9:33pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Name: Spirit Age: Teen Gender: Female Looks:
 Personality: Very leading, Kind, Interesting, Fun, Fierce at times, Fast. Crush/Mate: N/A ==-==-==-==-==-==-==-== Name: Silver Age: Young Gender: Female Looks:
 Personality: Curious, Funny, Silly, Neat, Very kind. She looks up to Spirit as a sibling. Crush/Mate: N/A
9:33pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Blue, I meant your character in the rp, not you. You know, like who you are going to be when you rp. Like, I am Feyth?
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9:34pm May 5 2010
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Forgot to add, no legendaries until the rp goes farther, that means you will not be able to use Silver until later.
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9:35pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Yeah,.. Well. THat really sucks. ))
9:35pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 10
Name: Blue Age:15 Gender:F Looks: Blackish brown hair with even bangs. Wears four strechys on wrist. has all star converse Has yellow eyes and weird little wings on my back.. Pokemon: Mew latias Vaporean Lugia Kyorgre
Like a blue breeze

9:37pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 10
errm Feyth, is that eonugh?
Like a blue breeze

9:37pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Blue, Could you not have lugia, Too? I just really don't like when someone else has something you do to on a Rp. :p ))
9:38pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 10
Feyth? you there?
Like a blue breeze

9:38pm May 5 2010
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Only one legendary per preson, I should have put that and fine, Lauren, you can have Silver :)
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9:39pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Wait... I can use silver? o: ))
9:40pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Yep! Blue, you need to pick 4 other pokemon that are not legendaries to use along with your vaporeon and one legendary./
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9:45pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Ok. Thanks. =) ))
9:57pm May 5 2010
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((Can we use pictures in our bios? And can we have less than six pokemon?))
I\'m back.
10:07pm May 5 2010
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Kate, yep and yep. I am working on my real one.
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10:17pm May 5 2010
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Name: Zade Age: 16 Gender:Male Looks:  Pokemon: Two Cyndaquils that he had imported from Johto. He refuses to let them evolve. (This is based in Sinnoh, right?) Personality: He's a little timid, yet determined. History: Not much Other: Nope~
I\'m back.
10:25pm May 5 2010
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Pretty much all the regions, which is why I have a totodile :0
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4:50pm May 6 2010
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Name: Clifton (Cliff) Young Age: 14 Gender: Male Looks: (Wears a black backpack that he uses for his supplies) Pokemon: Charmeleon, Vaporeon, Raichu, Tyranitar, Togetic, Mewtwo (Secret weapon, never uses him) Personality: "Loosing" is not an option for Cliff and he has never done so. He is a strong willed individual who wont stop until he is a Pokemon Master greater than Red. He is tough on his Pokemon, but not cruel. He treats them with love and respect because he believes that was how Red became so strong. He acts more quiet around other humans but he can be quite lighthearted as long as there isn't training to be done. History: Cliff grew up in Pallet Town hearing almost no stories other than about Red's achievement. At a young age he became determined to be the next legend, even greater than the first, to come out of Pallet Town and trained his body and mind for his Pokemon Journey. When he finally turned ten, he chose Charmander as his first Pokemon and took off on his Journey. He didn't challenge any Gym Leaders at first and instead focused on building a powerful and balanced team. Once he did, he broke the record by defeating every Gym Leader in the four Regions in a little over a year. He hasn't yet challenged the Elite Four yet because he believes he is still not strong enough to defeat them. Other: At some point in his Journey, he obtained Mewtwo but hasn't yet used him because he doesn't want that kind of attention and believes that by using Mewtwo's power he will be giving up on his goal to make his other Pokemon more powerful than Legendaries.
5:11pm May 6 2010
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ooc: I am starting. bic: Dusk sighed and lay her pale skinned face on her hands. "Why me." she wondered as the teasing kids walked away. She held her pokeball in her hand, her sister had finally convinced her to get one, but they had been all out. She opened and closed it, it was empty. She heard a rustle in the bushes and lifted her head. She rubbed her shoulders and then covered the glowing rings with her shirt and pants. She flattened her black hair on her forehead and crawled over to the bushes, as it was a tight space. "Hello?" she asked, peering into the black darkness where there were twigs and leaves. She saw a small shape and two glowing eyes. "Aah!" she stumbled backwards as the pokemon launched itself at her. She could tell right from this angle that it was hurt, but it was trying to make up for that by being troublesome. Dusk's eyes glowed with happiness, it seemed like her. She scooped it up and it scratched her, she didn't mind, she knew they were destined to be together.
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5:25pm May 6 2010
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((Two questions: One: What Region are we in? Sinnoh? Two: What Pokemon attacked her? o_o)) Cliff leaned against a tree, examining a map he had bought in the previous town. His Togetic was out of its Pokeball and was resting on his head, singing happily. Cliff folded up his map and returned it to his jacket pocket, continuing down the path that should lead him to the next town. Life had become dull in the past few months. After all the media buzz from his record-breaking Gym Challenge had died down, Cliff had found little to do but train for his challenge of the Elite Four and even that got boring when there was nothing to break the cycle. His attention was redirected to his Togetic when it started pulling on his hair. He looked up at it curiously and it pointed down the path, obviously having heard something. Figuring he might as well check it out, Cliff headed down the path until he spotted a black-haired girl holding a Pokemon. He walked over to her. "Hello!" he said, cheerfully, "Everything alright?"
5:54pm May 6 2010
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((Sinnoh Eevee)) "I*m fine!" Dusk held up the tiny pokemon that she was holding and smoothed her hair back, forgetting about her strange blue markings for a moment. Eevee snuggled close to her, already bonding with her. Feyth looked closer and saw that it too , was different. Instead of having brown fur, it had grey fur and its fluff was white. "Are you shiny?" she asked. The eevee nodded happily. "I dub thee Feyth!" she said and rolled backwards, laughting.
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