{I don't} mental camp RP {need help}

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11:37pm Dec 10 2010

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Posts: 2,895
((accepted. I will post my intro.))


12:22am Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 2,895
     Shawn opened the SUV door hesitantly. Grabbing his bags on the seat next to him, he hopped out of the vehicle and waved goodbye to Mr. Lillie, his next door neighbor and only friend, who was so kind to drive him to the camp despite of Shawn's refusal, insisting he didn't need to go to any lame camp because he had no problems.
     However, Mr. Lillie didn't tell Shawn that his friend Char wasn't real but Shawn's multiple personality. The neighbor didn't fully know the boy's situation at home but he knew that Shawn needed professional help, something he couldn't give the troubled teen.
     Shawn was told he needed to leave Char behind, his friend wouldn't be able to come with him on the trip. The boy was nervous, he never went anywhere without Char.
     Sighing, Shawn took the key Mr. Lillie gave him out of his pocket. The shiney silver ob
ject had three numbers written on it; 341. He was told the key opened his room. He traced the edge of the key subconsiously as he walked to the small cabin that held the boys' rooms.
     He turned the knob of the door at the entrance of the cabin and took a deep breath as he pushed it open. Inside it was almost completely silent. The only sounds were the rustling of papers and screeching of doors. A few voices whispered in the distance, so quiet he couldn't make out what they were saying.
     Each door had a three-digit number scrawled at the top of them. He walked past them, searching for the number of his room, 341. All you could hear was the thumping of his footsteps on the wooden floorboards and he was sure every guy in there could hear the pounding of his heart too.
     He found the door he was looking for and he jammed the key into the hole. He twisted the knob and entered the dark room, turning on the switch that lit the room with a dim light. He pulled the key out of the door and shut it behind him. Throwing his belongings on the bed to the left, he began to unpack and shove things in the dresser they provided for him.


12:29am Dec 11 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((Yay! Join? c:

Name: Grace "Gee" Presley

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Disorder(s): Kleptomania; Schizophrenia (I can relate to that one. c:); Insomnia; Self-Mutilation

History: Grace had a relatively normal family life up until the age of nine. She was hanging out near a local 7-11 with some friends when someone robbed the store then came out and started shooting Gee's group. Gee was the only one who escaped alive.

After that day, the girl refused to sleep at all, up until even if she wanted to sleep she couldn't without medication. She started stealing as well - first small things like her father's spare change, then to stuff like bags of chips and sodas, all leading up to TVs.

She also started cutting. She hid it from her mother by covering it with gloves or bangles. Of course, they were no use when her mother walked in on her while she was getting dressed one day. This was the final straw for Mrs. Presely, and she promptly called the camp's hotline.


Other: Quite obsessed with music, My Chemical Romance (Hence the nickname) and Linkin Park in particular. Never seen without her iPod.


12:34am Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 11,785


I might make Eleius room with Shawn. I feel bad for the poor kid and since El's usually a bundle of happy, he should be able to help him relax a bit. <3


And since Eleius refuses to ride in motor vehicles, I'm just gonna say he' already here, in the middle of one of his little episodes since his aunty forced him into a car, which triggered his Brief Psychotic Disorder. ono Is that okay?))


5:11am Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 5:13pm Dec 20 2010)

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Posts: 1,805

((I'm gonna make it so Ivory is already there.))

Ivory dragged her feet along the rug in the hallway. He thumb caressing the key to her dorm room. 222. Repeating the number as she approached her door. The numerous scratches on her dorm door still remained from when she arrived two years ago. Deep groves containing so many memories.

The pocket knife she managed to sneak in still remained hidden under the lose floor board beneath her bed. She insisted that she did them with a nail. The voice told her to lie. They believed her. Shortly after that, Ivory found the floor board and kept it secret from everybody. Even with the routinely check-ups they do, they still hadn't found her stash of goodies. Razor blades, nails, and the occasional pin she found. For people who where meant to keep them all safe they didn't do the greatest of jobs. 

Turning the key in the lock, she pushed the door open. The scuffing sound from the rug turned to a clunk underneath her heavy boots. peering out the small window she watched as two birds swooped down from a tree and landed on the ground. "Free as a bird." She said aloud, returning the wave that the bird gave to her. 


Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

8:10am Dec 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,895
((sure rika and dodo is accepted.))


10:54am Dec 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 486

((I'm going to make my intro now! :3))

 Carefully shutting, opening, and shutting the car door eight times, Alex Brookes gracefully stepped out of the car.  Her fragile, emaciated frame was no match for the weight of her bags, so her friend Erin Evans as.sisted her.  Alex, carrying a single handbag and her book, and Erin, carrying all of Alex'a bags, and her own, walked together to their dorm.  They had planned to room together, as meeting new people was something they weren't 100% prepared to do.  A black cat named Salem followed Erin.  Neither girl wanted to go to "camp", as they felt they could handle everything on their own.

  Walking into the dormhouse,  Alex carried the key to their room, as Erin couldn't.   They had been *censored*igned room 224.  Perfect, Alex thought.  All even numbers, and the sum is eight.  As long as the room is symmetric, I won't mind being here too much. Alex put the key in the lock and opened the door.  The room was to her liking, symmetric and clean.  She set her bag down and began helping Erin unpack.  

  In Erin's bag, she had  couple knives.  Not for killing, but for carving into trees and wood.  She loved making things.  Maybe she could even make some furniture for the room, give it some life.  She also had a bed, toys, and some food for Salem.  Drawing books, pencils, paints, and easels were also littered on the bed now.

  In Alex's bag, she had packs of lettuce in bags, sorted so that there was only 10 calories of lettuce in each bag.  She had her food journal,  ruler, and protractor.  A balance was also in the bag.  She also had a tape measure and a scale.

  Here, they were to start a new life.  Neither wanted to, but they were forced.  Erin only came to support Alex, although Alex's parents had truly forced Erin to go anyway.

"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass "Um, Ryuzaki?" "I'm a corpse." "Hunh?" "I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC

11:21am Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 3,005

((Intro time~))

Emmett stood breathlessly at the entrance of camp, the aroma of verdant forests and the light odor of burnt marshmallows making him more nauseous each millisecond he stood there. He had a stolid police escort on either side of him, each of them looking slightly frightened that they had to hold a convict's hand, let alone escort him into an unguarded mental facility. The toadlike elderly woman he had as a guardian, Janet, was trying to convince Emmett that camp would be good for him.

"Dear, camp will be a positive thing for you. Watch," She promised nonchalantly.

"I told you not to call me that, Janet," he protested, a scowl on his face.

"I told you to call me 'mom.' But you didn't listen to me, either," She childishly retorted.

"Don't give me that ****, Janet." He sweared.

"Watch your language...." Said Janet.

Emmett walked away, in an even less appealing mood than he was a few moments ago, if that was even possible, guards eyeing him nervously on either side. Most kids didn't have this special "treatment." But Emmett wasn't "most kids." He was a murderer.

The two guards whispered to one of the older counselors, and rushed off, trepidation obvious on their paled expressions. The counselor montonously told Emmett which cabin he was in. Emmett took his keys, wondering what type of psychopath he'd be forced to bunk with. He stuffed the keys in his pocket, wondering why the heck he didn't choose jail instead, and leaned tiredly against his new home, Cabin 111.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

11:28am Dec 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
(Will post my intro after I get home from the parade I'm marching in.)


8:30pm Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 2,895


9:29pm Dec 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

Already sitting on a bed within cabin 341 was a tall male with scars that covered his body, his eyes wide and blank. Well, the one not hidden by an eyepath was, anyways. His visible eye flicked up to focus onto the male that had just entered, the black eyepatch covering his right eye visible through his shaggily-cut, almost anime-style blond hair, the eye that could be seen colored a rather pretty shade of brown.

The male then shrank back, lifting a hand and slipping the lightly-tanned hand beneath his black scarf to grasp the silver-swirled golden heart pendant around his neck, hidden by the the warm neck-hiding clothing item. He'd obviously been pretty freaked out by something just a short while ago, and in truth, he had.

You see, this young man was Eleius Realn, and he behaved like this only after he hears a car's engine, smells something burning, or he see/smells blood. It took him quite a while, but he always managed to calm himself down.

Which is what happened after about six minutes of soft breathing excercises. His tensed muscles relaxed and that frightened, deer-in-the-headlights look faded awy. "A-ah...sorry about that... I just had ne of my little...episodes, as my aunt calls them..." he said, giving the other male an apologetic smile. "I'm Eleius, by the way." He extended his hand, revealing part of his scarred arm.


9:33pm Dec 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
((Bump. Someone needs to be all, "We should meet people, :D" and I should be all like, "Grr, Don't talk to me! >c" xD))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

10:05pm Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 2,895
Shawn hesitated at first, he wasn't one to trust right away and shake someones hand. He thought of what Mr. Lillie would say and reluctantly shook the other boy's hand.
The boy tried returning Eleius a smile but you could tell it was strained and forced. He wasn't good at meeting people. Eleius was the first kid, other than Char, that he had ever talked to. It felt weird to Shawn to meet people without Char being there and he felt a pang of lonliness.


10:40pm Dec 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

Eleius gripped Shawn's hand in a firm, but gentl, handshake, his brown eye soft. "Ah, don't worry too much about it here. It's really not all that bad," he as-sured the other as eh released his hand and stood up. After stretching out his limbs, he linked his hands behind his head. "If you'd like, I could watch out for you here. I've been here before since my aunt refuses to deal with me, but I'm pretty sure I've never seen you here before."

He reached out to give Shawn's shoulder a light pat. "I'll help you get through everything, okay? I know how it feels to be new here."


((Eleius is so niiice. <3))


10:49pm Dec 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,895

((yep! te he))

"Thanks." he said shyly, not really knowing how to take Eleius's kindness.
Shawn knew immediantly that Eleius was like Mr.Lillie, always kind and thinking of others. However, he thought, he could all be a ploy to earn his trust just to be treated like crap again. He wanted to believe that the boy had good intentions but he couldn't trust him, he couldn't trust anyone.
Sighing, the young teen sat on his bed. This was going to be one long summer.


11:13pm Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 11,785
Eleius's smile grew wider when Shawn thanked him, the blond boy chuckling. "No need to thank me," he said to the other, moving to sit back down on his own bed, his pretty brown eye soft. "Oh, and don't mind any of the scars you see. I was in a real bad wreck three years back," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "And, um, I apologize in advance for in case I randomly end up yelling at you. Sometimes I forget to take my medication and my bi-polar runs rampant," he murmrued, an embaras-sed smile on his face.


3:04am Dec 12 2010

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Posts: 1,805
Ivory Tilted her head as the bird talked to her, then dipped her head in acknowledgement as the bird flew away along with its companion. Ivory looked as the clock that was on her bed side table. "Eleius should be here by now." She said with a smile, heading out of room 222 as two other girls entered room 224. 
Gripping her key firmly in her hand, she strode to the boys cabins, looking for the right door. 341. She repeated that in her head until she found the door, totally ignoring the greeting from one of the staff. 
She got along with Eleius well as they where both bipolar. She sat next to him in one of the sessions two years ago, and became familiar with him. 
Arriving outside Eleius door, her head twitched as a notch in the door started swirling but tried to ignor it as best she could. Knocking on the door firmly.
((heh heh )) 

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

1:32pm Dec 12 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((I is slow! lol ;3;))

Grace shut her eyes against the sound of her father's car on the gravel parking lot. She waited until the sound drifted and faded into the background noise before taking her first good look at the 'camp'.

"Let's see.." Gee unfolded the letter sent to her a week ago that listed where the boys and girls cabins were, along with everything else. She glanced at the hand-drawn map and trudged to the dorms.

"Room 227? Hm.." She paused at the door and knocked. When no one answered, she opened it and looked around. Two beds were up against opposite walls, with a small table between them. The walls were a falsely cheery yellow, or had been at one time. She sighed and sat down on one of the beds.


6:27pm Dec 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
((Ugh. Are there any other dudes without a room?))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

4:14am Dec 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,895
"That's all right. I grew up with two messed up parents, who, I'm sure will beat you by far about randomly yelling and -"
A knock on the door inturupted him. Shawn silently walked up to the door and opened it.
Outside was a girl around their age. It took him a while to realize that she was here for Eleius, not him. Obviously it wasn't either of their first times and they met earlier, if they hadn't he doubted that the girl would be there standing outside their door.
"Hello?" he said, just to make sure his hunches were correct.

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