such an introvert." Zyeld scoffed, and settled down around the mouth of the den, waiting for the others to awake.
11:12am Jan 1 2011
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A large white female slank from the recesses of a cave and then yawned, her mouth open wide to show two rows of sparkling teeth. The wind ruffled her short fur and made her look even more tired than she already was. Alora, for that was her name, sat and began to groom herself. It was her job, as the leader's advisor, to...well... advise him on things and it was nice to look good doing it. She snarled as her twin scampered out of the den and she gave him a nice nip on the shoulder for sitting on her the night before. --------------- Nimoa, the large white male who was Alora's twin, whimpered and ran farther off. He hadn't meant to sit on her, it was an accident. How could he have known that she was eating while he was bouncing around. Why were you bouncing around anyway? A small voice in the back of his head asked him in a sneering voice. He sighed, guessing that maybe he shouldn't have been, He watched as his two second older sister wandered up the rock to her leader...
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9:04pm Jan 1 2011
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[[Bump. Waiting for everyone else's introductions owo; ]]
8:35pm Jan 2 2011
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9:12pm Jan 2 2011
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