5:00am Dec 7 2010 (last edited on 11:51pm Dec 10 2010)
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Welcome to 'Camp'. It would have a name, although, the government can't decide on a name for a mental camp that is not offensive. Here, all of the trouble teens and children get shipped so they can get 'help'. It works just like a normal camp, activities, dorm rooms, roomates, food, etc. The only accpetion is that once a day, right before they retire to their dorms, they have a meeting split up in small groups to discuss their 'problems'. Many here have problems, some don't. Some are put here by mistake when they really don't have any problems. Even if you are one that doesn't, in order to get out you need to make progress. The question is: Will you get out? 1Normal Res Rules 2 try to be as literate as possible 3 I do not anger easily so do whatever you would in a normal RP. They are the same basic rules and I don't feel like typing out every little detail like you have never done an RP before. Just do what you do normally and if I see something I don't like I will tell you. Bio Name: Shawn Bond Age: 14 Gender: Male Looks:  History: He has a weird family. He was trapped inside of his house until the age of eleven, and the only way he got out was by sneaking out of his bedroom window. He was both physically and mentally abused. Whenever Shawn did something bad it wasn't bad because bad things aren't real, or so that was what his parents taught him, whatever he did just wasn't real. As punishment for the 'not real' things he has done, he would have to sometimes lay in his bed for days without food or water, sit in a bath filled with below-zero water, or he would be hit. Sometimes he would be close to death, but he would never die because dying 'wasn't real'. Whatever the parents decided wasn't real, it wasn't real. The president wasn't the president because their was no president, only kings and queens. The king was the father and the queen was the mother.Birds aren't real because the mother hates birds. (I just read "Thr3e" and wanted to play a character like Kevin te he. I take no credit for it)) 'Problem?': He had a form of MPD (multipule Personality Disorder) Other
5:31am Dec 7 2010
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Posts: 486
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass
"Um, Ryuzaki?"
"I'm a corpse."
"I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC
6:27am Dec 7 2010
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Posts: 2,895
4:26pm Dec 7 2010
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((Join? ouo))
5:59pm Dec 7 2010 (last edited on 10:39am Dec 11 2010)
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Posts: 486
((I'm going to try a brand-new character for this RP!)) Name: Alex Brookes Age: 14 Gender: Female? ((XD)) Looks: Problem: OCD (maybe OCPD). She is obsessive over symmetry and perfection. She gets freaked out if a "bad" thought slips into her mind. The need for perfection caused her Anorexia, that she eventually recovered from. She isn't 100% recovered yet, though. She can get very violent/depressed when someone messes with her symmetry, or what she believes to be "perfect". Other: Because of what has happened to her, she rarely trusts anyone, and get depressed easily. SHe would much rather stay home and read, than go to a party. Name: Erin Evans Age:13 Gender:Female Looks: Problem: Psycopath. Her father brutally murdered her mother in front of her when Erin was only 8 years old. This really kind of messed her up. She lost most of her sanity, and liked to spend her time setting fires, tourturing animals, and planning killing sprees (that she never would go on). Erin is extremely intelligent, but depressed and homicidal. She has written many suicide notes, and almost did it in the past. Erin was always labeled as the "strange one" and everyone avoided her. She raised herself, with some help from a grandma. Because everyone avoided her, Erin's only friend was a black cat named Salem, who was a stray. Erin felt close t oSalem because he was just like her, alone. Since everyone always ignored her, they never knew the real Erin. She loves playing chess, drawing, reading,painting, and is amazing on a piano. However,she can be her real self, and relatively happy around Alex. Whenever she kills, she fels horrible, depressed, and guilty. She is also mischevious.
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass
"Um, Ryuzaki?"
"I'm a corpse."
"I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC
9:26pm Dec 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,895
((sure Rika and you don't have to ask to join, just post your bio.))
9:42pm Dec 7 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Raven, this could just be a coincidence, but oyu completely copied my character Salem. He's the cat of a character I use all the time. He's named the same. He looks the same. He even acts the same. :/ Out of all my characters, I didn't think anyone would go stealing my CAT. -.-))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
5:31am Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 486
((No, I actually got the name from the cat off of Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I don't think I've ever even seen your RPs. Do you want me to change it?))
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass
"Um, Ryuzaki?"
"I'm a corpse."
"I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC
3:10pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 2,895
3:46pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Mind if I copy/paste my character's bio from another RP? ouo;))
4:15pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Joining as a dude. Eventually.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
4:32pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Name: Emmett Corbin Age: 15. Gender: Male. Looks: Emmett has unkempt, long black hair that frames his cubic face shape. His eyes are an unnatural-looking electric blue, although he doesn't wear colored contacts. His nose dips up in a whimsical manner, and gives him a teasing air about him. He has full, bow-shaped lips that contrast harshly against his tanned skin tone. His eyebrows are rather thick, but fit well on his face. He has high cheekbones, and a large scar that spans from his upper cheek down to the nape of his neck, but it can't be seen in some light. He is lanky, but very skilled at fighting, due to experience since childhood. He is altogether handsome, in a strange, distorted way. Problem: Emmett is perfectly sane, but was put in the camp due to his history, which is explained below. He also has depression and violence problems, but would never hurt a girl. Other: Emmett was born to a 15-year-old mom who was raped by a convict. He grew up in the projects, until he was about seven years old. His birth father came to his house, drunken, and brutally beat Emmett's mom to death, right before his eyes. Emmett ran, not old enough to fight. The homeless of the area took after Emmett, but he was eventually found by child services, and taken to a boy's home. His father found him, and claimed him, only to beat him miserably and use him for his own means. Even though Emmett never went to school since he was seven, he was smart, so he figured out how to hotwire cars. He went to a juvenile delinquent center, but was released a few months later. One night, Emmett's father was especially drunk, and went into a rage, cursing at Emmett, and telling him it was Emmett's fault that he killed Emmett's mom. Emmett couldn't take it. He got a gun, and shot his father. Then he ran back to the streets. Apparently, Emmett's neighbor heard a shot, and went to investigate after Emmett had left. The neighbor found Emmett's father lying dead on the floor, and blamed Emmett. The police found Emmett lying next to his mother's grave, talking to it. He never put a fight up as the police took him away, but kissed the grave, tears streaming down his cheeks. Emmett was taken easily in court, since it was justified murder and he was very young. His only punishment- to go to Camp. He doesn't like to talk at camp.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:27pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Eleius Realn (El-ay-us Reh-al-in)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Illness: Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Bi-polar, Attention Deficit Hyperacticity Disorder(Tch. This one I have. :D), and Brief Psychotic Disorder. C: And he has abandonment issues...but that's kinda normal, y'know?
History: Eleius started out life as a normal kid, minus his ADHD, staying that way up until the first grade when he started getting bullied and teased about everything. After a while of dealing with this, he grew into a sort of...protective outer shell and sometimes he'd be happy one moment and ready to rip your head off your shoulders the next. His disorder, but since his ADHD medication and his Bi-polar bedication would conflict and they weren't sure how well that'd turn out, so he was taken off of his ADHD medication and put on the bi-polar medication. Then as time went by, he started to become rebellious and hostile when he was told he /had/ to do something, mostly towards authority figures such as teachers and his parents. It got so bad at one point he threatened a teacher's life with a straight face. At that point, they took him to the psychiatrist...again...and they ran mental tests on his, diagnosing him with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. So his parents decided to change their ways of asking him to do things and eventually Eleius agreed. So then they were a happy family again, until one day when Eleius was practicing for Driver's Ed, and his whole family, which would be just his mom and dad, was in the car and an 18-wheeler blindsided him, ramming right into the car before Eleius could have any time to react. He was the only one who escape the crash, but not without permanent scars, both physical and mental. After the whole Post Trauma thing, he developed Brief Psychotic Disorder. Whenever he hears a car engine, smells something burning, or sees/smells blood, he goes into a craed fit, and then he just kinda goes all still and blank, this wide-eyed 'deer in the headlights' look on his face, looking totally terrified. Oh, after his parents died, he was sent to live with his aunt....so yeah. She sent him here.
Personality: Well, since the medications for all his disorders conflict, he takes medication for his bi-polar only...so he's fun and happy most of the time...unless he doesn't take his pills. Then he'll snap at you at random one minute, then be sobbing and apologizing the next, then just be sitting in the corner cowering the next. Yeah.... Overall he's pretty sweet, though. And he tends to get kinda clingy if you get close enough to him...but he himself doesn't get emotionally attached very easily.
Appearance: Eleius has very lightly tanned skin, covered in scars of various shapes and sizes from the car wreck, including a Z-shaped gash over his right eye, which is usually hidden beneath an eyepatch since it's pretty natsy looking, even after three years. His eyes are a very pretty shade of brown that actually goes very well with his pale blond hair. It's cut uneven, the longer pieces in the back reaching down to his shoulders while the front reaches below his shoulders few inches. And his hair is very shaggy-looking, splayed out like some random anime character's. His bangs on the right side fall over his eyepatch to hide it, but since the patch is black, it doesn't work very well. He's got a healthy build, not too lanky, not too muscled, and wears lose clothing most of the time. And he always has this black hoodie with him, along with a black scarf that he keeps wrapped around his neck at all times, a scarf that his mother knitted him. The hoodie his father bought for him to match the scarf. And he also tends to wear bondage jeans just so he can play with the belts, a nervous habit of his. He is 6'00" tall and is a scarred mess...so yeah. Oh! The right side of his chest, and his shoulder and upper back, has burn scars on it from the car wreck. And hidden beneath his black scarf is a golden heart pendant that has silver swirls etched into it. It was his mother's, the only thing left that he has that was actually hers. He flips out if anyone touches it, medicated or not.
Other: ... I like him. c; And I'm study up on all thses except bi=polar and ADHD. I have ADHD while my sister has bi-polar and is non-medicated.
((I'll fix it if I can't keep it like this.P:))

9:35pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Oh. Sorry for my outburst Raven, I was rather... tired and crotchity. I understand. you can keep the name~))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:57pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 486
((That's okay Daisy. I've had my share of days like that too :P They suck. lol))
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass
"Um, Ryuzaki?"
"I'm a corpse."
"I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC
11:03pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Joinage? Kakelover! [If you remember me... xD]))
8:31pm Dec 9 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:07am Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((sure kink and rika and of coarse I remember you kink! How could I forget? ha ha Sorry I wasn't on for a while but my computer wouldn't let me onto the site for some reason until today...my computer is a peice of junk but I can't seem to part with it. DX))
2:27pm Dec 10 2010 (last edited on 2:30pm Dec 10 2010)
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Posts: 1,805
((joining!)) Name: Ivory Sky Age: 17 Gender: Female Looks: 6'2" ((is a very tall girl XP)) 
((by the amazing Hj42)) Disorders: Schizophrenia, bipolar, belenophilia ((sorry if this offends anyone.)) History: Ivory came from a rich family. Her father was the head of a major industry so was often away on business. At the age of 7 herself an her mother, a pale woman with rich green eyes and wavy black hair where taken hostage for ransom by a group of 10 people. They demanded money for the release of his wife and child otherwise they would torture them. He did not receive the message in time. Ivory's mother was violated and killed before Ivory's eyes. The main man holding her limp hand in his mouth whilst her caressed her hair. Ivory was not yet aware of the voice in her head, it told her to kill the people who violated her mother, however due to her small size, was knocked back unconscious. Whilst falling asleep, she heard two of them talking, "Why don't you do her?" "I don't do black chicks." She was found cradling her mothers head, a blank ex pression on her face, muttering Your not dead and wake up Mom, repeatedly. This was not what caused her to go to "Camp". When she was 15, her best friend and maid cut her finger. when looking for a band aid for it in the kitchen, she saw her maid holding her hand limply in her mouth, sucking the blood. This set Ivory over the edge, attempting to hack at her with a cleaver. Other: She likes tree's, rivers, and freshly cut gras.s.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:59pm Dec 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.